Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1879

Although I have guessed in my heart, this will be another masterpiece of that hand-to-hand union. But in order to guard against the unexpected, Xiao Shanen still wants to confirm it and see the final answer Is there any difference between what oneself imagined?

The reality is that the development of things really started to surprise him. At this time, Seryol, who was only a single thought of life-saving, would not have any more concealment, so immediately, he shook off everything oneself knew like pouring beans.

“It’s Adrian, these all are given to me by Adrian. He has a factory on Long Island that specializes in making these alien-related weapons and equipment. I bought these from him Things.”


“Yes, Adrian Toums. He turned out to be the boss of a scrap company and was the first to start recycling those Alien technology guy. Because there are a few people under his hand who are very good at modifying these alien technology, so he slowly became this kind of weapon dealer selling appearance equipment. The weapons in my hand are bought from him Yes, and I also know that many people also do it like me!”

With the name provided by Seror, Xiao Shanen can immediately call out about this Adrian. Complete intelligence of Toums.

Adrian. Toomes, electronic engineering expert, mechanical engineering Court Academecian. There is a small company called Toums Recycling Company under its name. It has not many employees and belongs to the type that barely enters the wealthy class. There is a wife and a daughter, and the family relationship is harmonious. The wife is a full-time housewife at home, and the daughter has just gone to college.

The alien invasion a few years ago made his company on the verge of bankruptcy. Because of the collapse of the entire New York property, the two most important properties under his name, both the villa in Queens and the electronic machinery factory in Long Island, have fallen below their reserve prices. For him, who mortgaged both properties to the bank to maintain the operation of oneself, this is not good news for people.

The bank’s debt collection put his company in trouble, and the chaos and obsolescence in New York also prevented his business from going on normally. It stands to reason that he should have been forced to go bankrupt by the bank, but the reality is that he quickly repaid the bank’s debts and turned from a negative equity holder to a wealthy man.

Such a change has certainly attracted the attention of the United States Tax Office, but because all of Adrian’s bank records are shown in New York, it seems a little bit if they want to investigate him. Powerless.

In order to investigate the details of a person’s accounts, I went to such a chaotic place. People in the tax bureau have not been afraid of death to such a point. Anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, Adrian hasn’t had any tax evasion, so they just turned a blind eye and let him go temporarily.

Sin City has drifted out of the national order of the United States, which is also evident from here. And even though the state agency has a tacit attitude towards such a person, this does not mean that he is all right. At the very least, also good people like Xiao Shanen are paying attention to his every move.

It can be said that after hearing the news about this Adrian, Xiao Shanen has taken his heart to him and asked Medusa to start collecting all the information about him.

He wants to know if this guy is as magical as Seyol said. Still speaking, what he showed was just a cover, and behind him there was also a more obscure and deeper existence.

This is a problem that needs time to verify, not something that needs to be resolved right now. And right now, after Seyol got what oneself wanted to know, young Shanen had obviously lost interest in him.

He didn’t want to continue wasting his own time for this half-dead man, so he stood up while shaking his head, and said to the little Mourinho family behind oneself.

“What are you waiting for? Waiting for these people to get up and then catch you? Hurry up, can I ask you one by one?”

“Ah, yes, let’s go now!”

The little Mourinho, who was a little awake until this time, hurriedly pulled his own mother and his wife, and waded across the crowd, Walk towards the outside of the restaurant. They walked fast, as if they were afraid that something would hold them. And when the Little Sister of Mourinho walked by Seror, she immediately screamed as if she had been violated.

This sudden cry made Xiao Shangen think that something major had happened for a moment, and when he looked around all around suddenly and found that there was something wrong with not at all, he confronted him angrily This girl who is only 15-16 years old said so.

“What the hell is your name? Why, do you think what you just did is not exciting enough for you?”

“Someone, someone arrested me…”

Although she was very wronged, in the face of Xiao Shanen’s dissatisfaction, she tried her best to control oneself’s inner panic, and cautiously replied.

“Someone caught you…” Following the little girl’s words, Xiao Shanen shifted his gaze to the bottom of her skirt. Generally speaking, the person hiding under the skirt like this must be some kind of ghost character. But now, there is only one person doing this, and that is Seyol, who was still begging for his life before.

For Seyol, he certainly does not want to give up his only chance to survive right now. So even if his body has exhausted to such a point, he still tries his best to grab someone with his full strength and get a trace of the probability of living from her.

Little Mourinho’s younger sister was just a bit bad luck, and he happened to be caught by him as a life-saving straw. For her who was already frightened before, just a scream instead of a complete emotional breakdown is already a rare thing.

Little Shane doesn’t care about the strength displayed by the little girl. In fact, at this time, he was more concerned about Seror’s strong desire to survive. No one knows Seror’s current physical state better than him. The previous spell only temporarily brought him back to light, not an effective cure for him. He knew very well that Seyol could not survive this level. He even said that his best choice now is to close his eyes and wait for death.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that at this time, he has not given up his desire to survive. This made him feel surprised, but couldn’t help but squat down and asked him.

“Your desire to survive is really strong, a little beyond my expectations, sir. So, what do you want to say to me now?”

“You You promised me, you promised to give me a chance to survive…”

Although Seriol also saw the idea of ​​young Shanen letting him go, he still He tried his best to make Xiao Shanen fulfill his promise. In this regard, Xiao Shanen just sighed, and then asked the little Mourinho family behind oneself.

“Is there a phone? Could you please lend it to me.”

The request of life saving benefactor must be difficult for this family to refuse, so soon, one is almost The brand new OPPOcellphone has already been handed to Xiao Shanen. After receiving the cellphone, Xiao Shanen directly dialed 911 from the emergency number, and then threw the phone at Seror. In this regard, he said so.

“I have called the emergency number for you, you yourself go and ask for help. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance to survive, I have done everything that can help you. As for you The question of not being able to survive depends on your own luck in the final analysis. In short, I wish you good luck, sir.”

After saying this, little Shane will never give Seriole anything The chance of entanglement, pulling Mourinho’s younger sister, has already strode out.

With him, those members of the Skeleton Gang who are still surviving or lingering near the door obviously dare not do anything excessive. And Xiao Shanen was not polite with them. After walking directly to a car and signaling the driver oneself to roll down, he sat down on the co-pilot and said to Mourinho.

“What are you still doing? I don’t know how to drive. Hurry up, I’m still in a hurry. Of course, if you want to continue dealing with them, just assume I haven’t said this!”

Its words are not polite, but the little Mourinho feels flattered. Because Xiao Shanen’s attitude has been very clear, that is, he intends to shelter the little Mourinho family and personally escort them to leave here safely. For the frightened little Mourinho family, this kind of substantial help is much more grateful than saying 10,000 nice words.

Little Mourinho is a man who has seen winds and waves. He himself thinks that oneself has already looked down on all aspects of life, and is psychologically prepared for everything. But now, facing such selfless piety as Xiao Shanen, he still inevitably hit mind’s eye and was moved.

He wants to say something, but looking at Xiao Shanen’s impatient expression, he doesn’t know what to say. So he could only be silent, with slightly red eyes, started the vehicle silently, and slowly left here while the group of people in the Skeleton Gang watched.

He can barely control his own emotions, but the women of his family obviously don’t have such a mentality. Finally escaped from the tiger’s mouth, the undying experience of this catastrophe and the joy of escaping from death made them all sobbing uncontrollably.

The three young girls almost couldn’t help themselves crying, and the little Mourinho’s wife couldn’t control his own emotions. Only their mother, with a wealth of life experience, was the first to recover. As soon as her mood recovered, the first thing she did was to express her gratitude to Xiao Shanen repeatedly in Spanish.

“Thank you, sir. Thank you. If it weren’t for you, my family really didn’t know what to do. You are a good person, and God will bless you.”

For the overwhelming majority American, Spanish is a somewhat obscure language. Just like most Chinese can hear Japanese but don’t understand the meaning. They can hear that others are speaking Spanish, but they may not understand what others are saying.

Little Mourinho regards Little Shane as such a person, so he is planning to do an interpreter for Little Shane. But at this time, Xiao Shanen had already responded in Spanish first.

“It’s okay, madam. It’s just a no effort at all thing for me. Besides, your craftsmanship is worth it. My father often tells me, only love Don’t live up to the food. If you lose a skilled chef like you, it will be the loss of the world!”

For a lady who can cook ordinary home-cooked dishes so delicious , Xiao Shanen is not hesitating to give a high evaluation. But for little Mourinho, he doesn’t mean so polite.

Séyel’s words are not ineffective. At the very least, in the impression of Jose Mourinho, Jr. Shanen doesn’t have much favor.

It can be said, if not because little Mourinho showed what a man should have when he treated oneself’s family, then just now, little Shanen will definitely let him destroy himself. . Rao is now that he has intervened and affected the fate of little Mourinho, but he still has considerable dissatisfaction with him. This kind of dissatisfaction cannot be vented through actions, because he has not yet thought of oneself in the face. So he could only use words to warn little Mourinho.

“It’s you, sir. I know you used to do and so on, and to be honest, I don’t have any good feelings for people like you. I didn’t want to save you. To see that a child loses father before he is born. But this does not mean that I will forget what you did before.”

“From now on, I will pay attention to you Every move. And you’d better be careful not to do anything I don’t want to see. I can give you a chance to reform because of your unborn child, but this kind of thing is impossible to happen a second time . If there is a second time, you should understand what the end is.”

“I understand. If there is a choice, I would not think about doing this kind of thing. But, this The country did not leave me with a choice…”

Little Mourinho was smiling wryly. He was not justified, but really filled with confusion. Although escaping from the dead is a good thing to celebrate, in any case, there is still an uncertain way forward before him. He had a foreboding the hardships of this road ahead, and he was really not sure that he could go down this road. For the time being, he was just holding on, and he didn’t have any certainty in his heart at all.

Little Mourinho’s worries, the confused little Shanen is incomprehensible, after all, he has never been exposed to such a problem. However, with Medusa’s help, he can more or less understand the difficulties of this family. So after thinking for a while, he just asked.

“So do you have any plans next? I think you should not be legal immigrants. After leaving this city, do you have any plans?”

“No I know, sir. I can only count as one step now.”

For the benefactor of life-saving grace, little Mourinho obviously didn’t mean to trouble him any more. However, now that he has opened this mouth, then Xiao Shanen obviously intends to accompanies Buddha all the way to the west. He didn’t care what Mourinho would think, but said directly to him.

“Go to Huiyao City. Find the immigration department to clarify your situation. Although your identity must be forced to undergo the strictest review, as long as your attitude is good enough, I believe You can still start your own new life there. With this kind of craftsmanship, it should not be wasted. Start a new life and be a good person. This is definitely better than you do those things that go to hell!”

“Huiyao City? I know it is very good, but we…”

“There is no that many but, just go. I will find a way to help you a little Yes. Remember what I said and be a good person. Otherwise, you will lose everything you have sooner or later.”

Speaking of which, how could little Mourinho not understand that oneself’s family got this The help of an unknown hero. While this made him grateful, he couldn’t help but wonder his identity. So at the moment, he just wiped oneself’s red eyes, and then asked Xiao Shanen.

“Thank you, sir. You have life-saving grace for us. Can you tell us your name, if possible, I will pray for you and bless you all my life.”

“Name?” After thinking about it, Xiao Shanen immediately grinned, revealing his white teeth. “Call me Dawn. I will call this from now on…”

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