Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1791

Although the veteran Knights are conservative and stubborn, they still know the direction and position of the owner in front of the big things.

Since Peter showed them a very terrifying probability, they naturally must be in order to deal with the existence of this probability as early as possible. Although this kind of advice is beyond their ability, simple obedience is not a problem for them.

This is their duty as Ghost Rider, and it is what Peter wants to see most now. After all, no one wants to have any different voices inside the own when facing difficulties.

After all, what they need at this time is to work together, and definitely not to let some people sing the opposite of splitting and destroying internally. Many stories since ancient times have shown that it would be a sign of death. And in the case that even a bit of the take action has not been achieved, Peter certainly does not want all the things that oneself has worked so hard to draw to death.

At last, things have not yet developed to the kind of internal trouble and outside aggression. Everyone still agrees with his philosophy and trusts in his ability. This is definitely the most fortunate thing. Of course, this is also a heavy pressure. After all, he is burdened with the trust of so many people, and his words and deeds will affect the future of these people, their lives and deaths. Of course, such pressure will make Peter feel heavy.

However, I am somewhat accustomed to this feeling of moving forward with a heavy load. Although Peter is a bit stressed, he is not yet broken down. He controlled his own emotions well, and after a while, he had already made such a decision.

“Time is pressing, we can no longer wait so slowly. For the present, in order to prevent these two hells from joining forces, we must destroy Randekiel’s plan.”

“You mean, we are going to act on the fallen angels, so that they completely lose the ability to target us?”

When Peter said this, someone immediately curiously guessed. Faced with such a statement, Peter just shook the head and denied it.

“It’s useless. It’s probably just a small idea for us. Without our idea, he can also please the new owner of Evil Spirit hell in other ways. This is for us In terms of the overall situation facing us, there will not be any changes. Even on the contrary, once our movements are too big, it is very likely that he will realize the existence of our whole.”

” Once he guesses our position and purpose from this discovery, he only has to tell the news to the master of Evil Spirit hell, and let Evil Spirit hell feel pressure, then their cooperation may be forced Take a big step forward. This is not what we want to see. So, we can’t do that.”

Peter’s statement is rigorous and convincing, so even the person who asked, I also had to follow his words and continue to question.

“Since we can’t do this, what are your thoughts? What are you going to do?”

“My thoughts are very simple, that is, in these two hells Just before the alliance, the great decisive battle against the Evil Spirit hell was launched!”

Although it is browsing tightly frowns, he has a difficult expression on his face. But Peter overcame the hesitation in oneself’s heart, and resolutely said such a thing.

Of course, the decision that made him hesitate naturally has comparable formidable power. In fact, after hearing him say this decision, almost everyone present held breath cold air, and then screamed in silence.

“Launch the decisive battle ahead of time? You must be crazy!”

Even the Knights present have a bloody feud with hell, but when faced with such a rhetoric , They also resolutely took an opposing attitude.

The decisive condition for supporting their revenge is that they can see the hope of successful revenge. Under this premise, even if they are allowed to own their lives as the price, they are still acceptable. The key is the success rate of this revenge. Judging from the current statement, they simply cannot see the existence of this success rate, and this is the most unacceptable situation for them.

Everyone gathered under your command, and it was originally for this goal. If it is said that the previous actions of gathering strength and preparing to insert as a sharp knife into the key of hell were built around this goal, everyone can agree with the plan. So now this statement, simply based on the premise of violating this plan and taking all of them to gutter.

In such a situation, even if they can use one enemy to a thousand, and ten to ten thousand, it is impossible to overthrow hell. Without the human forces’ restraint in frontal wars, they are simply sending death by doing so. As it should be by rights, these Knights began to resist and oppose Peter’s ideas.

This was within Peter’s expectation, and he also knew that it was impossible to move these Knights with such a rhetoric alone. So immediately, he assured them.

“Everyone, calm down and listen to me. I know what you are worrying about, and I know what you think in your heart. Trust me, if things have more options, I will also I would not choose to do this. However, I think everyone at oneself also knows that we have no more choices now.”

“If we cannot take the Evil Spirit hell before the two hells form an alliance, If they really reach an alliance before we act. Then all of us, the entire human race will face the combined invasion of the two hells. And you must know that now just an Evil Spirit hell can make us utterly devastated. Double our enemy, is it possible for us to also win?”

“No, we can’t. At that time, the outcome of our defeat is almost certain. No one can accept such an outcome , So we must take preemptive strikes. Only if we attack first can we make a way out for oneself in such a dangerous situation. At this time, either you will die or i will die, so we really There can be no more hesitation and withdrawal!”

Peter’s reasoning is reasonable, but the old Knights still hesitate.

“This is not the same as what we said before, sir. Obviously, what we said before is just coping work. When the human government is dragging the hell frontally, it is lethal for them. One blow. Now what you mean is that we, as the main attacker, will be the first to launch an attack on hell. Not to mention how much pressure this will cause us, I want to ask, if the critical time comes, the human government But sitting on the sidelines and watching us perish. What should I do? Sorry, I don’t believe you, Mr. Parker. It’s just that I really can’t have much confidence in human government.”

This view is representative of many people. In fact, even Peter Oneself is not sure whether such a thing will happen.

Because there are so many things happening. They gave up their lives on the front line, but later they could only watch oneself being abandoned by the bureaucrats. This kind of thing is enough to make everyone who fights feel despair and collapse.

Peter oneself has experienced this, so he hesitates about this situation. But he also knew in his heart that it was definitely inappropriate to hesitate because of such things at this time. The enemy will overthrow like a flood. If they cannot unite as one at this time, then it is inevitable for them to perish under this monstrous flood.

So he put aside the grudges in oneself’s heart, and said to these hesitant Knights with a firm belief.

“I know what you are worried about. I have had this kind of worry before. However, can we just ignore everything that is happening before us just because we are worried about this kind of problem? No.”

“We must not only think about own hatred, but we must also think about the future of all mankind. As a member of mankind, would you be willing to see mankind being enslaved and even destroyed Will it appear in front of you that day? Anyway, I can’t accept this kind of thing happening in front of me. So, even if it is placed in front of me in a situation of fear, even if it is to face despair and Death, I will not hesitate. Take the lead and go to hell. This is my choice and my mission to shoulder this strength and responsibility.”

“I can’t force you, I must obey my orders. .But I hope you can think about it carefully and consider what I said. We are Ghost Rider, the punishment of evil. This is the nature of hell and heaven, not our own choice. Until now, this This power brings painful memories to everyone. But since all this has become a foregone conclusion, why can’t we grasp this power and let it achieve our own meaning?”

“What is the purpose of punishing evil, is it not to defend the innocent and the good? Now, an opportunity to practice our true existence is in sight, and a possibility that can make everything we have more meaningful It’s right there. I’m going to take it and walk side by side with me. Let’s give it up and continue on your old path. I’m waiting for your answer!”

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