Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1852

Give your own competitor eye drops, which is definitely the best thing for Ondansu.

As a politician, if you even fight against dissidents If he can’t do well, he won’t be qualified to sit in the position he is today. And since he can sit in the position he is today, it is natural to say that he is quite familiar with all the regulations in the middle. Light.

With a few words of effort, he has already put a bad label on those villains who are secretive. The meaning of the words is clear, that is, these villains Is destroying the cooperative relationship between them.

Of course, these words are also used to coax those who are not sensible. Such as officials surnamed Li and Old Fox like Major General Ouyang, he said At that time, he almost touched his thoughts almost.

For any time in the past, they were impossible to tolerate Ondansul using this way to tell them right and wrong, play this A trick to drive tigers and wolves. But now, in this turbulent season of the border situation, they have to acquiesce to Ondansu’s approach and have begun to favor him psychologically.

Stability is the number one priority they value right now. Such boring political games are not in their consideration at all.

Especially this is a political game of other countries , Neither success or failure is of any significance to them. In this case, instead of pushing things in the direction of complexity, it is better to come up with a simple one-size-fits-all, and directly stabilize the situation and it is more valuable.

“Please rest assured, Your Excellency. Do whatever you want to do. In this regard, we will give you the greatest degree of support. However, we also have a requirement, that is, you must Can stabilize the domestic situation. Prevent any incentives that may complicate the situation from appearing in your country. You should understand that being able to provide you with this level of support in the form of international assistance is the greatest we have done. It’s hard work. If we say that our troops have suffered any losses because of your domestic relations, then sorry, we can only shrink the line of defense and completely abandon you.”

“Of course, of course, This is certain…”

While he was busy nodded and bowed, Ondansu had already given affirmative answers again and again. His goal has been achieved, and naturally it is impossible to demand more insatiably. That is a choice that can only be made by people with capital, and like him, he, who has been completely attached to the new master, does not have this qualification.

A person must have self-knowledge, and he is still sober in this regard. And seeing him behave so obediently, both the official surnamed Li and Major General Ouyang nodded in satisfaction.

Compared to a talented, ambitious neighbor who is in charge. An obediently and honestly president is the best candidate for their interests. Some people like to jump at this time, but they simply don’t know. The meager benefits they can take out are simply insignificant compared to the stability of the overall situation.

Unless it is a fool, no one will take the big risk of collapsing the overall situation because of such a small profit. From this point of view alone, these escaped guys are already going to be sentenced to death.

Of course, this is Ondansu’s business. Neither of them had the intention to go beyond them. In order to express oneself’s attitude in this regard, Major General Ouyang just glanced at the politicians, and he spoke directly to the surnamed Li official.

“Old Li, the things here are left to you. I really don’t feel in the mood to play with these guys here. I can’t do things like this. So it’s better for you, an old fellow, to deal with them.”

“You guy, what do you think of the mission from above?”

Surnamed Li who has a very personal relationship Officials didn’t care much about Major General Ouyang’s tone. What he cared about was his attitude. He has always worked on formal diplomatic occasions, and his style has always been steady and serious. Naturally, when he saw Major General Ouyang’s somewhat arrogant style, he couldn’t see too much.

However, after all, it is a person on the two systems, and he is also impossible to force Major General Ouyang to do. And it is precisely when he understands this point that Major General Ouyang seems somewhat confident.

“The mission explained above just allows me to ensure that the line of defense is not lost, so that the flames of war will not affect the stability of the country. As for things with these hypocritical guys, the above will not care about what I do. What about it? And to be honest, Old Li. I think if I stay, I will only cause trouble for you. I can’t guarantee that I will use my fist to greet them when I talk later. I miss you I don’t want to see things turn out like that!”

Major General Ouyang is a well-known thorn in the military, as the surnamed Li official knew. In the domestic environment, he can find ways to cause some troubles. If this is abroad, no one can say whether this guy will suddenly release himself.

The surnamed Li officer didn’t dare to take such a risk, so he could only stare at Major General Ouyang angrily, and then dropped the sentence just this once.

This is an obvious concession, and this concession is also the result that Major General Ouyang wants to see. So at the moment, he patted the surnamed Li official on the shoulder, haha ​​laughed.

“Is that right! Old Li. There is an old saying that everyone has their own field of specialisation. I, Ouyang, has been a soldier since I was born. If you let I squeezed a fake face and said these half true half false nonsense with these Pi Li Yangqiu things. I would rather take a team of assault soldiers to fight two hand-to-hand battles with the enemy. This is not comparable to you, you are born to be this. The people on the stage, long sleeves help one dance beautifully, Linglong is talking about someone like you. Since you are here, why should I trouble oneself in this regard? Isn’t this a show of ugliness? If I’m at home, it’s fine to say . But this is outside, I don’t think you want to see me embarrassing us!”

“Crisis. Forget it, I don’t bother to care about you. You yourself can figure it out.”

There is really no way to use him. The surnamed Li officials can only complete own diplomatic work independently. And watching his statement like this, Major General Ouyang didn’t think he put his own wine glass on the table casually, and then stepped out of here unceremoniously.

This action of his is naturally unable to escape the eyes of some caring people. And watching this happen, many people can’t help but jump for joy.

In their eyes, this result is clearly a situation of unhappy and falling apart. After only communicating with Ondansu for a short while, someone had already left with anger. From this perspective, we can see how dissatisfied they are with Ondansu’s work.

This is a good thing. Because only when Ondansu performed unsatisfactorily, they could take advantage of it. Almost everyone who had this idea approached him impatiently, and watching their performance, the surnamed Li official sneered in his heart while practicing Tai Chi.

A group of guys who can’t even see the situation clearly are destined to be eliminated by this turbulent world. At this time, they can still revel in the beautiful fantasy of their own. After that, when the cruel reality is in front of them, it may be too late for them even if they want to cry.

Don’t talk about surnamed Li officials taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune and making peace with these politicians. On the other side, Major General Ouyang had just driven away with his subordinates, and someone had already locked his whereabouts.

harboring malicious intentions, this is for sure. However, in the current season, no force on that side dares to directly attack a party’s powerful generals. Although creating chaos is the best way to fish in troubled water, the premise is that you can arrange all the preparations for own to ensure that oneself can get enough benefits from it.

Even Hydra can’t do this. Therefore, the spy who was planted in Myanmar by Hydra could only watch Major General Ouyang return to the camp of the peacekeeping force without incident, and then reported the news to his superiors unwillingly.

The news was handed over layer by layer, and it was quickly placed in front of Steve. And for such a strong opponent to join, even a seasoned guy like Steve can’t help but feel tricky.

It’s not that he is too cautious and careful, but that the PLA fighters nowadays really cannot be underestimated. You know, PLA fighters with a glorious history have always been the most powerful army forces in this world. This, even Steve who survived the World War II battlefield had to admit it.

Although he has not participated in the Korean War, he knows how hard American has put in this war.

With more than 300,000 troops, it almost occupies one third of its army. The two hundred ships and three hundred aircraft invested by the Navy also accounted for almost half of the United States naval power. That’s not to mention, as the most advanced air power in the world at the time, American invested one-fifth of its air power on the Korean battlefield. It has dispatched tens of thousands of various aircraft, and at most there are more than 1,700 aircraft on the battlefield.

It can be said that even with the support of the Soviet Air Force, the entire Korean battlefield is almost completely covered by American air firepower. In such a war of great disparity in strength, PLA fighters relied on steel-like discipline, tenacious fighting will and lofty spiritual consciousness to save North Korea, which was already close to subjugation. The Allied Forces of the Sixteen Nations led by States returned to the 38th line. Such a result is something that even he has to admire.

See what the United Nations headed by United States has? Complete logistical support, a variety of powerful fire support, coupled with the world’s highest level of military equipment. It can be said that from the very beginning, there should be no suspense in this war. Because their opponents were simply not on the same level with them at that time.

The country of China that has just gone through a painful disaster and has come from a century-old collection is nothing compared to today. At the time, the United Nations army ate canned meat, and the more luxurious ones, such as the Italian army, even transported red wine and pasta from their home country. And what about PLA fighters? It’s not easy to have a mouthful that is so dry that it is called fried noodles. In fact, it is not easy to eat just fried dry flour. If there is an apple, everyone in that class will have to take turns to smell the smell, and they are reluctant to take a bite of good things.

This is just a gap in living conditions, and in combat conditions, this gap will only be even greater. Compare the United States Ace Marine First Division and the PLA Elite Ninth Corps Division in the Battle of Changjin Lake. Each regiment of the U.S. Marine Division has a tank battalion, with four tank companies under it, with a total of 70 tanks, and the anti-tank artillery company of each marine regiment has another five tanks. As for PLA, there are no tanks or armored vehicles.

As for artillery, the United States First Marine Division has three artillery regiments. Each regiment is usually equipped with a 105mm howitzer battalion, a tank company and an engineer company. The fire support unit of each infantry battalion is equipped with 12 107mm heavy mortars. Each marine regiment has another anti-tank artillery company, equipped with 75mm recoilless guns and 5 tanks. In addition, there are three 105mm howitzer battalions and one 155mm heavy howitzer battalion in the artillery regiment of the First Marine Division. There are nearly 100 105mm howitzers, and there are 18 heavy howitzers for 155mm.

And here is the Ninth Corps Division. There is only one artillery battalion with a total of twelve artillery pieces, mainly mountain artillery. Because they could not produce on their own, the Soviet Union did not provide weapons. These artillery pieces were all seized equipment, and there was a gap between the old and new level and the model. The support firepower below the regiment is even more tragic to the main force of artillery below 82mm caliber.

This is not the worst. The worst is that artillery can only be transported with manpower and animal power. Even if the mobility is poor, it is still difficult to provide the most effective assistance to the battlefield. Because there is no artillery with a caliber of 105 mm or more, it simply cannot compare with the coalition forces in terms of fire coverage and strike strength.

This is a gap in firepower. In terms of individual firepower, the US Marine First Division is equipped with the standard 7.62mm Garand M1 semi-automatic rifle, Browning M1918A2 automatic rifle, M1919A4 heavy machine gun and 12.7mm M2HB large-caliber machine gun. These all are outstanding weapons that have been war-tested in the Second World War, with excellent and reliable performance.

Almost all of the divisions of the Ninth Corps focused on capturing weapons. Weapons from countries such as the Soviet Union, United States, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, and the Czech Republic are diverse. Weapons are mixed and it is difficult to supply ammunition. From the US military’s point of view, it is an out-and-out antique weapons fair. It is simply a cracking a joke of own life when brought to the battlefield.

The gap between the conditions of the enemy and ourselves is so huge. But there is such a gap. In the harsh environment of the Changjin Lake area, the 9th Legion Division wore thin single clothes, armed with unbearable to look at weapons and equipment, withstands long-term, large-scale firepower coverage, and used surprise attacks. For the Lord, in World of Ice and Snow, with a freezing temperature of minus 40 degrees for six days, the fatal assault on the First Marine Division of the US Army was completed.

stomach rumbling with hunger, the 9th Regiment Division, shivering in the severe cold, dragged the U.S. Marine First Division into the quagmire of despair. The two sides fought for seventeen days. Many people in the Ninth Corps were hungry like skeletons. The Fifth Company of the 242nd Regiment of the 81st Division was ordered to ambush during the retreat of the American troops, but when the battle started, no one stood up and charged. Because the entire company of cadres and fighters that had expanded into a battle formation had all frozen to death in a simple bunker. Except for a lagging soldier and a correspondent who delivered orders, none of the more than 100 people in the entire company survived.

The same is true for the First Marine Division. The Ninth Corps was hit like a tide and lost almost all of its ammunition and supplies in the battle. Lost logistical supplies, this ace force who had only experienced World War II and outstanding meritorious service was also tortured by the harsh environment.

Many people can only rely on a piece of chocolate in the battle for several days. The high-intensity battle has caused their rifles to be scrapped one after another. The severe cold has killed many people and frozen many people on the ground. If they can’t pry open the ice or tear their underwear, they may not be able to get up again from the thick snow.

The front is severed, and the enemy is almost everywhere, so American, who originally planned to end the Korean War before Christmas, can only choose to retreat and break through. And if it were not for the Ninth Corps’ inability to chase and contain the mechanized convoy of the United Nations in World of Ice and Snow, whether they could complete the breakthrough is a matter of question.

The final result was that American retreated from Xingnan Port with the coalition forces. The vast area in the east north of the 38th line was completely recovered. The overall situation of the Korean War was reversed, and the Korean War, which had been thought to be ending by the Allies, had to continue.

The First Division of the U.S. Marine Corps regarded the Battle of Changjin Lake as oneself proud capital, and Time Magazine called it “an epic of perseverance and courage unparalleled in the history of the U.S. military.” Because they are in this humanity In the most difficult and tragic battle in history, the impossible breakthrough was completed and the myth that any United States troops could be impossible was achieved.

However, in the eyes of soldiers like Steve, their opponents are more proud and respectable.

A group of simple weapons, wearing thin clothes that are incomparable to the U.S. Army, under the same circumstances, with willpower and courage alone, can fight the advancing Marine Division I can only retreat and retreat. Breakthrough PLA fighters. Such an opponent is an existence that no soldier wants to see on the battlefield.

Although it is said that more than half a century has passed, PLA fighters are no longer the same batch of that year, but the inheritance of the troops is enough to make anyone in the know feel jealous of them. Steve has already experienced the terrifying of this opponent, at the border of India. And it is precisely because of this that he is increasingly reluctant to have such a doomed war.

So he was thinking, is there any other roundabout probability. For example, start with the problems within this country!

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