Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1849

Unilateral requirements never give good results. This can be seen from all corners of society.

Like those bastard bosses we see in our daily lives, no matter how tricky they are, no matter how crazy they squeeze you, they will not be stingy to the point of not paying their employees. Of course, it’s not that no bastard Boss has never done this. It’s just that, everyone who does this is basically cold.

Victor can be regarded as a qualified Boss. So he knew very well that Mordo Baron asked oneself at this time what he wanted in such a red word. It was just a promise, and it was not an unaffordable price for him. So naturally, he said this to Mordo Baron very generously.

“What can I give you? This is a very interesting question. Compared to this question, I would rather you tell me what you want?”

The lord of hell, whether in the world or hell, holds the existence of great power. He is indeed qualified to write such a blank check. Mordo Baron just thought about such a condition he offered, and he already unceremoniously asked for it.

“I want you to support me as the new Paragon sorcerer. This should not be a problem!”

“Of course, it should be. As long as you can help me remove If you drop the Ancient One sorcerer, then Paragon sorcerer’s successor is of course you. And as long as I support you behind, I believe other people will not doubt your identity.”

This was originally Victor’s main purpose, so he naturally agreed without any pressure. And seeing him respond so happily, Mordo Baron twitched the muscles on his face, but also offered him another condition.

“In addition, I also want you to give me two things.”

“Oh? Let me tell you. If I can give you, I will give you. I’m not a stingy person in this regard!”

With a slightly raised brow, Victor made a reserved promise to Mordo Baron’s lion’s big mouth.

In his opinion, Mordo Baron’s extra conditions at this time cannot be considered a wise move. If he is smart enough, he should know that mentioning such redundant conditions under the circumstances of unequal identities will only consume his insignificant weight.

It’s not that the conditions can’t be mentioned, but the timing is wrong. However, from Victor’s point of view, this is not necessarily a bad thing. At the very least, he can put his heart at ease with such an idiot, and don’t have to worry about what kind of trick he plays in the middle.

For a while, Victor thought a lot. But for these problems he thought, Mordo Baron would not take seriously. All he cared about was Victor’s answer, and since he had already got the answer oneself wanted, he naturally said what oneself wanted.

“First, I want the book of the Necropolis. I know the original book is sealed in hell, and I want it. Or if you want me to do this with you For a deal, I have to get it.”

“Book of the Necromancer?”

Although I am prepared for the bleeding. But after hearing Mordo Baron’s request, Victor couldn’t help but rubbed his teeth.

The book of the dead, originally called “Al Ajif”. It is the ultimate witch book written by the Arabian crazy poet Abdul Al-Hazad on parchment. As the most outstanding Middle Eastern sorcerer at the time, Al Hazad used astrology and astronomy knowledge and the depths of the stars eclectically. The indescribable in the endless darkness got in touch. He was eroded by these alien Gods and became crazy. And it is precisely because of this erosion that he created the Book of Necromancy, which records countless horrible black magic forbidden books.

According to legend, shortly after writing this book, Al Hazad was swallowed by an invisible monster on the streets of Damascus. Some people say that this is the result of the backlash of the chaotic black magic in the Book of the Dead; others say that this is the dark and chaotic power that the devil in hell covets.

As the lord of hell, Victor certainly knew the answer was the latter. In fact, it was Mephisto’s personal actions that made Al Hazad, the bad luck egg that was almost turned into an apostle of the Ability God, completely disappeared from Earth.

As the author of the Necronomicon Book, Al Hazad is more than just a mad poet. Before writing this book, he was already a well-known sorcerer in the Middle East. After that, he will only become stronger, eroded by the different divine force.

The power from the unnamed god caused a fundamental change in his life form. Perhaps on the surface, this mad poet still looks like a human, but in essence, what he is, I am afraid that even God and the devil can’t say very clearly.

And if such a guy is allowed to continue to exist, whether it is for humans, or for the devil and God, will not be a happy thing.

Humanity is impossible to allow this chaotic and dark power to spread on the own territory, because that is likely to lead to the collapse and extinction of civilization. In the same way, God and the devil are also impossible to allow such things to wreak havoc in the world, because this is tantamount to throwing a mouse feces in a pot of soup, making the feast that was originally a delicious feast turned into a stench的潲水.

They all plan to do something, and among these people, Mephisto of wily old fox is undoubtedly the fastest one.

He who took action to solve this big problem himself must have also included the most valuable spoils of war in his pocket. The original handwritten copy of the Book of Necronomicon was brought into hell by him and became one of his many precious collections. Of course, in order to fool those who are also coveting this witchcraft forbidden classic, he also used some small tricks and scattered some scattered translations around the world. And that’s why Mordo Baron would know this witchcraft ban.

Kamar-Taj contains fragmented translations of the Necronomicon book. And even if this is an incomplete translation, the powerful Power of Darkness it possesses is enough to move any sorcerer with a profound cultivation base. It can be said that this translation can be regarded as a true forbidden technique when compared with the Heavenly Dragon secret technique and the Asura Yoga Tantra.

In the history of Kamar-Taj, there has been a forbidden technique of cultivation without permission, which caused oneself to become a human, ghost and ghost sorcerer. At that time, Kamar-Taj also paid a lot of money to get rid of this misguided sorcerer.

Mordo Baron has participated in that kind of internal battle, so he knows exactly how powerful the Necronomicon Book is. Although, the mental invasion brought about by the Necronomicon Book will be a very serious problem. But out of the desire for power and self-confidence, he still hopes to obtain the most powerful black magic forbidden in history from Victor’s hands.

This is an opportunity for him to promote own, and it is also the easiest way. After recognizing the key factors that Victor said, he understood a very serious problem, that is, his own strength is really more important than any problem.

If he is strong enough, Paragon sorcerer is absolutely impossible to ignore him so much, and even say to give him up. And if he is strong enough, then even the lord of hell is impossible to threaten him as straightforwardly as it is today.

Weakness is the original sin, and he has never realized this truth more clearly than today. And it was this soberness that made him make such a decision desperately.

Book of Necromancers. He is bound to get it. If he can’t get this treasure that can make him stronger, then even if he cooperates with Victor, he is just a puppet in his hands. In this case, he really didn’t want to see it at all.

He hopes that oneself can truly dominate everything, instead of being moved around like a dispensable object. After being fed up with all this, he must get rid of this damn shackle anyway.

Victor doesn’t understand Mordo Baron’s paranoia at this moment. But he can see that if oneself at this time chooses to refuse, then the guy in front of him really has the possibility of turning his back on him.

For a treasure, the own plan collapsed, which is obviously not worthwhile. So after thinking and thinking, he was still nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

“If you are sure that you can control this dark and chaotic witchcraft forbidden canon, then it is not impossible for me to give it to you. In short, I agree. Now, you can Tell me about your second request.”

“My second request?”

It seems that Victor’s refreshment made him a little unexpected, Mordo Baron is slightly After being sluggish, he uttered the second request that oneself had expected.

“My second request is that I want to get a lord-level dragon soul from hell! Although Evil Spirit does not produce dragons in hell, since ancient times I was beaten There are many evil dragons in hell. I think dragons are inherently strong. They want to live until now, and it should be not too difficult for them to become the lord of hell. Of course, if you don’t If I am willing, then I can also accept the lava dragon produced by the anxious hell. I only need a dragon soul, no matter where it comes from. As long as it is strong enough, it can meet my conditions!”

Existence is a treasure that is rare enough even for the Lord of Hell. On the one hand, the rarity of dragons has already destined them to be rare. On the other hand, dragons that are extremely powerful in themselves are the most outstanding group even if they are in hell.

Even if the soul is reborn in the Evil Spirit hell, the Evil Spirit and the devil incarnation of the dragon will be much stronger than the ordinary Evil Spirit devil. And as long as they work a little harder, they can completely become the upper level in hell, the mainstay of the entire hell battle strength.

In other words, if Victor agrees to Mordo Baron’s request, then he is equivalent to destroying the foundation.

Seriously speaking, this is really a painful thing. But Victor, who was not very good at rejecting this kind of thing, really couldn’t say any excuses. So after a little hesitation, he just started asking Mordo.

“I don’t understand. If the Necronomicon Book can be a way to enhance your strength, what about the Dragon Soul? What do you want it to do?”

“This is not for I used it, but it was for him!”

shook the head, Mordo Baron pointed his own hand at the halfway point of the mountain. Although no specific figure was visible, Victor knew clearly that he was referring to his apprentice who had been eliminated by oneself. It was precisely because of this that he couldn’t accept Mordo Baron’s request even more.

“You want the dragon soul from me just to give him? Sir Mordo, is there something wrong with you. Do you really think that the benefits he can bring to you will Is it bigger than the dragon I lost? In my opinion, you simply do not have the need to value him. When you become a Paragon sorcerer, those dísciples with talents out of the ordinary are up to you to choose. You simply are not so. It is necessary to hang him on a tree. If you can’t give up him because of emotional fetters, then I can do it for you and wipe him out of your life completely!”

“No, you don’t understand!”

One sentence rejected Victor’s seemingly wise suggestion, and a meaningful expression slowly appeared on Mordo Baron’s face. He wants to do this, of course, there is his reason. In the face of Victor, who has become his partner, he naturally does not hesitate to give the idea of ​​own to the public.

“This apprentice is more than just an apprentice for me. He represents the path I wanted to walk but did not follow. It is a model path that belongs to myself alone. Don’t look at him. The talent is average, but his own will is enough to make people commendable. As long as I can mold him into an excellent sorcerer, then this also means that I can open up a way for overwhelming majority mortals to be promoted to a sorcerer The road. And this will eventually become my foundation, the capital and power for me to rebuild Kamar-Taj and control all the sorcerers.”

“His strength is my strength. Just imagine, when When he became a Peak’s sorcerer and helped our plan as my right-hand man. Do you still think that his importance is higher than the dragon soul you provided?”

The impeccable reason made Victor hardly find any excuse to refuse. In fact, after listening to Mordo Baron’s explanation, he also promptly dispelled the idea of ​​rejecting him.

This is indeed beneficial to his plan. Knowing this, he naturally no longer rejects it. So soon, he stretched out his hand to Mordo Baron and said something like this.

“In that case, it’s a deal. Happy cooperation, Sir Mordo!”

“Of course, happy cooperation!”

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