Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1899

“Rescue people from hell?”

Hearing Stark’s question, Strange immediately thought of the share that oneself had taken down. jobs. He promised to save people, but had to stop because of sudden occurance. Although it was said that there was a reason for the incident, in any case, his confidence was not enough. And this is manifested in the moment, that is, his tone instantly becomes twisted and light.

“Sorry, I didn’t find a practical and effective way.”

“Is there no way?”

Stark raised his voice, he obviously didn’t Believe Strange’s answer. Strange was silent for a moment before saying so.

“I have looked for many possible clues, but I did not at all find an absolutely safe way. Time is too tight, and it is so urgent that I can’t meet your requirements. However, there may be one The way…but unless there is no choice, I won’t say this way!”

“Do you have a way?”

Not just Stark, this At that time, even General Ross, who hated their group of sorcerers the most, couldn’t help but moved.

The life and death of tens of thousands of soldiers is too heavy a burden for them. If there is a way to rescue them from this burden, then this is definitely a situation they are extremely happy to do.

On the weight of the heart, this matter is definitely much higher than Strange’s ignorant warning. So immediately, General Ross threatened Strange with a threat.

“Doctor Strange, if you know any way to save the soldiers, I advise you to speak up. Is there any choice, whether it is suitable for the current situation, this It is up to us to make the judgment, not you. If you ignore the lives of our soldiers just because of your own subjective thoughts, then I can only think that you have no sincerity to cooperate with us. For. An insincere person, I will never believe any of his remarks. Because it is definitely not worthy of my belief!”

“This general, you don’t understand at all. This is what the sorcerers have Thousands of years of secrets are very important. If you are careless…”

“No matter how important it is, my soldier’s life will not be important!” A sentence interrupted Si Trunch’s retort, General Ross said rudely.

“Don’t fool me with legends thousands of years ago, doctor. People thousands of years ago knew what they saw when they saw our planes and thought they saw God and an armor The troops may think this is the devil Legion that will bring the end of the world. Their insight is shallow and ridiculous, so any warning they leave is meaningless.”

“In comparison, we Soldiers, the lives of tens of thousands of people are real. Doctor, don’t you think that the lives of these people are not as important as a secret thousands of years ago? If this is the case, then I can only say, you The sorcerer is just a bunch of bastards that’s all.”

General Ross’s words are not sound, but they are reasonable. In the name of life, especially the life of that many people, if Strange dares to say a word against it, then he puts oneself in an unrighteous position. And of course he is impossible to do so.

He just obeyed the request of General Ross and told the secret kept by sorcerer, but it was beyond his bottom line. So he hesitated, quite hesitant. Seeing his hesitant performance, Stark, who was sitting in the first place, began to try to increase the balance in Strange’s heart.

“Doctor Strange, maybe I need to remind you of the importance of these soldiers. For the current United States, their existence is equivalent to nearly half of our vitality. Lost This part of the force, we will not be able to use any degree of military strikes at risk. Including the danger of the probability that you foretell, we can’t deal with it. In other words, if you really think we must stop this conspiracy , Then you’d better tell us about this method. This is also for the overall consideration…”

When this sentence is said, it is equivalent to pushing Strange into one In a dead end. He advocates the United States Government to actively respond to this crisis. After all, this is their home ground, and only with their support can this crisis be best dealt with. Otherwise, even if he asks for help from other countries, he may end up causing irreparable losses due to United States’ interference.

The territorial and sovereignty issues are here, and American has no reason to give in and give in. Unless it is the time when things have reached a dead end, they will never let outsiders intervene to solve such problems in their territory.

Strange knew this well, so in the face of such almost threatening words, he could only think about the overall situation as Stark said.

“Well, I said. The way is Sodom and Gomorrah, the two cities destroyed by God in the biblical story.”

For people who have grown up in Western education, the names in these two Bibles are absolutely familiar. Just because they were so familiar, they really couldn’t connect the two cities with the method Strange said.

How can a city destroyed because of sin be connected to the path to hell? If it is really related, wouldn’t even God have to jump out and show the existence of own? They didn’t understand, and since they had opened their mouths, Strange naturally had a certain obligation to let them understand why oneself said so.

“Like what General Ross just said, people thousands of years ago, today, their knowledge is so shallow that they can’t be trusted. So naturally, the so-called The story of the Bible is a ridiculous joke. What a lie, homosexuality, this is nothing but a unilateral statement made by Tian Bishop to whitewash the doctrine of oneself about the destruction. Only fools with no brains would believe this ridiculous The reason. And the real reason has never been because of this…”

“As the maintainer of the Earth mysterious world, our sorcerer is very aware of the real reason for the destruction of the two cities. One sentence Words are war. The war between people who believe in hell and those who believe in heaven. Gomorrah and Sodom believe in the devil of hell. This is the root cause of their defeat and destruction. And I The reason why this is a method is basically because of the old legend, these two cities have a door to hell.”

“It was specially created by Mephisto to communicate with the world. There are only two gates in the whole hell. Judging from the previous actions of the hell demons rushing into the world, these two gates definitely exist. So as long as they can be found, then I think, save Returning to those soldiers is an absolutely feasible thing. There is only one question right now, and that is, where are these two doors?”

“I don’t believe the demons are opening this After the doors are opened, they will remain there intact. Even if it is to avoid human sight, they will definitely hide these two doors. So, if you really want to use such a method, , Then finding their locations is the most important thing!”

Since the solution was proposed, Strange, of course, simply displayed all the problems that needed to be solved. He would not deliberately add difficulty to the Stark government in such matters because of his own resistance. In the face of major disputes and personal interests, his personal integrity is very assured.

It’s just that, although he has contributed the greatest sincerity. But for people in the Stark government, this is still a very difficult problem to solve. Earth is so big, they can’t search corner by corner, if they really want to do it, then when they find it, it is estimated that the soldiers in hell will be almost cool.

They don’t have the time and effort, so at the moment, Nick Fury can only make further demands on Strange.

“Do you have a way to locate them? Doctor Strange.”

“Sorry, I have never been in contact with these two doors. All the knowledge about them It comes from the internal data records of the sorcerer. So, I’m afraid I can’t do what you requested. However, there is one thing I’m sure of.”

“The two doors rely on those two Evil City, these two cities are the key to sustaining them. So no matter where the demons hide these two gates, they will certainly not be too far away from these two ancient cities. As long as you can find the moth Where the ruins of Mora or Sodom are located, then I think it should not be far from you finding these two gates!”

Strange’s answer did not make Stark very satisfied. , Because even though he has already given an answer, the answer is still a bit too general.

They want to go further to get some more detailed information, but on this issue, Strange showed a helpless attitude. This makes them only turn to oneself. In response to this, Stark was silent for a while before projecting a huge map with a virtual image directly in front of them.

“Doctor Strange, can you tell me where these two cities should be?”

“Of course.” Nodded, Strange stared at the map for a while , Drew a big circle in the Middle East.

“According to the powers that believed in God at the time and the spheres of influence of other Gods, these two cities should be in this area. They are near Jerusalem!”

He said very much Affirmative, and this affirmation comes from the detailed records inside the sorcerer. Unlike Westerners who want to pursue history, they can only dig from those unrealistic myths and epics. As a sorcerer, he has a thousand years of sorcerer history to tell him the so-called truth. And in this history belonging to the sorcerer, many secrets hidden in myths and epics are open. Including the competition and division of forces among Gods.

A little bit of history, and a careful derivation, it is not difficult for him to derive the truth that oneself wants from it. As for the almost completely certain truth he said, Stark’s brows grew deeper and deeper.

Jerusalem, the Middle East, but also several places where faith disputes continue. Although it is said that since the Apocalypse turmoil to the devil’s disaster on the world, this place has not been very peaceful. But in any case, its position in those believers is unshakable.

This can be seen from the heavy casualties in the Middle East, but Jerusalem still maintains a considerable flow of people. He is not a truly pious person, and he will not risk his life and continue to stay in this so-called Holy City. And it is precisely because of their persistence that it makes Stark feel difficult to do it.

Smart people are not willing to deal with those crazy believers casually, because you don’t know when oneself broke their taboo, and then they will be dragged to the opposite position. .

A madman can make enemies everywhere, and only a fool can provoke an enemy like a madman. American did this kind of thing before, and the result proved that it was a very stupid move. The consequence of using external wars to alleviate internal conflicts is that external wars may get worse and harder to deal with. Although the internal conflicts have been concealed, the next outbreak will become more intense.

Stark almost broke his wrist and dug out the malignant tumor that caused domestic internal conflicts. He didn’t want oneself to fall into the quagmire of external war again. Therefore, it is definitely not feasible to directly use the army to search such sensitive places.

As for using diplomatic rhetoric to do this kind of thing with a relatively modest excuse, he just gave up this idea after a little thought.

American’s reputation is stinky shit in many parts of the Middle East. Even if they are stern-sounding, they must be guarded like thieves.

This is a good time when the relations between United States and Israel were harmonious. At the very least, also an Israel can help you play a guise. But after the arrogant Stark got rid of the domestic capital power, this has become an unlikely thing.

Be aware that the reason why Israel has such a close relationship with United States lies in the Jews who control the capital group. The Jews have always been united, and this in the United States, which is controlled by capital, is naturally manifested in the United States’ spare no effort to support Israel. Throughout all the countries, no one is willing to be an enemy of the entire Middle East for Israel, but this matter has to be placed on United States, maybe.

The capital consortium represented by Jews played a key role in this. And if this key existence is removed, will the relationship between United States and Israel still be so harmonious?

Israel may be willing, but Stark may not think so. Putting aside the relationship of Jewish capital, he is impossible to risk offending that many Middle Eastern countries to support an unbeatable Israel. This can be seen from the fact that he has been playing down the relationship between the two countries since he took office.

He wants to get rid of the image of United States in the past and open a new situation for United States in the international arena. And it is precisely because of his change in direction that Israel has to some extent stood on his opposite side.

It may be said that they will not directly be an enemy of United States, but it is absolutely possible to add blockage to United States in certain things. And if he really wants to send people to Jerusalem to look for the two gates, then there is no doubt that the Israeli side will think of some crooked ideas to undermine their actions.

This action must be secret and must not be known by anyone. And if it is destroyed, it is even said to be made public. So the impact it will bring is something Stark can’t even imagine.

This is a huge risk. And do you really want to take this risk? Stark hesitated immediately in his heart.

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