Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1890

What should I do? You ask me, who should I ask?

Fitz’s question made Melinda couldn’t help but mutter in her heart, but on the surface, she still put on an endowed with extraordinary intelligence appearance.

“In short, let’s go down first. Now that the crisis has been lifted, how to make up for our mission is something that must be considered. We can’t go back empty-handed so that neither of us is good Explain.”

From the most practical point of view, Melinda put forward a pertinent suggestion. Fitz, who had too many opinions on this suggestion, not at all, had already landed the plane downward after thinking about it.

Although the surface is still hot, it has dropped to the point where it can stand on the ground. Although this situation still feels like standing on a volcanic crater, it is better than letting you bathe in it anyway.

Melinda is also an old agent to go through arduous training or hard work for many years, so such an environment is still within a tolerable range for him. And just under her lead, the two quickly walked to Strange.

After seeing Strange’s abnormal appearance just now, no one can treat him as an ordinary person. Especially in the eyes of these sensitive agents, he has become a monster hiding an ominous beast. So taboo is inevitable. It can be said that if it is not because of their duties, they must want to stay away from such a guy as far as possible.

But because it is their duty, they cannot choose to escape like an ordinary person. So they could only press oneself’s back weapon with one hand while asking questions like this to Strange who was meditating in Soul Nurturing.

“Strange Court Academecian, Strange Court Academecian? Can you hear me?”

The old monk enters into meditation, like a stone statue of Strange There was a sudden tremor in such a call, and then, with the violent ups and downs of his chest, he finally slowly opened his eyes.

The red halo circulated in his eyes, and then slowly faded. Seeing that the two in front of oneself were wearing black suits and nearly hitting Melinda, who I was a government running dog label, Strange immediately couldn’t help but frowned.

For the government, he has no good feelings. This is because he has an awkward history of being forced into bankruptcy by the government. On the other hand, as a sorcerer, he is inherently repulsive to such powerful organizations.

First impression is a very important factor in determining attitude, and under such a bad impression, Strange’s tone is of course impossible too polite.

“Government people? What did you do? Why are shadow distortions released!”

Shadow distortions, this is what the sorcerer did to the previous monsters The official title of the logo. And at first intervened so decisively, even at the expense of using a trump card like Heavenly Dragon, a large part of it was because of the existence of this shadow distortion.

As a dísciple taught by Mordo Baron, although he has not reached the standard of a sorcerer in many aspects of knowledge. However, he still has a certain understanding of the shadow warp, the monster that came out through the book of Necronomicon summon.

This kind of evil creature created by shadow, darkness and necromantic magic will be a cancerous existence for this World. If you let it go, it will grow to a terrifying point very quickly. At that time, many people may be distorted and killed because of its existence, and become something that is simply indescribable.

Don’t doubt this probability, the Book of the Necropolis is an evil creature created by the Evil God in the faint and dark, each of its creations has such a terrifying twisting magic power. Even if it is said that the Shadow Distortion is only a small character in the book of the Necromancers, its characteristic is indispensable.

Speaking of which, Strange has been worried about such things since he learned about Mordo Baron’s Necronomicon Book. But Mordo Baron assured him that he would only use the power of the Necronomicon Book where it should be used. He is a sorcerer, a Kamar-Taj sorcerer whose duty is to guard the human world. This might hurt humans and even destroy the dangerous forces of the world. He would never use it casually.

Strange trusts Mordo Baron’s guarantee. This is not only because of the close master and disciple relationship between them, nor is it because of his reinvention of own. It’s because of what he thinks he knows about Mordo Baron.

Although she is a bit old-fashioned in character, and in many cases she is not very close to people. But he can feel that this is a very proud and persistent person. Such a person is not too good, but it is definitely not too bad. And things like the kind that can release monsters and create chaos, he is absolutely impossible to do.

So, the problem can only arise with these government lackeys. And it is precisely because of such a relationship that he can raise such questions in such a righteous manner.

This kind of questioning is as if all the mistakes are blamed on them. For this kind of unprovoked accusation, Melinda and the others are certainly impossible to accept.

“Strange Court Academecian, we understand that your relationship with Mordo Baron is extraordinary. However, this is not the reason you can slander us casually. To accuse the government of behavior, Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, I can arrest you directly, you know?”

Melinda’s retort was quite tough, while Fitz’s tone appeared to be much softer by comparison.

“In fact, we are also victims. Because the order we received was to invite Mordo Baron to help the government solve some special problems. It’s just that we didn’t expect Sir Mordo to resist so much, and even said that he would not hesitate to release such a monster. If we knew this situation in advance, we would never let the situation develop to such a point.”

Although the two people differed in attitude, they had many explanations. Somehow Strange understood the reasons for each. It was precisely because of this vague understanding that he became more and more puzzled in his heart.

Mordo Baron may have good reasons to resist the government’s summon, but he has no reason to do such dangerous things. Whether it is from the perspective of a person or from the perspective of a sorcerer, it is not appropriate to release such a dangerous magical creation just for this reason, and it should even be strictly prohibited.

Mordo Baron is not the kind of person who doesn’t know the rules, on the contrary, he is the kind of guy who will abide by the rules. And such a person suddenly made such a banned behavior, no matter how you think about it, it seems to be a little suspicious.

Strange already had doubts in his heart, but he did not at all express this doubt. Now he is just staring at the previous battlefield, which is the place where his guardian Heavenly Dragon has completely melted, and has begun to gradually condense into crystals. Not surprisingly, he found some unusual conditions.

Slightly shaking his fingers, he transferred the anomaly discovered by oneself to his hand. The moment Strange touched that thing, he immediately recognized the origin of this anomaly.

The core of the shadow warp, the origin condense of the unique shadow of the Book of the Necropolis and Power of Darkness. According to common sense, this source should be turned into ashes under the extremely destructive fire of his guardian Heavenly Dragon. After all, the flame is the natural restraint of the shadow. In the domain of sorcerer, this kind of crushing Under sexual restraint, it should be a complete destruction, leaving no trace. But the fact is not the case, because around this core, it is obvious that people have been manipulated.

It is a special seal based on the oriental technique. The effect is obvious, which is to seal and prevent the destruction of the Heavenly Dragon magic fire. This effect is not obvious when the shadow distortion is formed. But once it is devastated by the protector Heavenly Dragon, then it can draw strength from the magic fire of Heavenly Dragon and protect this core from damage.

This seems to be a defensive means, but in essence, it seems to have a more special meaning. Because this kind of protection is only on the one hand, on the other hand, when this seal works, the shadow distortion itself will also be sealed, and can only maintain the core appearance under this seal, and impossible from it. Break through and continue to make waves.

This doesn’t look like a reckless action made by an angry person. If you think about it carefully, you can think of a lot of meaningful probability. But, what kind of possibility would it be?

Teacher, what do you want to do? There was such a question in his heart, but Strange couldn’t show it on his face at all. He could only be silent, keeping the appearance of a stranger not getting close, and he planned to leave on foot without paying attention to the two people around him.

In the face of his supercilious behavior, Melinda was of course impossible to accept, so immediately, she stood up to stand in front of Strange and warned him like this stand up.

“You can’t just leave like this, Strange Court Academecian. There are some things you need to take responsibility for!”

“Responsibility?” raised his eyebrows in surprise, Si Tranch stared at Melinda in front of oneself, and immediately sneered with disdain. “I don’t think I have any responsibilities to you, madam. I have no relationship with your government, nor do I want to have any relationship. So, you found the wrong person!”

“This It’s not what you said, Strange Court Academecian.”

Once again, he stood in front of Strange firmly, and Melinda refused to give up.

“Don’t forget the laws of your country. This country has implemented the Superhero Act. Anyone with extraordinary powers must be managed and monitored by the state department. According to the core of the Superhero Act According to the regulations, the state department has the power to compulsorily recruit people with special ability when deemed necessary. If you resist or refuse, then the most severe case is that you will be accused of treason. Such a crime. , I don’t think you’re willing to bear it.”

“Do you want to threaten me?”

I have already heard what Melinda meant from her What it meant, of course Strange sneered unceremoniously.

This sneer is enough to show his attitude, which is resistance and to disdain as beneath contempt. He obviously didn’t take Melinda’s threat as the same thing, or he simply didn’t take Melinda in his eyes. And to this, Melinda’s reaction certainly became stronger.

“This is not a threat, it is a warning, Strange Court Academecian. You should understand what the people with formidable strength in this country will do. The government tolerates your existence, especially The land has tolerated and sheltered you. Correspondingly, you should dedicate your own power to this country. No one can only ask for it without doing anything. If there is any, then this person is committing a crime. Unless there is anything. Say you want to be a criminal wanted by the government, otherwise, you’d better cooperate with our actions and accept our arrangements.”

Backing on the United States Government, Melinda certainly said with confidence Such words come out. In general, the overwhelming majority of superpower users face such threats, even if they are dissatisfied, they can only submit to humiliation.

In the final analysis, there are still a few Superhero that can fight against the country. This is not only a contest of strength, but also from social and interpersonal pressure. Under this premise, few people can choose not to yield. Obviously, Strange is an exception.

Since his bankruptcy, his social relations in this country have been broken. From aloof and remote to worthless, after experiencing all this, it is really difficult for him to have any attachment to the past. And precisely because of this, trying to use this to threaten him is totally unfounded. And if there is only a power contest left, to be honest, he who has become a sorcerer is not afraid of this.

United States is very powerful, but it also depends on who it is. Kamar-Taj’s teleportation magic is enough to make him invincible when facing the huge monster of United States. With so many guarantees, of course he was impossible to take Melinda’s warning seriously. So immediately, he mocked.

“First of all, don’t tell me about the country’s mission and obligations. My obligations to this country have been fulfilled in the huge taxes I have paid. I didn’t see it when I needed the country’s help most. She gave birth to a helping hand. And now, after I got this power, you want me to be a bull for you, sorry, this is impossible!”

“In addition. From some kind of To a certain extent, I am not American anymore. My current nationality is Hong Kong, China, and I am a officially registered monk. Therefore, even if you talk about the country’s righteousness with me, it’s not your turn. I’m sorry for wasting so much of you. Feelings, in short, I should say goodbye to you!”

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