Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1809

There is no doubt that the Stark government is a mountain blocking the development of New Era’s world market.

When an autonomous regime no longer thinks of fornication, it thinks of compromise When trading with him, the impact of capital power on him will immediately drop to a negligible level. It cannot be said that it is powerless, but it will be a luxury to be able to use one point out of ten percent. Thing.

And he touched his chest and said that Kurt really didn’t plan to invest oneself’s limited resources into the bottomless pit of America at this time. He thinks the company is the best at this time. The development plan is to take Asia as the focus. After all, there are more people and stronger economy. And for a place like America that has been run down, it is not a pity even if you give up.

But, he Obviously, his thoughts can’t determine the direction of everything. When Ultron said his wishes, the only thing he could do as a subordinate was probably to use his full strength to meet his requirements. And this naturally made Kurt My heart started to complain.

If they could recapture the America market, how could the consortium leaders of Heavenspan not take enough action, and how could they be obediently and honestly nestled in this corner of Europe? After all, it’s just one sentence, powerless. Imagine if they are powerless, what effective method can oneself come up with? Is this simply difficult for a strong man?

He wants to complain, but he I don’t dare to complain. Because I’m not allowed to complain like that, everything he has now has to say goodbye to oneself.

Loyalty is his capital, but he is not the only one who has this capital In the entire consortium, under the Ross Childe family, those who are willing to go through water and tread on fire for Ross Childe’s words are plentiful and easily available. He dare not give these people any opportunity to take advantage of. , So naturally, at this time he began to rack his brains to figure out how to deal with it.

Fortunately, he didn’t have any ideas for America’s homeland.

Because he himself has already been bundled with New Era Corporation, this makes him always think more comprehensively when thinking about development strategies. For him, this company is his Son, and who doesn’t want his own son to have a bigger future? So naturally, In addition to carefully planning the Asian strategy, he also thinks about the strategy in the Americas.

This prevents him from having no preparation in this situation. But to be honest, even he himself I think the idea of ​​own is a bit too nonsense. But at this time, he can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor. So after a little bit of emotions, he said to Ultron who was waiting for his reply.

“My lord, I think you also understand that the Stark government is an insurmountable mountain blocking our company. It is simply impossible to open the America market through conventional means. Because our identity lies there, even if we say that our on the surface and consortium are not very related, we are an innocent high-tech company. But the Stark government, who knows it well, doesn’t care about this. And they only need to use a little trick to issue some business documents, which is enough to keep us out of the country. “

“Forced business operations will only consume our resources and let us wipe out our wealth. This is definitely not a good thing for a developing company. Therefore, I don’t think now is a good time to do a formal strategy for the America market. “

“So, do you mean to make me give up this idea? “

Ultron’s face is correct, as Kurt can tell with his eyes. So as it should be by rights, he began to hurriedly remedy it.

“No no no, I am not saying that we are going to give up this market. I just said that we need to use special methods to deal with this market. “

Faced with the boss, Kurt didn’t dare to do anything to sell off. So next moment, he told the real idea of ​​own.

“My This means that we are gradually eroding America’s market through smuggling. “

“Smuggling? You just figured out such a way. “Faced with such a statement, Ultron’s face immediately showed an expression of dissatisfaction. And he would show such an expression, which was completely within Kurt’s expectation. Because everyone knows that the so-called smuggling is actually It’s just a crime.

A country’s tariff system itself is an economic industry related to national interests. And smuggling, which avoids this system, is itself challenging the authority of a country. In China, This is called socialist wool, and it is certainly not allowed. Not only China does not allow it, but the sovereign government of any country in the world will not allow such a thing.

In the face of this kind of problem, the problem is lighter. Yes, confiscated smuggled items. More serious, it’s named as an economic crime, and even people can’t be saved. The investment is large, the return is small, and it may be contaminated with anger. So Ultron can’t understand at all, why Kurt would think Come up with such a bad idea.

To win Ultron’s approval, Kurt must come up with a convincing reason. And for this, Kurt was prepared.


“I know this method is not very nice, but my lord, please trust me. If you can get it, this will be a way. “

“First of all, you have to understand the value of our products. It is different from those prohibited items on the market that can be replaced at any time. Our products are excellent and cannot be replaced. And this also means that as long as our users use our product, then they are absolutely impossible to think about giving up on it. This is where our advantage lies. “

“We can establish a group of firm supporters through smuggling, and then use the development of offline methods to develop these supporters into proliferators. We can bring them the health they need, also huge wealth. On this basis, almost no one can refuse such a temptation. And as long as these people start to snowball and grow, I believe that soon, we will have a place in the America market. “

“Of course, this is not without harm. Not being able to do this kind of thing on the surface is one of them, because to maintain our corporate image, this kind of thing can only be handed over to a third-party agency. Then, profit is also a key link. Although the cost is not high, it is inevitable to reduce sales prices in order to expand our market through smuggling. Although we are not restricted by board members, we are not subject to market supervision and management, and we can adjust prices at will. But in the final analysis, this hurts our own interests. So you see…”

The advantages and disadvantages are all placed on the surface. Kurt cleverly put the decision-making power in the hands of Ultron. He knew very well that this In the final analysis, oneself only has the right to make suggestions. Instead of holding on to such power and making Ultron’s immediate boss grudge, it is better to stop being dispatched obediently and honestly, and being a runner is better.

It’s done, he has a credit. Even if he loses and the crime falls on him, Ross Childe can miss his loyalty to replace this infamy. So no matter how he counts, he It’s not too bad.

People’s hearts are unpredictable. But to be honest, when you see more people’s hearts, in fact, what they are thinking is not an unpredictable question.

It’s like now, Kurt’s idea of ​​Ultron is already well known. The reason why he doesn’t speak is actually calculating his plan.

In all fairness, Kurt’s idea It’s not that there is no certain room for maneuverability. Following the step-by-step approach, they can indeed occupy a part of the space in the United States market. This is very important, and it is the most exciting place for him.

And among them Compared with risks and those economic losses, market share is what he values ​​most. Because everything he plans for the future can only be carried out on this basis. For this, let alone Take any risk and reduce the income of own. Even if he is asked to put a lot of money into it, he will be happy.

So, this is not at all acceptable. If you want to say there is , Then there is probably only the question of whether investment and return are not proportional.

“Do you think if we do what you say, what percentage of America’s market share can we achieve? “

“20%, this is the most optimistic answer. “

Kurt didn’t blindly report any figures. What he gave Ultron was the answer he got after some investigation by professionals. This answer is not too much, but it’s definitely It can’t be regarded as small. After all, it is a very remarkable achievement to have such a share even under the circumstances of government resistance and strict prohibition.

This is still incompetent in the performance of Nanoguard itself. Under the premise of comparison, however, such an answer still cannot satisfy Ultron.

The population of United States is there, and the 80% blank means hundreds of millions of people. Unable to enjoy the benefits that their products can bring. At the same time, it also means that these people will be excluded from his future plans.

This number is too large to make him sad. . So right now, he said to Kurt.

“I am not satisfied with this answer. Kurt, I ask you, is there any way for you to increase this ratio. What I need is not this small part, what I need is that big part. You should understand what I mean! “

Go up? This request is really difficult for Kurt, so he immediately said with embarrassment.

“This is difficult, my lord. You have to know that the tools we can use against the country are really limited. And in this case, excessive intervention may not be a good thing for us. “

“You have to try it before you know it, don’t you? “

Ultron understands the desperate end of the game. However, sometimes even he has to take such a risk. Because his time is running out.

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