Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1892

In this conversation, Nick Fury was actually examining the bald sorcerer in front of him.

The same attitude toward another bald-headed sorcerer, or the same attitude toward all the guys that oneself can’t control, he will always have a doubt about such guys. And if there is any difference, it is that his suspicion of Strange is far less serious than that of Ancient One sorcerer.

After all, Strange is a well-known character. Although his transformation is a bit unpredictable, he wants to transform an ordinary person in such a short period of time. The role of being deep and unmeasurable is an unlikely thing.

For Nick Fury, who was once the king of agents, as long as Strange reveals any clues, he can follow the vine and find the truth that oneself wants to find. And what the truth he is looking for is probably something only he himself knows.

As a complete conspiracy theorist, Nick Fury will never be afraid of trying to figure out the intentions of others with the greatest malice. And precisely because of this, his answer to Strange became more subtle.

“Speaking of this issue, you should know the key person behind the cooperation between the government and you sorcerers.”

“You mean Paragon sorcerer “

As Mordo Baron’s dísciple, Miao Zhenggenhong’s Kamar-Taj sorcerer, Paragon sorcerer must be an existence that cannot be bypassed. Although he has not seen Paragon sorcerer herself, he still knows something about her. In addition, Mordo Baron is always aggrieved but helpless, and you can guess with a little thought, who is why Mordo Baron was kicked out of the game.

For this equivalent to oneself Sect Founder character, Strange is not at all too big. So he didn’t at all hesitate and gave the own answer.

When he saw his answer so straightforward and straightforward, Nick Fury moved a little deep in his eyes, and then said to him calmly.

“Yes, Paragon sorcerer, the Ancient One who claims to have protected the world for nearly a thousand years.”

“From the very beginning, she suddenly appeared in front of us , Tells us the status quo that the world has been invaded by hell. Seriously, when at first, not at all who was willing to believe her nonsense, because the devil’s hell and so on is too far away from us It’s far away, it’s too unrealistic.”

“But this Ancient One always has a way to reverse our perceptions. She allows us to see the truth of the world. And just after we understand the truth And when she was nervous about the truth, she made another suggestion to us.”

Speaking of which, Nick Fury paused deliberately and observed Strange’s expression. After seeing that there were no abnormalities in his expression, he continued to say so.

“This suggestion is that we cannot always defend passively, but that we should take the initiative and launch a counterattack against them before hell can do great damage to our world.”


“This sounds a bit unrealistic, but it is a concept we agree with. After all, no matter how strong the castle is, there will be one day to be broken. Instead of passively being beaten, it is better to do everything possible. Destroy our enemies before being breached. Therefore, under the arrangement of Paragon sorcerer, the United States Government organized a secret military operation. Please follow me, Strange Court Academecian.”

Nick .Fury talks while giving guidance. And under his guidance, the two people quickly came to the core of the base.

“It’s here. The huge Teleportation Portal established by Paragon sorcerer is also the only way for our army to attack hell. Now, as you can see, these Teleportation The Portal has disappeared. For no reason, there is no sign, it was completely sudden. In this regard, Court Academecian, can you see anything?”

“Teleportation Portal? And still Fixed?”

I looked up at these Teleportation Portals, which were surrounded by a circular metal shell and were more than 60 meters long and wide. They have now disappeared. For the first time, Strange had an intuitive understanding of the capabilities of Paragon sorcerer.

The Teleportation Portal spell is a feature of Kamar-Taj. It can be said that as long as it is a qualified Kamar-Taj sorcerer, it will be such a Teleportation Portal spell. But just as everyone knows how to do mathematical calculations, some people can only mentally calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with three digits or less, while some people can just like a calculator to just use seven or eight digit calculations. The same Spells are in the hands of different people, and there is a difference in level.

In the past, Strange thought that such a gap might exist, but it would never be too big. But now, his concept has been subverted, because he can’t even imagine how such a huge Teleportation Portal was opened.

You must know that he himself uses such a spell to open a Teleportation Portal with the size of 50-60 meters at most, and it only lasts for a few minutes at most. For this, he was also called a genius by Mordo Baron, who believed that he had a talent that an ordinary person couldn’t match.

Now it seems that this is simply a shit talent. Compared with Paragon sorcerer, who can open multiple such huge Teleportation Portals and fix them here for a long time like real gates, his talent is simply not worth mentioning, even just a comparison will make people feel It’s ridiculous.

People who understand this spell will naturally be able to see everything hidden behind this spell. That kind of deep and unmeasurable magic power, that kind of understanding and mastery of Space Law, these all are things beyond his reach. If Nick Fury’s request is to allow him to reopen such a door, then he can only have the quality of sorry for three consecutive times, and retreat as oneself’s only ending.

But Nick Fury’s request is not this, he just asks oneself to see something, and at this point, he is confident that oneself is still within his power.

Ignoring the weird eyes of the people around him, Strange walked directly to this huge creation, closing his eyes, while touching the existence that is inaccessible to ordinary people. .

The structure of spells, also the kind of spatial spells that belong to Teleportation Portal spells.

The former is like an electrical circuit in a precision instrument, allowing him to know whether there is a problem inside it only by touch. The latter allows him as Kamar-Taj sorcerer to determine a specific position and grasp a general direction.

This is not a complicated question. For a qualified Kamar-Taj sorcerer, he quickly withdrew his hand and had his own judgment.

This judgment made him a little surprised, and even said he couldn’t understand it. So immediately, he ignored the serious expression of Nick Fury beside him, and directly cast the spell on the spot.

Teleportation Portal magic, this key spell. After mastering the space technique left by Paragon sorcerer, he can easily locate the space where Paragon sorcerer is located. As usual, he drew the golden spark with one hand and wanted to open this Teleportation Portal. The Teleportation Portal spell was immediately extinguished as if being splashed by cold water.

Failed to transfer? This unexpected situation made him unable to help being frowned. Then he thought for a while, and after repositioning another space coordinate, he tried again.

The process at this time was very smooth. He opened the Teleportation Portal with no difficulty, and the Teleportation Portal was also running very stable. It’s just that this was not the result he wanted to see, so after extinguishing the Teleportation Portal in one hand, he spoke to Nick Fury, who was showing an urgent expression behind him, and said something like this.

“Sorry, I can’t do anything!”

Such an answer extinguished the enthusiasm on Nick Fury’s face in an instant. He put on a gloomy expression, and then nothing He asked Strange unceremoniously.

“Can you tell me what the situation is like? Doctor.”

“It’s very simple. I tried to touch the magic structure of this huge Teleportation Portal. According to experience, it has almost no problems. So, I think the problem may be on the other side, which is the world that this Teleportation Portal leads to.”

“The use of Teleportation Portal The coordinates, I tried it, and as you can see, I couldn’t open the door to that world at all. At first I thought it might be a problem with myself, but then I checked it myself and it was not the problem. It’s on me. So the final answer is only one. That’s what powerful existence I can’t understand, blocking our of common origins spells, so that we can no longer enter there through this spell.”

“I know you want me to help you open this door, but unfortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, I don’t have such ability.”

Strange calmly Speaking of own powerlessness, and facing his calmness, although Nick Fury didn’t show anything on his face, he could see from his clenched fists and slightly trembling body that he was a little unbearable. of.

It can be said that such a remark is equivalent to sentenced him to death with the tens of thousands of people. Because as a supporter and implementer of this plan, no matter what, he is to blame.

He doesn’t care about what oneself might face. After several ups and downs, he has already seen all this and is prepared for any end. He cares about the innocent soldiers, or in other words, he cares about the failure itself.

There is a very similar point with Tony, that is, they are the strongest fans in this country. Because he has an extraordinary love for this country, he can face doesn’t change and make actions that many people would not even dare to imagine. Including the coup that supported Stark, and the vote of support in this hell invasion war.

If this war can successfully achieve their strategic goals, even if these tens of thousands of soldiers have died, he would think this is acceptable. Although this would be a huge loss for the entire country, they got the future. And the benefits that can be created in the future, no matter how you look at it, are much greater than the losses now.

This is also the reason why he has considered the bad possibilities, but still supports the plan. Huge benefits will always make life blind, and begin to consciously take risks. He thought that oneself was lucky and thought that their gamble could end in victory. However, the reality is that he slapped him fiercely to let him know how cruel fate is when it plays with people.

They sacrificed a lot, and they also lost the future. Just thinking of this kind of thing makes Nick Fury full of resentment and resentment. He doesn’t know who to blame, nor how can oneself forgive oneself. Up to now, he knows only one thing, that is, he must do everything possible to recover the losses as much as possible for the own country.

The United States cannot face such losses, which will completely collapse this country. He must conceal all this, from the people, from the general public, and from all people in this world. Because only in this way can he protect the interests of the country, so that the country can barely survive such a huge blood loss.

This is very difficult, very difficult, because if all of this is really done, then he must raise his butcher knife and commit a murder.

Human consciousness alone cannot keep such secrets. If you want to cover up such things, you can only make them dead. And let all insiders become dead, this is certainly not an easy idea. When it’s not as a last resort, anyone, including him and Stark, will not choose this approach.

So, even if he already had such a plan in his heart, he temporarily suppressed such a thought. Moreover, he tried to make a calm expression as much as possible, so that he asked Strange.

“Is there any other feasible solution? Doctor. You should know that we are not asking you to come here to hear the bad news. What we want is good news, even a solution to the problem . At this point, we have high hopes for you. So I hope…”

He didn’t finish his words, but the meaning was obvious. Compared to what he meant, Strange was more concerned about the killing intent he had revealed before.

The existence of Heavenly Dragon and his own vicious god makes him very sensitive to this cryptic human emotion. So even if it was just a moment, he still caught the killing intent of Nick Fury.

He wants to kill own, which Strange can be sure of. but why? He could not understand.

He didn’t have enough knowledge of the inside story of all of this, and he felt that his eyes were confusing. Although reason told him, this is the time to withdraw. But in terms of hunch, he felt that oneself should explore more deeply.

His hunch tells him that all this may be related to the information Mordo Baron left him, and if he can understand the hidden secrets more deeply, then maybe he can uncover Mordo. The puzzle that Baron left him.

This is an opportunity that must be seized. Having made up such an idea, Strange no longer had any hesitation, but immediately gave this answer to Nick Fury.

“Maybe another way, I didn’t dare to confirm ……”

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