Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1898

Strange has a special identity because he is a Kamar-Taj sorcerer. This identity was somewhat similar to oneself’s son, so that Stark subconsciously had a slight affection for Strange.

Although he has doubts about Paragon sorcerer, and is very dissatisfied with Mordo Baron’s lack of knowledge of current affairs, as a mature man, he will not be angry with the whole because of individual examples. on.

Kamar-Taj sorcerer will be a very important power, and this power may be in their hands. That being the case, it should be given them some necessary courtesy.

That’s why Stark will speak for Strange at this time. Of course, his optimistic idea that he wants to get some exciting good news to boost morale is also indispensable.

For such a long time, bad news has always followed, which has made him almost impatient. In his opinion, the situation has become so bad, if there is always some good news. No matter how bad a person’s luck is, it cannot be so bad. So maybe, this will be the harbinger of his transfer, maybe?

He is very objective, or at this time he has to force oneself to be optimistic. Unfortunately, this optimistic state of mind is obviously out of date.

The news that Strange brought was not good news, and when he gave the warning from Mordo Baron to everyone present, the face of everyone present began to change. It’s ugly.

Anyone knows that what oneself has carefully prepared and made great efforts is only in the plot against others, even being led by others step by step. At that time, will not have such a pretty face. Not one of the so many people present at the scene opened their mouths to scold their mother, it was already the result of their city government. Of course, in mind’s eye, they probably have cursed hundreds of times.

Those damn demons, those conspirators, even say they are sorcerer.

Anyway, Paragon sorcerer is the initiator of all this and the fuse, whether she knows it or not, whether she is one of the manipulators behind, she is in this matter It is an end that cannot escape the blame. And if even the Paragon sorcerer is involved, are other sorcerers worthy of trust?

For the government under the control of Stark, this is already an issue that needs to be carefully considered.

This is not a problem that can be solved by closing your mouth and making up yourselves in your mind. It is something that can be resolved after hearing what oneself wants to hear, and what oneself wants to say.

In this case, Stark’s tone changed and he became cold and serious. He began to question, facing Strange.

“You are sure that everything you say is true, what guarantee do you use to guarantee that Mordo Baron did not falsify this kind of thing?”

“I can take what I have All to swear, the President, what I said is true. As for my Teacher, maybe he is a little dissatisfied with certain things, but I can say with certainty that he will not fake. No one knows him better than me, he He is a person with an extremely sense of mission and honor. In front of the mission and honor of the sorcerer, he will not do this kind of thing!”

“Mission, honor? Please forgive me to speak bluntly, Dr. Lanqi. So far, everything we have learned about the sorcerer comes from your mouth, and whether you are as noble as you say, with a sense of mission and honor, I don’t see at all. The thing that came out. All I can see is deceit, and who knows if this is a despicable trick?”

The own army is trapped in hell, which is natural It was General Ross that had great opinions. And now, Strange’s intelligence undoubtedly gave General Ross a way to vent his emotions. He as it should be by rights vented his own emotions against Strange.

This is an innocent disaster, and Strange certainly does not want to bear it in vain. So at the moment, he unceremoniously refuted it.

“You cannot deny the lofty height of a mountain just because you are blind. You cannot say that the world is silent because you are deaf and cannot hear anything other than oneself. General Ross, There are always people in this world who have made contributions and you don’t know much about them. You can deny their contributions, but this World will not. There will always be such a pair of eyes looking at everything impartially!”

“hmph, sharp-tongued kid. Don’t think that saying some beautiful things can change my impression of you. So far, what your sorcerer has done is not good enough for me to look at you! “

The stubborn temper is like a smelly stone in a pit, General Ross will not change his opinion just because of a word from someone else. He is so stubborn, he won’t change anything until Strange or any other sorcerer can come up with more weighty arguments.

Strange obviously also realized that General Ross was a difficult level to overcome. In the current season, he really can’t devote that many energy to slowly attacking this stubborn old man, so he can only step back and bypass him and start trying to persuade the others here.

Nick. Fury may be the best person to persuade. At the very least, they had a satisfying exchange before. This may be a good foundation. With this thought in mind, Strange immediately set his sights on Nick Fury.

“Director Fury, don’t even you believe what I said?”

“No, I believe all of what you said.”


Nick. Fury’s face is not at all, what special expression. It was like a machine with no emotions. He first gave Strange a thankful reply, and then stepped on fiercely the gratitude that came out of his heart.

“But I’m not sure if this is part of a conspiracy. I believe you, doctor. But I can’t believe in Sir Mordo, let alone believe in his nonsense. Maybe you are also the one who was deceived, and even said that by deceiving you to deceive us, is that what the planner behind this conspiracy thinks, maybe?”

“You shouldn’t doubt him. , He doesn’t have any reason to deceive you, isn’t it?”

The situation is not at all oneself so optimistic as expected, which makes Strange’s heart restless. He didn’t understand what these people were worrying about, let alone why they were so indifferent in the face of such threats.

Let’s say they are stupid, and their performance is irrelevant to stupidity. And if this is an own problem, he is very sure that oneself has no problem at all.

At a loss, his mind was completely blank, and almost subconsciously, he turned his eyes for help on Stark.

He knows that if there is one person in it who can decide everything in one sentence, then that person must be Stark. His identity, the power he possesses, and his past have given him absolute authority in this. And as long as he is willing to be nodded, no matter how many opinions other people have, they will never openly disobey him. But the question is, will Stark nod this head?

If it was at first, Strange might be confident, because in his opinion, someone would always stand up and take responsibility for such a major matter. But the reality has eroded his confidence early, making him afraid to have too much expectations in this kind of thing.

What will Stark do? He can only expect something vaguely. Faced with his expectation, Stark just hesitated and said to him.

“I believe what you say, but I don’t believe it either.”

The take action stopped Strange’s excuses, and Stark simply didn’t give him any excuses. opportunity.

“I believe you because I think you are worthy of my trust, doctor. You are an upright person. As a doctor, you are much better than those who only know how to make money. This is My reason is the key to trusting you, your past, all your past performances are worthy of my trust.”

“But, as Director Fury said, I am afraid that even you are not sure. Oneself is not part of the other party’s conspiracy. If you know that I am the president of this country, my words and deeds are related to the fate of many people. Therefore, I can’t help it just because of your one-sided words. Just make any important decisions. This is irresponsible to this country.”

“Then what do you want to do, President, do you just ignore it?”

Strange’s tone was full of irritability. Obviously, he has no patience to pester these politicians anymore.

He felt that oneself had clearly seen the faces of these politicians, and had seen enough of their stupid doubts and despicable excuses. If it wasn’t that he was really weak and couldn’t fight against the inexplicable existence that Mordo Baron said, he would definitely go away and make the last effort alone.

If he has that ability, then being a lonely hero is not unacceptable for him. Unfortunately, he himself also knows that oneself is not at all.

He has a talent, but he is not at all that time. He has only been a sorcerer for less than a year, and he wants to use his own strength to challenge the inexplicable existence. Overestimate one’s capabilities and bring about one’s own destruction are already the most polite descriptions. He is impossible with a little hope.

He understands this, so he puts his hope on Stark. But the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Under this kind of politician prevarication, he can no longer see any hope.

This is the last chance. If Stark couldn’t give him the answer he wanted, then he immediately turned around and left.

The United States is not the only country in the world, and there will definitely be one or two governments in it that are willing to trust the intelligence he brings. As long as he can say one or two important things, he may be able to reverse the situation. And if this can be done, then maybe human beings are also saved.

Of course, if that time comes, the face of the entire United States will definitely be lost. Their conspiracy will be exposed, and their incompetence will be laughed at. Turbulence from the inside and suppression from the outside are likely to cause this huge country to fall apart.

Though such a result makes Strange feel a little unbearable, but for the welfare of all mankind, if it reaches that point, he will still make the most correct choice.

Everything depends on Stark’s answer, and for Stark, who has been watching Strange and wanting to see his heart with his own eyes, he almost knows what oneself should do Of choice.

“Ignore it? No, I won’t do it. This is a crisis, a crisis that happens under our noses. As the President of the United States, I absolutely cannot allow this It happened in our country. So, whether this is a conspiracy or a bad joke, I will send someone to investigate and investigate all the incidents in Death Canyon.”

“This It is a prerequisite. I will not act blindly without thinking until I have enough reliable information. And I hope you don’t mess around, Doctor Strange.”

This statement Although it did not make Strange very satisfied, more or less, Stark expressed a willingness to treat it positively.

This is a good start, for Strange. And he also believes that such a huge conspiracy is impossible without any clues being revealed. As long as Stark is willing to face this problem head-on, then he will definitely be able to find something wrong with it.

He is not worried about getting nothing, he is only worried about the lack of time. So immediately, he warned.

“We are running out of time, Your Excellency President. If you need to investigate, then I suggest you finally prepare in advance to be able to respond at any time. Once your investigation meets my warning, Then you can take action immediately to stop this conspiracy!”

“You don’t need to talk about this kind of thing, little sorcerer. War matters should be resolved by professional people, not you. The layman is giving orders!”

General Ross’s cold irony was not at all taken seriously by Strange, he just stared at Stark, wanting to get a positive answer from his mouth.

In the face of his gaze, Stark was only frowned, and then said so.

“We will be prepared, you can rest assured, Doctor Strange. However, what we can do is limited to this. For now, the most important problem we face It’s the safety of those soldiers. I need you to give me a positive answer, doctor. Can you save them from hell?”

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