Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1846

Recognizing reality clearly, Strange also learned to recognize fate. Therefore, even if he had regretted oneself’s current choice, he still clenched his teeth and persisted.

Many people will regret later as an excuse to choose to give up, but he will not. Because he understands a truth, that is to give up at this time, he may really have nothing.

In order to get such an opportunity, he has paid a very high price. He has no reason to let everything oneself paid for nothing because of a little regret.

Be aware that this road is not the kind of dead end that will go to the end. There are countless predecessors walking in front of him, and they have also proved that going down this road will be a unique broad and open road.

As long as he perseveres, he can get what oneself wants, and even say, get something oneself could not imagine in the past. Unless such a thing is a fool, who would choose to give up at this time.

He is now not so much complaining, as he uses this complaint to divert his own attention. If he was allowed to endure this kind of hardship and suffering in silence, he would really go crazy.

In the face of his immature practice, Mordo Baron shook his head and sighed, but there was nothing to stop him.

Although he is a bit staid and conservative in character, this does not mean that he can’t clearly see the changes of the times.

People in this era have long been different from his original era. In the face of tough oppression, they will not always submit to humiliation.

Free thought and free will always make them full of disgust and Abomination towards all forms of oppression. If you don’t have a good channel to deal with this emotion, then even if your intention is for their good, the final result is likely to be a tragic situation that caught fire.

Mordo Baron wants an apprentice who is one with him, not an enemy who cannot coexist. So of course, he will hold on to this.

What can be done, and what cannot be done. He still thought very clearly in his heart. And it is precisely because of the existence of this idea that he will be more and more full of expectations.

Sometimes, the more you care about a person, the more you put your effort into him, the more you will look forward to him.

It’s like raising a husky, knowing that this is a silly dog, a hopeless demolition office, but you still can’t help but expect it, hope it Able to guard oneself and be a good dog in all aspects.

This sounds a bit extravagant, but it may not be entirely extravagant. Because it is really hard to tell what kind of talent is. He may be an Insect, but it may also be a dragon. If you don’t push him a bit, it’s really difficult for you to know how much potential he has.

In Mordo Baron’s view, Strange undoubtedly has Jackie Chan’s potential, so naturally, he will do whatever it takes to force this potential out.

The current training method shows that the white point is just the beginning. Had it not been for Strange’s physical problems, Mordo Baron would have made him more difficult. And seeing Strange’s resistance from the very beginning to the present surrender, from the almost unaffordable heaviness to the current habit. Mordo Baron has already had the time to start thinking of adding meals to him.

It’s a little tight on time, or Mordo Baron is a little hasty. But since he would have such an idea, he naturally has his reasons.

Because his expectations of Strange are not ordinary high, but he hopes to use Strange to defeat the brat of the Stark family, so as to prove that Paragon sorcerer is doing oneself successor. A wrong choice.

To do this, the effort he and Strange need to put in is not a little bit.

As a teacher, there is a big gap between him and Paragon sorcerer. If Paragon sorcerer is all-encompassing and omnipotent in terms of spells, then he can only be regarded as a guy who is proficient in some areas, and at most he is 34 points.

A good mentor often determines the upper limit that a student can achieve in the early stage. This is like the difference between handing a newly enrolled child to a famous teacher and a college graduate who knows nothing. The experience and accumulation are different, and the students handed in will naturally differ.

This is difficult to make up for. Because you really can’t ask Mordo Baron to catch up with Paragon sorcerer level in such a short time. Let alone the accumulation of spells in the middle hundreds of years, he is far behind Ancient One, a genius that has only been seen for thousands of years.

At his age, sorcerer has basically reached bottleneck. Want to go further. It’s really not that easy. Therefore, instead of opening the breakthrough port from him and catching up with the gap between the two sides, it is better to change to a breakthrough port and start from Strange and Frank.

These two people are just just entered apprentices. Even if there is a gap between them, the gap is extremely limited.

Frank wins in resources and talent. Although Mordo Baron was reluctant to admit it, he also had to admit that the brat from the Stark family had far more intelligence and aptitude than ordinary people.

It is not exaggerated to praise him as an uncut diamond. It is even said that in the eyes of those sorcerers, his value is even greater than that of a waiting diamond.

Can meet but not ask for, it is this kind of apprentice with extraordinary talent. And if ordinary people want to compare with them, in the end it will be nothing more than an inviting humiliation to oneself.

Although Mordo Baron is optimistic about Strange’s aptitude, he does not arrogantly think that Strange can put Frank’s enchanting genius under him. To make an analogy, if Strange is the mixed element iron in Supreme Taoist Eight Trigrams Furnace, then Frank is the sky-filling stone made by Innate Earth. The two are really not of the same level.

Forcibly driving two people to race on a track is just inviting humiliation to oneself. Even further, it is very possible to destroy the apprentice Strange.

This is not what Mordo Baron wants to see. But let him just admit defeat, he didn’t want to. Therefore, after thinking and thinking, he formulated a special cultivation plan for Strange.

Learn to meditate? Start with basic knowledge to teach Strange to explore the essence of magic, and then look at his interests, hobby, formulate a research direction for him, let him gradually appreciate the grandeur of the magical world?

No! Although this is the most orthodox sorcerer education system, it is not the most suitable choice for Strange’s current situation. If we follow such a step to nurture Strange, then even if he can be nurtured into a qualified sorcerer, he will not be impossible to surpass Frank’s hope in his life.

For Mordo Baron, who is striving to make him surpass Frank, this is the most unacceptable situation.

So, he gave up the conventional orthodox method, and instead used the evil way he used to snort disdainfully and took a shortcut.

The shortcut is that he used his own experience to complete Strange’s sorcerer model road.

It is different from ordinary sorcerers who start from the basics and start little by little step by step. Mordo Baron from the very beginning taught Strange the deepest and most dangerous part of the spell.

Buddhism Secret Sect’s great power Heavenly Dragon demonization method plus the lost secret method of Hinduism—Asura Vajra Tantra. Enough to make up for the huge gap between Strange and Frank.

Be aware that these two profound spells are not general. The former is the Secret Sect monk subdue the evil dragon, engraving his body with the dragon bone as a charm, and at the critical moment, the dragon soul is stimulated by the spell, turning into a mighty Heavenly Dragon subdue monsters and defeat demons powerful spell.

The latter uses the Asura blood as a guide, and uses the power of Yoga Tantra to open up its own life wheel, so that it evolves toward the mythical Asura, and evolves the special magic of Asura golden body.

According to Kamar-Taj’s original standards, these two spells can be considered sorcery. Not to mention whether ordinary apprentices are qualified for cultivation, even if they do, after realizing the difficulties they will encounter in the spell of cultivation, most of them will retreat and dare not go beyond the thunder pool.

Because whether it is a dragon or Asura, it is a divine object higher than human beings. To gain their power, you must defeat their soul, their will. The pain is second, the key is this kind of soul struggle. Once it fails, it is truly die without a burial site.

Sorcerer are pursuing the truth of magic. It’s not an excitement. So naturally, such spells were put on the high pavilion, becoming a sorcery enclosed in dust.

And if it weren’t for oneself’s thesis on sorcerer melee combat, Mordo Baron might not have thought of these two dusty spells.

As early as when conceiving the road of oneself sorcerer, Mordo Baron had already made a sufficiently far-reaching vision for the road of own model. In his opinion, many of the spells he learned were actually incompatible with his core spell system.

His core is composed of melee attacks. This kind of spell has large formidable power and is quick to cast. It is the easiest and most practical type of spell. However, its requirements for physical fitness are a huge flaw.

Mordo Baron is a figure who has received professional martial arts training and is also a Grandmaster Rank. His physical fitness is already Peak among humans. But that’s it, when he faced those powerful demons, it was hard to say what advantage he could occupy.

This is not to say that there is something wrong with the path he chose, but his own physical fitness limits the performance of this sorcerer model path.

When confronting a powerful enemy, the physical quality of human beings cannot compete with the enemy’s rare beast general physique. There are ten successful husbands, 7-Layer must be placed on the protection of oneself. Unless it is the determination to perish together, it is really difficult to go down the path of melee Sorcerer. At this point, even if Mordo Baron has specifically learned telekinesis spells as an aid, it is difficult to solve the problem.

telekinesis can only provide him with a certain degree of protection and support, and cannot replace the role that a powerful body can play. If you want to maximize the formidable power of melee spells, then a more powerful body is absolutely indispensable.

In other words, if you can’t make the own body stronger, then you’d better switch to a different path and choose another path to the sorcerer model.

As the creator of this Sect, Kamar-Taj was the first sorcerer to embark on this model road. Mordo Baron is certainly not reconciled to such a result.

It’s not that he can’t change the path, but in his identity, his arrogance, how he is unwilling to admit that his own choice is wrong and a failure.

If he admits it, doesn’t it mean that he is to lead people astray? If he admits it, isn’t he going to become a laughingstock in sorcerer? Mordo Baron, who has always positioned oneself above the successor of Paragon sorcerer, is of course impossible to let this happen to own. So naturally, he began to take a sigh of relief, desperately studying in this dead end.

And there is a saying that Huangtian pays off, and he has studied for decades. After all, let him find a way out from the books left by Kamar-Taj.

The Asura Vajra Tantra is the key he has found to maintain his model path.

Asura is a very powerful god in Indian mythology. They are naturally violent and have amazing physiques. In Indian mythology, it even went against the Heaven Realm and attacked the record of heaven and man.

As long as they can get their fleshly body strength, not much else, it is not a problem to rely on the bonus of melee spells to turn over one or two old gods and demons. However, the problem lies here. It is not so easy to get the power of Asura.

Asura is born to be warlike, and that bloody violence is carried in them in the bones, hidden in their souls. It is true that the Asura Vajra Tantra is the power that can bring you Asura. But at the same time, it will also inject Asura’s madness into your body, making you mad and bloody to death.

Such a negative influence, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an evil method. And even the most minded sorcerer will not try such a risk because of the experiment.

Mordo Baron is no exception. This is why he has found a solution, but has not used oneself for so many years.

He thought of many ways to solve this problem, but he felt that it was not safe enough. After all, the sorcerer’s sophistication is there, and without full assurance, he dare not take unnecessary risks.

It can be said that until now he kept the subject of own in a state of shelving, and never dared to venture into it. But this time, he was determined to break the principle of own and carry on the subject of own on Strange.

With the mighty Heavenly Dragon’s dragon soul to contain Asura’s ferocious viciousness, it will be able to overcome countless tedious stages and directly create a great sorcerer stronger than gods and demons. If it fails, with own protection, Strange will not worry about his life.

This is the best shortcut. Although I am a little sorry for Strange. But he has no better choice.

After all, everything oneself does is for his own good, so I believe he will forgive own even if he knows it.

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