Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1845

“Listen, Strange. To be a sorcerer, you must have a strong body. Only your body is strong enough to ensure Your body will not become your weakness when the enemy is the enemy. So don’t continue to lie here, pick up your load, and run back and forth for me!”

Strange fell to the ground, motionless like a dead man. Mordo Baron, who positioned oneself as a strict mentor, naturally scolded him ruthlessly.

Of course, while he is so unkind, he has not forgotten to release an Otomu rejuvenation method to Strange’s body that will help him recover his strength and body damage. Otherwise, Estrange’s physical condition may be suddenly killed in such training at any time.

This is not the first time Strange has experienced the help this spell has brought him. It can be said that if it hadn’t been for the existence of this kind of magic, he would have borne the burden long ago.

No matter how good the spell is, you must also have numerology. It’s a pity that you can’t learn spells, but if oneself is tired of sudden death due to learning spells, it can only be said to be sad and ridiculous.

Strange doesn’t know what others think, anyway, he doesn’t want to make oneself a joke. Therefore, the existence of this healing spell is very important. It even said that it has become a key factor for him to stay here.

Of course, with this presence, he would not tell good from bad, thinking that Mordo Baron’s harsh training meant to murder oneself. If there is no such thing, it is not wrong to say that it is murder. But since there is this, then this can only be regarded as a harsh mentor’s cold method at best.

There is no lack of such a cold teacher in humans. The intentions of the overwhelming majority of them are often good. Strange once experienced this in the old professor of the medical school who taught oneself medicine. So he naturally understood Mordo Baron’s kindness.

Although he is a little more inhumane in terms of requirements, he is still friendly to oneself in general. Realizing this kind of friendship, Strandgenius boldly bargained with Mordo Baron.

“Your mentor. You know, it’s only five minutes before I put down that damn tree trunk. Five minutes, even if my body recovers under your spell , My spirit is still in a rather bad state. So, I think the most important thing for me now is to rest.”

“I’m not bargaining with you, Strange.”

Although I also know that the persecution of own is a bit too eager, and at the same time it is too unreasonable. But Mordo Baron still has no idea of ​​changing oneself’s attitude.

Everything he did was for Strange. Only by squeezing the limits of his body can he help him break this limit. And only by breaking this limit can he make Strange stronger and more complete.

A strong sorcerer necessarily requires a strong body. It’s not that all powerful sorcerers should be like this, but it is a necessary prerequisite to reach the top and become a successor of that name.

This is for his good, and since it is for his good, Mordo Baron is of course impossible to allow him to have any objections. So immediately, he gathered lightning in the palm of his own hand, and then slapped Strange ruthlessly.

The power of lightning is not strong, but it is enough to stimulate people’s nerves and make people operate involuntarily in screaming and twitching.

Although Strange has the intention to play tricks, he does not have the determination to continue this kind of thinking. Facing Mordo Baron’s brutality and cruelty, he still obediently and honestly chose to submit.

Of course, this is just a physical submission, not a mouth. It’s as if some people are enjoying themselves physically, but they are saying don’t want it. Although he gave in physically, he still grumbled at Mordo Baron.

“You are forcing, you are committing a crime. I’m serious, if I go to court to sue you, they will definitely take you to jail.”

“Then let them try to catch me, Strange. See if they can catch me, and see if their cell can trap me.”

Not caring about such threats, Mordo Baron responded while already using the authority of oneself’s mentor, adding to the pressure on Strange.

“Penalty, who threatened your instructor. Your training volume will be doubled. You can choose whether to play one back and forth in half the time or run two back and forth. I will not allow You rest in the middle, so this also means that you’d better prepare for the heart and lung lobes to explode together.”

“Oh! Damn, you can’t do this. You can’t do this. It’s murder!”

Strange, who was running, resisted the discomfort of oneself’s lungs, and complained to Mordo Baron. To this, Mordo Baron responded with a sneer, plus an additional instruction.

“No, this can only be regarded as an attempted murder. And by sorcerer’s standards, it doesn’t even qualify as a crime. I admit that my methods are a little harsher, Strand Odd. But you have to know that as your mentor, I have strict requirements for your qualifications. As a student, the very important thing you need to know is that it is best not to question my approach before you question my strength. , Because it’s just asking for hardship.”

“Damn it. If I know how to learn magic, I would rather go to work and earn a sum of money for the operation. At least they will give me anesthesia. Medicine!”

It is still a complaint, but this time the object of complaint is Strange Oneself.

Unlike the overwhelming majority who came to Mordo Baron and were tested by him, Strange looked for Mordo Baron because he thought it was to save he himself and change his fate One way.

Once upon a time, as an excellent surgeon, he led the best life in this country, just like his brother who is also an outstanding doctor. But an accident ended everything he had, and as if knocking him down into the abyss, let him fall into such a field.

The car accident took away half of his lungs, making him tremble and hard to breathe. For a person who has to rely on a scalpel for food, and for a profession that must be able to maintain stability for a long time, such a defect is unacceptable.

Don’t say whether the senior staff of the private hospital where he works can accept such a flawed him, even those patients who would come here in the past are unwilling to hand over their own lives at any time. The doctor who might make a mistake.

So, as a matter of course, the board member of the hospital who prioritizes benefits will choose to sweep him out. They were not even willing to give Strange even a chance to prove the owner, and they had already cruelly turned him away.

For Strange, who was in a catastrophe, this was undoubtedly the last straw that crushed him.

Don’t expect him, who once lived a luxurious and upper-class life, to have any savings to overcome the difficulties in oneself life and start over. Although he lives in a luxurious house, drives a sports car, and wears a famous watch. But all of this is just pre-consumption based on the premise that he is an excellent surgeon.

In other words, if he is still a respected surgeon with a high salary, then of course everything is business as usual. But if he doesn’t have this job, then those banks that support his early spending will not be polite to him.

The operation of capital has always been so realistic, and it is precisely because of this reality that Strange’s life has become more and more miserable.

In order to live, he must work. But with such a severe trauma, he simply couldn’t work like a normal person. Not to mention the delicate work of using a scalpel, even the simplest physical work he could not bear. His lungs did not allow it.

Under the urgency of the bank debt collectors, his house was mortgaged by the bank, his car and famous watches were sold off, and everything he once owned no longer belonged to he. He can only lead the welfare of the country like a vagrant, squeeze in a dirty and cramped public rental housing, and maintain his own life with an impossible long-term job.

Compared with his previous life, this life is like hell. As a person in hell, he naturally does not want to crawl out of it all the time.

Of course, this is not impossible. Because as early as when he was in the accident, his brother, who was also a doctor but was more inclined to serve the public, had already suggested a plan to him.

He told Strange that their hospital had a mature nanotechnology that could use a certain Nanominium to reshape a lung for him. Although it has not been fully disclosed to the public, it has achieved remarkable results in clinical trials.

In theory, this suggestion should be regarded as a life-saving straw in Strange’s eyes. But the actual situation is that he snort disdainfully to oneself brother’s suggestion.

This aspect is because the ruthlessness of capital has completely chilled the heart, so that he has begun to hostile all companies and enterprises with capital nature, including the reputable company where his brother is located. .

On the other hand, he really doesn’t have much confidence in this so-called new clinical technology.

As a former surgeon, he knows what his own condition is like. Although his brother repeatedly mentioned several successful cases when communicating with him, in his opinion, these cases simply do not have comparability with him.

Those few people are just arms and legs, no matter how bad they are, they are just eyes. It’s just like changing the prosthetic limbs and eyes, even if there is any medical problem, it is just a matter of easy removal for them. But oneself is different, what oneself wants to shape is the internal organs, one of the most important organs of the human body. If there is any rejection reaction, then it is not a matter of simply removing it, it will really be fatal.

Although life is very difficult, Strange did not have no desire to improve to the point where he wanted to kill his life. So naturally, he rejected the kindness of oneself brother, and put his own hopes on magic.

This is not a choice of trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis. Although as a surgeon, a stalwart supporter of science, it sounds absurd to not believe in science and technology, but to believe in these ridiculous things, Strange has his own. The reason is.

He has witnessed Gods Vestige.

It’s not those fancy magic, nor the superpower of flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, but the real Gods Vestige, which really makes people feel great miracles.

That was years ago. At that time, New York was still alive and Strange was still worrying about the incurable disease. And at this time, the huge God, which represents endless light, appeared on this World for the first time.

He brought Gods Vestige like the gospel in the Bible. And everyone who is bathed in this gospel enjoys the grace from God. The patients, the pains, and all the injuries that made the doctor feel thorny and helpless are like snow exposed to the sun, melted and clean by the gift of the giant god.

There is no doubt that he has given new life to many people. This is his most intuitive feeling as a doctor. Even if he does not believe in him, he will have absolute respect for this great existence because of such good deeds. So sometimes, he really couldn’t understand the guys who vilified and protested against such an existence.

You, or your relatives and friends, got a new life because of him, and because of his protection, you can live safely on Earth. So, what qualifications do you have to speak out against him? Or do you really think that oneself is the master of everything in this world?

After all, they are the upper-class people who have fallen into the class of fools. The way Strange looks at things is different from those of fools. And it is precisely because of his sufficiently objective thinking that he regards magic as an own way out.

Don’t ask for Gods Vestige, who can appear like the king of Ming, who is close to the gospel, but at the very least, it is possible to redeem oneself.

Strange had this idea at the beginning, but he really didn’t expect that this road of self-salvation would be so difficult.

If he had known this long ago, he would have been impossible to suffer this sin. Because today, nano-neuron technology has been affirmed by the industry. Apart from the large amount of surgical fees, there is nothing to question.

Before, he was just a little embarrassed, and happened to meet Mordo Baron, the savior. But now, he is really better than admitting mistakes obediently and honestly.

Don’t you just bow your head? What’s so hard about bowing your head. It’s like now, you just want to bow your head, I am afraid it is impossible for you.

Mordo Baron is not a good talker. If you want him to let you go, it is really a very difficult thing!

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