Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1792

Bobby is an otaku.

Like most otaku, he is harmless to humans and animals, he is not good at socializing, has few friends, and does not appeal to female children. , While being a little obese, I knew I was addicted to the world of the second dimension all day long.

Of course, he also has some differences from general otaku. The most typical one is that he is a technical house, and also a very unusual technical house.

What is so unusual? The answer to this question can be seen from his work unit.

Bobby Wilson, former SHIELD Fifth Level agent, now works in the Logistics Management Center of the Tianhammer Bureau branch. As a non-field staff, his only role is to manage his complex information and data for the United States branch of the Skyhammer Bureau. This is his talent. He has an extraordinary IQ since he was a child and has obtained more than five PhDs. He has always been handy in the face of these headaches.

It’s not that he is incapable of dealing with more complicated and important tasks, but that this otaku-minded guy simply doesn’t have the mind to blend in with such work.

To engage in weapon research and development, sorry, he is a pure pacifist, let alone engaged in development, he is reluctant to touch this kind of lethal weapon. And doing biology or chemistry experiments, if you were in college, it was okay. At that time, he could somewhat guarantee the academic purity of oneself. After he graduated and worked, whether in SHIELD or in the current Skyhammer, he was reluctant to engage in such a job.

Others don’t know what these jobs are for, but he is clear in his heart. Every day, just the data drifting past his eyes can give him a sufficiently accurate truth. Those high-tech weapon development experiments, and those Super Soldier plans for human research, are each enough to make him reject any possibility of contact with these things in his mind’s eye.

He would rather be treated as an idiot rather than let oneself get involved with these things. So soon, he fell from a quasi-senior researcher to a position where he could only squat in a warehouse and manage logistics materials and information.

In the eyes of many people who are optimistic about him, this is a very pity. Because of his talents, the knowledge he has, will definitely enable him to do more important tasks and obtain greater benefits. However, he himself ruined oneself. Let him fall directly into the dust from a height that can climb to the clouds.

It’s a pity, it’s a pity. However, Bobby oneself doesn’t think so. For him, being able to do such a leisurely job and still receive a nearly four-figure weekly salary is enough to satisfy him.

Others are using knives and saws at a bunch of messy organisms. He is playing games. Others were holding guns, and they were fighting outside in a plane. He was chasing Xinfan. The same salary, completely different jobs, this is also something to complain about. If you really are complaining, you might as well think about the colleagues who have already received the lunch. Compared with them, shouldn’t you feel lucky?

Bobby has always been so self-comforting, living a life that can be lived. And when SHIELD’s turbulence became today’s Sky Hammer game, and the old colleagues who laughed at him in the past also took the lunch one after another, he insisted on owning this idea even more.

Being just a salted fish, there is nothing wrong with it. At the very least, you, the salted fish, can jump around twice. Unlike those wild ambition guys, they are basically dead fish now.

Bobby stayed like this for year after year, and until this day, he came to own the Public Area Point as usual.

This is a small town located in the southwest part of United States. It’s not too far from downtown Los Angeles, which is about two or three hours’ drive away. Features are Danish-style buildings, windmills, wine and specialty crafts. Because in a big city like Los Angeles, although the residents are sparse, the flow of people is quite huge.

Bobby’s Office Public Area Point here is on the surface a logistics transfer station. In addition to providing logistics services for residents here, it also includes services that provide mail items for tourists from all over the world. To some extent, the business here is quite good. Otherwise, this small station as big as a sparrow would not be able to support a dozen employees.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Bobby. Because he does not receive his salary from here. In fact, his work is also somewhat out of touch with this transit station. Because in name, although he is the manager of this transfer station, in fact, there is another person doing this job. He is just responsible for bringing the results of other people’s work to the owner, and then pretending to direct others.

In the eyes of those employees, he is a somewhat shy and very talkative boss. But only he himself also knows that his mean secretary, his real job is to manage the hidden base under this transfer station.

In addition to saving some special materials that are not often used, what he has to do is to sort out various information from the Los Angeles area, and then aggregate and send it to the place where the information is needed. In terms of his ability, this is a very easy job. So of course, he can spend a lot of time in other places.

This is the most painful thing for his colleague, that is, his secretary. Because anyone who is busy doing superficial disguise work all day, only finds that his own colleague always laughs at Hehe, will have this idea when sitting and enjoying nothing to do.

He asked more than once that he wanted to exchange work with Bobby, but because of the insufficient level of authority, he could not accept Bobby’s job at all. After such a long time, he naturally held back his grievances. And this is manifested in the disguise work he normally maintains, which naturally makes him appear mean and bitter.

The same is true today. When Bobby smiled and Hehe walked in and greeted him, he immediately rolled the eyes. Then said expressionless to him.

“Today’s work has been arranged. I recorded it in your workbook. You only need to follow the plan above. I remind you that pretending to work is my responsibility. So when I’m the employees of Penalty who make mistakes, you’d better not just fill them up casually and let them go. You make my job difficult, you know?”

“No problem, Lewis. I promise that I won’t do it next time.”

Otaku, who has always been harmless to humans and animals, of course made a promise by patting his chest. As for his assurance, Lewis, as a colleague, just rolled the eyes and left here on his own.

He knows what Bobby is going to do next, and if he wants to stay there if he doesn’t have enough permissions, he will only cause trouble for oneself. As an agent of the Skyhammer Bureau, he certainly has his own professional ethics. So even if he is not reconciled, he can only continue the work that oneself should do.

However, today is clearly different from the past. Because when he walked out of Bobby’s office, he immediately saw two guys in black suits walking towards him swaggeringly.

After receiving professional training, he can certainly see the essence revealed between the actions of these two guys. They are definitely special personnel who have undergone strict military training and are engaged in secret work. This made him immediately refreshed, and while quietly sending a message to Bobby, he also greeted them and questioned them harshly.

“This is a private public area point, and no unauthorized visitors are allowed to set foot. Two people, you are in the wrong place!”

“Lewis Jordan? Us? It is a staff member from the branch of the Tianhammer Bureau. This is our certificate and internal number. You can verify it. We have an order to execute this time. So, can you please let us go and don’t hinder our official business “

I heard that colleagues are currently, after confirming their identities, Lewis naturally has no reason to continue blocking. He let go of his own body, and soon, he saw these two big-waisted guys dragging Bobby out of his office like a dead pig.

This makes him a little surprised, because no one knows oneself’s harmless to humans and animals better than him. Don’t say that he will be the spy who puts in here, even if he is asked to use his own authority to embezzle something, he is afraid that he will not have the guts.

So clean, I’m afraid Little Fatty, who is still a virgin until now, would actually commit a crime and be taken away by someone from above, which he couldn’t believe in anyway. With such skepticism, he immediately asked the two employees.

“What the hell did Bobby make? You want to take him away like this. Is there something wrong in the middle?”

“Sorry, you made the mistake, right? The order we received was to take Bobby Wilson to Washington to take office, in other words he was promoted. The ghost knew what was wrong with this guy, and he would show such a look. Damn it, I have never I saw people respond like this after hearing about oneself’s promotion.”

“Now you see it!” Although I can understand why Bobby is like this, Lewis can’t help being jealous. He avoided his cry for help.

Promotion, this is his dream until now. And now that this kind of good thing didn’t fall on him, it still fell on Bobby, a guy with no ambitions, which really made him feel like a godless eye.

In this case, the more he wanted to get more angry, he could only wave his hand quickly, beckoning them to take Bobby away as soon as possible. Seeing that oneself could no longer maintain oneself’s comfortable life, Bobby immediately wailed like a pig.

Of course, it didn’t help. He still packed it into a black Chevrolet like he was kidnapped. Looking at the employees who were provoked by Bobby’s howling, Lewis was jealous in his heart and drove them away happily.

“Okay, okay, don’t watch the excitement. Mr. Wilson has been taken away by the IRS because of tax evasion. If you don’t want to provoke these terrifying guys, it’s better to Obediently and honestly, it’s good to see nothing.”

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