Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1905

“Let me introduce, my dear sir. This is my good friend, you can call him a weasel. He is a good broker, all you want All candidates can be found through him!”

In line with the principle of don’t let one’s own fertile water flow into others’ field, Deadpool has called oneself’s best friend and blended in. He thinks that the government’s price is good. If you find a qualified person, you can give it to 200,000. It is clear that it is the wrongdoer who has been sent to the door. It would be a bit too sorry if he didn’t fiercely slaughter him.

But he obviously ignored the idea of ​​oneself friends. As a mercenary broker, the weasel prefers to deal with mercenary who even want to pay for a glass of beer, and does not want to do business with a powerful group like the government.

He was out of trust in Deadpool. He heard that Deadpool said that a big business was coming to the door, so he eagerly came over. But when he saw that the so-called big business was dealing with the government, and the government figure that appeared in front of oneself was actually Maria Hill, an influential figure that generally appeared in the news, his legs were soft. The heart is trembling.

He turned his face in public and walked away. He didn’t have the courage. He knows very well that as long as oneself dares to slap the government in the face like this, then the FBI people can peel off the own skin without waiting long. But let him just accept the government’s order, he was not so willing in his heart.

Thinking about it with ass and knowing how troublesome it is for the government to rely on outsiders to solve things. Maybe it’s just like putting on the wipes after being oversized. When the mission is completed, I don’t even bother to take a look. The participants and insiders will be missing.

Of course, the weasel does not want to be oneself on the government’s missing list for no reason, but he can’t get away without any excuses. So he could only vent oneself anger flame hair on Deadpool’s body.

“Wade, you bastard with chrysanthemum sores! This is what you told me, a good business with 50,000 USD earned by introducing a person? Why didn’t you fucking tell me that this business is Dealing with the government? If I know that this job is dealing with people from the government, I swear, even if you alone give me hundreds of thousands and 200,000 benefits, I will never come over! This is simply taking me My life is cracking a joke!”

“Relax, Buddy, things are not as bad as you think!”

On the shoulders of oneself friends, Deadpool begins Soothed his emotions.

“You can see that I have done a lot of dirty work for the government, but am I still alive and well? You have to believe me, Buddy. Based on our relationship, I I won’t take you to Fire Pit. Besides, we’ve known each other for so long. When did I lie to you?”

Deadpool showed great confidence, and his attitude has never The very realistic broker weasel is sighed, speaking without omission and in detail.

“Wade. We have known each other for more than ten years. Please don’t use this kind of deceit to insult my IQ, okay?”

“Let’s not talk about it yet. , Let’s just talk about the recent years. Last week, you invited people in the bar to drink and spent three thousand USD. I thought you were a rare and generous hand, who knew that you gave me counterfeit money! Use fake bills to take my wine to invite others, just because the bastard said that your ass is sexy! Please, if you like to listen to this, I can tell you too!”

“That’s fine. Also last time, that was the worst. You told me that you have a brother who needs ignition support. I believe it. I opened my private arsenal to you, and let you do whatever you want. Take it. As a result, you sent this arms directly to India. Don’t you fucking know that the whole world is attacking the arms delivery channel to India’s Hydra? Do you know, if not, I’m quick to respond and get everything done. The evidence that is not conducive to me, maybe I was found by the CIA at that time, and then hanged directly for treason!”

“You fucking lied to me time and time again, now you actually ask Me, when did you lie to me. Wade, don’t your conscience hurt when you say this?”

Maybe it’s been hurt by Wade so many times that the weasel said When I got here, I couldn’t help but waved his own arm, and spit a lot of saliva on the face of Deadpool.

Of course, Deadpool has a hood on his face, and he doesn’t care about such a small problem. So at the moment, he hugged the weasel hard, and said to him in a very moving tone.

“If you don’t tell me these things, I’ve even forgotten that I have done so many bad things to you. I’ve only discovered now, Buddy, that you really love Wade Uncle. If not Because I already have a wife, I will definitely marry you!”

“Fuck You, Wade. I like women, and they are beautiful women. If I see you at night, it looks like I will vomit a face like an avocado scalded with oil. Also, take your hands off my butt, especially your fingers. Oh, you bastard, you dare to poke Go in!”

Of course, the weasel who has dealt with mercenary all day will not be so pleasant to speak, but Wade has long been accustomed to the way such people speak, so he doesn’t care much about the weasel. These words. It’s just that he doesn’t care doesn’t mean that others don’t care. For Maria Hill, who has always been in a high position, the weasel’s words are a bit too unbearable.

She doesn’t like the weasel’s accent that is full of dirty words, and she doesn’t like the slick character like the weasel. Especially when he and Deadpool sneered and ridiculed each other like this, she felt that this group was a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, her mission is a national event and a major threat that Stark will pay attention to. Asking her to put such a heavy burden on the character recommended by such an unreliable broker, she is not at ease. So at the moment, she said sternly to the two who were playing treasures.

“Mr. Wilson. Did you make a special trip to bring me to this place to introduce such a person to me? If so, then I can only say that I am disappointed. Because I don’t think The person you recommended to me can provide me with any suitable candidates. A mercenary who simply sells his life for money can’t meet my needs!”

The senior government officials look down on this group of war hyenas. ,This is normal. It’s just that Deadpool, who is a member of the war hyenas, will not let them be buried. So at the moment, he rebutted with indignation.

“What’s wrong with mercenary, can mercenary not be able to win the battle? Don’t forget who established the situation of United States in the Middle East. It is our mercenary. Don’t forget who helped you run away. British, it is our mercenary who established this country! I am proud of this identity, and I am also proud of this identity. If you don’t need our mercenary, you can go to the so-called national elites. See if they can complete it. Your mission, complete your mission!”

Rarely, Wade actually said something exciting. Regarding this, don’t look at how good Wade was before the Weasel, but at this time, he immediately stood up and firmly stated that he was on the same line as Wade.

“Yes, we also have dignity. Even if you are a member of the government, you can’t slander and demean us casually!”

Deadpool is acting like this, although it is not Normal, but somewhat understandable. For a Xiaoqiang who plays undying no matter what, it is acceptable to provoke him. But the weasel is different. Anyone who knows the weasel knows that this is a soft egg. He is a guy who can convince him immediately by threatening him. At this time, he actually showed such toughness to the government that oneself feared the most in the past. This is a situation that no one can think of.

The same goes for Deadpool, so immediately, he asked him secretly in the ear of the weasel.

“Buddy, what’s the matter with you, have you taken drugs? I just yelled a few words on an impulse, and I forgot what I just called. I didn’t expect you to support me at this time I, if you do this, you will be spotted by the stingy woman on the opposite side! Don’t blame me for not reminding you, if you are spotted by her, you won’t be able to escape even if you want to run.”

“Shut up, you bastard. Since you brought this group of people, I have been unable to run away. I have watched CCTV and my bar has been surrounded by the FBI. Now I just want to quit. It’s also impossible. In this case, I might as well continue this business. You also said, this is a big fat sheep. As long as I do this business well, I can enjoy it safely for many years! “

The two people were whispering. They were not at all experienced, and they were heard by Maria Hill who was sitting across from them. Even if she heard it, Maria Hill didn’t care, she only cared about other issues.

“Well, maybe what you said does make sense. But in the end, it depends on personal ability and quality. I can give you a chance, Mr. Weasel. As long as you can Provide me with enough high-quality candidates, then I am happy to take back what I just said and provide you with the intermediary fee that satisfies you!”

“Is this true?” Speaking of money, the weasel immediately revealed It’s not just in name only, but also in reality. He rubbed his hands and said to Maria almost impatiently. “Madam, you can trust me. From the fact that I am Wade’s best friend, I can see that I have a lot of high-quality personnel on hand. They may not be as good as Wade, but they are not bad. As long as you can provide Enough commissions and intermediary fees, I promise, I will give you a satisfactory explanation!”

Weasel’s way of speaking is not like empty words, and sometimes Mary Yashir also had to admit that snakes have snake paths and rats have rat paths. Guys like them who are gutter to go through arduous training or hard work, sometimes they can really come up with some surprises.

She didn’t intend to consume the precious power of the current country, but planned to find another way to solve the thorny problem before oneself. And now, since the weasel dared to make the ticket, she didn’t mind giving him a chance to show himself. So at the moment, she nodded to the weasel and said.

“Sir, it’s useless to say it’s useless. If you really intend to convince me, then take the resources in your hand and have a look. I only look at the results and only respect the facts I see , Understand?”

“Of course, of course. I just don’t know what kind of talents a distinguished person like you needs? I have experienced mercenary here, from the Gulf War to the Iraq War That kind. Of course, if you want to find someone who has special ability and can perform some extraordinary missions, I can also provide you with certain candidates. But at this price, it will be another thing!”

“The price is extra? I have given an intermediary fee of 200,000 per person. Is this still not enough to fill your appetite?”

Although I have a certain amount of government funding rights, it is fine Write out checks at will. But Maria Hill still didn’t want to be the kind of being taken advantage of and being slaughtered casually. So immediately, she frowned and questioned the weasel.

As for this, the weasel was taken aback for a moment, then immediately grabbed the Deadpool beside him, and slobbed at him.

“Wade, you bastard. You fucking deducted so much oil from the middle. You only gave me fifty thousand for a 200,000 business, why the hell don’t you die!”

“Okay, my dear weasel, don’t make others look down on it too much. Isn’t it a hundred thousand dollars? Seeing your excitement, this is simply losing our mercenary face. Don’t forget us Read it to me, we are noble mercenary, we don’t care about this little money!”

“Little money, Wade, you tell me this is little money? You know that you have owed all these years How much do I have? I tell you, you only owe me 30,000 taels and 430 yuan. For so many years, I have not had the heart to ask you for this amount. And now, you are actually taking my business from me. I drew hundreds of thousands from it. Tell me, how can you bear to hurt me like this!”

The weasel was obviously not fooled by Wade. On the contrary, in the face of monetary benefits, he maintained a high wide awake. However, the relationship between him and Wade has always been delicate. Because on both sides of the attack, he has always played the role of the receiver.

Everyone who knows weasel knows. Weasel is the kind of person whose Wade has pitted me thousands of times, and I treat Wade as first love. Regardless of how badly he is now, as long as Wade is a bit softer and plays an emotional card, he will immediately happily go with Wade as a friend.

This is the norm, and the current situation remains the same as before.

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