Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1808

Said that oneself is the controller of European wealth. This is definitely not a matter of putting gold on oneself’s face. It is the current situation. As a condominium boss, he is indeed qualified to say such things.

You must know that until now Europe is a high welfare system. And what is high welfare? Not only to ensure your food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, but also to provide medical health, spiritual services, etc. You provide enough protection.

The nearly 200 years of robbery in Europe has left them enough family property to toss. This is why people in some parts of the world are still suffering from wars, because of a full meal While running around, European countries can squander around for football, movies and fashion.

strictly speaking, this is a drawback, especially in the strength of the entire European economy and all aspects. They are all shrinking. However, the people who have long been accustomed to big fish and meat can’t accept the set of you to beat them back to their original form and let them eat chaffy vegetables.

It can be said. , As long as there is a government who dares to say such a thing, then they will wait to be overthrown by oneself angry citizens. In a country where you can’t even guarantee the welfare of the citizens, you have to do something. It’s better to withdraw directly. You, change to a more obedient one!

The citizens have long been accustomed to high welfare, and under this premise, the nanoguards who withdrew from the consortium background are these citizens who are used to high welfare. Products.

One product can provide them with multiple services including medical treatment, plastic surgery, and plastic surgery, and each service can do better than the existing technology. This really makes Basically, they can’t give birth to the thought of rejection.

Even if there is a factor such as price, but to be honest, this amount of money is really not a problem for the rich. Even those poor people, under the premise that the government pays, want to enjoy this kind of inter-age products, it will not be a big problem.

In this kind of inter-age products, demand It is always higher than the supply. And this typical seller’s market can definitely be called a huge profit.

even more how The birth of this new technology almost broke the original medical system and put those troubles Medical companies with no capital buying and selling have swallowed a clean one. A huge market is monopolized by the same product. Such profits can make people crazy before anyone.

America bureaucracy They are also human beings. There is no reason to say that they would not be tempted by such huge interests. If the traditional consortiums who want to cooperate with them, then they may be because of Stark’s hands. Duan and a little scrupulous. However, the Nanoguard is a new high-tech product. On the surface, it is the upstart in the capital industry. Dealing with such an upstart is much easier than dealing with a consortium. Even if this upstart has a capital consortium The background, but as long as I pretend to be crazy and behave stupid, who can do to me?

Currently, there is no need for capital consortium to do anything here. Those interested bureaucrats can give oneself to oneself Find a suitable excuse. So on this issue, Ultron simply doesn’t need to spend too much thought. He only has to convey the meaning of own!

It is a greeting thing, the CEO of New Era Corporation Kurt is already in front of Ultron. Faced with Ultron’s current identity, even though Kurt has become an upstart in the capital world, heads of all countries must be regarded as guests of honor. He still chooses to respectfully With his head down, he handed his own greetings in a nearly respectful manner.

“Your Excellency, may I ask if you have anything to do with me? “

“I need to talk to you about something, Kurt. Sit as you like, you don’t need to be so respectful in front of me. “

In place of Ross Childe’s identity, Ultron will naturally also perform the charm of this identity. And thanks to the light of Hollywood classic movies and superb art masters, he is playing this role What’s wrong with not at all. It’s almost silent, so he allows those who are familiar with him to accept some changes in his behavior.

Kurt was originally Ross Childe The old man of the German family is the spokesperson of their family in Europe. Knowing the roots and knowing the bottom, loyalty is the reason why he was reused as the CEO of New Era. It is precisely because he can fully control him that Ultron will take such a Put the important industry in his hands. Otherwise, with the inconceivable temperament of human beings, how could he relax.

To some extent, Kurt is a special confidant of Ultron. And for this special confidant, Ultron will naturally treat him differently.

He didn’t say anything business directly, but opened his mouth to him like usual. .

“I heard that the third-generation products have been developed and used internally. I don’t know if you have tried our new products. Tell me your thoughts? “

“My lord. “As the retainers in the past called the oneself master, Kurt seemed to have an expression of excitement on the undoubted face of a 20-30 year old man. “I think we can use this product to open up the world. market. Health, youth, and even longevity, we can satisfy people with these needs. And after three generations of debugging, the safety of Nanoguard has also been generally recognized by the society. In this regard, even those picky quarantine agencies in Asia and America are impossible to find any problems. We can use it to rule the entire world’s healthcare market. “

“How did users react. Kurt, it’s the Early Stage of a new era of entrepreneurship. I don’t want our reputation to be stained with something that shouldn’t be due to some users. It is brand new and shiny. And our consortium also needs such a glamorous sign to cover up those shameful things. America’s things can no longer happen in Europe. You have to understand that if we leave here, we will have nowhere to stay! “

“Yes, my lord, I know very well. I can assure that every customer feedback from New Era has received our wholehearted response. Every customer will get their satisfactory answer from us. “

“Very well, you do something, I can rest assured! “I gave Kurt a reassurance. Ultron turned the topic to the main topic without a trace.

“Let’s talk about the company’s next plan. We have already won the European market. The next step in the new era must be to open markets in Asia and America. In this regard, I want to hear your thoughts, after all, you are the company’s Helmsman, aren’t you? “

As an unlisted company, the reason why New Era can be so rampant is entirely because Ross Childe is backing him up. He doesn’t need to be responsible to those miscellaneous board members. There is only one object that needs to be responsible, and that is Ross Childe himself. As the controller of the entire consortium power, Ross Childe is of course impossible to put all his own minds on such a company. So he is Helmsman, which is actually a little bit It’s not wrong.

Faced with questions like Ultron, Kurt knew very well that this was a test for own. Loyalty was the main reason for his success, and he wanted to secure his position. , Ability has become a more critical factor. You must know from the very beginning that when he sat in this position, he was already criticized. Waiting to pull him down, replace him with oneself and sit on it is not one Two.

He wants to hold this position firmly, and if he wants to dispel the ambitions and coveting of those people, he must come up with enough achievements to silence everyone. In this regard, Europe The market is only the 1st step. With the divine armament tool like Nanoguard, plus the guarantee and protect of consortium, it would be strange if he could not do this. And he wanted to make everyone speechless, only the Asian and American markets It is the real key.

He is impossible not to consider this aspect, and naturally, when Ultron asks this way, he also immediately tells the own plan.

“About Asia. My idea is to find an agent. All of us know that the entire East Asia and South Asia are actually just the back garden of that country. The policy of this country makes it impossible for us to enter in a conventional way, and seeking cooperation is our only way. From this perspective, those consortium forces based in Asia may be a good collaborator. Although they have parted ways with us, I think that in the face of such a huge benefit, they should have no reason to refuse! “

When talking about the oneself plan, Kurt has been watching Ultron’s face. When he couldn’t see any smile on Ultron’s face, he immediately added Said.

“Of course, we are also impossible to fully cooperate with those traitors. Cooperation is possible, but it must not be to put the initiative in their hands. Therefore, I think that while cooperating, reaching an agreement with that country’s internal capital strength is the key to opening up the Asian market. I understand the situation in that market. As long as we can reach an agreement with them, then many key points will be self-defeating. Even as long as everything goes smoothly, we can completely put aside the traitors and completely squeeze them out of this market. Please believe me, my lord, we absolutely have this ability! “

“Very well, you finally did not disappoint me. “Until this time, Ultron barely showed a smile. Obviously, this answer was the result he wanted. Of course, this was not what he wanted the most. So immediately, he asked.

“Let’s proceed with the strategy in Asia. I believe in your ability. So in the Americas, especially in America, how do you plan to proceed? Don’t forget, that is our former base camp, and it is the place we must go back. The obstacles of the Stark government, you have to come up with a plan to overcome all of this! “

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