Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1843

In my mind, I almost crazily recalled what happened when oneself was an Avenger. Peter was thinking about what Steve Rogers did and what he would do when he was in this position.

I have to say that Steve is a good role model and an object worthy of his study and respect. If something like that didn’t happen, then he should be the most suitable person for this position. Even as an assistant to him, Peter is happy and will not have any negative thoughts. After all, if it were him, then the current situation should be different, and the realization of their lofty ideals might be higher than they are now.

Ideal is the most important. For him, if abandoning power can achieve his own ideals, then he will definitely have no hesitation. But since the ideal bearer can only be he himself, then he can only learn from such past memories and see if he can use it in the problems faced by oneself.

This is a very testing job. Fortunately, Peter can be regarded as a talent with high IQ after all. And in many ways, although he is a little immature, his potential is huge enough. So as long as he immerses his heart to do it seriously, then there is really no hope that things will not be seen.

If this kind of thing doesn’t even have hope for himself, then there is no need to continue. He had this consciousness, so naturally, he started moving towards this aspect and worked hard to conceive it.

Of course, this is not an overnight event. Peter oneself also understands this, so he is also ready to fight for a long time. But at the moment, although this kind of thing is important, it is not a real priority. The real priority should be the only survivor in oneself’s hands.

Although Ghost Rider was almost beaten by fallen angels before, there is no way to stop them from killing the devil. However, this is not a completely absolute statement. Because these fallen angels do not have the ability to collect the bad luck egg from his hands. Therefore, the only question is whether the survivor in oneself’s hands has any value.

Generally speaking, in this case, it is better to have several people who can extract a confession. In this way, it can be ensured that oneself will not catch any unsuspecting idiots, and secondly, by comparing their testimonies, they can determine whether the situation they reported is correct.

No one is sure that the devil will play this kind of tactics, after all, when it comes to playing with crafty plots and machinations, they must be experts at that level. And if this is what they made a bitter trick, then not much else, these Ghost Riders under oneself may inevitably suffer heavy casualties. For Ghost Rider, which itself is very rare, such a loss may lead to very serious consequences. Even if it is just for the sake of their overall plan, Peter must be cautious in this matter.

The current situation can only be said to be try one’s luck first, first see if he knows the specific information to determine the next action. After thinking about this, Peter immediately picked him up like a chicken, and then fiercely pressed him with a hoarse voice.

“Where is the lord of hell? Where is your master? Say it, and I’ll give you a happy one!”

“Fuck your mother!” The devil just stiffened After taking a hand, he was immediately wailed in pain by Peter’s scorching hellfire. But this moment, he immediately drew off the courage he had finally plucked up and made him begging to Peter quickly. “Spare, spare. I said, I say everything!”

“Where is your master? Say, I won’t give you a second chance!”

“I Say, I said, I said everything. Kozafis Great Commander is now…”

His words just started, and then suddenly, a fiery flame was already Attacked violently. This familiar aura made Peter have no time to react for a while, and when he reacted, the devil who had not had time to speak was completely turned into a ball of coke in the burning of hellfire.

Until he died, he could not tell where the demon leader named Kozafis was. Faced with such a situation, Peter felt uncontrollable anger at first, and then a cold feeling deep in his bones came to his heart.

This impossible is the consequence of a hand error, and what is the impossible unintentional mistake. In the current situation, there is only one possibility for such a thing. That is an inner ghost appeared among them!

He is impossible to feel wrong. In other words, the hellfire power from Ghost Rider is impossible to be imitated by anyone else. The fact is here, even if he wants to quibble in his heart, it is fundamentally impossible. Therefore, he must face this reality. And such a terrifying reality really makes him somewhat unacceptable.

Why did Ghost Rider gather around him? It is because of the hatred of hell, because of everything they have encountered.

The tragic experience of their own past is enough to make them own everything in exchange for the destruction of hell. And this is what he promised to all Ghost Rider. They have an agreement with each other, and this agreement is that they have to give oneself all the strength to support him in completing this grand plan. And if someone chooses to betray at this time, then he not only violated an agreement, but also abandoned own past, own everything.

Peter can hardly imagine what the price would be for a Ghost Rider to make such a choice. He wanted to find out such a traitor, and then in front of him, in front of all the people, questioned him because of what he wanted to do.

He desperately wants to do this, he wants to vent fiercely the emotions inside oneself. But reason stopped him, leaving him no choice to do so in the end.

He can’t let their internal disharmony because of a traitor. It shouldn’t be because of his existence that they would have more suspicion and gaps between them, who were not reliable with each other.

This is the enemy’s trick, he is very sure. In fact, just thinking a little bit in his mind, he can think of this inner ghost confidently showing the reason for the existence of own.

The more he thinks like this, the more Peter feels that oneself cannot make him happy. So at the moment, he already burned the coke in his hand, and then shouted at all the Ghost Riders to give orders.

“Mission failed, we retreat. Next time we will compete again!”

Most Ghost Riders are still immersed in previous failures, unaware that they are by Peter’s side In the end what happened. Although a small group of Knights saw part of the truth, they still closed their own mouth wisely at this time.

While seeing Ghost Rider evacuate with Peter’s order, Randekiel, who has been hiding in the dark, reveals his figure, and then speaks in the direction Peter left. Long sigh of regret.

He lurked in at the risk for more than simply destroying the last evidence. Turning them back together, letting them create a gap, this is what he wants to see most. But from the current situation, things are not as simple as he thought.

Peter is obviously not a character he can manipulate with a little trick. If he wants to weave the snare and trap him, he must have a more elaborate design.

Of course, this is just a small action that oneself has made ingeniously. It’s great to be successful. But if it fails, it won’t have much impact on his overall plan.

In short, this encounter is a very meaningful thing for him. It’s not just that it shattered the conspiracy of mankind and bought extremely precious time for hell. More importantly, it brought oneself into contact with oneself’s fateful enemy and gave him a deeper understanding and understanding of Peter Parker.

This is a smart opponent, which can be seen from his ability to remain calm at this time and make the most favorable judgment for oneself.

There are very few such clever people in hell, especially in ghost places like hell. To deal with those guys, sometimes you don’t even need to do anything, just a simple provocative action can stimulate those idiots to lose their minds.

Peter is obviously different from those guys. This must be very critical, because it means that the fateful battle between him and Peter is not only about fighting strength, but also about fighting wisdom.

Of course, as a wise man who is one of the very best in both hell and heaven, Randekiel is not afraid of this kind of intellectual challenge. On the contrary, if possible, he hopes to decide the final victory only through this kind of struggle.

An old fox that has played with crafty plots and machinations for nearly ten thousand years has no reason to lose to those Small Foxes. After all, this kind of intellectual contest is not just about IQ, but more about accumulated experience and wisdom.

Unfortunately, although this is a wonderful idea, it is not very realistic. So in reality, people like him still have to consider the link of fighting strength.

The not-so-good news is that if the previous prediction of Peter’s strength is divided into one or two Level 3 according to the level of danger, then Peter’s strength is already at the second level. Above, talk about the danger level close to the first.

The duration of the conflict was too short and the battle ended too quickly. However, it was difficult for Dekiel to have sufficient data to make accurate judgments. However, his eyes will not deceive him, nor will his experience deceive. So Peter’s threat will only be higher than his estimate, not less than his estimate.

This is a very bad question. Because it means that once face-to-face life and death contests, he will not necessarily be the opponent of this youngster type.

It sounds a bit fucking, as if oneself has lived on a dog for tens of thousands of years. But Randekiel still firmly believed in the judgment of own. In this regard, he rarely makes mistakes, and he does not think this will be an exception.

So, the key to the problem has been determined. If you want to defeat Peter Parker, a just and honorable duel like the real Knight, that’s the next step. If you want to win, if you want to have the greatest advantage, absolutely possible to win, there is only one way. That is to display crafty plots and machinations.

Tighten his throat with a precise plan like a rope loop little by little, and pierce his chest with the cruelest conspiracy like a poisoned blade. He didn’t give him any chance to fight back, nor did he give him any chance of breathing. One strike certain kill, direct division of life and death, this is the safest way, and the most effective and most suitable way for him.

He has no more choices, or he has no better choices. But after trying to understand this, Randekiel’s sophisticated and vicious brain quickly started running at high speed.

He is very proficient in trickery. But it is precisely because of his proficiency in this that he knows a truth that is ignored by many people. That is to play conspiracy, but also to pay a price and take risks.

It’s not that you can knock your lips up and down and just say a few words to turn others around, or even say that life and death are in your hands.

That is a novelist’s exaggeration, mostly conjecture, or simply bullying others. Just like the old masters and grandchildren juggling oneself’s slaves and maids, they can drive them like dogs, completely because the slaves themselves are their possessions. Just like a peasant woman killing oneself’s domestic chicken, can you say that she murdered the chicken under a conspiracy? This will definitely not work.

crafty plots and machinations, just against opponents on the same level. It’s just for characters that are completely out of control.

It is as if a weak scholar is playing around with a simple man with a big waist. Of course, he was able to deceive this fool for a while with rhetoric. But after that, he also has to bear the risk of this idiot who awakens and fists at him.

People are fists as big as sand bowls, and you are my bones as thin as firewood. So if this fist goes down, it really doesn’t mean you have life.

Returns and risks are always proportional to each other. Only in this way can you be worthy of the treatment of others trying your best to make a fool of yourself. Otherwise, whoever would do his best to do practical things would be foolish.

For Randekiel, since he has decided to use crafty plots and machinations, he is naturally prepared to take all risks. It’s just that he is also hesitating now, hesitating whether oneself should bet everything and play a big ticket.

The current situation is not so good for him. From many perspectives, he is actually at a disadvantage. Especially under the premise that he is not sure of Victor’s specific intentions, he really can’t say that oneself can hold the victory.

For him, counting on Victor is an unrealistic problem. Therefore, in order to ensure that his own ambitions will not fall into vain, he has already started to think of other people.

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