Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1837

As a commander, a planner. Peter is a little immature.

He often feels hesitant, especially when he sees Stark’s power growing step by step. Whenever he realized that such a situation was happening, he would hesitate whether oneself should do something. Although he knew that this was not the best time, he would still have an idea to add to him.

The reason why he has such an idea, in the final analysis, stems from his lack of self-confidence.

The movement of a country in operation is really too great. The kind of action like a towering giant placed in front of him is enough to make him feel weak from the bottom of his heart. Faced with this situation, he always asks oneself when he is free. Can oneself really fight against such an opponent? Can oneself really defeat these two evil conspirators and take advantage of the last fisherman?

Seriously, the more such self-questions come, the more shaken in his heart. He has never done anything like heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and he doesn’t have much confidence when facing such things that may almost change the future of the entire world. He didn’t have the courage to give me someone else, let alone to bear the consciousness that the rise and fall of the world are all in my hands.

So, when the whole situation began to break away from his imagination, he had already entered a state of carrying a heavy burden and struggling forward.

This is a very dangerous state. Because no one is sure whether he can withstand this pressure and stick to the final destination. He may do this again, but he may also fall halfway. This is a probabilistic problem, and such a probabilistic problem is obviously not what Ancient One sorcerer wants to see.

As an absolutely sane and experienced third party. Ancient One sorcerer quickly noticed Peter’s ideological problems. This seemed to her to be a huge hidden danger.

If Peter is an irrelevant idler, then even if he is so depressed that he wants to commit suicide, Ancient One will not look at him directly. Even thinking can’t control, such a person is just a waste of air to live. But this kind of thing happened to Peter, a man who was crushed by him, and he couldn’t allow him to ignore it.

In hell, free to come and go, she easily found a gap and got in touch with Peter without anyone present. As soon as they met, she was already questioning Peter.

“The situation has become more and more tense. This is the most critical time, but I found that you are a little absent. In this regard, do you want to explain?”

Although Ancient One’s tone is not polite, for Peter who is aware of the oneself problem, it is a matter of course. She had reasons to question oneself, and oneself really wanted to give her an explanation.

Thinking about this, Peter sighed, and then directly expressed the question in oneself’s heart.

“Do you really think that our plan has the probability of success?”

Such a question made Ancient One frown. She had never expected that Peter would ask such a naive sentence at such a time.

This made her want to directly scold her. But when she thought of Peter’s current psychological condition, she could only reverse her own attitude, and said to him in a relatively calm tone.

“This is a plan proposed by you yourself. Why, don’t you have any confidence in your own plan?”

“Sorry. Although this is a plan proposed by myself .But now, after witnessing the grandeur and cruelty of the entire war, it is difficult for me to have consistent confidence in the plan I proposed. I now really doubt whether I can do what I planned. . Because of the current situation, no matter how hard I try, it seems that I can’t stop the actions of these two huge monsters at all. It’s as if my plan was just a child’s imagination, and it was not realized at all. probability.”

“Are you worried about this? Actually, it doesn’t need to be.”

After listening to Peter’s account, Ancient One has some ground in his mind. In order to alleviate his worries, she immediately encouraged Peter.

“You must know that you are doing very well until now. As long as you continue, our plan will inevitably be realized. You need to wait and wait for a suitable opportunity. And if you If you can’t cheer yourself up from this mentality, you won’t be able to seize the opportunity even if it’s in front of you.”

“How to seize it. Just rely on hundreds of us?”

Peter questioned again, and this time his questioning is directed to the core of the problem.

Look at the actions of US Military. With hundreds of planes dispatched alone, the number of crew members has completely crushed the number of Ghost Rider. Not to mention the logistical support, intelligence analysis, and the commanders in the center.

For this war, the entire America mobilized almost 20,000 people. Although most of them are responsible for logistics and intelligence command work, and the frontline combatants are almost entirely supported by omnipotents, but this number alone has already made Peter feel a huge pressure.

He knows the situation of US Military very well. For them, the staffing of tens of thousands of people is nothing more than a preliminary war. When the war has opened up, their personnel have begun to look a little stretched. Of course, this is not a problem for them, because through the Teleportation Portal, they can send enough fresh blood to hell at any time. As long as the war can go on so smoothly, they can naturally send additional personnel to maintain the stability of the entire hell.

This is the confidence of a country. Population, or talent, has never been a factor restricting their expansion and domination. But such confidence is precisely what Peter can’t have.

The number of Ghost Riders is here. Even if they can count as ten, how much area can they control? Even more how, Ghost Rider of overwhelming majority may not have talent in this respect.

You should know that a considerable part of Ghost Rider’s personnel are from social workers. Mephisto originally chose the direction of Ghost Rider, but it depends on how much you can ride and fight, not how much knowledge you have and how many degrees you have. It can be said that people with a high degree of education like Peter are unique among all Ghost Rider. And this also means that when faced with tasks that require management knowledge to be competent, Ghost Rider can’t do more than an ordinary person.

They are good at killing and killing them, but getting them to be a clerical officer to manage a colony is as difficult as getting a pig to do the job of a shepherd dog.

Peter despair is despair in this place. After realizing such a huge gap between him and the United States Government, he really couldn’t bring up a little courage to tell oneself that oneself can still do the things that oneself planned. His plan was already an untouchable luxury for him.

While realizing the source of Peter’s distress, Ancient One sorcerer also showed a helpless expression for a while.

If this is a problem that can be easily solved by moving spells, then she will definitely face doesn’t change to solve this worries for Peter. However, precisely because this is a problem that is related to human resources and cannot be solved with magic at all, she can only follow it up in her heart.

Manpower, this problem not only troubles Peter, but it also troubles her. If her Kamar-Taj is still alive, and she was in the heyday, she would definitely not worry about such trivial matters. Because just the sorcerer apprentices she trained for many years have been able to solve a considerable part of her problems. She doesn’t even need Peter’s help, she can complete the whole plan alone.

But just because all of this has become the yellow flower of yesterday, she is now a lonely person. So as far as the current situation is concerned, she still has to rely on Peter’s help.

Without Peter and the hundreds of Ghost Riders under him, she would really have nothing to do with her. And it was precisely because of Peter’s indispensability that she had to stabilize him and regain his confidence.

This is not easy. Because Peter is not someone you can fool with just a few words. As a person who can put forward this kind of plan and is aware of the current difficulties, his vision can be said to have been tempered. And if she wants to convince him and let him regain his confidence, then she really has to come up with some real materials.

The crux of the problem lies in how she can help Peter solve the problem of insufficient manpower. And after carefully considering it, she slowly opened her mouth to Peter.

“Yes, with the hundreds of people under your hand, it is indeed difficult to accomplish the big event in our plan. But who said we can only use these hundreds of people?”

As soon as this remark came out, Peter was immediately refreshed. In the end, he was just stuck in a predicament and felt distressed, instead of making such a rhetoric because of his own withdrawal. Therefore, if there is a real solution to the problem, he will definitely be able to regain his strength.

Of course, whether we can regain our strength in the end depends on the answer given by Ancient One. In this regard, he already had extraordinary expectations for Ancient One.

It is about the future state of affairs. Of course, Ancient One is impossible to slander about this kind of thing. So, after carefully brewing the rhetoric, she already explained this to Peter.

“From my point of view, if our plan is to be fully implemented, there is no need for you to imprison oneself within the scope of these hundreds of people. Because there are Two better choices.”

“First, those superior demons. As your hunting target, I think you can carry some private actions in the hunting process. Conquer some demons. , Let them work for you. This is a more effective way than you let your own subordinates govern the occupied area. On the one hand, this allows you to get rid of the shackles of manpower and completely throw away your concerns. On the one hand, using the devil to manage the devil is also not easy to breed resistance and resistance.”

“On this issue, you only need to organize the Ghost Rider under the owner into a special supervision and management department. , We can complete the overall control. And as far as our ultimate goal is concerned, this is actually an acceptable result!”

Ancient One’s statement is very pertinent and has a very high The enforceability. But after listening to what she said, Peter’s heart was inevitably embarrassed.

What the devil is, no one knows better than these Ghost Riders. To put it a bit ugly, any devil should be convicted in accordance with the laws of mankind and shot four or five times.

These guys are all innumerable villains, but now, Ancient One wants to let oneself let them go, even saying that they will manage hell through their hands. Although this is a kind of exploitation, it is still an unacceptable answer for him who thinks he is the judge of evil.

He can’t accept that such criminals who are tired of crime are dangling oneself in front of one’s eyes, and oneself has to tolerate them for some reason. So immediately, he said so sternly to Ancient One.

“Sorry, I can’t accept such a solution to the problem. Let me let the damn guys survive. This is simply challenging my bottom line. And I don’t think my bottom line is It can be surpassed in this way, even for high-sounding reasons. So, talk about your second plan.”

Peter’s stubbornness in this regard made Ancient One a little helpless. Although this solution is the best solution right now, in order to take care of the emotions of the specific implementer, Peter, she still had to abandon it and come up with a second solution.

“The second plan? We have to make some adjustments to our original plan.”

“According to our original plan, we should find a way to create a The big conflict between Hell and US Military. Let them suffer on both sides as much as possible, so that the Stark government has to withdraw the personnel deployed by oneself in Hell. And if we want to use this plan, then the final withdrawal plan It’s about to be terminated.”

“I’ll find a way to close the Teleportation Portal at that time, leaving the manpower deployed by the Stark government in hell completely. And all you have to do is think How to subdue these manpower and let them be used by you. If you don’t want to use the devil to manage the devil, then humans are your last choice. The manpower left by Stark is definitely the elite. If you can subdue them, they will be Your best help.”

“Of course, this is a considerable risk!”

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