Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1909

mercenary has no honor. Maria knows this very well.

These guys who take the lives of others with violence for money, you If they are expected to have the noble character of Knight, then it is better to have an absurd daydream. So to some extent, the benefits of real benefits are more convincing for them. Just like now, when Maria promised them such benefits, the overwhelming majority of them all showed an emotional expression.

Money, really, the attraction is not particularly big. But most mercenary who can live to a certain career can understand the truth, that is, no matter how much money, you have to live and enjoy it.

Be aware that mercenary has never lacked that kind of high-priced rewards, but mercenary who are willing to accept such rewards are only a few of the few. It’s not that they don’t like money, and they don’t like money and won’t be in mercenary. After all, this is because life occupies a more important weight in the measurement of life and money.

Relying solely on money, it is impossible for these elite mercenaries to leave everything behind and work for you. Maria understands this, so she does not hesitate to take out trump cards like power and government protection.

Power, certainly not great. But for these mercenary, it is good enough. A large part of the reason why mercenary is mercenary is because they do not have the ability to make a living in this world. Like those retired veterans, when they find that oneself has no other skills other than killing people to help them make a living in this world, they will naturally return to their profession and step onto the battlefield again.

This is for money and for survival. And if someone could offer them a well-paid job, what choice would they make? I believe that apart from those who are prone to murderous fanatics, probably no one is willing to do this kind of thing that puts their heads off their belts.

This promises a stable second half of life, and for the overwhelming majority mercenaries, this will be more worthwhile than a large sum of money. Of course, there are always some people who don’t like such stability, and at this time, the government’s asylum is what they need.

Although the government’s asylum does not allow them to act wilfully, at the very least, wearing such a tiger skin, they don’t have to worry about the shit. Not everyone has the courage to scratch the government’s beard casually. Therefore, as long as they do not commit that death and provoke a role that even the government does not care about, then their lives will be guaranteed.

Maria has considered all aspects, and she is not worried that these mercenaries will be unmoved. And as she expected, after hearing the conditions she offered, these mercenaries almost immediately agreed.

“Your Excellency Vice President, what is our mission?”

There is a kind of mercenary who are seduced and turbulent in their hearts. They don’t ask how many enemies there are, but only where they are. imposing manner. And seeing their reaction like this, Maria was also immediate, and she told her plan.

“According to our intelligence, there is a group of unknown forces in Death Canyon that is brewing a big conspiracy against our country. Because of some special political factors, we cannot use the army and the government. Agency, enter the Death Canyon to investigate. Therefore, you non-staff personnel have become my best choice.”

“The mission requirements are very simple. In two days, you need to figure out this The conspiracy is within the body, and if circumstances permit, you can try to sabotage the conspiracy. The more you do, the greater the rewards you can get. You should understand the truth of the more you work. “

Maria didn’t give much introduction to the mission, but none of the many people present felt that this mission would be very easy. Because of a simple truth, if the mission is easy, then how could such a good thing fall on them?

They are not stupid at all on this issue. So immediately, someone asked Maria a question.

“Can you tell me in more detail? What kind of people are setting up what kind of conspiracy, your government should know some hidden information.”

After all, it’s about Oneself, even if it’s a little fate, they will not be less cautious. After all, they are the elite of mercenary, and such details will naturally not be forgotten. And hearing such a question, Maria could only say to them with a little impatientness.

“We don’t know much, we only know that this trouble is probably caused by some extraordinary ability users. As for some other information, it is confidential, and you are not qualified to snoop. In short, it is just one sentence No comment, everything can only be discovered by you oneself.”

Maria immediately closed the projection after saying this. Regarding this, even though the mercenaries have some dissatisfaction in their hearts, they can only helpless that’s all.

He is the vice president of Great America. He is a high-ranking man. He has always held his own share. How can oneself complain about dissatisfaction with others. Besides, it is precisely this lack of intelligence that gives them a chance, doesn’t it? If people know everything, then how can they have this opportunity to rise to the top?

The mercenaries who wanted to open soon corrected their own mentality, and at this time, the weasel also stepped forward like a relay and continued.

“The detailed arrangement of the mission is like this. Because of the special magnetic interference in Death Canyon, all communication equipment cannot be used inside. So, what you can do is to find out the specifics. Circumstances, and then rush back here within the specified time and use this nearest temporary base to report to the BOSS the information you have heard.”

“Don’t think about the unrealistic things, everyone. According to me With many years of brokerage experience, I can say with certainty that this mission is definitely not as simple as you think. Just imagine that even the vice president of this country jumped out and ran for this matter. This kind of thing may still be small. No one can tell what kind of enemies you will encounter in the mission. It may be your experience package, but the greater probability is that you can’t deal with it.”

“So , My suggestion is that we should take the detection of intelligence as the first goal. Once the intelligence is available, we immediately retreat. Don’t think about doing a big vote and directly destroying this conspiracy. Trust me, I I have a hunch, this is not something we can do.”

“In short, remember one sentence, only life can enjoy everything you get, and if you lose even your little life, you will be Desperately, it’s just other people that’s all that’s cheap!”

As a broker, the weasel is very gay, but also very caring. He is always so meticulous to his own customers that every mercenary under his care can treat him as a friend. It is unrealistic to expect these mercenaries to work for him, but it is not difficult to expect those mercenaries to stand up for him.

If you don’t believe me, go to his bar and try to beat him up. Believe me, if you can come out the parts in full, I lose.

With such a character, he will naturally not be heard by anyone. Except for a few people who can’t understand people, other overwhelming majority people agree with this weasel statement.

However. Since there is such a small number of claims, it means that there will definitely be people who sing the opposite. And at this time, the person who is most qualified to play the role of the devil is undoubtedly Deadpool, the shit-cutter.

“Hey, Buddy, what the hell is happening? Don’t forget the purpose of our coming here. We are here to make a lot of money. Like you said, I ran over and turned around. Come back to the circle, do you think the boss will give you much reward, a fleshy bone? I don’t like eating fleshy bones. Compared to bones, I prefer to eat meat!”

Speaking of which, die The waiter turned his eyes on the own team members. Although he can’t see any emotions in his pair of cataracts, he can still see how serious his attitude is now from his straight waist and bulging chest muscles.

“Listen, everyone. We are a team, we are a fan. In this regard, we are very different from a group of idiots called X-MAN. X-MAN? MAN? They? How can I use such a sexist team name so blatantly? It shocked me. It is simply disrespect for female compatriots. Obviously there are that many women in their team, and they are the best It seems that they are also women, but they are actually called X-MAN? Fuck, if it is me, I will change my name to X-WOMAN!”

“Don’t look at our small team, there are only one, two, three in total. , Four, five, six, six people!”

“It’s seven people, you missed an invisible person. He is standing next to you!”

Weasel is lying on Wade In his ear, reminded him so. For his reminder, Deadpool was taken aback for a moment, and then yelled incredibly.

“No, we obviously recruited five people to come in, plus three of us, five plus three should equal eight. Weasel, don’t want to lie to me about this matter! My primary school math But I got C!”

“also a rust, he was confirmed as an alien, and has now been captured by the CIA!”

Weasel justified oneself. , And hearing this sentence, Deadpool nodded as if suddenly realized.

“Aha, I remembered, Rust, that stupid stupid as his name. He also thought about being able to live on Earth, all around me stupid stupid, I can The dream of being a superman here. But he never thought that this is Earth, one of the most dangerous places in the universe. Maybe a dog pulled out from the street is all with superpower. It’s better to be a superman here. Let me go to his planet. It’s more reliable to be God!”

“Forget it, no matter the idiot, where did I just say?”

“You said By the time our team was small, there were only six people in total.”

Weasel reminded as usual, but Deadpool immediately yelled.

“Shut up, you are a poop idiot in your mind. Did your elementary school mathematics teach your physical education teacher? Are we six? With the invisible man we are seven, seven in total. Don’t remember me wrong!”

“In short, Buddy. We have to think ahead and be absolutely neutral in gender. Don’t look at our team with only two women, but I’m sure , The two most important people in our team are them. Of course, because we men account for the majority, calling X-WOMAN obviously discriminates against men. So from now on, our team will be called the X special attack team. And I, I am the first Captain that everyone hopes to return!”

Crossing his forearms, gestured an X in front of oneself. In this way, Deadpool showed his control over the leadership and naming rights of the team. Of course, in order to show that the dish was cooked, he still asked deadly at the back.

“I’m just this idea, who agrees, who opposes?”

“I oppose. The X commando team sounds like a copycat of X-Men. People, don’t you want to be laughed at by others when you come up with such a name?”

Those who can jump out at this time to oppose Deadpool, of course, have already had the clamor for bosses. And just after he said something specifically, Deadpool was already Bing, appeared behind him, and directly put the knife on his neck.

“I thought about this name during the day. Do you have any comments?”

“That…you didn’t mean that we are a team, but a Rice grains? In this case, can we have something to say, don’t move the knife like this, it really hurts the feelings between us.”

Being put on the neck by Adamantium, Even a man of iron must weigh it. even more how hustle and bustle can’t be called can’t be called. He immediately begged for mercy, and acknowledged it quite sensibly.

“I’m just expressing my disagreement, not at all, saying that I will definitely oppose you to be the head. You just need to say that you must be the head. For everyone’s sake, I don’t I don’t recognize it! Anyway, if you have something to say, put the knife down first.”

“Hmph, this is what you said, you recognized me.” sneered, Deadpool He retracted the knife and turned his head to the other person’s direction. “So what about you, who of you also opposes?”

Seeing the scene of Deadpool threatening people with a knife, at this time, naturally no one wants to look for this kind of discomfort anymore, so of course, They shook their heads quickly.

“Very well, it seems that we have reached a consensus. So now that we have established the X commando team, and I am Captain. So I decided that this is the first mission of the X commando team, we It must be done beautifully. It is impossible to sneak in and secretly spy on the intelligence of the enemy. Let me say, just and honorable, kill all the enemies, and then take us. This is what we should do.”

“We are the X commando team, we are going to be a little bit better than others, understand?”

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