Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1906

I don’t know what Deadpool said to the weasel, and soon the two big men hugged each other intimately. Weasel’s emotions even got out of control, because the two women present could clearly see that he was almost crying with excitement.

“Damn it, these two people won’t have an affair.”

This is Shakera’s idea. Of course she is very worried now, worried about own status.

“Damn it, these two people are not really gay, right.”

This is Maria Hill’s idea. As a person with a more traditional ideology, she still has no way to accept the appearance of two big men, me and me, so immediately, she interrupted the close interaction between the two men and urged them instead.

“Gentlemen, pay attention to the occasion and time. I don’t want to waste oneself’s precious time watching your performance. Don’t forget the work I give you, I have to pay for it!”

Money is attractive after all. Neither Deadpool nor the Weasel had any thoughts of not having money, so they immediately changed their attitudes and responded to Maria solemnly.

“No problem, ma’am. But it’s the previous question, what kind of person do you want. What kind of experienced ordinary mercenary, or an unusual guy with special abilities like Wade? “

Maria carefully considered this question. She has no shortage of so-called experienced soldiers. Although the government’s strength has been stretched recently, anyway, they are a strong country. No matter how many elite soldiers are deployed, it can still be done.

What they lack is the kind of unusual guy who can use special ability to reverse the situation at critical times. There are many such people on the list of Superhero registered personnel, but not many have the ability to combat. In comparison, if the weasel can really provide this kind of mercenary with special abilities and practical experience, then it will undoubtedly fill a vital part of her plan.

This is a choice without any hesitation. So immediately, she calmly said to the weasel.

“I need those with special ability. The conditions are the same as the conditions set out before. As long as you can find me a person who satisfies me, I will give you an intermediary fee of 200,000. And if you can I have found all the people I need. I can even give you the identity of an arms dealer in the government establishment. You should understand the meaning of this identity.”

Maria Hill’s words Speaking so clearly, of course the weasel is impossible to understand.

As a mercenary broker, his work is quite complicated. In addition to operating a bar to cover body protection, he is also responsible for providing mercenary with work opportunities, necessary intelligence, weapons and other off-site assistance.

To put it simply, a large group of people who make money by working their lives depend on him for food. Although he doesn’t have to go off the court himself and carry a gun to work for his life, but to be honest, what he does is almost put his head off the waistband.

No one can guarantee that one day the mercenary who accepted his mission will lose his hand and what kind of trouble will be brought to him. He is just a mercenary broker, not a king of urban soldiers. If he is really troubled to find him, he can only rely on the mercenary begging by his side, and expecting this group of people to die for him, he might as well Expect Wade to stick to him every day and protect his integrity 24 hours a day?

However, if there is an official government background, the situation is different. First of all, a very important question is that he can get the highest quality weapons from the government. This is far more real than in the past sneaky and hidden arms business, and the profit margin is also greater.

Secondly, with the background of the government, anyone who wants to move him must weigh it in advance. Although the name of the government’s running dog is not good, its deterrent effect is full. Except for individual lunatics, or those organizations that are indeed qualified and capable to despise the government, no one has the courage to scratch the government’s beard.

This is the best protection. In terms of value alone, it is even more profitable than this single million USD business. Because this single business gave him only temporary benefits, and what such an identity can give him is a lifetime benefit.

Under such circumstances, fools also know how to choose. So immediately, the weasel said hurriedly.

“Please rest assured, Madam Vice President, I promise. You will be satisfied with the candidates I provide!”

Weasel oneself also knows that just such a verbal guarantee won’t To any persuasive effect. So immediately, he took advantage of his own network and began to contact those special talents he knew everywhere.

The mercenary is different from the regular army. The undisciplined personality determines that they are impossible because they can come by energetic and bustling with just one call. Maria is also mentally prepared for this, so the time she gives the weasel is 24 hours.

Twenty-four hours is not enough for the weasel to call all the super mercenary he knows, but calling almost is not a problem. And behind his bar, it was originally a storage room, but now it is the interview room. The interview, which was given high hopes by the weasel, finally kicked off.

Maria is a member of the government, and she is the kind of senior government official who often appears on television. This kind of interview was unnecessary and inappropriate for her to show up casually, so the weasel gave her the own office and installed a special camera to monitor the whole process of the interview.

On the surface, he and Wade are the examiners for this interview. Two people holding papers printed with Maria’s request, they are bored waiting for the interviewer to come. And soon, the first person to receive the news came to the door.

A tall black man is estimated to be almost two meters tall when he stands up. The muscles all over his body were swollen and shiny. Coupled with the viciousness of the above, it looks like he is very powerful at a glance.

“Weasel, I like this guy. He looks like a great guy!”

Deadpool has never been stingy with such a good-looking character Yu expresses his favorite verbally. Of course, there are more things he loves, and anyone who knows him will not take him seriously, except the weasel.

“Get to know, hustle and bustle. A very powerful player who can skillfully use various individual weapons and has a very unusual talent in invasion.”

Said the weasel , Handed a printed resume to Wade’s hands. Wade just glanced at it and threw it aside.

“The name is very good, so what is your superpower?”

“I can distort the electromagnetic field, including the magnetic field in your brain. It can make you anxious, dizzy and painful… ….”

The tall black man just moved his fingers, causing the chandelier on the ceiling to Blink, and when he pointed his finger at Deadpool and them, both Deadpool and Weasel started. There were symptoms of tinnitus, nausea, and dizziness.

The weasel didn’t hold it back, and vomited directly. In comparison, although Deadpool is not very comfortable, it is not so embarrassed.

“Okay, Buddy, we have seen your ability, so hurry up and stop. If I continue like this, I will think I am pregnant!”

During the noisy performance, Deadpool turned his eyes to the camera behind him.

“We need such a guy. I think if he makes the enemy feel pregnant, our mission should be very easy.”

His words can be heard. Crude, but the truth is real. So soon, he and the weasel saw the camera swinging up and down as if nodded.

This can be regarded as a positive answer to them, and for this, the two people are naturally excited and gathered their palms together.

Fix one person, and then there is the second one. The second one was a tall and thin white Slavic man. As soon as this person came in, he already introduced himself.

“I’m Zagst…”

“Oh, yes. I think your specialty is that you can put your fingers on, uh…social On his pulse? He looks like a pretty good DJ, doesn’t he?”

Deadpool is tagging him with his own first impression, but this guy named Zagst is quick Retorted.

“No, I’m not a DJ. My specialty is vomiting some kind of strong acid. Well, do you want me to vomit?”

“no no no, no I’m telling you, we just went to the Abis restaurant for dinner, understand?”

The two people shook their heads desperately, obviously not wanting to see anything offensive at this time. They don’t have any doubts about Zagst’s ability, but they have some doubts, can such a guy play a role in their mission?

The decision is not in them, so they set their sights on the camera behind them. After seeing the camera nodded, the weasel immediately made a decision.

“Okay, you are hired! Next…”

Sent to Zagst, the weasel took the list below Come up.

“The next person is the invisible person. Um, this one is the invisible person?”

“The invisible person? But…”

Death Shi looked awkwardly in front of him, of course, there was an empty storage room in front of him. It seemed that no one was standing here, but Deadpool obviously didn’t want people to think that oneself had no one in front of him, so immediately, he suddenly realized that he lined up his hands.

“Oh, the invisible man. Hahaha…awesome. I didn’t find him at all. This is really amazing. Contrast. I think we’ll hire him. This kind of ability is definitely What we need!”

There is no response, not even the reply that a living person should have. This made Deadpool immediately feel embarrassed.

“He’s not here, right.”

“Maybe late, you know, he may not be able to get a taxi like this. Even if he is driving on the road, it is possible I was stopped by the police!”

The weasel was defending his candidate. After all, it was a commission of 200,000 per person, so he didn’t intend to give up casually. The invisibility ability was indeed what Maria needed, so soon, his defense was supported by Maria.

The invisible man passed the level smoothly, and then the next one.

“My name is rust, but you can call me Star Fragmentation!”

The East Asians who look tall and with long hair come in with a stubborn air Ang said so in a tone. In response, Deadpool and Weasel looked at each other, and then judged unceremoniously.

“Well, the name Star Fragmentation is okay. Corrosion is… very bad.”

“Yes, it sounds bad. So, where do you come from It’s?”

“A planet called Mojie World.”

“So you are an alien… right? This name is too bad. Alien What good are people for us? I mean, what’s your ability?”

Deadpool began to pick and prick, and Corrosion said rudely.

“Basically, I am better than you in every point. You Earth people are simply weak!”

Such unpleasant words obviously make Deadpool feel very unhappy. So immediately, he and the weasel whispered in a voice that Rust could hear.

“Do you know? For a moment, I hope I can find this planet. It is full of rice buckets that are worse than me, a large group of practical fools. I must go there and be their superman .”

“Isn’t that Canada?”

The weasel thought for a while, and said suddenly.

“You close your to talk bullshit mouth to me. What Canada, what are you telling me the truth!”

Two people are pulling some useless things , And at this time, the weasel’s phone rang suddenly. Looking at the number, the weasel immediately connected the phone respectfully, and immediately, Maria’s voice rang in his ear.

“Take him down. People in national defense will be interested in an alien. If he is really an alien. If not, then the mental hospital will be his best Where to go.”

This is the result that attracted the attention of the government. This is the end of the high profile too. And after a sympathetic glance at the rust, the weasel said to him apologetically.

“You have been hired, sir. Good luck!”

Fixed the rust, and then the next one. However, the next choice was for Deadpool to be stared wide-eyed immediately.

Afro black chick, it’s nothing. The key is her explosive figure, which immediately caused Deadpool to almost stare out her eyes.

“Wow, wow, wow. Your unique skills are awesome, I like them!”

“What? What unique skills?”

Maybe For a little gay reason, the weasel didn’t realize something, so that he asked a very stupid question. In this regard, Deadpool just stared at the big breasts of the black chick, while quietly speaking to him.

“Did you not see it? Such a big unique skill?”

“So big? How big is it?”

The weasel was still confused, and immediately Yes, he heard a loud bang. It was the rumbling sound of the wall being smashed by people, and with such a sound, it actually meant that a certain female Tyrant Dragon was not far from the explosion.

This made Deadpool immediately put away his own thoughts, and then asked the black chick seriously.

“What’s your name? Little girl.”

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