Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1880

After embracing and saying goodbye to the enthusiastic Mexican aunt, Xiao Shanen galloped in the opposite direction from Mourinho’s reluctant eyes on the younger sisters Away.

Their target is Huiyao City, and the own target is the huge shadow hidden in this sinful city. The two are simply not in the same way. Of course, he has no reason to continue walking with them. And besides, escorting them all the way to the outside of the sin city is the end of benevolence. Xiao Shangen doesn’t think that oneself has that many skills and can accompany them all the way to Huiyao City. That’s no longer a matter of looking for trouble, it’s a matter of walking right into a trap, bringing about one’s own destruction. He is not stupid enough to make this Low Level mistake.

In short, the little Mourinho family has come to an end for him. Although also a little finishing work needs to be carried out, but that little thing does not require him to do it himself. With Medusa in, she can provide the little Mourinho family with a complete set of procedures for entering the city of Huiyao. So there is no need for Xiao Shanen to worry about this.

To some extent, this is the first time that Xiao Shanen has completed the mission of Perfect level. So as it should be by rights, his heart is full of pride and urgent impulse. Compared with the previous time, he didn’t feel any pressure at all this time, but was full of motivation. He is already impatient and wants to start the next mission and taste the sense of accomplishment of being a hero again. And this is exactly what Medusa wants to see.

She collects big data and builds models hundreds of thousands of deductions, not to make things happen like the last time. What he wants is precise and rigorous probability, the control that all matters are in oneself’s control. Only in this way can she ensure the safety of Xiao Shanen and ensure that he has grown up both physically and mentally.

The current situation can only be regarded as a good start. If you want to really grow Xiao Shanen to the level of his father and grow to the level of being able to bear the heavy burden, he needs to go further The sharpening of the job.

This is Medusa’s responsibility, and it is also the most meaningful of all her current work. Of course she will not slacken in this kind of thing. And just because she issues missions like the Great Grandpa of Novice Village, Xiao Shanen’s experience has begun to grow at a rapid rate.

It takes time for youngster to be normal. And before this time has reached a certain level, all his behaviors are just a little joke. For the major events in which this World itself is operating, his performance is fundamentally insignificant. It can’t even attract too much attention. This point, even in this country that claims to have been completely taken over by Stark’s eyes and ears, is no exception.

Despite a little bit of wind, a Superhero that has just emerged is simply a small role not worth mentioning for Stark, who now controls the entire country. He is so versatile that he will not waste oneself’s precious time on such a small role. The existence of the Superhero Bill Monitoring Committee is enough to deal with such a small role.

In comparison, he obviously cares about the national events planned by oneself. And the most important national event right now is of course the ongoing Hell War.

The success of the early war does not mean that the situation of the war has been completely controlled. In fact, the war situation of the entire hell is changing continuously to anxiety.

Judging from the current intelligence, it seems that it is not only the resistance force of Evil Spirit hell, but other hell forces have also begun to intervene.

The different demons in these different hells have put great pressure on the United States army. One of the most notable points is that their air supremacy has been severely challenged.

Those devil individuals from the Anxious Hell far surpass the Evil Spirit Hell in terms of strength, especially those flying species with wings that have caused considerable losses to the United States Air Force. In order to ensure air supremacy and absolute superiority on the battlefield, Stark had to increase investment, and invest in a large-scale investment in the air force and a new generation of fighters that are more expensive than gold.

strictly speaking, the investment in this war has begun to exceed his bottom line. But seeing that victory is just around the corner, the moment when the country reverses its destiny is within reach, let him give up at this time, he will definitely not want to. So even if he gritted his teeth and withstood all the pressure, he must further put his military power in.

Perhaps he himself didn’t think there was anything wrong with the choice of own, but in some people’s eyes, he was already like a gambler with a red eye and started to take the risk.

This is not good news, especially for those who are in the same boat with him. But for some others, this is quite good news.

Stark’s large-scale military investment has made the regional battlefields that had already begun to show signs of decline returned to normal, and this investment also means that, in a sense, United States’ ambitions have been completely destroyed. Kidnapped up. Once their secret plans are implemented, both hell and the world will return to the journey of peace. And this is what they really want to see.

Justice itself requires sacrifice. Compared to sacrificing the interests of the innocent and truly great, sacrificing their own reputation and ambitious strength is obviously a better choice. This is the ultimate goal of Peter Parker and Paragon sorcerer. But right now, they must continue to worry about the battle before them.

The stalemate situation of war is not only reflected in the United States army, but also in the troops under he himself, there are also varying degrees of casualties.

Although in terms of strength, Peter can already be said to be comparable to a god. But he is still impossible to achieve the kind of omnipotent in the story, which is actually impossible for the gods themselves. He can only say that he does his own job best, but in the cruel war, no matter how well he does it, it is impossible to make oneself’s nearly a thousand subordinates safe.

War requires sacrifice. The so-called meat grinder is not only the enemy’s flesh and blood, but also own. There is at most a difference between more and less, and when the losses on the side of hell reach tens of millions, even if the legendary battle hero John Baslon has a surreal record of more than a thousand. For a sum, Peter’s Ghost Rider also has nearly 10,000 casualties.

Of course, Ghost Rider is far superior to humans, and they can certainly do more than ordinary humans. So nearly 10,000 casualties are completely exaggerated, and he didn’t have 10,000 Ghost Rider to lose. However, no matter how the calculation is made, the loss of more than 300 is still not enough.

As a commander, you can’t say that he didn’t try his best. Because in the war here in hell, he has indeed achieved the point of taking the lead and working hard. Controlling the loss at this level is already the result of his own ability to the limit. It can be said that if it were not for him, the current Ghost Rider Legion would have been defeated long ago, In name only.

No one can say that he is not on this issue. Even inside the heavily-lost Ghost Rider Legion, there will be no voice questioning his ability and abilities. For these Ghost Riders, going to hell was originally a choice they made oneself. And perish together with the demons is a result of their seeking for benevolence.

They are happy to accept such a result. It’s just that even though they accept this result, it doesn’t mean that Peter can accept this result. For Peter, who was responsible for this for the first time, the casualties were too heavy. Even if no one would blame him on this issue, he would involuntarily attribute all the faults to the owner.

The more the war continues and the more casualties, the more pain and guilt he feels in his heart. What made him suffer the most was that, as a commander, he couldn’t reveal the truest thoughts in oneself at all. He must be calm and calm in front of oneself’s subordinates, and must show enough confidence and coldness for them. And the result of this is that, as if the flood of Tao Tao was blocked in a small gully, the pressure in his heart began to become greater and greater.

This is manifested on the outside, that is, his temper has begun to become temperamental, even to the point where he can’t control it under normal circumstances.

This is very common on the battlefield. In fact, it’s not just him, the absolute majority of Ghost Rider has more or less changes in this area. After all, it was a cruel war, the most torturing purgatory. No matter how much they regard death as home, they will inevitably be affected in such a battlefield. It’s just that Peter’s situation is more serious than that’s all.

This is not a noteworthy situation. Although many people see his changes, they may not take him seriously. However, for Ancient One sorcerer, this kind of thing is a big or small problem.

She thinks it is necessary for oneself to talk to Peter so that he can keep his own calm at this critical time. After all, their plan is huge, and the slight difference affects the two worlds. And if you don’t want to lose the chain on such a major event, then it is very important to control your emotions and adjust your mentality.

Thinking so, Ancient One sorcerer quickly found Peter for a while, and said to him in front of him.

“Mr. Parker, I have noticed your recent emotional changes. I hope you yourself are aware of the problem of own. Right now is the critical moment in our plan. I think you should find a way to solve oneself Emotional problems in order to prevent any loss of the chain at this critical time. You should know that the peace between mankind and hell is here in one fell swoop. If our plan fails, then the consequence is us No one can afford it!”

The matter is very important and the time is very tight. The Ancient One sorcerer does not have the kind of long-term treatment like a psychiatrist. Little by little can help you by talking. The meaning of the question. She does not rely on this to make money, and of course she will not try to delay time. For her, of course, the sooner such a problem is resolved, the better, so naturally she will not be polite when speaking.

As for her remarks that the warning is greater than the exhortation, although Peter’s immediate reaction was an upswing, he was a little irritable and wanted to refute it. But under rational restraint, he was still nodded and solemnly assured him.

“I know what you mean, rest assured, I will adjust the own state as soon as possible. I just can’t accept this kind of terrifying sacrifice. What a damn, why should I Let me do this kind of thing, I really don’t want to do this kind of thing!”

Rubbing the hair on oneself’s head, scratching own’s head like a chicken coop. Peter was completely venting and complained to Ancient One. For him, Ancient One is probably the only one in it who is qualified to listen to his complaints. Only when facing her can he put down all the masks and reveal all the emotions in oneself.

This is a kind of trust. It can be said that unconsciously, he has established a considerable trust relationship with Ancient One. For his grievances and complaints, Ancient One was also sighed and soothed in a low voice.

“I know the pressure you are under, but you have to know that this is a choice we have to make. Sacrifice with personal pain to prevent more people from bearing the things they cannot bear Suffering, isn’t this the meaning of our existence? Don’t forget your choice, your original intention. You are fighting for justice, and justice is the power that will never and cannot fall. You must have enough Be strong, because only if you are strong enough can you carry the banner of justice and truly fulfill your ideals.”

“I can’t do it, I’m afraid I can’t do it. . I can’t just watch them die, I don’t want to see such sacrifices anymore!”

“You must do it. Besides you, no one can do it This.”

Ancient One interrupted Peter’s venting and grievances with Fiercely’s slap, and responded to him with unprecedented solemnity.

“Tell me, do you still want to be a symbol of justice? Tell me, do you want to give up at this time? We have paid that many, that many people have sacrificed here. If you Give up at this time, are you worthy of them? Answer me, Peter Parker. Tell me your answer!”


The complaint is over , The hot brain finally returned to calm. After all, the person who shoulders the thought of justice has straightened up again and once again strengthened his own conviction. He found the way, because yes, he gave this answer.

“Sorry, I know where I went wrong. I understand, what should I do!”

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