Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1842

In Ghost Rider’s eyes, the fallen angels are tangible and hostile targets. This has nothing to do with their past or their good and evil. Just because of their different positions and identities, they must exist as hostile parties.

Almost all Ghost Riders know this well, so naturally, after discovering the identity of the other party, they also immediately changed their own attitude and began to meet them formally. stand up.

This kind of action made the situation that seemed to be smooth and immediately plunged into an extremely embarrassing state. At the very least, it is already quite difficult for the fallen angels to continue to kill those demons in front of Ghost Rider.

Of course. Difficulties do not mean impossible. At this time, Dark Angel Legion’s strict military discipline and military strength under the cruel test were already reflected.

Despite Ghost Rider in the middle, they continue to expand their results. Although the speed of this expansion of the results is not very fast, in front of the devils who are already extremely rare, this speed has already pushed their survival numbers to single digits.

It can be said that this performance is worthy of the reputation of the elite of Dark Angel Legion. But at the same time, this also caused Ghost Riders to lose their faces.

In terms of fame, they also bear the title of Mephisto Guards. No matter from which way, they will not be inferior to Dark Angel Legion. In terms of strength, they must be above the trifling fallen angel. Obviously it was such a dominant situation, but it turned out that they made a result that was not worthy of the name. This naturally makes them unwilling.

It’s just that the established facts are placed in front of them, no matter how unwilling they are, they can’t do anything. Because this situation can no longer be made up for the gap in strength.

Ghost Rider is nothing more than a group of mobs composed of various traffickers. As a group of mobs, it is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to defeat the highly disciplined and experienced Dark Angel Legion in this regard. It’s not that they don’t care, but that the limitations of team operations are here. It’s not that they can solve such problems by taking it for granted.

As a commander, Peter is also aware of this problem for the first time. In the past, although he has cooperated with many team missions as the Avengers, but to be honest, he was only a member of the team at that time and did not feel the difficulties in this regard. Especially in the earliest days, when they were commanded by Steve Rogers this World’s recognized tactical master, he felt even more impossible about this problem.

If you don’t sit in this position, you can’t imagine the difficulties in this area. This is not a strategy game after all. Everyone under your hand can follow your instructions perfectly and firmly execute your instructions like a machine. They need you to plan and coordinate. Therefore, when you are in such a position, you will know how many problems there are that you need to overcome one after another. And this also means that not who can do such a special job.

I want to understand this, while Peter is a little blushed with shame in his heart, he also inevitably feels a little fluke. It is better to discover the crux of the problem now than to discover it in future wars. Taking advantage of now also time, he can still carry out some training for the Knights under his opponents. Although it is impossible to train them directly into elite teachers, at the very least, it will be better than the current Mobi situation.

Of course, this is the future. At this time period, his top priority is to solve the current trouble as soon as possible. And taking a closer look at the current situation, even if he was already prepared in his heart, he still inevitably cast a gloomy expression on his face.

It can make him look gloomy, and the situation is naturally extremely bad. The actual situation is that, except for the devil he is protecting, the other overwhelming majority demons have already died tragically in the hands of these fallen angels.

cut weeds and eliminate the roots, cut weeds and eliminate the roots. They did it, although they also paid a high price. But from a holistic perspective, they are the final victors of this conflict.

Such results are what Randekiel would like to see. Although the loss of personnel caused by the operation made him feel a bit painful, but compared with the overall morale of Ghost Rider, the entire Dark Angel Legion was turned upside down, this loss can be said to be acceptable. Within the category.

Randkiel never thought of doing that kind of thing beautifully, and oneself could be a good thing without injury. This kind of thing is not realistic at all for him, especially under the premise that the opponent is Ghost Rider.

In short, the plan has been considered Perfection. Staying here and entangled with the Ghost Riders will only expand unnecessary casualties. It is very expensive and oneself that these elite Randekiel are of course impossible to do this kind of loss-making business. So immediately, he gave them an order to retreat through the dedicated communication magic inside Dark Angel Legion.

For fallen angels, the command is really absolute. So as soon as they heard Randekiel’s instructions, they immediately gave up the idea of ​​love fighting, turned around and retreated towards the sky.

This is the fastest way to get rid of Ghost Rider’s pursuit. The Ghost Rider also noticed this.

Once the fallen angels rise to a certain height, judging by their mobility and the tools at hand, they really have little chance to catch up with them. And if they were to escape from under oneself’s eyelids in this way, let alone Peter’s face being blank, even they would not be able to pass the oneself in oneself’s heart.

Don’t think that they are born in Three Sects and they don’t know what shame is. The more people with backgrounds like them, the more they actually care about facial problems. After all, all of them are the resounding children of oneself. If this is to let the enemies of oneself know that oneself can’t protect even a few people, and let the killers retreat calmly, they Don’t you want to laugh out loud. And if it’s true, where should I put my own this old face?

This is a very real problem. So there was no need for Peter to greet them, these Ghost Riders were already spontaneous, and greeted the fallen angels in various ways. There is a sense of vowing not to give up unless they stay.

However, their motivation is good. But if it is really implemented, things will not be as easy as they thought.

The fallen angels still maintain an orderly posture even when they retreat. After a part of the personnel has been segmented, the other part will be evacuated first. And when the people behind are within the safe range, they are turning around and using remote harassment methods to create opportunities for evacuation of the broken companions.

The whole process does not require any communication, and the most tacit and efficient cooperation is completed in silence. It can be said that the military-style group combat model has been brought to the limit by them. In contrast, Ghost Rider’s performance is somewhat unsatisfactory.

These Knights simply have no tacit understanding. You just threw a saber over here, and there you carried a rock the size of a car, and threw it into the sky like a shot put.

It’s okay if you don’t interfere with each other, but the problem is that you are aiming at my target, or that I accidentally misunderstood your prey. All kinds of throwing objects, before they land on their target, have already lost more than half of them due to mutual interference. As for the rest, simply can’t play a significant role on the fallen angels who are waiting for them.

Except for the one or two individual bad luck ghosts, the other overwhelming majority fallen angels can be said to be unharmed, and watching them just pat their ass and go away, a group of Ghost Riders We have no other way except to look up to the sky and roar and vent the depression in our hearts. This naturally made them full of sorrow from top to bottom.

In this case, some people begin to have no desire to improve, almost venting their own emotions in a frantic bombing. The other people sighed and walked aside in silence. And more people are swearing. All of a sudden, slang words from all parts of the world gathered in one hall, making the already chaotic scene quickly uncontrollable.

At this time, even if Peter wanted to stop, it is estimated that few people would pay attention to him.

He probably understood this in his heart, so he just pressed his own temperament, silently waiting for the situation to calm down.

For him, although such a thing happened, it made people very embarrassed, extremely Abomination. But it is not without any benefits.

First of all, this sudden encounter is enough to wake up all Ghost Riders, and let them clearly understand that apart from that powerful force, what is there with oneself and the real elite team? Kind of gap.

This is a critical issue. Because if you don’t realize this problem, then Ghost Rider and the fallen angels will always be at a disadvantage. Now everyone knows that these winged birds are watching oneself in secret. If this is not able to bridge the gap between them, then it is not certain that they will pay the price in blood.

It is a matter of own life, I believe that these normally bohemian guys will not continue to be willful. And as long as they can understand a little bit more, then the other problem that has been plagued by Peter will be solved.

until now, Peter is facing a very headache for him. That is, although he is nominally the commander of all Ghost Rider, in fact, his ability to mobilize Ghost Rider is not at all as large as it seems.

Ghost Riders will choose acknowledge allegiance under him, the younger generation, on the one hand because of the grand blueprint he promised. On the other hand, it is because of his formidable strength.

In the end, it is the existence of hell, and Ghost Rider has inherited a little hell. Therefore, powerhouse is respected, and the idea of ​​powerhouse as a boss is not surprising among them.

It’s just that, although they recognized Peter as their leader, it doesn’t mean they have to follow Peter’s words.

For them, the name of the leader Peter is more like a nominal thing, just a symbol of their recognition of his status.

Acknowledgment belongs to acknowledgement, and acknowledgment does not mean allegiance. The distance to true allegiance, not only to go through water and tread on fire for him, but also to the point where he was born and died, there is also a big gap in between. And if must use an analogy, it is like the British Imperial Family back then.

The citizens of the Commonwealth of the overwhelming majority will admit that their royal identity is correct, but if you say that the royal family wants them to work for the royal family with an order, just like the king Knight in the story. Forget to die. Then it is estimated that the overwhelming majority of the Commonwealth people will scold their mother for selling critics, and then while calling the royal family and the government idiots, they will find a bar to have fun.

It’s already the age of sashimi. What do you tell them to serve Jun En? Isn’t this a cracking a joke thing?

Of course, Ghost Rider’s idea may not be as realistic as an ordinary person, but in the same way, it is not so easy to make them work for it.

There are two factors, one is external. The ease and freehand brushwork of until now makes Ghost Riders rarely feel pressure, and since there is no pressure, they are naturally willing to maintain the status quo. After all, no one wants multiple uncles on his head.

This is an external factor, and the internal factor is Peter himself.

Be aware that although most Ghost Riders have a bohemian heart. But they are still qualified fighters after all, and as fighters, how could they impossible know the importance of obeying orders. The reason why this situation still occurs is that, in the final analysis, they did not feel the centripetal force unique to the leader in Peter.

Peter couldn’t completely trust them. At the very least, judging by all Peter’s performance so far, he has not yet reached the point where he can make these Ghost Riders dedicated to allegiance.

Peter knows exactly where this is the problem. Charisma, a talent that a good leader must have.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Peter had to admit that if he changed someone else to the own position. For example, Steve Rogers, or even Tony Stark. It is likely that things will be completely different.

The two of them are much better than oneself in this respect. Regardless of the angle of view, oneself, a civilian child born in the New York Queens, is impossible to be a leader.

He is driving the duck to the shelves. But even if he catches the ducks on the shelves, he can only brace oneself. Because he knows a problem well, that is, not at all the second candidate exists in front of this heavy mission.

He is the only choice. So even if he is not the best, for his ideals, he must be full strength.

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