Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1853

Corroding a country from the inside and letting it collapse completely. It is much easier than forcibly breaking it from the outside. This has been proved by countless examples. Not to mention, the fall of India alone is a very vivid example.

However, Steve does not intend to repeat what oneself did in India here in Myanmar. A simple reason is that a trifling Myanmar is not worth his hands-on work.

In any case, India is also a vast country with a population of 1 billion. And what about Myanmar? Anyway, it may not be as big as a state in India. As for the population, it is more like a joke on the base of hundreds of millions.

In such a small country, if the small country also needs to let Steve take action himself, then the middle-level personnel in Hydra should almost cut their stomachs. After all, doing so is better than letting Hydra, who has never raised idlers, do it himself.

So it is a matter of course that this mission was accounted for by his subordinates.

He doesn’t care what these people do, how hard they work. He has only one requirement, that is, he wants to see the situation change within a limited time, and this change is moved towards the direction he wants to see.

The requirements are very high, that’s for sure. But he has enough confidence in the elites under oneself. In any case, they have also experienced so long under own. You know, the demise of India was promoted step by step with their cooperation. If this means that they are not familiar with these jobs, then they are simply questioning their previous results.

No matter how stupid people are, they will not question whether the infamous Hydra agents possess such abilities. So the result is almost predictable terrifying and terrifying. But this is not where Steve needs to care, and he won’t care about this kind of problem.

As the creator of the disaster, he is about to be described as the existence of the plague. Of course, Steve knows what oneself is doing now. Although he does not like this somewhat excessive method, but this does not mean that he will not choose this method.

To make the necessary sacrifices for lofty and lofty ideals is an indispensable prerequisite for any Grand Era. He has experienced such a thing once, during World War II. So naturally, when such a thing appeared in front of his eyes again, he would naturally not fail to know how to choose.

Although there is some sympathy and pity, at such a moment, he will not do anything superfluous. There will always be sacrifices, but it’s the difference between long and short. This kind of thing came earlier, and it was better to declare the end in the most violent and quickest way under their operation, than to let more people corrupt into the fertile soil of the era of birth in the long pain.

He is right to think so, and it is precisely because of the existence of such an idea that he can have a clear conscience and promote the whole process of war in Asia without hesitation.

Of course, it is almost impossible to expect Asia to be like India. Fortunately, these small countries around India are fortunate to say that their size and strength are placed here. Compared with Hydra, which has formed a real huge monster, they can only be regarded as little lambs in front of Old Hu at best. There is no other choice.

But once the huge monster in East Asia is involved, things are not so simple and can be done.

The strength of the East Asian powers is the peak of the world, whether it is economy, population or national power. To illustrate with a simple sentence, his strength is by no means under the original world hegemon United States. And when you think about how Hydra brought down United States, you know how difficult it is to deal with such a huge monster.

For almost half a century, Hydra can only hide in the shadow of United States like a mouse hiding in the gutter. Although they are infiltrating the country, such infiltration is not always smooth. It can be said that if it weren’t for the existence of tumors like consortium in the United States and Pierce’s surrender that made their actions a lot smoother, whether they could subvert United States would be a matter of two things.

Luck is really a big part of it. And whether this kind of luck can also work in the face of today’s enemy, this is something that no one dares to pack a ticket.

Mature strategists will not pin the victory or defeat of a war on the uncertain element of luck. Even if luck is really important. They always habitually grasp all factors except for uncertain factors like luck, and Steve is no exception. And it is precisely because of his thinking that he has become more aware of the arduousness and difficulty of the mission of the Asian Raiders.

Let’s not say if oneself has the time and energy to play the spy game that infiltrates and subverts again, even if it does, he doesn’t think such a trick will work again.

After all, today is different from the past, it has surfaced, and Hydra, which has officially started to wrestle with the world, wants to hide in the dark and engage in crafty plots and machinations like before. One thing is most likely. The lessons for United States are there. No country will be willing to follow the mistakes of United States and India. Naturally, strengthening the supervision of oneself’s domestic senior figures is something that has been placed on the surface.

Corruption and corruption, these will not kill them. But as long as any country’s high-level leaders dare to make a decision that favors Hydra, no matter how big your background is, no matter how hard your background is, you will definitely not escape the trials and sanctions of those Supervision Sections.

The laws of a big country cannot tolerate such a person’s misconduct. In a small country, even if you have the ability to cover the sky, in the end, you will definitely not be able to escape the sanctions of those big countries.

On the issue of Hydra, all previous rules no longer apply. Intolerance and zero indulgence are the consensus of all countries. Even if it violates the sovereignty of some countries, they will never hesitate. Under such a policy, Hydra’s fluke mentality was naturally shattered.

At this juncture, if you want to expand the power of own again, and want to continue the own plan, it is no longer practical to rely on those shameful little actions. On the battlefield, dignified is the only way out.

On this issue, don’t look at Steve’s already playing vigorously with several Asian countries, but only he himself knows that this is just a preliminary test. He can test the bottom line and potential of the East Asian lion in these small countries, but this does not mean that he has the preparation to really fight him head-on.

Let’s not talk about the unpredictable victory or defeat, even if he can get the victory in the end, then what he can get is probably only a tragic victory.

The family property accumulated by Hydra will suffer heavy losses in this war, and taking advantage of this opportunity, those national forces will definitely give them a sufficiently fatal blow.

Hydra, who has already jumped to the front of the stage, is impossible. Like before, lurking in the shadow of the world, slowly accumulating strength. Once it fails now, there is only one possibility of complete defeat. And this possibility, for Steve, who has lofty ideals and goals, is completely unacceptable.

He paid such a huge price, but he did not expect such a result. Therefore, unless it is as a last resort, otherwise he will never launch such a doomed war.

It’s not just that he won’t have this idea now, even in the future, he doesn’t plan to have such a single thought.

To be an enemy of such a vast country with a large population and such a powerful country is itself an unwise idea. Unless he is holding the idea of ​​destroying the entire world, there is absolutely no reason for him to do such a stupid thing. And don’t look at what Hydra until now does are beyond the bottom line that most people can accept, but to be honest, they really have never thought about destroying the world.

What good is it for them to destroy the world? Nothing at all. Okay. They are not pawns that aliens put in Earth, and they want to benefit their own alien masters. And besides, even if this matter has something to do with aliens, what kind of planet will idle pain in the balls, and come here to specifically talk to you with a planet that has not even developed the Interstellar civilization?

Except for those extreme environmentalists, in this world any ambitious will not have such ridiculous ideas. It is in the movie that such a stupid villain appears. The problem is that reality will never be a movie, and Hydra’s desires will not be as simple as the villains in the movie.

They are deeper and more realistic in their ideals and ambitions. This is reflected in their strategy for Asia, that is, they didn’t have the idea of ​​messing up the whole Asia from the very beginning.

India is an exception, as Hydra needs India as a warm nest for incubation. The size, population, and area of ​​this country can provide Hydra with the greatest degree of assistance, giving him the ability to confront the world’s mainstream forces. And apart from this, they simply do not have to repeat this terrifying act.

What is good about turning Asia into a big cemetery? After the one third population in the world has been erased, does it make sense for them to rule this World also?

Population has always been the most precious resource in this world. Without population as the cornerstone, no matter how human civilization develops, it is just a tower high in the sky, which may collapse at any time. . As a conspirator planning the entire world, Hydra impossible does not understand this, so of course, they regard population as a precious resource that oneself needs to fight for and maintain.

And what kind of population is the best quality resource? This has to be divided according to the most traditional national and regional concepts.

As early as World War II, the dictator of the Axis powers had already put forward this kind of ethnological argument. Although this statement has been denounced as a fallacy to this day, Steve has to admit that such a statement actually sounds reasonable.

A nation that has always maintained strong productivity and strong centripetal force is definitely much stronger than a nation that is lazy, lazy, and full of servility in the bones. Just like Germany during World War II, the reason why it was able to conquer almost the entire Europe with the power of one country was undoubtedly the majestic power produced when the Germanic nation was united.

Of course, he failed. This is undoubtedly the biggest weak spot of Hitler’s ethnography. And to find out the reason, except that he violated some insurmountable bottom line, aroused public anger. One of the most important factors is that he chose the wrong teammate.

In the face of the glorious Roman Empire in the past, Hitler pulled the Italians into the own camp. But the decadence of Italians in these centuries is not something you can pull. To say an overwhelming task, this is a bit of euphemism given the face of the Italians. Speaking harshly, it’s not an exaggeration to say that mud can’t support the wall.

The same is true in Japan. Perhaps Hitler won such an ally in view of Japan’s prosperity and strength in the past century. But he obviously didn’t realize the arrogance and arrogance of this eastern ally in the bones. If it is not because of the Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor that the United States, who watched the excitement, entered the war ahead of time, then it is uncertain that the European pattern was another result at the beginning.

This is a mistake Hitler made in terms of vision and structure, but it is somewhat unfair to use this point to refute the views of others.

Hydra thinks so, and fundamentally, they still believe in Hitler’s original statement.

In this world, there are indeed some ethnic groups who are on the verge of being eliminated by the times. And they can completely replace the world itself and push these defective products.

Many times, people are criticizing Hydra’s cruel actions, thinking it is crazy and irrational. However, in the view of Hydra oneself, they are just carrying out the own plan step by step in the pattern planned by oneself.

It’s like an old farmer removing weeds from oneself’s field. They don’t think there is anything wrong with oneself.

It’s just clearing weeds, there is no need to talk about emotions at all. Of course, if he is dealing with crops that can be rewarded by oneself, he naturally has to adopt a completely different attitude.

To deal with that big country in the East, oneself faces the biggest enemy. While Steve is not willing to conflict with him, what he wants most is to sign a peace agreement with him.

Although, this seems to be something unlikely. But who can tell the future?

Promote peace through war. As long as these corners of the war can have an advantage, then it must be a logical thing to promote the peace process through war.

With such a realization in his mind, Steve has already begun to calculate the overall situation. At present, his plan still owes a lot of heat. But he believes that as long as oneself can plan properly, the problem will be solved sooner or later.

He needs to be a little patient and give all this careful consideration. After all, playing chess with a national player is not so easy. Those who don’t plan a corner are not enough to seek the overall situation. The key is to see the outcome of these small caps.

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