Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1818

General Ross broke in without notice. Although this is out of order, it is not completely unacceptable.

After all, his identity and position are beyond doubt. Stark had no doubts about his loyalty to this country. So, even if there is something special about him, in Stark’s eyes, it is just a trivial matter that can be easily revealed.

Furthermore, instead of focusing on such trivial matters, it is better to see what he has in mind on this issue.

“Please, General Ross. Let me see what your opinion on this issue is.”

“I just got an appraisal agency under the name of the Ministry of Defense Come here, the reason is that I asked them to evaluate the possible effects of the hell forces. Because I had initial contact with the so-called hell demons at that military base before, I think we already have a preliminary assessment. I’m qualified for the judgment.”

He unceremoniously removed the chair and slammed it in front of Stark. General Ross has already made a brief report on oneself’s previous work.

And listening to his report, Stark’s heart suddenly became a little interested.

“So? General Ross. What is the result of your assessment? Or do you have any special ideas about the hell forces?”

“Of course, if not because With the answer, I won’t come over to disturb you at this time. I just didn’t expect to hear you discussing these things at this time. Fortunately, I came in time enough, otherwise, I’m afraid a perfect opportunity It was wasted by you!”

“Excellent opportunity, what do you mean by this?”

The person who said this is Nick Fury. As the Chief-In-Charge of an intelligence agency, his innate sensitivity in this aspect made him immediately aware of a certain probability contained in General Ross’s words. And it is precisely because of the existence of this probability that he became curious about as it should be by rights.

“What do you mean? What do you mean? I don’t think we can agree on too many aspects. So you should be able to guess it. I mean opportunity This is our opportunity for the entire United States of America!”

Every day, I ridiculed this pleasing guy who hadn’t been oneself very much in the past. General Ross has already turned his head on, and he is righteous to Stark. Speaking.

“Please forgive me to speak bluntly, your Excellency President. Such a good opportunity has to be shared with others, and the final result will make you regret it. This is an opportunity, a real opportunity . So I hope that after listening to my next remarks, you can reject the previous stupid decision and further increase the offensive against hell!”

“Increase the offensive? Yes? I heard it wrong, or you said it wrong. General Ross, do you know what you are talking about?”

Suddenly heard such a statement, even if it is Stark’s husband raising qi arts I couldn’t help being surprised. He really couldn’t imagine the reason why General Ross said so. Under this circumstance, he had to increase his offensive against hell. Wouldn’t this be a dead end?

The meaning of questioning in Stark’s words was clearly expressed, and in the face of his doubts, General Ross stood up abruptly and addressed Stark in a resolute and decisive tone. Speaking.

“Of course I know what this means, and since I would say so, I have my reasons.”

“Your Excellency, according to my opinion on the power of hell Evaluation, I think we are fully capable of exerting influence on the so-called hell. Just like those forces that we have supported in the Middle East in the past. As long as our influence is strong enough, we can be like fiddling with the thread Like puppets, let them act according to our needs. Just imagine that an armed force that cannot be targeted by conventional means is in our hands. What does it mean? If we want, we can use it to restrain Live the entire world!”

“Those forces that hinder our rise, those countries that stand in front of us. We can completely destroy the forces of hell within them through remote control. No one can The premise of fighting the fire everywhere is to hinder us. And as long as we develop step by step, the re-emergence of America will soon become an unstoppable thing! This is an extremely rare opportunity, Your Excellency.”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. You let me digest it well.”

Waving his hand, Stark was unacceptable to the sudden burst of General Ross. feel. In his conventional thinking, the so-called hell should be a very huge threat. It is difficult to confront, and it is difficult to produce any practical benefits. In addition to consuming one’s own resources in vain, impossible has other benefits. But now, some people say in front of him that he can turn waste into treasure and let the whole hell become the propeller of his desire to rejuvenate the motherland. He hadn’t raised his hand to slap his face, it was already a sane performance.

In general, he is skeptical of General Ross’s remarks. It can be said that if this remark did not come from General Ross, he might immediately throw him into a desert island prison on charges of defrauding and bewitching national leaders.

However, it is precisely because this is the idea put forward by General Ross that he has extra expectations for such a statement.

General Ross is such a serious person, he shouldn’t talk about it. Since he dared to say such a thing, there is some basis for that many.

Stark is not the only one who thinks this way. Two other people, including Maria Hill, both have similar thoughts at this time. And more direct than Stark, they already had the idea of ​​owning and directly questioned General Ross.

“I don’t understand something, General Ross. You said we have the ability to influence hell, but I don’t at all find that we have the ability to do this. Is this somewhat It’s so whimsical. After all, it’s dealing with the devil. I don’t think we have such qualifications.”

“Ms. Hill, before I answer your question, I have a question I want to ask you. What makes you think that we are not qualified to deal with those demons? Is it because of the difference in races, or because you think we are inferior to those demons?”

“No, I not at all. What kind of special basis. I just rely on my own feeling. The devil, this kind of mythical thing, is itself inaccessible, right? Otherwise, there will be no that many stories indicate that people who deal with the devil cannot What’s the end?”

Hill found a reason for own’s statement, and her reason almost represents the subjective opinion of the overwhelming majority. After all, what they have to face is hell and the devil, and education for thousands of years has completely fixed the evil impression of such things. What will happen to dealing with this level of evil?

But on this statement, General Ross obviously has different opinions. What he has to do now is to break people’s fixed impressions.

“I know that hell and the devil are not nice words. But don’t forget, in the past many years, our military has been carrying the same reputation. In the Middle East and many of us launched In places where there have been wars, people there are still calling us the devil until now. So let me say, a trifling is just the name, what’s at the worst!”

“Everyone, Please listen to me. Judging from the information in our hands, the so-called demons can be viewed in another way of intelligent creatures. There is no doubt that they are intelligent creatures with self-awareness. And this almost implies So, they can be communicated and driven. Although they essentially treat us as prey, or even lunch on a plate. But I don’t think this concept can’t be reversed. As long as we can treat them Give enough influence!”

“From the very beginning, you are talking about enough influence. What do you mean by influence, Ross?”

“It’s very simple. The influence I call is war, and it is the strength that can make them fear.”

Faced with Stark’s inquiry, General Ross immediately gave his own answer without hesitation. In order to make own’s answer more trustworthy, he even cited vivid examples to prove it from the side.

“It’s just like when we supported the founding of Israel. Almost all the green countries in the Middle East are opposing us, treating us as the enemy of life and death, the evil that must be eradicated. But when our army goes What happened after the past? How many people can still stand up against us, and how many people start to bow to us and beg for mercy?”

“I believe you all know the answer. Under this premise, as long as we can win over those who are willing to surrender to us, and resolutely combat those who are unwilling to cooperate with us. Then I believe that soon, our influence on hell will grow enough that we can drive it at will Their status. With such a wonderful opportunity, what cooperation are you talking about. Isn’t this a waste of the opportunity that fate gave us?”

“Then, General Ross, how can you be sure, we Must have the ability to exert your so-called influence on hell?”

At this time, almost everyone present began to meditate. Until Nick Fury broke this atmosphere first.

He raised a question, a question that must be resolved. Faced with this problem that must be solved, General Ross laughed haha, and then resolutely and decisively said.

“Of course I can be sure. Because of that, but a piece of land that is not protected by international law at all!”

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