Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1847

As a mentor, you must have a clear plan for the development of oneself apprentices.

Mordo Baron, who has already made a complete plan for Strange, has now begun to think about the issue of engraving the dragon soul for him.

The dragon soul should be engraved sooner rather than later, because a key issue is that he needs to run in with the dragon soul. Although Dawei Heavenly Dragon’s magic spell reduction method is not a spell suitable for the beginning Scholar, but with his guarantee and protect on the side, it is not impossible.

Once the dragon soul is successfully surrendered, then as Strange’s own mana increases, the dragon soul on his body will become more powerful. And only if the dragon soul is strong enough, can it help Strange defeat the fierceness of Asura.

It can be said that Mordo Baron has considered all the problems that Strange faces. And now, he thinks that the core question is, what kind of dragon soul he should choose for Strange as the foundation of his great Heavenly Dragon secret law.

As the Secret Sect spell, the so-called Dawei Heavenly Dragon secret method has an inseparable connection with the most original Buddhism and India. In Indian mythology, the so-called dragon is quite different from the dragons in other myths.

The dragons in other myths are Divine Beast and demonic beast, which have great power. In Indian mythology, a slightly larger python is qualified to be called a dragon.

The original form of the Heavenly Dragon secret method actually uses such a python as the core. But to be honest, if Mordo Baron had chosen such a dragon soul for Strange, then he would never have to think that Strange could defeat Frank in his entire life.

The foundation is already rotten, and Frank, who wants to win a good hand of others, has this idea. He might as well expect Paragon sorcerer to have mercy on him and give him his own name. a little.

Mordo Baron is still very realistic in this regard, so he eliminated this worst setting from the very beginning, and instead set his goal in two different directions.

One is True Dragon of Oriental Heaven Realm. There is no doubt that True Dragon is definitely the most suitable choice for Dawei Heavenly Dragon to reduce the magic secret method. If he can find a True Dragon dragon soul as Strange’s guardian dragon soul, then surrendering the viciousness of Asura is a sure thing. However, it is a pity that True Dragon has long since disappeared on Earth. Unless he can get involved in the mysterious and unfathomable sky within the realm, otherwise he wants to find a True Dragon, which is actually not much different from to find a needle in a haystack.

Mordo Baron doesn’t think that oneself can be so lucky, so naturally, he put his own goal on another choice.

The dargon. One of the most famous evil creatures in Western mythology. As a powerful creature with the name of a dragon, they can also be made into a protector Heavenly Dragon by the mighty Heavenly Dragon secret method. And compared to the True Dragon of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, while the evil dragon has traces to follow, its formidable power may not be much inferior to True Dragon. In terms of selectivity, the evil dragon is definitely the best choice.

However, there are many types of evil dragons. It is not so easy to choose the most suitable one.

Kamar-Taj is located in the Sanctum of the New York ruins and there is also a dragon soul of a green dragon sealed. Considering the weakness of the Green Dragon, Mordo didn’t really want to deliver it to Strange. If time is too late, he even wants to break into the different planes recorded in the Kamar-Taj document to see if he can find a more powerful dragon species from it. However, time and time constraints made it very difficult for him to put the idea of ​​own into practical actions.

He is still hesitating whether to do this. When he hesitated, an unfamiliar voice suddenly rang from his ears.

“Is this your apprentice? Sir Mordo! It seems that he is not a good student. A student who can make Teacher so worried must have no amazing skills in magic. So if If you need it, I might be able to introduce you to a better candidate?”

Mordo Baron was shocked at the sudden sound. Then he suddenly thought about the direction of the sound and looked around. The green cloak, the cast iron mask, the hoarse voice like a matte. While all this made him feel strange, it also made him feel frightened and nervous.

He has never seen Victor, but he has heard of such a guy from Ancient One sorcerer. In the face of today’s Lord of Hell, even a self-esteem like Mordo Baron couldn’t help but tremble in his heart.

Let him sternly denounce Victor as a heretical path of the devils like a character in a movie, and then take action on it. He has no such guts. In fact, if it were not for Strange’s life safety, I am afraid he would have opened the Teleportation Portal and escaped.

Strange became his weakness, so he had to face this terrifying existence. As if to maintain the dignity of the owner, he forcibly straightened the back of the owner, then said to Victor with a silent face.

“I know you, the new lord of hell. You dare to appear just and honorable in front of Kamar-Taj sorcerer. Are you not afraid to attract Paragon sorcerer’s anger?”

“Paragon sorcerer’s anger? Seriously, I really want to see it. If she dared to show up in front of me, I would be happy to have a close contact with her. But I think she shouldn’t be like this Courage?”

Haha smiled, Victor not at all took Mordo Baron’s threat as one thing taking seriously. He ridiculed a few words casually, already shifting the topic to Mordo Baron.

“Okay, don’t be nervous, and don’t want to move out of the Paragon sorcerer name to scare me. You and I know it’s useless to me. And to be honest, Sir, I’m not at you all what malice. If I came here with hostility, believe me, you won’t have any chance to say this to me here!”

Although Victor at this time showed Full of kindness, but to be honest, his identity is there after all, and Mordo Baron is impossible to believe in the sweet words of a lord of hell.

He treated this as a sugar-coated cannonball. Although there is a breath of expression on his face, in his heart, he has quietly lifted his own heart.

“What do you want to do? Don’t tell me that the master of hell came to me just to show his kindness. I don’t think you have such kindness. Similarly, I don’t think you will come here. What’s a good thing!”

“This is not necessarily.” Shaking his head, Victor looked towards Mordo Baron in front of oneself with a playful look. “You know, I was also a sorcerer. So I know very well what the name of Paragon sorcerer means to you people of Kamar-Taj. As far as I know, you used to be one of Kamar-Taj’s highest order sorcerers. At the same time, It is also the adopted son of her Paragon sorcerer since childhood. It stands to reason that you are her best successor. But now, she has left you in the world and entered hell alone. Think about it carefully, what do you think this means What?”

“I don’t know what it means, and I don’t think it will have anything to do with you. If you want to use this thing to provoke me and Paragon sorcerer In terms of relationship, then I can only tell you that your abacus is wrong. The relationship between Paragon sorcerer and I cannot be provoked by you in a few words.”

Finally, I heard Victor. Mordo Baron felt relieved, but at the same time he resolutely refused.

He did not dare to show even the slightest dissatisfaction with Paragon sorcerer in front of Victor. Because he knows very well that doing so will be caught in a weak spot, making oneself his tool to deal with Paragon sorcerer.

Although he now has an unsolvable grievance for his choice of Paragon sorcerer, this does not mean that he will be willing to help an outsider to deal with the own Teacher.

The problem of oneself’s family is the problem of oneself’s family. If outsiders are allowed to participate, the nature will change. Although using external forces, it is indeed possible to bring him unimaginable benefits. But as the orthodox sorcerer of Kamar-Taj, he would never give birth to such an idea that he shouldn’t have.

The devil’s heresy can’t confuse him, he insists on this idea in his heart. Hehe sneered at Victor when he said this.

“You can assume that I am instigating your relationship, Sir Mordo. But you can’t deny that all I’ve said are the truth. If Paragon sorcerer is really optimistic about you and treat you As her heir. Then you either have to be protected by her now, or you have to assume extraordinary responsibilities under her arrangement.”

“After all, what she did was to invade hell. , A great cause that human beings have never achieved in history. Whether it is cutting off one’s means of retreat to let you join in, or to protect you with the idea of ​​keeping the fire, it is more than the present kind of almost exile. It’s okay to ignore the attitude. Look at what you are doing, Sir Mordo. Train a worthless apprentice? In this old forest in the deep mountains, like a hyena driven out of the race, licking the wound alone, wailing alone? I can see it as an outsider, sir. Although I don’t know what the lucky guy was to get you out of the game, you have lost the qualification to inherit the Paragon sorcerer, have you? Isn’t it uncomfortable to feel like this? In that case, haven’t you thought about changing all of this?”

Although it is clear in my heart, Victor’s remarks are definitely harboring malicious intentions and contain evil intentions. But after hearing his speculation and narration, Mordo Baron couldn’t help but burst into flames of anger and jealousy from deep in one’s heart.

For Paragon sorcerer’s determination, he has never agreed with it in his heart. Because he always firmly believes that there is a problem, that is, he is the best successor to Paragon sorcerer.

On experience, on qualifications, on ability. He is no better than the brat of the Stark family. But Paragon Sorcerer passed him by chance and chose the brat with no full hair. This is naturally something that makes him unacceptable no matter what he thinks.

People fight for a breath, Buddha fights for 5 minutes. He went to this deep mountain and old forest to fight for this breath, and proved to Paragon sorcerer that not choosing oneself was her biggest mistake.

He is still undying. But now that this undying thought was caught by Victor, he naturally fell into a passive state.

There is a saying that no secret words are spoken in front of Ming people. Victor had clearly seen something. If oneself slapped him with sloppy eyes, it would not only fool him, but also oneself.

No matter what angle you look at, this will not be any wise thing. So after hesitating for a while, he forced his face and said this to him with a strong attitude.

“This is my business. Myself can solve it, so I won’t bother you!”

“Oh, you yourself can solve it? Please forgive me for offense, I am true I don’t quite understand where you say this is your confidence?”

When Mordo Baron clearly rejected it, Victor would naturally no longer be kind to him. He was coldly chuckling, his face almost covered with disdain.

“Let me guess what you think. You are hiding in this deep mountain and old forest, with a physically handicapped apprentice, training him in a cruel way. I think this should be It’s not your unique way of venting oneself’s inner dissatisfaction. If not, then let me make a bold estimate. Do you put oneself’s hope of turning back on this apprentice?”

“A beginner Scholar . But you can be entrusted with such an important task. Then I think, I am afraid that the heir selected by Paragon sorcerer will not be a famous person. A nobody? Or simply a newcomer who knows nothing? Probably only. Only then can the explanation make sense. Why do you still have a leisurely mind to cultivate a dísciple at this time. You want to use him to prove that Paragon sorcerer’s vision is wrong, and then win a glimmer of survival for oneself, right?”

Only based on what oneself saw and the subtle connections between those characters, Victor had already guessed Mordo Baron’s intentions. And this was as it should be by rights that made Mordo’s heart frightened.

He doesn’t think this is where Victor heard something. Because the whole thing except he himself, even Strange, who was the party involved, didn’t know about it. Mordo has never told oneself’s idea, and this means that Victor can guess his idea pretty close, relying only on his own wisdom and his contemplation of the human heart.

When such a guy is placed in front of anyone, he will feel a sense of shame and panic. Mordo is no exception.

And when he looked towards Victor with a shocked look on his face. Victor already mocked him rudely.

“Innocent and naive, if you want to win the Paragon sorcerer name with this kind of idea, then I advise you to give up as soon as possible. The province will become a joke in others’ mouths!”


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