Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1810

As a bystander in the dark, Ultron can clearly see the struggle and competition from all influences.

In order to be in the future world pattern Taking the initiative in the middle of the game, they have already met each other as the real thing. In this case, oneself hides in the dark, although it can be a name waiting for an opportunity, but in fact, it has already lost control. Opportunity for the first opportunity.

He hides in the dark, in order to find an opportunity to achieve oneself’s great aspiration, not to watch others ascend the throne step by step. So naturally, He also began to realize the current urgency of oneself. He realized that oneself must end up with his sleeves rolled.

The advancement of the global market is the most important step in his plan, and he must spare no effort to open it as soon as possible Global market. Based on such a premise, he quickly made the following arrangements for Kurt.

“Some people under my hand still keep in touch with some bureaucrats in United States. Ert, I need you to meet them and negotiate with the bureaucrats to get their help as much as possible.”

“This…I am afraid it will cost a lot. , My lord!” Kurt replied in a stunned voice. He didn’t even understand why Ultron was so eager on this matter.

After waiting for Stark this year, they want to penetrate into America, it is not a matter of random. Why do you want to stick to the present? Isn’t this to trade the greatest effort for the smallest return? Which qualified capitalist would do such a thing!

Kurt was criticized in his heart, but he did not dare to say such things. All he could do was to exhort him tactfully, and this exhortation was obviously not enough for Ultron’s heart.

Ultron just waved his hand and said to Kurt in a non-negotiable tone.

“I’m not afraid of their lion’s big mouth, I’m afraid they won’t make the conditions. Remember, Kurt, as long as they dare to make the conditions, they can be satisfied no matter what the conditions are. I don’t care about this. Loss of profit, as long as we can expand our market, what kind of loss we can eventually make back. Do you understand?”

“Yes, my lord, I understand.” Having said that, Kurt naturally wouldn’t argue anymore.

Looking at his obedient attitude, Ultron was immediately nodded with satisfaction, and then said casually.

“By the way, the situation in the United States. I remember that the Stark government is building a business system similar to exorcism. This time when you are talking with the bureaucrats, try to see if you can This is the middle of the line, and copy the things from the United States to us.”

“Exorcism? Sir, do we need to start this kind of business? This is not a deceptive trick. Is it?”

For such a request, Kurt was a little surprised. He really couldn’t understand why Ultron would let pure high-tech industries like oneself be related to those superstitious industries. Isn’t this smashing the own sign?

His confusion lies on his face. Seeing the expression on his face, Ultron just tugged at the corner of his mouth and put on an appearance that you don’t understand, and said to him like this.

“no no no, Kurt. You don’t understand, this is not a lie. Shrewd people like Stark can’t do such stupid things. This is a real market demand. It is a preparation that must be made in order to guard against the future.”

“Do you think exorcism is far away from people? No, you think so because you don’t know the specific circumstances. Those The high-level government bureaucrats are tight-lipped on this matter. They will not spread such news easily. And if you know such news, you will understand the necessity of such a thing.”

Although Kurt has the identity of the CEO of New Era, when it comes to his true status, there is a gap between him and the people above him. Therefore, he is actually ignorant of things like hell, just like those shit people. If you don’t know how powerful it is, it’s natural not to mention the predictability of the future.

However, his vision is there after all. When Ultron deliberately revealed something to him, he wouldn’t just take it as nonsense.

The people you make friends with, the channels you control, and the surrounding environment. All of these are the prerequisites that bring people close to the truth. In these respects, Ross Childe, who controls the capital empire, is definitely broader than his little-known a nobody.

This is like the same question. The answer is directly presented to you, and you have to guess a lot of clues. Whose accuracy is not a question that can be seen at a glance. And in this case, you still have to question people with the answers you guessed. This is either a frustration, or arrogant and conceited to the extreme.

In short, it is a sentence, that is, sickness!

Of course Kurt is not ill. Being in his circle, he certainly knows the reason why different people have different access to information channels. So he immediately sat up in distress, and then asked Ultron like that.

“What kind of news is it that makes you think about it?”

“Do you want to know?” With a slight smile, Ultron sold it off. Seeing his attitude, Kurt hesitated immediately.

Of course, you can know the more the better information, but you can’t know all kinds of news. Some people have an accident, and it’s because they know too much. At this point, Kurt didn’t want to follow their footsteps.

He wanted to back down. But after thinking about it, he had other ideas. Ultron opened his head like this, and seduce oneself for a wave, but it’s not for playing oneself. Since he will reveal such news, it almost means that oneself must be qualified to know such news.

The same sentence, what level of people are exposed to what level of information. After he was qualified to know such information, who had not originally had this qualification, it almost meant that his status would also change. And what is called change? It’s very simple, that is promotion from the superior.

Thinking about it this way, the meaning of Ultron is already very obvious. And if he can’t see the truth in this anymore, then he deserves to work for others for a lifetime.

To work and so on for others all my life, this is of course impossible. So naturally, Kurt immediately spoke to Ultron implicitly.

“Of course I want to know, my lord. I just don’t know, it’s appropriate.”

“Since you want to know, then there is nothing inappropriate!” It is right in itself As Kurt threw out an olive branch, Ultron certainly lost the chain at this time. So just waved his hand, he told Kurt the hidden secrets.

“Do you know about the riots in North Africa? It was the one that caused the collapse of several major cities and more than one million casualties.”

“I know, it’s not because extreme terrorists control Is it a tragedy caused by destroying undestroyed nuclear weapons and then taking risks under the premise of blackmailing the government to fail?”

Kurt told what oneself knew. And what he said is also the unified caliber of the public opinion on this matter. After all, whether it’s a hell invasion or a nuclear strike city, it’s not that nice to hear. To avoid panic in the international community, planting these things on the terrorists is the safest way.

This is a stopgap measure, something even Ultron agrees with. Otherwise, he only needs to hook the head, and some media are willing to report the actual situation.

You should know that such news is a favorable competition for the Pulitzer Prize. Moreover, with the support of capital, the return on interests is indispensable. With both fame and fortune, which reporter can resist this temptation. That is to say, the capital was sealed, so that such news could be pressed down so smoothly. Otherwise, the European government alone would be a funny thing.

It’s okay to confuse the government, but it is a repertoire of the European and American press. For so many years, the politicians who have been ousted by the media are no longer one or two problems. In terms of deterrence to the press, the government has long been completely lost. To rely on them to control the caliber of public opinion, that is simply impossible. That is, capital take action can be done so cleanly.

If you want capital to take action, how can you keep them in the dark? Of course, in order to avoid crowded people, such things can only be known to a limited number of people. Like Kurt, he didn’t have the qualifications. But if Ultron says yes, who can do with him?

“Terrorists? They are indeed good targets for planting. But do you think it is really appropriate to plant nuclear bombs on terrorists? Don’t forget there is also a Wakanda, that country Although it is not strong, it is not so good that even oneself is brought into nuclear bomb by terrorists. So, just think about it and you will know how much water there is.”

“So what’s the secret?”

Kurt’s mind was in confusion, but he still asked such a sentence.

“The nuclear bomb was thrown by the government coalition forces. As for the reason, it was to clean up the Evil Spirit and the devil there. There is a saying that you can believe, that is, the door of hell has been opened in the world. The raids of those Evil Spirit demons led to this tragedy, and everything after that was just cleaning the battlefield.”

“This is just the beginning, and it is far from the end. So. If we don’t want this to happen to us, taking precautions is our best choice!”

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