Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1836

Are allies used to do and so on?

Under normal circumstances, the average person’s answer may be that allies are sold. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, people who get together because of their interests will inevitably eventually part ways because of their interests. However, in the final analysis, the betrayal is a choice made by the Alliance until the end. The so-called alliance was not established just for a chance to sell each other. In that case, I am a little too sorry for the effort in the process.

Mutual use is the norm among alliances. For US Military, the enemy in this war wants to be completely interrupted and reduced to own running dogs. Then the support of oneself’s allies is really indispensable. Especially the existence of Ghost Rider is the most important thing in their eyes.

As for why do you say that? This will give an example to illustrate.

The actions taken by Germany** against Jews during World War II will not be too strange to anyone in the world who knows about that period of history. 6,000,000 Jews died in that war, which is certainly a sad tragedy. But they couldn’t help but wonder why these Jews would let the butcher knife fall on the owner without making any resistance.

The reason is simple. On the one hand, it is because the Jews are only a race, not a country. Without the protection of military power, they did not have much resistance when they faced the War Machine in operation.

In the face-to-face contest, they have nothing to fight back. In private, they were even more courageous and tortured by the German means. Apart from running away like a stray dog, there was no possibility of resistance.

And what is the method that can break the fighting spirit of the Jews in this way? Having said that, I have to introduce the special army of Gestapo.

Some people will confuse the Gestapo and the SS. In fact, the real situation should be that the Gestapo is just a special army under the SS.

The SS is a security force that specializes in protecting all the top leaders of the Democratic Party, and is responsible for anti-assassination, intelligence collection, and political monitoring. It is the military police unit of the Democratic Party itself. It is mainly responsible for internal security issues, and in this regard, the SS has very high authority.

Not only has a dedicated staff as the head, but also independent jurisdiction over personnel and finance. He even said that because of the connivance of the upper class of the Communist Party, he also specially designated the Waffen SS with armed forces. And this team is also the most famous elite War Section team in the 20th century. The renowned 3rd Armored Division Skeleton Division is one of them.

The Gestapo is different. The Gestapo is not included in the Waffen-SS. He is strictly speaking. He should belong to the special operations team of the SS. It belongs to the Fourth Bureau of the Ministry of National Security, the Secret Police Department. The Gestapo itself is the transliterated name of the German-speaking State Secret Police. And it was such a team that dragged the entire European Jews into a nightmare.

Anyone who has read Schindler’s list knows what kind of evil acts committed against the Jews. And this is only your experience as a bystander. If you are at the time, then your experience will become more profound. And if you are a Jew, then you probably only have the feeling of panic all day long.

The Gestapo’s search is omnipotent and omnipotent. It’s like a cunning hound hunting a group of rabbits. Once they smell your scent, then you will have to follow the smell to find you, and then bleed to death under their minions.

It’s not just Jews, those who dare to shield Jews will be ruthlessly torn to pieces by them. It can be said that they are using terror to intimidate all those who want to oppose them, and their behavior also implements a truth, that is, fear will make your enemies completely disintegrate their fighting spirit.

Few people can escape the Gestapo’s search, and few people can survive from their hands. They are the nightmare itself, at the very least, for the original Jews.

Now, the idea of ​​US Military is to replicate the situation at that time.

On the frontal battlefield, they will use the weapons of mass destruction they have at their disposal to destroy the entire hell of possible resistance. In private, they will borrow Ghost Rider’s keen sense of smell against the devil to clean up the hidden dangers that may exist.

About the struggle, a military scientist in the East said something like this. That is to unite the majority and strike a handful.

The fixed class in hell clearly distinguishes the majority from the handful. Those inferior demons are the majority who can unite. And those senior demons who used to be aloof and remote are the handful of people who will be hit.

Analysts analyzed it very clearly that for those lower-level demons who have been ruled in the past, they don’t care whether the people who ruled them are higher-level demons or their humans? As long as they are deterred with great power and absolute terror, and let them realize what kind of existence oneself is facing, then they will be more tame to their rule than a docile domestic dog.

In contrast, those superior demons are the real threats to them.

The invasion of humans undoubtedly drove them off the throne of the ruler. Unwilling to lose heart core interests, they will inevitably cheer up after experiencing the Early-Stage blow. Recruit troops and buy horses to fight humans. From the perspective of the absolute dominance of the upper demons over the lower demons and the Evil Spirit, as long as they are willing, they can inevitably draw an army that is enough to cause them huge troubles from the huge base of lower demons. And if you leave it alone, even with the strength of US Military, it will inevitably be drawn into the quagmire of protracted war.

This is the suffering that US Military has already suffered when it was in Syria, so in any case, they would not be willing to let things develop to such a degree. And naturally, at this time, elite troops capable of hunting demons have become necessary assistance.

Nothing is more suitable for hunting these superior demons than Ghost Rider. Their power is so powerful that they have the power to fight no matter how powerful the devil they face. And the keen sense of evil also allows these superior demons to have no hiding place in their in front of one’s eyes.

As long as Ghost Rider is fully operational, these upper-level demons will be in panic like a stray dog. It is difficult to escape for their lives. They want to pull the anti-flag and resist the invasion of US Military when the overall situation is not stable. Simply wishful thinking.

It can be said that in this regard, the Stark government has really made perfect preparations. Faced with their arrangement, Peter and his Ghost Riders also spared no effort to cooperate.

Although Peter doesn’t want to see US Military really control hell in the hands of the owner, this does not mean that he will add something to him at this time regardless of priority.

The volume of hell is placed here, and any one of them is impossible to have any absolute impact on hell. Only as it is now can they cannibalize and destroy the probability of the entire hell.

So, knowing that oneself is doing this to help Stark grow his power and add unnecessary trouble to oneself’s future counter-attack. But Peter still has no other choice, he must do this.

His plan is to clear Stark out of the game, and this will not change. But in terms of timing, now is not the most suitable time. So he is still waiting and continuing to have sex. And just when he started such an action, like a big net that was sown, continuously salvaging those superior demons. On the other side, in another alliance, discordant voices slowly surfaced.

Randkiel is already full of opinions about Victor’s refusal to do any resistance for a long time. This is not the first time he has protested against Victor, showing his dissatisfaction with Victor’s negative attitude. But Victor is always sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, watching the fires burning across the river. It seems that he doesn’t take such losses seriously.

In this way, Dekiel felt anxious, because he never thought that someone would be so indifferent to own loss. While he was anxious, he was unavoidably worried about whether this was what Victor had discovered and planned to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight.

People with ghosts in their hearts are always suspicious. Of course, he himself also knows that just by making such a suspicious guess, he must be unable to draw any practical conclusions. So simply, he put in oneself’s arrangement in hell, and once again ran into the world.

And when he stood in front of Victor again, he immediately put on a righteous appearance and questioned Victor.

“Master, can I ask what you want to do? Your hell has been bombed into a wasteland by the human army, and your city has been turned into a wasteland under their weapons. Thousands of people lost their lives under their hands, and more people are being enslaved by them. And what are you doing? You are still sitting on the throne of own, playing what the king plays Games.”

“Are you planning to give up resistance? If so, then please surrender the power of hell. Instead of letting hell fall completely in your non-resistance, then It’s better to let me control it, and either the fish dies or the net splits with the enemy. Hell has never been a slave. It has never been before, and there will never be such a day in the future. I want your subordinates to know. If I think, they will agree.”

“Do you want to take away my authority?”

With a sneer, Victor is rubbing his own scepter. , It has already demonstrated oneself’s strong demon power inherited from Mephisto. In the face of such magical coercion, even a Legendary character like Randekiel would inevitably have a feeling of near suffocation.

Although he is strong, he is not yet capable of provoking the hell master. So immediately, he paid the price for oneself’s previous words and deeds.

Although, because he still doesn’t want to be an enemy of Satan, Victor didn’t kill Randekiel. But the punishment that should be there is still no less.

Under the surging of dark magic, Randekiel has already suffered. Seeing that Randekiel was severely punished by his own dark magic with almost no resistance, Victor, who couldn’t do everything right, could only be coldly snorted and gathered his power back.

“I don’t need you to direct what I want to do. If you want to take away my authority, then just and honorable to grab it. If you can take it away, the power of hell is given to It’s okay for you. But if you don’t have this ability, then don’t blame me for not giving Satan’s face!”

Such warnings really make it difficult for Randekiel to be satisfied. He let go of all defenses and endured the pain, but not to listen to such nonsense. So immediately, he grinned and glared at Victor, and said impolitely to him.

“Is this the sincerity of your cooperation? If it is, then please forgive me to speak bluntly. I can’t see any of your sincerity at all. If you continue like this, then I I can only tell my lord to terminate the cooperation with your Excellency.”

“You don’t need to threaten me, I am not afraid of such a threat.”

Victor obviously didn’t believe what Randekiel said. Of course, he also knew that oneself could not continue to do its own way in this kind of thing. Since it is a cooperation, he still needs to show some sincerity. So after some meditation, he still told Randekiel some plans.

“I don’t have any actions because my actions are placed in the world. Just like hell is my base camp, the world is also the base camp of these human beings. I will create commotion in the world and force They had to put their energy back on the world. And in hell, I also arranged some backhands to delay their actions.”

“When they waited for them, they couldn’t pay attention to it, but When I returned to the rescue, it was when I suddenly got into trouble and wiped out them in one fell swoop. This is my plan, and on this basis, you only need to do what you promised. As for other things, it’s still enough. Don’t bother you, an outsider, to care!”

Victor’s remarks are justified and convincing. Even Randekiel, a suspicious person, could not pick up any thorns in a moment.

Of course, he can see from Victor’s reaction that Victor is not so easy to give up oneself authority. So he didn’t really doubt Victor’s rhetoric.

Things are still within his acceptable range. So at the moment, he bowed and responded to Victor like this.

“In that case, I will act according to the agreement. The rest is just your good news, sir!”

“Of course, I won’t let you down Yes!”

The two of harbor ulterior motives looked at each other and smiled, and they had reached a tacit understanding. And what idea they are fighting on, I am afraid that only they oneself can know.

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