Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1835

The scorched earth tactics are themselves a tailor-made method by the American government to deal with hell.

It is different from the previous wars waged by the United States Government. The past few wars, such as those in the Middle East. After all, it is actually an aggressive war dictated by interests. Don’t look at those grand-sounding reasons, and ignore those influential figures that are pitiful. Keep your eyes open and you will find that those wars were simply not for the sake of justice, but for the most naked interests.

Petroleum, as the lifeblood of the world’s industry, is closely related to the development of all countries in the world. And America, which itself is deeply mired in the quagmire due to fiscal and economic deficits, needs to rely on a war to restore all the decline of oneself.

War will change the situation in the Middle East and make the problems in the Middle East more tense and intensified. Under this premise, the price of oil will be controlled by their military actions, which will increase the value of the USD tied to oil in a disguised form.

Unless it is said that the world has reached an agreement to settle oil in another currency. Otherwise, they can only watch America use this way to harm others and to fill the vacancy of own. And did many countries have the courage to do so? Among other things, you can know the answer just by looking at America’s muscles in the war.

A war of interests. Even though America’s military has said that it is an endless stream of killer moves, in the final analysis, they have not completely done everything in many places.

This aspect can be said to be due to scrupulous international public opinion. On the other hand, it is also for their own interests.

Because their goal itself is to use oil to preserve the interests of the owner, from their point of view, they absolutely cannot accept the result that the entire Middle East was completely turned into wasteland due to the war. .

That is not good for anyone, especially for them. Because once the oil production in the Middle East is completely interrupted due to the war, the first thing that will be affected is the USD system, which will damage and lose if one prospers, all prospers. The United States Government is not that stupid yet, so don’t look at their fierce fighting in the Middle East, but after all, they still firmly control the situation.

The situation in this war is different now.

The land of hell, the city of hell, even the people of hell. This is of no benefit to the United States Government. Even if the main purpose of this war is to surrender the whole hell, Stark still did not take the losses of hell seriously.

They have already learned about hell. Almost the same area as an Earth plus tens of billions of Evil Spirit devil, it is enough for them to toss hard. In other words, if they don’t work hard at this time, then the subsequent work will not proceed smoothly.

The reason is simple. That is when the war really starts, the entire hell creatures will become their enemies. Tens of billions of enemies, apart from anything else, just listening to this number can give people a sense of urgency that Mount Tai is overwhelming. Under such circumstances, it can be said that as long as the war is slightly unfavorable, then US Military will inevitably fall into the vast ocean of People’s War. And if this is the case, even if Stark has the confidence, there is no guarantee that he will win such a war.

The Korean War of that year has not gone far, and the entire US Military bears in mind the shame of being defeated by the great powers of the Far East under such conditions. And on this issue, if US Military blames everything on luck and other places, then you really underestimate these guys.

Although they like to slander and slander the image of the great eastern countries, this does not mean that they cannot face the power displayed by the other party. In fact, anyone with a bit of a brain can sum up the reasons and experience of why oneself failed from that war.

In the end, there are two key factors. One is the will of the people, and the other is the number of people.

In the case that weapons and equipment are almost used to fight against the advantage of crushing, one can still lose such a war. There is really no way to explain it except to say that the enemy at the time was a devil-like existence.

Perhaps, in terms of personal strength, they are ordinary, even weak. After all, in that era, with that background, it was a bit ridiculous for enemy soldiers who had difficulty eating enough to compete with their soldiers who grew up eating beef. However, when their will is as tenacious as steel and terror as the devil, the power they burst out is far beyond the limits of a weak body.

There is one such person who is not terrifying, and there are thousands of terrifying absolutely. When the equipment is simple, but can be like a steel machine, when enemies who can even perish together for victory appear in front of you, even if you are the proud and powerful generals who have been killed in countless wars, you will inevitably be afraid. , Will be afraid.

A wrong war in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and at the wrong enemy. This is the summary of the Korean War made by the United States Government at the time. And this summary actually means that they have realized the power and terrifying of the People’s War.

Although the demons of hell may not necessarily have the will shown by the enemy in that war. However, their physical fitness is far more outstanding than that of a weak race like humans. In the face of such enemies, if they are allowed to form a vast ocean, then things are equivalent to completely beyond the control of US Military.

So, they must prevent this from happening. The scorched earth tactic is undoubtedly one of the most convenient and straightforward solutions.

Using the horrific lethality of large-scale destruction weapons, US Military can control the number of enemies within an acceptable range in the shortest possible time. And as long as the enemy is controlled within a reasonable range, then the war is still what US Military says.

At this point, these generals who hold the weapon of war are full of confidence. So naturally, they will guide the situation towards the direction planned by oneself.

The airstrike in Sogda is just a microcosm of the 1st Step in their plan. Of course, this epitome can only be regarded as catastrophically grand when it is placed in front of any life in hell.

Ten vector jet engine bombers dropped a total of more than one hundred BLU-82 air bombs on Sogda. These formidable power huge conventional weapons cover almost every inch of land in Sogda.

With the city center of Sogda as the boundary, all creatures within a radius of ten kilometers have been devastated. The sentence “completely barren” is by no means a rhetoric, but a real reality.

In the same day, the difference is at most several hours. In the seventy two major cities in hell, almost the same thing is happening.

Humans are using their weapons to bring death and destruction to hell. Millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of devils died tragically under their hands in such a sudden attack. If hell can cry, then it will. And if the devil knows fear, then they should have tasted fear now.

Hell has existed for countless years, after countless wars and deaths. However, even the most tragic war ever, bloody battles with the gods, did not have such terrifying casualties.

This is the first time, but it will never be the only time. Because for the initiator of all this, this is just the beginning.

The curtain has just opened, and the show has just started. How could everything end so easily? So naturally, the actors who have just entered the state have already begun to perform follow-up.

The second step of the hell war. Mop up!

Air strikes will not stop. It can be said that until the end of the war, that is, before the entire hell is completely surrendered by them. Such devastating blows will not stop.

Continuous high pressure is an inevitable condition to crush the resistance will of hell. Without the deterrence of terrorist power, no one dares to say what moths these demons in hell will play.

The last thing in a war is fluke. Therefore, in order to make the plan foolproof, US Military must continue this military action forever.

However, just maintaining such military strikes cannot directly achieve their goals. After all, their purpose is to surrender, not to destroy. So while doing this kind of action, they must also keep up with another set of actions.

Enter the army and use the army to suppress the demons who are still alive. It was just like the way that it had been to the Jews in the first place, and they were banned. This is what the Stark government thought of as a means to subdue hell.

There is no doubt that the devil is a selfish race. Therefore, as long as they can be given a little chance of survival, they will not choose to make unnecessary sacrifices. If they can live, they will definitely choose to live. Even to say that this way of living is very aggrieved.

It can be said that as long as there is a sharp contrast, it will be a wise choice to prove their way of living. Then they would never choose to die for this hell, for the so-called racial justice.

This is the wise choice. This is also a fool’s choice. From the perspective of these demons and the perspective of hell as a whole, the answer must be completely different. However, the answer is not important to US Military. Because no matter how much ideological debate occurs because of this issue, it is impossible to change the situation that has already happened in reality.

Under the cover of magnetic levitation tanks, an army of omnipotents enters the city that has been bombed into ruins. When the powerful military force of the omnibus wiped out the devil who dared to resist in a nearly crushing posture under their guns. Everything has become a foregone conclusion.

Mankind has begun to reverse the situation for thousands of years, and began to enslaves the devil as a slave. Although this is only a partial battle situation, it is a very unusual beginning anyway.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is only a matter of time for hell to become a plaything under the control of mankind as long as it is done step by step. Such a favorable situation, of course, made American very happy. But in the eyes of those demons, especially those who have realized the seriousness of the problem. This is not such a happy thing.

The humiliation that a hunter turns into a prey is second. What they can’t tolerate most is the impact of this human aggression on the inherent classes of the entire hell.

Hell is also divided into classes. And from a certain perspective, his class differentiation is far more solidified and stricter than those of human classes.

Human classes are at best divided by capital wealth. The representative of this kind of productivity can be obtained through struggle and a little luck. So the human class is not incapable of breaking through. As long as you have this idea and are a little bit lucky in cooperation, then you can squeeze oneself into the upper class by cutting your head.

But this is not the case in hell.

Hell has always followed the barbaric law of weak are prey to the strong, and under this law, the strength of a devil determines his status and class in this hell .

And where is the source of the devil’s power? To a large extent, the origin of a devil determines all this.

Like a guy like Williams. It took him several decades to go to hell at best. Why did he have a different rank and status so quickly? And the overwhelming majority has lived for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, but the devil can only wag his tail at him like a poor worm? The reason is here.

Williams was a powerful tyrannical demon as soon as he was born in hell. And those Low Level demons, no matter they have struggled for hundreds or thousands of years, they are all impossible to catch up with Williams’ starting point. This is the rule of hell. And if a tyrannical demon is like this, let alone those more powerful and terrifying demons.

They are the vested interests of this class, so naturally, they are also the defenders of this class. For thousands of years, the classes of hell have never changed. A large part of the reason is that they have maintained this class system.

And now, human intervention is undoubtedly breaking this traditional class.

As long as you surrender to humans, no matter what status these demons were before, their status will depend on their relationship with humans. The strong may not be able to tyrannically abuse power, but the weak ones can bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections, holding a chicken feather as an arrow.

Such a situation is naturally unacceptable to the overwhelming majority senior devil. Not to mention, this change must be based on the premise that humans are completely above the devil.

So, anyway, resistance is a must. And the Stark government, which had anticipated all this, naturally came up with oneself’s prepared countermeasures when faced with this situation.

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