Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1910

In the face of aggressive Deadpool, no one dares to sing against him at this time. Even the weasel that at first said that the development of wretchedness would save money, can only put forward one sentence.

“Is this a bit inappropriate? I mean, is it too risky?”

“Risk? Weasel, don’t forget that we are a fan Rice grains. As long as we are together, as long as we are united, then there is no risk at all. All enemies that stand in front of us will be defeated by us, so we may destroy our existence if they threaten our existence. We are the strongest Yes, we are invincible. As long as there is such confidence, nothing can stop us. You say, don’t you!” Deadpool’s words are rare to mobilize people around In addition to Zagst, who wanted to please him, even the hustle and bustle began to cheer for him because of the previous reasons.

“We are rice grains, we will be invincible!”

This is the first time that Deadpool has been so supported by others. He was very happy, but on the surface But it was still solemn, and his own arms were folded like a ceremony.

“Assault Team X!”

“Assault Team X!”

Someone was so enthusiastic that they almost wanted to make the same posture in a pious posture. Of course, there are some people who can’t lift the spirit at all, but havetily made a gesture to show their attitude. But anyway, everyone gave Deadpool a face. This also made Deadpool even more complacent, so that he immediately began to give orders.

“Very well, it looks like our morale is high. If this is the case, then we will strike while the iron is hot. Guys, there are two hours for us to take a break and tidy up our equipment. And two After hours, I hope that all of you can go to slaughter all sides with me in a full posture. Ah, my baby double knives are already hungry and thirsty, they are all impatiently wanting to cut off the enemy’s head!”

Of course, passionate people will not object to such an order. And those who can’t beat the spirit will not raise any objections to this issue. This is their job, and they have no escape. That being the case, it doesn’t make much difference whether it is recklessly past or sneaking past.

Although I said that, there are always exceptions. For example, the weasel, he did not give birth to such a fearless, brazen courage.

The weasel, who has never been on the battlefield, did not intend to confess own here for the first time, so immediately, he pressed Deadpool’s ear and asked him in a low voice.

“You said all of us, I will not be included here…”

“Of course, we are just a rice grain. Why, are you not? Do you think so?”

“Well, I admit that we are rice grains, but even if we are rice grains, we can’t let all of us go to the battlefield.”

The weasel’s voice began to tremble, and he himself began to swing uncontrollably. As a person who has never been in combat before, he is not as full of expectations for such exciting things as some people do. In fact, when he heard that everyone was going to participate in it, he was already terrified in his heart.

“Listen, Wade, I am happy to fight with you and fight the Quartet with you. But believe me, this is nothing serious about me. You know, just thinking of fighting I was injured in the middle, thinking that other people would hurt me, my legs became so weak that I was a little unstable even standing. And if I ran to such a place with you, I guess no one shot yet. I have already collapsed. We and you certainly don’t want a guy like me to hold you back, so I think it’s better for me to stay here.”

“Buddy, you are Illness, need to be cured!”

Weasel has already spoken to this point, and Deadpool is also impossible to force him to follow oneself to the front line. Therefore, he can only hate iron for not becoming steel and pat the weasel on the shoulder, and then speak to him earnestly.

“You must be cured as soon as possible, Buddy. You can’t always drag down our collective actions because of you. If this continues, others will question our solidarity and friendship. That’s right. , I have an anorectal doctor I know, you can go and see him.”

“No, I have a psychologist I know oneself.”

Refusal with a awkward smile Because of Deadpool’s kindness, even with an obvious tendency to be gay, the weasel will inevitably have some psychological resistance when it hears from the anorectal doctor. He doesn’t like having who wears slippery rubber gloves and puts his hand in his chrysanthemum. And I believe that apart from Deadpool, among so many men present, no one has such a hobby.

this can be considered an alternative and powerful. It can be seen from the awe in the eyes of the few men present. After rejecting Deadpool’s kindness, the weasel said in a general remedy.

“Also, although I can’t fight with the enemy with you, I don’t mean to slack in logistics. All the equipment on your body is prepared by me, the retreat route It was also planned by me. Moreover, I am also responsible for keeping in touch with the boss. It’s okay if there is no one in this camp to supervise!”

“Okay, okay. Don’t always be like an angry little girl. I said these useless things in my ears. We are just rice grains. Doing these things for the own family, do you feel wronged?”

“No, not at all!”

The weasel hurriedly expressed his stance, and Deadpool finally nodded his head in satisfaction.

“It’s pretty much the same. Anyway, weasel, forget it this time. But next time, when your problem is cured, we must fight together. Don’t forget, we are rice grains, We are the X-Attack Team.”

“The X-Attack Team…”

Deadpool is very happy to play, but others may not have the same idea. In this way, there is one more X special attacker who can’t lift the energy.

Some people like Deadpool’s little tricks, some hate them, and some don’t care. But in any case, this has no effect on their actions. After two hours of refurbishment time, the entire group of Deadpool has been seated on the modified military jeep and drove towards the interior of the great valley. And as they entered the immediately into the Death Canyon, Mordo Baron, who was sitting in the middle of the great valley, immediately felt the sense.

“If someone enters here, will it be who?”

From the very beginning, Mordo Baron, who is preparing for this kind of thing, has already used the convenience of sorting out the veins. The own perception magic was established on the periphery of Death Canyon. So when the entire group of Deadpool entered, he already perceives their existence.

“One, two, three… a total of six people. The energy response is higher than that of ordinary people. Is it Superhero? Or those Mutants? It looks like Strange called the helper, but there are only so few people. , But it doesn’t help. Did Strange didn’t clarify the crisis? Or did the Stark government underestimate the own report? Damn it!”

I kept thinking about it, Mordo Baron’s face also became ugly. He doesn’t naively mean that these six trifling people will be able to dissolve the crisis brewed by the Hell Demon King.

Be aware that in Death Canyon at this time, in addition to hundreds of cultists and fallen angels, there are also terrifying powerhouses like De Gere. Even with oneself from the side, they can hardly have much hope of survival. Even more how, the deity of Satan is also watching every move here. When it’s not as a last resort, he doesn’t want to expose his own actions.

So, here comes the problem. Is it to facilitate their actions so that they can go back alive and report the situation here? Or should they use their existence as a token to further deepen oneself’s trust in Satan’s heart?

This is a somewhat difficult question, but Mordo Baron not at all has made up his mind after thinking about it for too long.

After all, he is still not prepared to take this risk. Therefore, it has become his choice to sell the news of this group of people.

It sounds despicable and nasty, but in Mordo Baron’s view, this is the wisest and most effective method at the moment. Facing the powerful enemies of hell, these people are basically impossible to play a big role. In addition to detecting their existence, they are even unlikely to even know the purpose of this group of people here. Once the fallen angels are aware of their existence, the probability of their escape and ascension is almost zero. And if oneself intervenes in the middle, and the matter of helping them shakes out, then for his plan and the future of mankind as a whole, it will be a real disaster.

Compared with the life of the six trifling people, which one is more important than the future of mankind as a whole, this is a question that does not need to be measured in Mordo Baron’s mind.

Guarding the world for nearly a thousand years, sorcerers already have their own set of values. As early as hundreds of years ago, the singers of Kamar-Taj were able to destroy the entire town in order to remove the pollution of Evil God. And now, watching six people go to death for the future of mankind is nothing to him.

Although it is a pity, their sacrifice is not necessarily worthless. For Mordo Baron, the only thing he can do now is to make their sacrifices more valuable. So, without any hesitation, he used own magic to pass the news of someone invaded. And almost immediately, a middle-aged man wearing a white suit with a shady face appeared in front of him.

“Wow, wow. It’s really surprising. I thought that after thousands of years, human beings can learn to be smarter. But now it seems that they still hope The same, I like to crack a joke with my own life.”

“The fallen king!”

Even with Mordo Baron’s arrogance, facing this white clothed man At that time, I had to lower my own head. Because his name is Satan and King of Hell.

Of course, despite his noble status, Mordo Baron had to pay tribute. But he would not let the person in front of him put his doubts on the owner for no reason. So immediately, he straightened his face and asked expressionlessly.

“I don’t know what you mean? Could it be that you suspect that the intruder is here because of me?”

“Isn’t this obvious?” Opening his hand, Satan showed an extremely exaggerated smile as a human incarnation. “If I remember correctly, this piece of land under my feet for a long time is the title of the forbidden zone of life. Countless humans use their lives to warn latecomers, this is not where they should get involved. . And in the past 100 years, it is indeed a place where people are daunted and dare not get involved. But today, you just told me that humans have come in. In such a situation, shouldn’t I doubt you?”

“This is unprovoked speculation and slander, the fallen king.”

The expression on his face is calm and composed, and even the tone of reply does not have any waves.

“If these people are related to me, I will not report their existence. Besides, there are that many humans in the entire valley. How can you guarantee that they Are there any guys with ulterior motives? Don’t doubt them and come to doubt me. Seriously, Your Majesty, it’s really hard to keep loyal to you!”

“So, you treat me Are you loyal?”

Satan lowered his head and stared at Mordo Baron who was sitting on the ground. The purest black in his eyes is flowing, staring there as if staring at an entire abyss. A little carelessness, it seems that even the soul will be Oblivion in it.

Such power is of course daunting, but Mordo Baron is no ordinary person after all, so he just stared at Satan hard, without even the slightest compromise.

“What do you think? Your Majesty.”

“Ha, work hard, Sir Mordo. I believe you, I believe you will become a very qualified Paragon sorcerer!”

Without continuing to investigate this issue, Satan is actually oneself unsure of what went wrong. He doubted Mordo, but Mordo not at all revealed anything worthy of his doubt. In addition, he now also uses Mordo’s place, so in the end he just picked it up high and gently put down his shoulder which was generally patted.

“You don’t need to worry about this matter. You only need to do the things you need to be responsible for. Also three days later, I hope to see a sorted out Ground veins. If not, you should know that I am not someone who can easily forgive others…”

After Satan said, he disappeared silently into Sir Mordo before. Looking at the ashes-like black handprints he left on oneself’s shoulder, Mordo Baron could only sigh, and reinvested in own work.

He can only pray for the few humans now, praying that they will ask for more blessings. In the face of Satan’s gaze, how much luck they can have, really, he has no hope at all.

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