Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1891

What? You’re not American anymore?

When Strange said this, Melinda’s face immediately showed a look Unbelievable expression. Then, she immediately questioned Fitz silently with a gloomy expression.

Why didn’t you tell me in advance about such an important thing.

For such questions, Fitz also has a hard time talking about it. Where did he want it, Strange also has such a huge change in identity. As it should be by rights, he started to complain about the relevant government departments in his heart.

For such an important talent, how can you change his nationality casually?

Of course, he also knows that this is just an afterthought. If it wasn’t because Strange became a vital figure, if it wasn’t because he became a powerful sorcerer, then he would change his nationality simply insignificant. Because a bankrupt person cannot provide any tax to this country. He has lost the ability to supply blood to the country, and for the country, he has also become a burden.

If you want to immigrate, if you want to change your nationality completely, then those officials in charge of immigration are absolutely happy. As long as there are enough such people, and if the next family is willing to take over, then maybe they will be happy to the point where they are packaged and sent to the charter flight.

No one can say that they are negligent on this issue, because they did make the best choice for the country. It’s just that this choice is not so attractive in the current situation.

Strange’s identity changed to a foreigner, which was a completely unprepared change for Melinda and the others. It is also a very difficult situation.

The state violent organs suddenly attacked and kidnapped citizens of another country. If this kind of thing is not discovered by others, it is okay. If it is stabbed out, it will be a big problem.

If you change to the past, then this kind of thing will not interfere with their actions. After all, as the most powerful hegemonic country in the world, they can instill the word hegemony into every action of own. What about citizens of other countries? As long as I need, I can forcibly take you over. Even if there is something unconvincing in the country behind you, you can only hold back and endure it obediently and honestly.

But now, they have lost their hegemony, but they don’t have the confidence to carry out such a bandit action.

So blatantly provoking other countries, the price to pay will be huge. If it’s a small country in general, it’s okay, the price is still within a tolerable range. But if it is a powerful country, then the price will grow to a point where they simply cannot afford it.

There is no need for any substantive action, just a few actions in the financial market, it is enough to make the current United States can not afford to go around. And if they don’t want to bear such a price, then their predatory American of these tribulations can only hold back and endure obediently and honestly.

The so-called 30 years Hedong 30 years Hexi is nothing more than this. Regarding such an aggrieved situation, even if Melinda felt resentful, there was no alternative.

Although she is an agent with very high operational authority, she still can’t get on the table at the level of making decisions on behalf of the country. Neither this qualification nor this authority. And such a somewhat awkward identity made her suddenly fall into a refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases when facing Strange.

If you can clean up the beginning and the end without leaving a clue to others. So maybe there is also some room for manipulation. But Melinda didn’t think oneself could do this, and besides, since Strange could say such a thing, then he must have left something in this regard.

If you rashly act on him, it’s likely that you won’t be able to catch the fish, but it will cause a fishy end. Then watching him leave like this, this obviously made Melinda feel unwilling.

So after thinking and thinking, she gave up using those extreme methods, and said so to Strange.

“Strange Court Academecian, I know you are repelling us, and I understand why you are repelling us. As a representative of the government, you see us as those who want to imprison and We can fully understand the constraints of your existence. But please also understand one thing, that is, if there is a choice, we will not be so stalking you.”

“Our first goal is Sir Mordo, and he expressed a very incomprehensible resistance to us. And in order to implement the plan smoothly, we can only look for your help. .”

“This is not an ambitious plan, nor is it an extraordinary act of arrogant and conceited. On the contrary, it should be a very important and worthy of your efforts. Tranch Court Academecian, you used to be a doctor, and a very difficult to deal with doctor. So you should understand what kind of concessions humans should make in the face of life. And now, it is a situation that requires your concessions Right in front of you.”

Speaking of which, Melinda hesitated. It is obviously a violation of discipline to disclose relevant content before the other party’s wishes are formally confirmed. Moreover, this is still such a serious problem. If the other party has any thoughts, it may cause great upheavals across the country in an instant.

This is a big bet, a crazy act to bet on her personal and national fate. And such a crazy behavior depends only on Strange’s character, which is an unreasonable behavior in anyone’s eyes. Even she herself is a little confused about what oneself is doing.

But she did it anyway, and she didn’t hesitate to turn back.

“I can’t tell you more details, but what I can tell you is that there are tens of thousands of people who are in trouble. They urgently need a capable person to help them Brought out from the current predicament. And for us, those powerful sorcerers may be the only ones who can help them. On this issue, Sir Mordo has rejected us. And if you make the same choice, Then the lives of these tens of thousands of people will be threatened, or even misfortune. I think such a thing is not what you want to see, Strange Court Academecian.”

Mei Lin Da’s gamble seemed to get the desired result, because in the face of such a serious topic, Strange, who had already expressed his intentions, stopped owning.

Although he is no longer a doctor because of his hands, the nature of a doctor still remains in his heart, making him unable to ignore all that Melinda portrays.

He couldn’t ignore so many lives, so even if Melinda’s rhetoric might conceal the possibility of deceiving him, he still chose to give her such a chance.

“Can you make sure that everything oneself says is true?”

“I can use my life as a guarantee, Strange Court Academecian.”

Although I really want to say, does your life have such value? But Strange, who was a doctor, couldn’t say such a thing. He thought and thought, hesitated for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

“I can try to help you, but this is based on the premise that I truly understand the hidden secrets. I am impossible to believe your own words on this kind of thing. I need to make an own judgment. And besides, if I can help you, I don’t dare to pack a ticket. I can only say try my best.”

“That’s enough!” For this result Melinda, who was already very satisfied, was naturally impossible to ask for more, and as if she was worried that Strange would change his mind halfway, she immediately made a gesture of asking, and then said to him. “Please, Court Academecian. Someone is waiting for you, and the things you want to know will soon be answered!”

boldness of execution stems from superb skill, this is not What an exaggerated rhetoric. For Strange now, even if it is dragon’s pool and tiger’s den, he is confident to make a breakthrough. So facing Melinda’s invitation, he was not at all too entangled, but after nodded, he followed her into the plane.

Fitz is like a little follower, watching all these changes silently. And this sudden reversal of the situation really gave him a completely unprepared feeling.

Is that done? Even after getting on the plane, he still had such an unreal feeling. While Strange was meditating with eyes closed there, as if he was indifferent to everything that happened outside, he quietly came to Melinda’s side, and cautiously asked her questions.

“Sir, do we have completed the mission?”

“It can’t be regarded as the completion of the mission. At least, it is necessary to explain the situation clearly with the above. After the handover.”

“So, the bill you asked me to sort out before, do we still have to give it to him?”

What Fitz said, Melinda’s eyes Li immediately showed an expression of contempt as if he was looking at an idiot. She wanted to scold these two words directly, but this situation was obviously inappropriate, so she could only give such an expressionless reply.

“Temporarily record this bill under the name of the Superhero Management Committee. In the name of the unexpected situation, please close this matter.”

“But you are not Say, is he not qualified?”

Fitz was surprised, and his surprise made Melinda want to open his mind to see if he really was I really don’t understand, or the urge to pretend I don’t understand. How did this guy become an agent? Could it be that his training Teacher hadn’t taught him what is benefit replacement?

This kind of thing, she plans to do it after she has figured out who Fitz’s trainer is. But right now, she could only sullen her face and said to him in a commanding tone.

“This is an order, Fitz. Do what I say!”

Obey the order, this is what Melinda meant. And if you don’t even understand this kind of thing, then Fitz is really too unqualified.

Although in many respects, he did a little unsatisfactory. But at this point he was not confused.

Closed her mouth obediently and honestly, and swept away all the previous ones. Fitz some reap what you have sown burdened unnecessary trouble mission. And Melinda didn’t mean to continue to pay attention to him, she just urged the plane at the maximum speed, and took Strange towards the government’s secret base.

In less than half an hour, the plane was already parked in the airport of the secret military base. As soon as Strange got off the plane, a dark bald head appeared in front of him and introduced himself to him like this.

“Hello, doctor. I am Nick Fury, the director of the FBI. From now on, I will take over your work.”

He said that, right Strange, who was also bald, stretched out his hand. And despite the fact that the two of them had such a common ground, Strange didn’t mean to look at him differently.

Be aware that, as a bald head, in addition to being a standard for monks, part of the bigger reason is that his ability really makes it difficult for him to accumulate his hair. Together with the magic fire, his beard, hair, and so on are all turned to ashes. Under such circumstances, he has no choice but to be a bald head.

And if there is any choice, he is definitely not willing to become the image he is today. So from a certain point of view, Nick Fury, who is also bald, appeared in front of his eyes. It really can only be described as an eye-catching word. And under this premise, he certainly wouldn’t be any kind to Nick Fury.

“It’s different from doing those unnecessary courtesies, Your Excellency Director. I don’t have so much time to be close to you. I’m here only for one thing. What are the lives of those tens of thousands of people? It’s the same thing!”

As a former boss, Nick Fury of course knew about Melinda’s violation of discipline. On this issue, he first glanced at Melinda, and then acted in front of him. Trunch’s face said so to him.

“Since you asked so, then I’ll just say it. Doctor Strange, you should know that the government used to cooperate with your Teacher about the Hell Demon against the world!”

“Of course.” On this question, Strange gave an affirmative answer, because he is actually no stranger to the existence of Demon in the world.

This aspect is because he himself is one of the parties to the show. On the other hand, when he was studying under Mordo Baron, he didn’t deal with the demons less and learned practical experience from them. He knew exactly what kind of threat it was, so immediately, he frowned and asked.

“Does the safety of the lives of these tens of thousands of people have anything to do with the demons?”

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