Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1844

Victor’s work has become busy recently.

This aspect is because his game of king is reaching its climax. By exchanging the interests of those capital bureaucrats, he has the ability to infiltrate the own power into those countries and consortiums.

For him, this is a very critical step, and it can even affect the future situation of the entire world. If done properly, he may not be able to achieve greater success than Steve Rogers, who was entrusted by Smith Zhou. In his opinion, nothing is more important than this kind of thing that can win more impression points in front of Smith Zhou. Of course, the trash things in hell are the same.

Priority, this is one aspect of the problem. On the other hand, this is part of his plan.

He didn’t know what Randekiel’s plan was. But he has enough confidence to watch from the sidelines, little by little to see his crafty plots and machinations clearly.

The best way to deal with a conspiracy is to not participate in it. As long as he doesn’t walk into everything other people set up, then no matter what the conspiracy is, it will be invalid for him.

Perhaps at this time, the idiot named Randekiel might be yelling at him. Whenever he thinks of such a scene, Victor’s psychology is always full of different kinds of pleasure.

I don’t know if he killed Mephisto’s repercussions by himself. Now he is always full of challenges for such legendary mythical characters. He always wanted to see the scene of this kind of mythological character falling from the clouds, and if there was any credit for the owner in the middle, then he couldn’t be more satisfied.

Of course, if this is just his own idea, then he might not be able to do so. After all, this is about the overall action. If he is a little hobby and causes the collapse of the whole, then the final result is likely to be where he was buried like garbage.

Like Mephisto lying on the wasteland of United Kingdom now.

However, this is obviously not his own idea. So naturally, he began to observe all the changes in hell according to the special hobby oneself.

However, watching does not mean doing nothing. Although he has decided on the idea of ​​brought trouble to others, as the Chief-In-Charge in this regard, he also must be in order to oneself to explain some of the mistakes in his work. So in addition to the penetration work in Europe, he spent more time on his own inventory.

He needs to know exactly where the error occurred, so that humans can realize their plan, and made such a counterattack against this plan. At the same time, he had to figure out why it was another hell’s high-level person to tell oneself about such an important matter, not the owner’s hand to tell oneself this information.

If it is because of their mistakes that caused humans to do such things in their in front of one’s eyes, then the black-hearted guy must have to pay a price. And if it is because of betrayal, because of their stupid ambition, then the result will only be worse than this.

Unless they are dead, they are dead and clean, and there is no dregs left. Otherwise, no one can save them.

Don’t think Victor is a human being, he doesn’t have the kind of very ruthless that belongs to the devil. You know, if someone like him is really very ruthless, even the devil will not be his opponent. He who hopes that he will not have pity for his kind will leave a way out to a group of demons. It is better to hope that hell will return to peace tomorrow.

And in this almost cold investigation, all the demons in North America ushered in a wave of cleansing.

All those who have been in contact with the United States Government, and all those who may be suspected, were hunted down and killed by the devil under Victor. Although there have been so many tragedies in the process, it is true that many innocent people have died in them. But in the end, Victor still got what he wanted.

An interesting piece of information relates to a character he has followed. The connection in the middle immediately made him recall with interest. In the dead of night and being in his own secret base, he naturally has no scruples. So while looking back, he started talking to himself.

“Paragon sorcerer. Sure enough, how can a person with such a name be such a general generation. Fortunately, I thought that my previous methods had scared her to show up. Didn ‘t expect that she can actually do such a thing in my in front of one’s eyes. This time, I really didn’t lose at all when I lost.”

Although I have already admitted that own failure, But Victor’s expression showed no irritation at all. It can be seen that his heart is quite peaceful. Peace to this seems to be the result he expected.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. In his capacity and position, unless he wants to bring about one’s own destruction, he is absolutely impossible to make even the slightest release of water. There is only one main reason why he can calm down in the face of such a setback, and that’s all.

It is like gambling between a billionaire and a poor gambler. All the chips he puts on are only a small part of his insignificant hand. Of course he can afford to lose, and it doesn’t matter even if he loses a few more times.

He can’t say he keeps losing, he will always win. As long as he can win one, he will be bankrupt. As long as he can win, he will be the final winner. Under such a prerequisite, why should he get angry and lose his temper? There is simply no need for this.

Therefore, Victor was very calm in facing the failure of own. Moreover, he is also ready for another round.

In this round, he wants to give back to him. Because of the summary of the failure, he thought it was the result of Paragon sorcerer hitting him completely unprepared. Oneself simply didn’t regard her as an opponent, but he stabbed oneself from the most unexpected place of oneself with the enemy of own. This kind of holiday can’t be easily put down.

Victor has made up his mind, he must let Paragon sorcerer experience this unexpected surprise for himself. With such a special idea, he quickly used the own relationship and influence to explore everything related to Paragon sorcerer himself.

Monarch of the entire Country, how much power and intelligence network a master of hell can have is a question of course. So it didn’t take long before Victor was already full of everything he wanted to know.

From the people of the same era as Paragon sorcerer, to all the people who had contact with her in modern times. Her friends, her enemies, her students, her followers. It can be said that, except for her Teacher’s identity which is still a mystery, all the information about the person is already in front of him. As Victor reviewed the information one by one, he quickly frowned.

Something was beyond his imagination, or he still underestimated the ability of Paragon sorcerer.

His original idea was to use oneself’s authority inherited from Mephisto to bring back some souls from the world of Death. It can be the soul of Paragon sorcerer’s relatives, or it can be her friend, her most important student. As long as it has enough weight, it doesn’t matter who it is.

And as long as these souls are used as a bargaining chip, he believes that no matter how Paragon sorcerer holds great magical power, it must refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, subject to his . However, what he didn’t expect was that there was no such person.

Of course, this is not to say that Paragon sorcerer is cold and ruthless. There is not even a close person, a guy who jumped out of a rock out of thin air. It is to say that the souls of all these people are protected and hidden in a special way, so that he, a person with the god of death, cannot find their existence.

You can know if you want to use your ass, this is definitely not a natural situation. Among all those who might do so, Paragon Sorcerer himself undoubtedly has the greatest suspicion.

Although he was a little surprised and annoyed by this result, after thinking about it carefully, Victor could also figure out the reason.

You must know that Paragon sorcerer is Ancient One, but it is known as the most powerful sorcerer in human history. It is capable of overwhelming existence by the strength of oneself. As the pinnacle of the Earth mysterious side in the past millennia, the Guardian of the world, she has been cruel to Old Demon like Mephisto.

Of course, there are not many people with such courage, and she is the only one who can live safely with such courage.

Whether there is such a person in the secret past, Victor doesn’t know, but he knows very well that Paragon sorcerer is recognized by the world as having such ability and past. And this is very admirable.

There are many aspects to this admiration.

The first aspect is the will. Of course ordinary people are impossible to do this kind of thing, even if they have the ability. And what Paragon sorcerer did was tantamount to having made up her mind, just like the warrior who was about to leave the battlefield leaving a suicide note to solve the funeral, she was ready to stand alone and fight to the end. From the perspective of her opponents are mostly gods and demons, such a choice is certainly admirable.

Secondly, the meticulous aspect. It is not difficult for a person to think of solving the worries of the future. After all, people’s hearts are grown in flesh. In the face of family, love and friendship, unless you can be cut-off and lonely, it’s really hard to let go of your hands and feet.

This kind of inability to let go does not mean that your relatives and friends will oppose you and restrict you. It means that your enemies will use them as weaknesses to blackmail you.

Imagine that when you face oneself gray-haired old parents, face panic and helpless wives and children, even if you have great ambitions, what can you do? Sigh, to be the meat on somebody’s chopping block that’s all.

Ambitious people should not be bothered by this kind of pickling, so protecting their own weaknesses becomes their only choice.

But if you protect it for a while, it is difficult to protect it for a lifetime. Especially the enemies you face can reach into the world of Death, which is even more difficult to take care of.

The fact before Victor is that Paragon sorcerer has fully protected all her weaknesses, even the souls of those who have died have not been pulled down. This makes Victor very painful.

It’s not that he is incapable of finding these hidden existences, but the experience and time spent in the middle is obviously not proportional to the benefits he can get. When it took him hundreds of years to find the weakness of Paragon sorcerer, it is estimated that the absolute advantage he has established now is almost lost. Others are not stupid, how can they do such a stupid thing. So without the slightest hesitation, he gave up this tempting idea.

The idea of ​​a dead person can’t be defeated, so the rest can only find a way from the living person.

After confirming the idea again, Victor quickly found the right direction. And when he found the right person that oneself liked from the information in front of him, he immediately haha, then put on the own cloak, and he left here silently with the billowing black smoke of the painting.

At this time, in the Rocky mountain range of North America. Mordo Baron, who has already had no desire to improve, is carrying on an ancient business of inheritance.

He is cultivating own dísciple, just like those powerful sorcerers in the past. And the object he is nurturing now is the guy who asked him questions on the last show.

I have to say, this is a very special guy. Because even Mordo Baron oneself didn’t expect that this guy could actually complete his trial that was almost impossible by the standard of an ordinary person with his broken body with a small half of his lung removed after a car accident.

Hike to climb to the top of the Rocky Mountain Range with bare hands. This requires not only a strong physique, but also a strong will. And under the premise that his body is imperfect and impossible to be strong, his will can only do this if he is stronger.

A person with firm will, like a rock of steel. This is a rare occurrence in Mordo. And when he met such a guy who had a strong will and at the same time had a desire for magic, he was naturally like seeing the unpolished jade of pure gold, and he couldn’t help but give birth to a love of talent.

The world of ordinary people is hard to find a good Teacher. In the world of sorcerer, a good dísciple is hard to find.

Paragon sorcerer waited for a thousand years before finding a successor that fits oneself’s heart. From this you can see how rare a good dísciple is.

For Mordo, who majored in melee spells, minored in thunder and thought spells, the guy named Strange who passed the own trial is the best choice for oneself dísciple.

He needs someone to inherit his Legacy. At the same time, he also needs to use his existence to prove a problem.

He wants to tell Paragon sorcerer that the choice she made on the successor of Paragon sorcerer is absolutely wrong, even if it is a dísciple cultivated by oneself, it will definitely be brat than that which is nothing. Be strong.

He wants her to bow her head, he wants her to admit her mistake. She must understand that oneself is her best choice!

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