Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1834

Supersonic bombers with vector jet engines are generally active at altitudes above 20,000 metres. This distance, let alone the human eye, even Hawkeye estimated that nothing could be seen. As for hearing the sound of the airplane’s engine, that is even more nonsense.

Don’t say how you hear the engine sound so far away. Just the ultra-silent mode of the vector jet engine is impossible to make you hear.

Be aware that SHIELD used the first-generation Kun-type fighter equipped with a vector jet engine to perform extremely concealed missions. And what is called extreme concealment mission? That is, you parked the plane behind your ass, and you don’t know what is behind you.

Imagine that you can’t hear anything at such a close distance, let alone an altitude above 20,000 metres. So it is certain that the movement that Williams and the others heard was definitely not the movement of an airplane.

In fact, this is really not the sound of an airplane. But it is worse than the sound of an airplane, because it is the sound of a bomb falling.

The BLU-82 vacuum bomb is a fuel vaporized high-explosive bomb designed to kill people hiding in caves and buildings. As the world’s largest conventional bomb, its operating principle is to project it through a launching device such as an airplane or a rocket launcher and detonate it for the first time at a certain height in the target area.

The chemical fuel charge within the body of the bomb will be thrown into the air, and after this chemical fuel is mixed with air, it will form a fuel aerosol cluster with a diameter of more than ten meters or even several dozen meters.

In a fraction of a second, the ignition fuze will detonate these aerosol clusters. The explosion and violent chemical reaction generated by the entire aerosol cloud cluster will form a large-scale strong shock wave, high temperature and lack of oxygen, which will cause damage and destruction to all the targets it covers.

Although the principle is simple, the formidable power cannot be underestimated. Even if compared to some small-yield atomic bombs, this kind of vacuum bomb will not be too inferior. So this kind of bomb is also called an unconventional conventional weapon, and it even became the largest bomb in the world.

American has used such weapons on the battlefield in Vietnam, and the scene at that time can also be described by a human tragedy. Therefore, after that, the International Red Cross began to consciously condemn the use of such weapons of mass destruction in wars, and because of the fear of playing too far, various countries have also placed this ultimate weapon one after another. Above the high pavilion.

Generally speaking, as long as things are not as a last resort, no one will use this terrifying weapon of formidable power. Of course, no one would reject this kind of safe nuclear weapons.

This point, even the great eastern countries that want to come to advocate peace will not be an exception. Its self-developed PF-97 cloud burst bomb is a frantic individual weapon.

The demons in hell are mostly old ghosts who have accumulated years of age, and there are not many modern characters like Williams. And this also means that they are not at all to identify what sound is coming from the air.

Some people think this is the weird howling of a big bird, and some people think it is a boring prank by some devil. In hell, of course, there is no shortage of such trouble-seeking guys.

However, there are also some demons who have gone through the most severe war in the world before they were alive, knowing how the modern warfare weapon works. Naturally, they would not regard this harsh scream as a trivial matter to ignore.

Williams is one of them. Although he has not experienced World War II, the confrontation of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union also allows him to know what it was like when the air strikes were launched. And listening to this wu wu whistling sound, he almost saw it for the first time, looking at the sky above oneself.

In the sky, a black spot gets bigger and bigger, making him feel nervous instinctively, and when the sixth sense is frantically ringing the alarm in his brain, he is even without the slightest hesitation He rammed the ground with a sledgehammer and buried oneself in it.

This kind of action is full of surprises, and as expected, his subordinates began to look at each other in surprise.

“Boss, what is this? Why did you suddenly bury oneself in?”

“Is it scared by the sounds of birds in the sky? Never heard that Boss is afraid of birds Call it.”

“The ghost knows. Maybe something is buried under the ground, and it is smelled by the sensitive nose of the boss!”

A group of mobs, of course impossible Realize what is happening right now. They were still talking happily, and even began to arrange anecdotes about oneself’s boss. And this naturally makes the air filled with joy.

However, the joyous atmosphere did not last at all for too long, because soon, the feeling of fiery has swept everyone’s heart.

This kind of enthusiasm does not mean having a good chat, the excitement in the heart is fiery. It is the fiery touch that really comes from the outside. And you know, it is not so easy to make a group of demons feel hot. At the very least, you won’t feel that way if you put them on a fire.

“How did it get hot?”

Not only the group of devils who were chatting hot, but even the ordinary city residents have already felt this kind of external change .

The sensitive touch brought to them by talent made them look at the sky immediately. And this look just happened to imprint the scene where the cloud explosive bomb ignited and detonated.

A blaze of light burst out of thin air in the sky, and then, like a tsunami rushing to burst a bank, the blazing flames, hiding the sky and covering the earth, rolled over.

The fire is soaring into the sky, from a distance it looks like a huge ring of fire is extending and expanding all around.

The explosion sounded in the fire, and the huge pressure became everywhere in the impact of the flame. At this time, let alone those small Evil Spirits, even a devil with a powerful body cannot withstand such a huge high pressure and high temperature.

The pressure tore their bodies to pieces, just like rags torn under a strong wind, their bodies were already fiercely projected onto the surrounding obstacles. Then, the flames came with high temperatures. The high temperature of more than 4,500 Baidu immediately vaporized most of the demons, like a layer of ink paint, randomly graffiti on the corner where they were standing.

This is dead and clean. Because the death is clean, at least they will not taste too much pain. However, there are always some lucky ones, either because of luck, or because of the strong physical fitness, not at all fell under this first wave of flames.

They seem to be lucky. But the result is not like this. Because the high temperature brought by the flame spreading burns them all the time, so that they can experience the feeling of being scorched anytime and anywhere.

This is not pain that humans can bear, not even the devil. So many demons have chosen to sever themselves amidst their painful wailing. But there are really very few who are really willing to continue struggling to survive.

Of course, such a huge destruction must not last long. So when the flame expands to the extreme, the huge ring of fire releases oneself’s most brilliant light and heat. Next, everything began to slowly fall back to plain.

The huge roar reached its climax at the moment of the explosion and the flames, and now there is only a slight aftertaste. And in this sound like a curtain call, the flames began to shed, and the clouds began to gather.

The air that was emptied by the flames began to rush in like the inverted seawater, and with the sky full of dust swelled by the shock wave, a huge mushroom cloud gradually rose from the ground. As a sign.

This marks the most glorious moment of the bomb’s existence in the world, and of course it is also the moment of curtain call. Because here, its biggest damage has passed, and the rest is just pastime like dessert.

However, even if it is just the last aftertaste, the lethality it brings may not be too small. Because at this time, for all living creatures, being unable to breathe air is the most deadly injury to them.

Deviated the powerful shock wave and avoided the ubiquitous high temperature flame. In the end, he fell to the ground due to lack of oxygen, and his throat was broken. This is really a method of death that is awkward enough, and it is an ending that many self-proclaimed devils did not expect.

However, this ending appeared to them, but it really made them full of despair and resentment at the last moment of their lives.

They are unwilling to die, that’s for sure. But for Williams, the lucky guy who is still alive, they are really not qualified to clamor on this issue.

After all, not everyone can have his quick response. As soon as I realized that it had happened, and so on immediately, I started to evacuate. Of course, not everyone can have him so strong, letting the heat and lack of oxygen torture his body, but still desperately escaped from that hell with a tenacious will.

Yes, hell. Although it is ridiculous to talk about hell as a devil. But at this time, Williams really couldn’t think of any other words to describe what owns saw and what happened to oneself.

Too miserable. It is too miserable!

Even if it is atrocities like him, at this time he will express such emotions for what the owner has seen and heard.

Before the explosion started, he had buried oneself deep enough underground. This allowed him to avoid the shock wave at the beginning, but he did not escape the high temperature sweeping and burning.

Of course, it doesn’t matter, because he survived. Although the flames burned all his scales apart, his flesh and skin were burned into a smear of mud. He survived.

According to the evacuation knowledge learned by oneself during his lifetime, he crawled out of this cave immediately when he felt the flames recede and the atmosphere was whistling, and hurriedly took refuge in the direction outside the city. past.

Although he didn’t know what happened, he knew very well that since someone dared to launch such an airstrike in hell, their strikes would never be so casually. With the first wave, there will naturally be a second wave. And at this time, although oneself can rely on luck and get away with it, no one can guarantee that he will have such luck in the future.

So, fleeing to live is his only choice. And just after he chose this way, he immediately saw a terrifying scene that oneself had never seen before or after his death.

The first is his subordinates. The men who laughed at the mouth of the cave he just hit have now turned into dry coke.

Judging from their distorted movements, they must have suffered a great deal of pain before Death, otherwise they wouldn’t have been distorted into this hideous picture just because of Death in such a short time. appearance.

Seriously, this appearance made him seem ashamed as a devil, and he wanted to avoid them immediately. Regrettably, even if he could avoid these deadly subordinates, he could not avoid the scorched corpses and ashes all over the city.

Sogda, which was prosperous in the past, has now completely turned into a black and gray color. Dust spilled in the city, like a sandstorm, which almost blocked the place where the eyes could reach to the extreme. And when I look around reluctantly, I can only see dark pictures on the glazed ground and walls.

There is almost no living existence, because most of the living existence has been left in these pictures. No wailing, no cry for help, but a complete silence. And in this dead silence, in the gaze of countless dark-colored human figures, Williams could feel the curse and resentment of those tragic deaths every step he took in the direction of his life.

They don’t want to see who is more fortunate than oneself and survived such a disaster. Therefore, when their undissipated souls and ashes felt that the living were stepping on their remains, they immediately cursed him with the greatest resentment and hatred.

Such a curse, for Williams, as the devil, almost sounds like a sound in his ears. And it is precisely because of this curse that can almost drive people crazy that he wants to escape from this Death land more and more urgently.

The devil? To be honest, at this time, apart from being a bit tenacious in life force, he is actually no different from ordinary humans.

He will also be afraid, panic, and trembling because of such a disaster. He even said that he prayed for something unknown.

He will pray to live, because at this time, alive seems to have become his greatest wish. Even if this kind of life had no meaning for his body now, he still struggled hard because of this curse-like thought.

Struggling to survive, struggling to catch that a glimmer of survival. Unfortunately, this a glimmer of survival not at all was caught by him. Because at this time, in the sky there is already the same roar.

The second wave air raid is on!

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