Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1761

Without giving Peter any opportunity to refuse, Stark has already stated the second plan of own.

“The second plan, I will insert a supervisor among you, and he will report all your movements to me. And once I think your actions have violated this country’s Benefit, then I will immediately stop all your actions. And you must also stop all your actions. Peter, this is my bottom line. Looking at our past relationships, I have made the biggest concession. So , Don’t force me!”

“Force you, you gave me such harsh conditions, and then you said I was forcing you? Stark, you are the president who has been for too long, and you have done it Are you an idiot? You are forcing me and you are not giving me any retreat. If this is your sincerity, then I think there is no need to continue the dialogue between us.”

The current Peter is no longer the boy who played the role of the little brother in the Avengers. He has grown into a man, with own persistence and faith. And on this basis, he was naturally impossible as before, choosing to obey only because of Stark’s words.

He will not obey, because either of these two plans are infringing on his interests and contrary to his heart.

With Rhodey’s lessons learned, he is absolutely impossible to trust the fate of own in the hands of the government. If the Stark government insists on going its own way, it will force him to control it. Then he would rather use violence to resist.

I would rather either the fish dies or the net splits than succumb to such a power. This is the fundamental principle he set for oneself. And because of this, the dialogue between them from the very beginning has fallen into a deadlock.

In the face of this situation, Stark has the meaning of continuing to persecute him and use his power to force Peter to yield. But when he saw Peter’s eyes burning like flames, he quickly dispelled the idea.

He understands that not everyone will choose to surrender when strong authority is pressing. In this world, there will always be a few hard bones that cannot be defeated or bent. The more you confront them violently, the more they will resist desperately. In the end, it will be either you or me.

Peter would be such a person, Stark has no doubt. And it is precisely by recognizing Peter’s essence that Stark will give up this unrealistic idea. It’s okay to live and die with an enemy that might threaten America’s survival. Even saying that this is Stark’s mission, he thinks oneself is quite handy in this kind of thing.

However, with oneself’s former companion, someone who shouldn’t be in a hostile relationship comes to life and death, and everyone will have such a psychological response to whoever is changed. Smart people will not do things that hurt loved ones and quick enemies. Therefore, in the face of such a situation, Stark could only find another way and find another way out.

However, if the contradiction between them were so easily resolved, he and Peter would not develop into what they are today. At this point, it is because Stark has a human Peak brain, and he can’t think of any other way. This is a deadlock, as I said before, unless some of them regress, it is absolutely impossible to have any turning point. And it was because of this that Stark’s heart became more irritable.

The irritability made him involuntarily take out a cigarette from his own pocket, and when he took a few deep breaths with the pungent nicotine smell of the cigarette, he barely calmed down. Emotionally asked Peter.

“You know how the negotiations between us broke down, Peter. Once we don’t reach an agreement, then war is inevitable. I don’t want to go to war with you because I don’t want mine Soldiers are sacrificed in such a meaningless place. I don’t want my country to experience turbulence and put my people in danger. I have come to discuss this matter with you with the utmost sincerity, and I hope we A proper solution can be found between them. So, I hope you can think about it carefully, think carefully, and then tell me what you want? This is the only concession I can give you. You should be able to understand I mean it.”

“hmph, concession?” Coldly snorted, although Peter’s attitude is still that kind of unruly mockery, but in terms of answering methods, he has already begun to Change in the direction of relaxation.

Just as Stark was scrupulous, he was also unwilling to clashed with Stark on this issue.

Because this will involve many innocent people, and the innocent people will be implicated, which is never what he wants to see. In the past days, he has seen too many innocent people suffering because of the struggle between such strong Great Influence. Even out of sympathy, he did not want to increase the number of such innocents. Therefore, he must end up as soon as he sees it, and in such a situation where Stark has shown concessions, restrain the complex emotions in oneself.

The power of the Spirit of Vengeance puts his emotions in a state of extreme excitement most of the time. It is not so easy for him to control this emotion. However, more fortunate than the overwhelming majority Ghost Rider, because the power of the spirit of vengeance he possesses does not have oneself consciousness, it is not too difficult for him to control oneself.

He doesn’t need to oppose another voice in oneself’s body. All he needs is to tense the own nerves, stick to the concept of own, and let own rationality completely suppress own perceptual thinking. This is reflected in the appearance, that is, Peter slowly took his own eyes away from Stark’s body, and then focused on the statue of Rhodey.

Rhodey is their mutual friend. Facing this statue, even if oneself has a lot of anger in his heart, Peter will restrain his own emotions and ensure that oneself will not be disturbed by losing control for a while The peace of Rhodey.

This is one of the reasons why he chose to meet here. In addition to wanting to question Stark and embarrass him, the most important thing is that he hopes to use Rhodey’s gaze on the Sky Spirit to ensure that nothing unexpected happens between them.

This is a very useful insurance. At the very least, he is indeed able to proceed with the negotiations with Stark calmly. It was like now, facing Stark’s concession, he was already lost in thought after some mockery. Just as Stark said, he began to think about the question of what oneself wanted.

“I still have the same attitude before. I will never give you the power of Ghost Rider. Stark, what you have done has already disappointed me. I know that when you have After this power, what kind of things will you do. Don’t deny it, you know it in your heart. Perhaps in the current difficulties, you may use this power correctly. Once you have overcome this difficulty , Repelled the hell. Even if you yourself are unwilling, the people behind you, also the country you support, will force you to use the power of Ghost Rider to fight for power.”

“I have seen the nature of you dirty politicians. If I promise you to do this, I would rather start a war and use the power of Ghost Rider to eliminate all those bastards with greedy desires.”

“So, what do you want to choose is the second plan?”

On this issue, what does Stark not at all mean to argue with Peter? Because he is very clear, Peter’s statement is very correct.

With the power of Ghost Rider, the United States Government will definitely use it to safeguard the greater interests of the country. Even if he himself is unwilling to do this, the people behind him and the country will force him to do so. This is inevitable. That being the case, instead of keeping on saying that unrealistic guarantee, it is better to cut off this idea from the very beginning.

So, he didn’t have much hope for the first plan. His real intention is still on the second plan.

Surveillance, as if he had placed Frank beside Ancient One. This can ensure that the ambitions that shouldn’t be inflated, and it can also ensure that the national interests he defends will not be violated. In essence, this is the best way he thinks. But he also knew that Peter would not give in so easily. Therefore, he needs to make adjustments to this plan, according to Peter’s requirements.

Peter’s request is very simple, because reason has told him that he really has no better choice. Instead of continuing to be tough, the relationship between the two sides will break and war will break out. Then it is better to make limited compromises within a range that everyone can tolerate. So he thought and thought, and made such a request to Stark.

“I can accept your second plan, but the candidates involved in this plan must stand the test. I can’t trust you, Stark. I can’t trust the politicians around you either. This kind of dirty guy is like hell-deserving bastard in my eyes. Believe me, if you send this kind of bastard to us, I can assure you, even if you don’t do it. Those Ghost Riders too He will be unceremoniously judged, so that he won’t be able to survive for a second and go straight into hell.”

“I don’t think you want the oneself loyal henchman to fall. Let’s get to this point. So, my request of you is very simple. Choose your candidate carefully and let a person who is clean enough come over. I don’t ensure his safety. Only you and he himself can ensure his safety. Of course. , If you want to get rid of dissidents, I would be happy to do this for you.”

“The decision is in your hands, Stark. If you agree or not, I’m waiting for you. Answer!”

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