Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1907

“My name is Domino.”

The black chick said her name, and then, Deadpool asked her seriously.

“Okay, Domino. What special abilities do you have?”

“My good luck.” Domino’s answer is serious, but obviously, her statement does not make people convince.

“good luck. If your luck is so good, why do you still appear here. This is not the kind of place where lucky people will stay. In comparison, I think it sells lottery tickets. A twenty-four hour convenience store may be more suitable for you!”

“Ha, trust me. If every time you open a first prize or a special prize, you will never be willing to spend any more effort. Go play this kind of game. It’s so boring, it’s even a waste of this kind of talent that God has given you.”

Domino said these things casually, and don’t say it is love for money. Deadpool was like a fate, and even the weasel showed a feeling of envy.

Such a thing of earning a lot of money with your eyes closed, but they have always been yearn for something even in dreams. From another perspective, if they had this kind of luck, who would do this kind of work of pinning their heads to the waistband, they would have experienced the happiness of the rich.

Don’t talk about ideals or pursuits to people like them. Their ideal is to make money, and their pursuit is to make big money. Of course, this is probably a dream that they will never realize in their entire lives, so they just wailed like a defeated dog, and then returned to the subject seriously.

“I don’t believe you, Domino. Good luck is only temporary and can’t be treated as superpower. I will cross you, yes, I will eliminate you!”

Deadpool wants to exercise the power of oneself as a judge, but the other judge weasel is not very happy. After all, Domino’s luck sounds unreliable, but as a mercenary, her past can be verified.

The information in his hand clearly shows that every mission of Domino in the past was solved by her in a very magical way. What kind of target accidentally drank water and choked to death, or top-secret information fell from the plane directly in front of her, this is common. With so many extraordinary normals at the bottom, he obviously can’t take Domino’s luck aside. So immediately, he whispered to Deadpool.

“Wade, I think you should change your attitude a bit. You are so tough on her, and be careful to get somersaulted by her luck. Anyone who knows her knows that this chick’s luck is evil! “

“I have seen it, weasel. This is a scientific society, don’t tell me such a superstitious topic. I just sit here, determined to give her a cross. I don’t believe it anymore, her luck can What happened to me!”

With the body of own undying, Deadpool was very tough. However, soon, he saw what is called Luck Emperor’s face.

Domino’s information is not only available here, but also on Maria’s side. For a mercenary who can repeatedly complete difficult missions by luck, Maria said that she is not interested. It is absolutely impossible.

For someone like her who has been engaged in confidential matters all the year round, she is very aware of this situation. That is, no matter how precise your plan is, complete assurance can only be as high as 80 to 90%. This is the limit that manpower can reach, and the missing 10% or 20% will ultimately fall on elusive luck.

This is the so-called conspiracy in people, success in heaven. Even though you have great abilities, you can’t control this.

Of course, luck cannot be controlled, but it can be tricky. For example, put a lucky person in the own team. This seems to be a good idea to get points, provided Domino is really lucky as legendary. However, this kind of thing is unfounded, the key is to look at the true reflection of the scene. So without the slightest hesitation, Maria called the weasel again.

“Hey, it’s me, there is one thing I need you to verify…”

After receiving a call from Maria, the first reaction of the weasel was of course Nodded immediately agreed. But soon, his expression changed and he began to look embarrassed.

“Is this a bit inappropriate. I mean, it’s too emotional…”

His voice is so small that he can only make Deadpool Heard something like this. And what Maria said over there, because he had been holding the microphone, Deadpool simply could not hear.

This makes Deadpool very unhappy. You know, being a judge is a rare thing for Deadpool. He really enjoys the feeling that a few words of nonsense can decide whether to stay. In such a process, he certainly does not want anyone to intervene and interfere with his power. So immediately, he said to the weasel.

“Give me the phone and let me talk to the boss. She should believe my vision, I have lived such a big life, but I have never missed anyone!”

” The boss hung up the phone. She has made arrangements and does not intend to listen to you.”

The Weasel hung up, shrugged at Wade helplessly. And hearing this, Wade just wanted tsukkomi, but was immediately attracted by the movement of the weasel around him.

The weasel took out a gun and was stuffing bullets into the magazine with a look of hardship. Looking at his actions like this, Wade immediately covered his face with his hands and screamed loudly.

“Weasel, what are you doing? Are you actually playing with a gun?”

As a good friend of the weasel for many years, he certainly understands what’s wrong with the weasel. This is a very idiot, and one of the biggest characteristics is that he is afraid of pain. According to his own, if he knocks his toe today, he won’t want to work that day.

And the gun thing, anyway, there is still a little reactionary force. Just like an ordinary person playing a large-caliber pistol, accidentally spraining his wrist, unless you play that kind of ultra-small-caliber female gun, it will still withstand so much reaction force.

This is nothing to the average person, but for the weasel, it is a very serious problem. He would close the door of the bar almost a day after firing a shot, and he might have to hide in the quilt and cry for a week after emptying a magazine. Having known him for more than ten years, Wade had never seen him shooting, and now he was taken aback by the bullets. Of course he was surprised.

“Boss’s command, I can’t help it. For that qualification, I admit it!”

The qualification given by Maria is related to the weasel. For the happiness of the latter half of his life, even if he had closed the door for a month, he would grit his teeth and fulfill Maria’s orders.

That being said, the hand of the weasel holding the gun was still trembling. On the one hand, he was afraid of pain, and on the other hand, it was because he pointed the gun at Domino.

Domino’s good luck, Wade does not believe it, he does. As a broker, he is more knowledgeable in news than Wade, who is a woman and a man at home. And it was precisely because he heard more rumors about Domino that he became more worried about what oneself would encounter next.

It hurts my hand with a shot. This is a small matter. A shot blasted the chamber and broke two fingers. This is a big deal. If it were more serious, he fired a bullet and flew in the opposite direction and knocked directly on his forehead, then he wouldn’t even have to think about it.

This is not a small problem, but a very serious problem. Even though this kind of thing sounds nonsensical and has no scientific basis at all, but the weasel understands very well that it is really possible.

He didn’t want to put oneself on this kind of bad luck, so he pointed the gun at Domino at the same time, he was already cautiously talking to Domino.

“Well, I know your ability, and I also believe in your luck. So this is just a test, I have no malice against you. So if you don’t like me holding a gun at you, You can say, I can change it.”

“It’s okay, please feel free. I am confident in my luck.”

Fortunately, Domino’s a lifetime. Mind the action of the weasel pointing a gun at her, even saying that she deliberately opened her hands and took two steps forward. It was as fearless as if the weasel was not holding a real gun, but a water gun.

The more confident she is, the less confident the weasel will be. Frozen for almost five minutes, his face turned pale, and sweat was almost left, but his trembling hand still failed to pull the trigger.

Deadpool at first can still be patient to watch, but after so long, he obviously has no such patience. So immediately, he faced the weasel BB.

“Please, Buddy. Is it your long-lost mother who is standing in front of you? Is pulling the trigger so difficult for you? If you are afraid, close your eyes and button. If you are worried about undying her with a shot, you can buckle a few more. Forget it, give me the gun and I will come. I really can’t stand your pester and chirp speed.”

“Don’t , Don’t!”

If oneself shoots, it is only possible to hit oneself, while Deadpool shoots, but it is very likely to hit own. He didn’t want to see the scene of Deadpool holding oneself with regret, kneeling in a pool of blood happening right now. So immediately, he closed his eyes and pressed his own finger firmly.

With a click, it stuck. The appearance of this situation stunned Deadpool, and the weasel let out a long breath. The bad situation did not happen, it was just stuck, which is absolutely fortunate. In his opinion, this is definitely the same long-winded effect as the old mother before oneself. From Deadpool’s point of view, it must be that the Weasel’s gun has not been used for a long time and has malfunctioned.

“Damn it. What kind of broken gun you use, it can jam. Come on, change me. I don’t believe I can’t hit her!”

“Wade, I’m sorry. “

I didn’t take the gun that Deadpool shot in front of oneself. After the Weasel said sorry, he had to pull the trigger directly at Wade’s thigh.

No jam occurred this time, and after peng sound, Wade’s thigh was shot directly through a big hole, an expression of astonishment immediately appeared on Wade’s face.

“Damn, what the hell are you doing? You actually hit me, even my mother never shot me like this!”

Weasel actually shoots oneself, which is comparable to a weasel It shocked him to start playing with guns. At this moment he couldn’t help but began to wonder if the weasel didn’t love him and planned to empathize.

A good friend for more than ten years is not something that can be let go. So questioning is naturally indispensable.

Faced with Deadpool’s questioning, the Weasel did not reply, but raised the gun again and aimed at Domino, who had an indifferent expression in front of them.

Pull the trigger and jam. The same situation happened again, which is no longer an accident. Let alone a Deadpool who didn’t expect this situation at all, even the weasel who had been psychologically prepared was full of shocked thoughts.

This luck is also really good. After a shot jam, this is a bit weird compared to hitting 1,000,000.

However, the bizarre situation is far more than this, because after the jammed this spear, the weasel pointed his muzzle at Deadpool’s thigh.

Peng sound means that Deadpool has been shot again, and it also means that the firearms are absolutely normal. And when the muzzle was pointed at Domino again, it was the sound of the pistol jamming again.

again, again and again. Domino was safe, the weasel was worried, and Deadpool, blood was left in his crotch.

Even if this situation is put in front of a fool, the fool should see what is going on. Although Deadpool might have such a problem in his mind, at this time, he also had to admit that Domino is indeed a lucky Goddess skill.

Lucky girl! Without even paying attention to the egg that oneself was almost broken, Deadpool had already crawled over quickly, hugged Domino’s thigh, and pleaded with a little milk dog’s eyes at her.

“Madam, female Lord Wang, my Goddess. Please, tell me the lottery numbers for this lottery. As long as you tell me the numbers, you can let me do anything. , Even if I ask you to be Mary the Holy Mother and erect a small statue to pray at home every day, I can still accept it. Please, please have mercy on me!”

“Hey, it’s a trivial thing, anytime you can!”

Dragging Deadpool’s chin with his fingers, watching him like a pug and bowing to oneself nodded, Domino expresses absolute confidence while also Then he asked the weasel.

“Looking at it this way, I should have already won the job, right?”

“Of course, ma’am. No one would reject a lucky girl like you. It is our honor to join you!”

Weasel has Maria’s approval, and of course it is impossible to have any other opinions on this issue. The addition of Domino has become a foregone conclusion. With her joining, Maria also has more confidence in the own plan.

A little bit of luck may bring different consequences. Isn’t it?

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