Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1760

Speaking of his understanding of Stark, Peter is really not comparable to ordinary people. After all, he and Stark were born and died together, and have gone through countless tribulations. On this basis, even if he closed his eyes, he could almost tell the color of Stark’s underwear. And to recognize him clearly, this is nothing more difficult.

So, he knows very well what kind of attitude Stark will have when facing this so-called cooperation, just as he envisioned at first, Stark will never allow it on his own eyelids Underneath, there appeared such a group of Ghost Rider that oneself could not control. Either these Ghost Riders are in the hands of the owner, or he is impossible and he will give a third choice.

And can he accept such a result? The answer is obviously no, so he simply doesn’t have any expectations about working with Stark.

Of course, although it is said, it cannot be said to be absolute. There is always something outside in everything. At the very least, in Peter’s opinion, Stark is a very good compromiser. He can compromise on the death issue of oneself friend for the benefit of the country, so he may not be unable to compromise on Ancient One because of certain issues. So, Peter doesn’t mind looking at Ancient One’s answer and listening to what she is saying.

Peter’s rejection of Stark was not beyond Ancient One’s expectations. In fact, when she first saw these two guys, she had already seen the opposition and conflict between them. This kind of estrangement caused by the dispute of belief is far more severe than the conflict caused by the dispute of interests. In this case, it’s good to be able to stay old and stay away from each other. Furthermore, it is not uncommon to be an absolutely irreconcilable enemy ever since.

Nowadays, both sides are showing some kind of relaxation. But Ancient One is very clear that this does not mean that their relationship has really eased. This kind of appearance is mostly a restraint on the idea of ​​oneself by both of them under the general situation. And once a matter of principle is touched, this superficial illusion will immediately fall apart.

She doesn’t want to be the middleman, letting oneself get involved in the conflict between them. Because once they break up, oneself in it will only make it more difficult to be a human being. So her idea is very simple, just as Stark asked them to talk about.

“Stark’s request is that he wants to talk to you in person. I believe you should have something to say to him.”

Ancient One sees it clearly, In the face of the current situation, face-to-face exchanges can make it possible for them to reach a true agreement on the final opinions. Of course, if they break down, oneself who is not involved in it can also serve as the last guarantee, ensuring that their cooperation will not be completely announced due to their confrontation.

It can be said that in this regard, she is indeed well-intentioned. In the face of her good intentions, Peter raised his brows and sneered directly.

“He wants to talk, yes. Tell him that tomorrow at noon, the place where we met last time, the same time. If he comes, I will be there waiting for him.”

“I will tell him the truth. In addition, I also believe that he will pass. Mr. Parker, listen to my advice and exercise restraint. This is good for all of us.”

” Go and tell him this. The one who should exercise restraint is not me, he. Because the one who has done the most excessive is also him! Well, Lord Ancient One. I have nothing to say, if you don’t For other things, please feel free to do it yourself.”

When Peter said this, he had already expressed the intention of sending guests off, and in this case, Ancient One was naturally impossible to stay for a long time. She could only sighed, shook the head, and disappeared quietly into the shadows. As for her departure, Peter was only coldly snorted, like a sculpture, silent.

Time flies quickly, and the agreed time is already in a blink of an eye. But when Peter arrived slowly in a black suit and holding a white flower, he found that Stark had already stopped by the side of Rhodey’s tombstone, waiting for his arrival.

“You came later than I expected, Peter.”

“You came earlier than I thought. I thought you had forgotten this place. What about it?”

While speaking bluntly in his mouth, Peter put the flowers in his hand in front of Rhodey’s tombstone. While doing this, he saw the bouquet still with dew in front of the Rhodey statue. And the one who can prepare all of this earlier than him is definitely Stark beside him.

This unexpected situation stunned Peter for a moment, and then his eyes slowly wobbled.

The more you experience, the easier it is to recall the past. At this time, it is natural for Peter to think of the days when they fought together. Although those days were difficult, everyone got along very happily. They were able to entrust each other’s life and death relationship. Compared with this kind of relationship that has almost completely broken up, it is simply a difference.

And thinking of the changes they have made today, Peter’s heart is naturally more uncomfortable. In addition, the expression in his eyes looking towards Stark began to turn gloomy.

For him, everyone has not changed, becoming only Stark alone. While the other companions were still struggling for oneself’s previous promise and ideals, it was he who abandoned the original alliance and chose to stand on the opposite side of them as he is now.

This is betrayal. No matter how many times or how long it takes, this will not change. He confirmed this firmly, so naturally he wouldn’t show Stark a good face. The cage said in unison, except for Steve, the real betrayer, Stark now is probably the existence he hates most in his heart.

Stark oneself also knows exactly what kind of existence oneself is in Peter’s heart now. Seriously, this makes him feel uncomfortable. But even if Peter hates him no matter how much, he does not intend to make oneself change in any way.

Just as Ancient One thought, there was a real struggle of faith between him and Peter, and the incompatibility between pure justice and national interests was their biggest difference. They are impossible to return to the past, unless one party is willing to give in. And will any of them choose to give in? Stark, who knew the answer very well, had no illusions at all except for a wry smile and shaking his head.

Everything is impossible back to the past, in this case, let’s look back. After thinking about this, Stark straightened his face and opened his mouth to Peter who was still wiping Rhodey’s tombstone.

“Ancient One sorcerer told me that you want to discuss the results with me here. I have to admit that you have chosen a good place. But don’t think you’ll be right if you set the place here. My determination has any impact. You know, we are not so easy to shake each other, even in front of Rhodey.”

“Even in front of Rhodey, you still don’t want to Acknowledge the mistakes made by oneself?”

Peter suddenly said this, and when he heard it, Stark’s face suddenly became pale.

Rhodey’s death is an inexpressible scar for him. For him, Rhodey is the only best friend of his life. And such an important existence was sacrificed in a foreign country because of oneself’s orders. More importantly, because of national interests, oneself must also protect the bastard who did such a wrong thing. This means that he is not suffering in his heart, it is absolutely impossible.

He is suffering, but he can only endure this suffering and continue to keep the bastard’s status and safety. He must do this just because of national interests. That bastard didn’t do anything wrong in his position, and if oneself attacked him because of this problem, then since then, the entire United States Government will no longer have officials who are willing to perform their duties for the own position.

A country’s officials dare not do what oneself should do, then the country is not far from collapse. Stark didn’t dare to take such risks, so he could only endure self-blame and pain, bear the name of betrayal, and insist on everything oneself chose.

The scorching pain surged in his body like sulfuric acid, and the incomprehensible depression made him just want to yell impudent. He wanted to do it, but he couldn’t. At this moment, he could only forcibly suppress the agitated emotion of oneself, and then whispered to Peter in a tone that was barely noticeable.

“I’m for this country, Rhodey is also a patriot, he will understand everything I do. Also, Peter Parker, I warn you, don’t use Rhodey’s name anymore, this It’s just what happened between you and me, don’t involve him, don’t disturb his peace!”

“Sorry, I just can’t help it.”

Peter replied It was full of perfunctory meaning, which made Stark’s heart more angry, but also more helpless. Peter, who has an absolute advantage in morality, can indeed act wilfully against him. In this regard, he can only restrain his own emotions and pull everything back to the subject.

“Ancient One should have made it clear to you that the cooperation between us is something we need to discuss now. I think you should understand what I mean. But no It doesn’t matter if you understand, I will reiterate my position here. Peter Parker, the United States of America does not allow you to form an army in this way. For this, I think that for the sake of the past, I will give you two choices.”

“First, hand over your control, Ghost Rider will have special government management. This is the best result, I hope you can choose this plan.”

“This is impossible, absolutely impossible.”

Before he finished speaking, Peter had already refused unceremoniously. This made Stark expression turned cold and then responded in the same unceremonious tone.

“In this case, then we only have another plan to choose from.”

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