Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1819

Not one of the few people here is stupid, so they quickly understood the underlying meaning of General Ross’s words.

The so-called is not protected by international law, This means that everyone can use any means to perform on this land without observing the bottom line of war. In this case, even if their goal is hell, what at worst is there?

After all, hell is just a strange land inhabited by demons and Evil Spirits. Under the premise that humans use nuclear bombs to eliminate the demons that have appeared in Africa, smart people can obviously realize that its existence is not a legend. It’s so mysterious and inaccessible.

So, as long as you ignore those unnecessary problems and treat them in a rude and reckless way, then even if it’s hell, they may not be able to treat them. It is in the hands of the owner.

Such an idea came out, and it immediately seemed to have taken root in their hearts. At this time, even Stark had to admit that oneself was already a little moved.

People who play politics must be impossible too honest, because those who are too honest have long been played in this political game. Therefore, it is not unacceptable for him to use hell to gain opportunities for America’s rise as General Ross said. If he really has any taboos, it is definitely not from the despicableness of this strategy, but at most he is a little worried about the consequences after things are revealed.

This is not what it used to be. The former United States was able to use oneself’s military strength ahead of the world and the basic international financial guarantee of the USD oil system to play rogues. Even if the whole world knows that certain scandals are caused by it, as long as he refuses to admit it, those people can’t help him.

But now, do you let him try? The military and economic sanctions initiated by an allied power alone are probably problems that the Stark government cannot afford to go around.

So, despite Stark’s heart, he still didn’t give General Ross a positive answer immediately. Instead, he hesitated slightly, and asked him questions like this.

“Are you sure there is no hidden danger in doing this? You know, once the words you said today spread. Unless the forces of hell disappear from here in the future, they will never do evil in the world. Otherwise, as long as anything happens , Then everyone will immediately suspect us. At that time, even us, we cannot bear the accusations of that many people!”

“I understand your concerns, President Your Excellency. But what I want to say is that if you want to do big things, how can you not take risks!”

“Risks cannot be avoided. In our current situation, we can only do Try to avoid letting others know about our plan. And for this, the starting point is not in us, but in hell. Controlling hell one day earlier and controlling hell one day later are completely different things. What if. I am you, Your Excellency the President. I will act decisively at this time, with the utmost determination and effort to control everything we can control. Instead of worrying about gains and losses here, let the best opportunities come from us in vain. Lost in his hands!”

General Ross’s answer was tough, as if he was not worried at all about own’s plan beyond his control. Faced with his self-confident mentality, Nick Fury, who had never dealt with him very much, could not help but pour cold water on him immediately.

“You are so confident that we can achieve all of what you say? Don’t you think about the probability of failure of the oneself plan. You know, General Ross. We have to face one The enemy of the world. We didn’t even touch the truth about him. You are thinking about what will happen after victory. Is it too early!”

” So what, can you tell us that you can make them stop invading us by figuring out the reality? Can you make them friends with us?”

I still remember Nick Fury when he was there. The arrest of Hulk was overshadowed by oneself. General Ross, who faced his question, asked the question rudely. At the same time, he also gave the reason why oneself has such a tough attitude.

“Your Excellency, you have to know that we have more than 4,000 nuclear bombs. These more than 4,000 nuclear bombs are our confidence in defeating the enemy. When we can use all means to attack such an enemy. , I don’t think there is any possibility for this so-called enemy to resist under this premise. Even if they do, that will be the future. At that time, it’s not too late for us to talk about the so-called cooperation and sharing. And before that , Any kind of head and tail is a crime for our country.”

“So I warn you, don’t bring your sneaky tricks to me. On war. , When it comes to thinking about war, I am better at it than you!”

“Well, you guys will stop for a while. I don’t want to see you fight here!”

Seeing that the conversation between the two men became more and more intense, Stark, who had been thinking about the probabilities of things, had to stand up and act as a peacemaker.

This can be considered a way to protect Nick Fury. After all, if you really want to fight, Stark doesn’t think that Nick Fury’s small body can survive General Ross’s all at once. In order to prevent the murder from happening in the solemn place of White House, he had better stop these two guys.

Of course, it is not so much to prevent the tragedy from happening, as it is to say that he has made up his mind.

For stable development and peaceful rise, although it is a suitable means to revive America, he actually understands in his heart that the time and energy required for such a means is extremely long and huge. Just think about the country on the other side of the ocean.

Based on a population of 1.3 billion, they have spent more than half a century for their peaceful rise. And to move this set to the United States, which has a population of only about 300 million, will undoubtedly be a matter of twice the results for half the effort.

For a century, this is still an optimistic estimate. If something unexpected happens in the middle, then the two centuries may be an unstoppable problem.

Can America maintain stable development for two centuries? Seriously, Stark was suspicious of this problem. Because he knows exactly how huge the problems this country is facing in order to be stable.

The changes in the international situation, the coveting of all influence and the most basic-the long-term implementation of this policy. The national conditions are different. He impossible to count on the United States, like which country across the ocean, has maintained a policy unshakable for several decades. He may be able to watch this country for ten years and the 20-year policy will not change, but he cannot guarantee that after this time, the subsequent government can guarantee that his policy will not be changed.

One move is wrong and all is lost. In this long period of time, if there is a little problem, the revival and rise of America may present incalculable hidden dangers. And this is one of his biggest concerns.

He cannot guarantee that the latecomer is the successor of his will. In other words, he can’t trust the ability of latecomers to be perfectly competent for all of his shoulders.

As conceited as he is, only oneself believes. And under this premise, he certainly thinks that the so-called revival and rise of America is better in the hands of own.

In the past, there was no such opportunity and possibility. No matter how hard he struggles, it is impossible to change the entire international situation. But now, a chance to overtake a corner is in front of him, and if you say he is not tempted, it is absolutely impossible.

People are most afraid of being tempted. When I moved my heart, it was almost impossible to take it back.

Stark does the same. Now he has leaned in the direction of General Ross. The reason why this plan hasn’t been finalized yet, in the final analysis, is just missing the final touch.

At this time, as long as there is another who pushes him behind his back, he will be able to decide things down this step. And also at this time, Maria Hill, who was still silent, also opened her mouth.

“I agree with General Ross’s proposal. His plan is beneficial to our goals without any harm.”

“If everything goes as he described, If it develops smoothly, then I think you should understand what this means. None of us will refuse to happen unless he has other ideas about the problems of this country. And even if the development is not smooth, What we have lost is only part of the military strength and the nuclear bombs we reserve.”

“Really, the Energy Sector has complained to me more than once that the funding for maintaining nuclear bomb reserves is tight. Use this The opportunity to remove part of the nuclear bombs and reduce our economic pressure is something that we are happy to see. Moreover, if things really get out of our control and need to pull people into the water. These nuclear bombs can also become us. Evidence that we have worked hard to reduce our efforts in this area.”

“To sum up, I think there is nothing bad about General Ross’s opinion. The only key issue is confidentiality. The work. Not only to ensure that the conversations between a few of us cannot be leaked, but more importantly, we must ensure that our ideas are not guessed by others. Therefore, I propose. We need to make certain people Take precautions. The guy named Paragon sorcerer, she is a big hidden danger. In addition, Peter Parker. His existence is also very problematic!”

In the face of national interests, even a woman can act cold blooded and emotionless. This can be confirmed from Maria Hill. Although she had worked with Peter Parker, even though she had taken care of the youngster who looked like a child in her eyes. But on this large-scale issue, she still showed the firm attitude of own.


It’s not just him, but everyone present. Countries and individuals have already made their choice.

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