Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1850

Myanmar, Naypyidaw.

Myanmar President Ondansu, who had just finished his trip to China, returned to his own mansion tiredly. And before he could take a good breath. The heads of the Great Sect departments in China, together with the main principals of government departments, have already visited the door one after another.

At this time, it is already early in the morning, but anyone with a little bit of etiquette knows that visiting others at this time can’t be called absolutely is polite. And if it were to be a master who could get up, maybe even the knife was taken out now.

Although Ondan Suo is not getting up, but he is already exhausted, he is really reluctant to cope with such a sudden visit. But he also knew in his heart that this kind of thing was inevitable. So after instructing the servant to prepare coffee, he already opened the study and welcomed the visit of these guests.

I will visit a president at this time, certainly not for the trivial things of those parents. Therefore, as soon as he entered the door, the representative who was the first to speak out was already straight to the point and asked Ang Dan Suo.

“Your Excellency, has it been done? What did the people over there say?”

“Yes.” Fiercely took a bitter coffee, Ondansu There was a bitter expression on his face immediately. He nodded vigorously, and then said heavily to everyone present. “Although it was difficult, it succeeded in the end.”

All the senior politicians were present, and of course they understood what the expression on the president’s face meant. But at this moment, no one would take the bitterness in his heart seriously. Because at this time, they were already ecstatic for this answer.

As if the victims were finally saved, their expressions from the very beginning became less serious. Not to mention talking and laughing, but at the very least, it feels like a heavy burden is being lifted from your shoulders.

Looking at their expressions, Ang Dan Suo felt more bitter in his heart, but it was difficult to say anything to criticize them. Because he knows very well that this is inevitable.

In today’s international situation, it is very difficult for a small country like them in an embarrassing situation to stay out and protect themselves. So instead of trying to survive with such a broken bowl, it is better to bet as soon as possible to see if oneself can get a golden rice bowl.

Smart people always make arrangements for oneself in advance. And to say how many of these guys in front of him had arranged a back road for oneself, he didn’t even dare to investigate even the investigation.

If you don’t investigate, you can live together in harmony and do things in this ruined temple. And if you really get to the bottom of it, whether everyone can live together in harmony really depends on luck.

In terms of luck, Ondansu has never had any confidence in oneself. He always felt that if oneself good luck, he would not take over this mess at this time. In this case, he simply pretended to be deaf and dumb, put on the appearance of ignoring the expressions of these people right now, and at the same time asked them like this.

“How is the situation now, is the situation in the border cities under control?”

“It’s terrible, sir.” Although the overwhelming majority have their own little nine in their hearts. But in the face of this kind of major event that may be related to their future, no one has dared to do that kind of stupid things like falsification and false reports on this issue. So immediately, representatives from the Burmese military stepped forward and briefly reported to him.

“The western border city has almost fallen into a state of paralysis. Although we have notified other warlords to join forces to carry out armed suppression of the monsters in India, the situation has not been effectively alleviated. They are still advancing, and at the same time, citizens in the border areas have begun to move inland uncontrollably. The situation is chaotic, and the biggest problem we face is the shortage of manpower. The army has no more spare power!”

“Insufficient manpower? How long has it been before you told me that manpower is insufficient?”

Hearing this bad news, Ondansu could hardly control oneself. Emotionally, he scolded the representatives of the military. In the face of his scolding, the general from the military straightened his neck and argued with the courage of one’s convictions to defend oneself.

“There is no way, sir. The number of monsters rushing over the Indian border is counted as hundreds of thousands. Once they hit like a tsunami, they cannot be stopped by manpower at all. They can hold their current position. , Or because of the heavy firepower provided by those allied countries. Otherwise, the situation you see now will only be worse than it is now.”

He was telling the truth, and Ondansu also knew this. a little. Compared with India, which has been almost completely reduced to Hydra minions and has a huge mass. Myanmar is fragile like a child.

The opponent can pull out hundreds of troops at will, but what about them? As the largest armed forces in Myanmar, all their forces add up to nothing more than this. This means that the opponent’s current movements seem to be just a little trouble, and they can barely stabilize the situation. Otherwise, once the other party takes action seriously, maybe they will be like sand castles built on the beach. When a big wave is photographed, they will directly fall into a state of crushing bones.

This is an absolute gap in strength, and in the face of this gap, even Ondansu has the ability to do nothing. He could only ponder for a long time, and finally came up with an idea that was not an idea at all.

“What about those warlords? Now that they have agreed to jointly resist the invasion from India, they should provide manpower for the front line. Contact them and let them send troops there. In addition, think of ways to protect the people from retreating. In the name of “, transfer some of our military power from the front line!”

On Dan Suo’s idea is simple, that is, to transfer the pressure faced by oneself to those warlords who are separatist.

Be aware that the situation in Myanmar has never been stable. Although in name, the government they represent is the main body of the country and a regime recognized in the world. But in Myanmar, the separatist forces that do not throw their faces are plentiful and easily available.

Let’s not talk about the armed forces that have caused headaches for the Burmese government forces under their own banners. Just those ethnic minority issues in Myanmar are enough for the Myanmar government to drink a pot.

until now, the Burmese government is not convinced of these forces and cannot agree on a situation. Although they have a huge advantage in military and economic terms, it is fundamentally impossible to completely wipe out and gather these hostile armed forces and integrate the entire Burma into a unified country.

If you can’t beat it, they can still run. Drilling into the deep mountains in Burma and training for a period of time, they will become a complete armed force again. On the front, they may not be opponents of the government forces, but they secretly fan the flames and make you run around. It is not impossible to deal with them.

While wooing in other areas, it is a problem with little effect. If the asking price is less, the other party won’t buy your account. And if you open too much, there will be various oppositions inside oneself.

In short, it is an old saying that the temple is small and the demon wind is big, and the pond is a lot. Looking at the situation in Myanmar at a glance, what is alive is mud.

Because the former President of Myanmar was struggling to cope with this painful situation, he directly let go of his hands during an angina. As his successor, Ondansu can be said to be able to sit securely in this position under the push of the Myanmar military.

At first, Ondansu thought that oneself was the destiny of some kind, the son of the destiny beloved plane. It only takes a shock of the tiger’s body and a wave of a big hand to make the disintegrated Burma a past and become a complete unified country under his leadership.

But after a long time, he slowly found out. This is simply an unrealistic fantasy he made when he was young.

What is expected, in the final analysis, he is just a representative who was pushed to the front desk to speak out because of the military. He can’t even control the internal voices of the military, and hopes to let the warlords of the major separatist regimes put aside their predecessors and put them under his command? Even dreaming, I am afraid it is difficult to be so beautiful.

He has realized the gap between reality and dreams, and naturally, as a mature politician, he also favors reality as it should be by rights.

In this current situation, he can no longer care about the life and death of those separatist warlords. In his opinion, holding an army that can protect oneself at a critical time and stabilize the overall situation in his hand is a more important issue than their life and death. And it was with such a thought that he would give such an order to the military.

It’s just that, facing this order from him, the military representative almost immediately showed embarrassment on his face.

“Sorry, sir. I’m afraid what you don’t know is that the difficult situation I’m talking about is already the case of those separatist warlords. Unless you have a way to make them do anything Put all the troops into it, otherwise, the investment at the moment is almost their limit.”

“You mean that we can only do this by raising the whole country’s troops. What is the current situation?”

Can’t help holding breath cold air. After hearing such words, Ondansu’s brain was in pain.

The situation is obviously worse than he thought. In the face of such a bad situation, he could only sighed dejectedly, and then said to a senior official opposite oneself.

“Your Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Please also contact the people in China and tell them that the conditions we negotiated can speed up. We are willing to make the biggest concession. The Myanmar government can cooperate with all their actions. I just hope that they can help us establish a stable line of defense as soon as possible! Make sure that Myanmar will not fall into the hands of those monsters.”

“Your Excellency, is this…somewhat untimely After all, our preparations have not been done yet?”

Although everyone understands that this is a last resort choice made under the pressure of the situation, but as a representative of the forces within the Myanmar government People, they still cannot accept this sudden change.

The time is too hasty, and they have no time to prepare fully. Originally, everyone could take advantage of this time to integrate the resources in hand to ensure that oneself’s lost benefits are within an acceptable range. But if this process is suddenly advanced, then their losses will be great.

No one would hope that oneself will have to bleed again in this situation of bad luck. So naturally, they also objected to Ondansu’s order. As for this, Ang Dan Su just smiled sorrowfully, and he already spoke to them very unceremoniously.

“You want to get everything ready, but you also have to ask the monsters from India if they will give you this time. Yes, I can follow the original plan Proceed, wait until you have integrated and sold oneself’s property, take your wives and children to those safe countries to inform them. But don’t blame me for not telling them in advance, that’s when the monsters appear to you When you are in front of you, don’t regret these actions today. Please remember, everyone. Our lives are more practical than those benefits. Only if you live, these wealth of money can make you more enjoyable and happier in life. And If you die, no matter how much money you have, it’s just a pile of waste paper.”

“A long time ago, you have been arranging a retreat. Until now, nothing else More to say, at least half of the wealth you have has been transferred. According to me, you must be content. With these wealth, isn’t it enough for you and your family to live a luxurious life? Don’t be too greedy, Greedy may end up with nothing.”

“Furthermore, do you really need to pay the price if we ask to take action? The national level is a negotiation at the national level, but on personal issues , You have to pay enough sincerity. Swept away, nothing is left, even if you can run away now, can you still expect people over there to not settle the bill with you in the future? Give it to me Think about it clearly, don’t let your momentary greed blind your eyes, and leave you with a mistake that you will regret for a lifetime!”

On Dan Suo’s words are not nice, but they are in themselves In the ears of a guy with a dirty butt, it is also a matter of course.

They don’t care about the turmoil on the border, after all, they don’t want to go to the forefront. If it comes to the moment when the country is in danger, they can also go to safe countries under the banner of political asylum. So from this perspective, the threat from India is actually not taken seriously by them.

However, the threats from big countries are different. In today’s world situation, I am afraid that no country has dared to take the risk of offending that big country to shelter those who have offended them. And once oneself is going to be targeted by that big country, to be honest, I’m afraid there will not be a place for them to stand above the entire Earth.

Which is more important, they are naturally weighed and clear. So soon, they reached an agreement in this regard.

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