Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1911

People with good luck are always rare, and people with good luck are more as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

This is not It is because the Creator made some omissions when he created humans, but humans are really not used to having too good luck. As the saying goes, life is endless and death is endless. If good luck is given to humans, so that they can always turn into good fortune, then maybe what moths can be made in human hands.

Don’t underestimate the human’s ability in this regard. As a natural troublemaker, humans can even put oneself’s troubles in parallel with natural disasters. This is the premise that mankind has to pay a huge price for the disaster that oneself broke down. And if human beings are lucky enough to avoid the troubles caused by oneself, then a trifling Earth is really not enough for them.

So, even if it is to maintain the balance of the entire ecosystem and maintain the order of the entire universe, the Creator will not give humans too high a lucky talent. Of course, despite saying that, but it is inevitable that there will be times when he misses. For example, Domino, the lucky one, is a typical example of the creator’s sudden miss.

Not long after the X commando team penetrated into Death Canyon, Domino suddenly seemed to have come and said this to the driving Deadpool.

“Let me drive, Wade.”

“Why? The steering wheel is in my hand, and I feel like I’m heading in the right direction? Maybe.”

“Come on, Wade. If you know that oneself is walking in the right direction, you won’t have to go around a place three or four times like it is now. Get the steering wheel out quickly, I don’t want to accompany you in the sun in such a ghost place!”

As a privileged person in the team, Domino’s words naturally have her weight. Obviously, she is not the only one who has an opinion on Deadpool’s headless flies. Others had already dared to be angry but didn’t dare to speak. Now that there is someone who is in the early stage, they naturally support them one after another.

If it is just the condemnation and opposition of these people, Deadpool’s face is still thick enough to make him ignore these people’s demands. But when Shakola made the same statement to him with a dissatisfaction, he immediately surrendered his own position obediently and honestly, and, like a little milk dog, was pleased with his wife who was about to go crazy. .

“Bah, it’s a shame!” Someone cursed in the heart, but he didn’t dare to speak on the surface. And people with sharp minds like Domino, although they can see their aspirations, but they don’t mean to speak too much.

This aspect is out of a matter of no concern to oneself. On the other hand, she is not optimistic about the strength of these people at all.

As a lucky person with extraordinary talent, Domino has an own way of judging the threat of each person. She doesn’t need to judge a person’s threat by referring to any record or actual destructive power like others. The way he judges a person’s threat is very simple, that is, he uses his instinct to calibrate a person with a value.

If an ordinary person without any threat is one, then an experienced special force is between five and ten. And the guy with special ability like Huobao is thirty. Reasonable use of own ability, the noise can rely on oneself to disintegrate a fully armed squad, this ability is enough to make the ordinary person feel in awe.

What about Deadpool? Even if estimated at the lowest level, Deadpool’s threat value exceeded one hundred. There is an absolute power gap between the two, so no matter what the hustle and bustle has, there is no possibility of realization.

even more how, Deadpool is not the most threatening of them. The woman who is constantly pleased by Deadpool, she is the most terrifying.

Looking at Xia Kola with a little fear, Domino quickly seized the driver’s position. With the control of the steering wheel, she immediately made a 180-degree bend without the slightest hesitation, and then drove the car straight towards a dry river cultivation deep into the canyon.

The river is densely covered with round stones. Although the suspension of this military jeep is hard enough, it will inevitably produce a sense of violent bumps. You know, military jeep will not consider your comfort, so naturally, under such harsh road conditions, someone will naturally start to complain.

“I said, are you really sure that oneself is taking the right path? I feel that my balls are about to be broken.”

” Without a map, how do I know that oneself is on the right path?”

While driving, Domino answered Deadpool’s question. As for this, Deadpool was taken aback for a moment, and then he began to lift up his mind like a spirit.

“So you don’t know how to go? Then what are you doing with my steering wheel?”

“I don’t know how to go, but I think as long as I choose a path , I will be able to go the most correct way. I am quite confident about this, as if I go to lottery and I will definitely get the first prize. And you, who of you can be sure of this, sure It’s the first prize? Let alone the first prize, how likely are you to win the prize?”

With a hateful European face, Domino brazenly turned towards a group of Africa The refugees laughed at the top of the food chain. For this kind of ridicule, even though Deadpool and the others tried their best to refute it with full strength, in the end it was just powerless.

“Damn it, I think the biggest prize I won is a box of chewing gum. How much is this thing worth?”

This is a hustle and bustle of hearts, and he doesn’t dare to express it , Because he was afraid that his own luck would be ridiculed by others. In fact, this is an impossible thing, because most of the people present are more miserable than him.

Some people have never won a prize in their entire lives, so they will make sense with whom. And that’s why they dare not speak up at this time. If you don’t speak, others won’t know that they are a member of the chiefs of Africa. In this way, they can more or less maintain their dignity.

Of course, there are some people who don’t care about this decency. For example, Deadpool, at this time he was very proud to publicize.

“Hey, I’m the man who won the Grade Five prize in the mall point coupon scratching event. You know, their Grade Five prize is a genuine frying pan, and it costs 40 USD to buy it. !”

“Oh, it looks like you really can’t underestimate you. Then can I ask? In order to win this prize, how much did you spend to redeem points coupons for the mall?”

Domino, who knows the shopping tricks of shopping malls well, came to the game, but Deadpool, who did not see this at all, was complacent and gave out the stupid things that oneself had done.

“Not too much? That is, I spent almost 10,000 USD and bought a car of Toilet Paper that’s all.”

“I said why I use the Toilet Paper at home. You can’t use it up. It turns out that you spent your money on this kind of horrible place. Wade, you want to die?”

Of course, the self-exposed old Wade ushered in Shakola’s domestic violence again. , And seeing him who was really brutalized by Shakola with violence, most people showed deep sympathy in their eyes.

They sympathize with Deadpool, not because Deadpool suffers from domestic violence. On this issue, they all agree that Deadpool is enjoying it. After all, not who can accept this level of domestic violence so frankly. And if you don’t make any resistance, even if one or two times, you can still use involuntarily as a cover. And if, again and again, the victims are proactively provoking such things, then there seems to be no other reason besides their own wishes.

This is the hobby of others, there is no way to blame. Therefore, no one cares about this issue, they only care about another thing. That is, they finally started to discover that Deadpool was really having a brain problem.

There are a few normal people who will spend 10,000 dollars on unnecessary waste for a prize of less than fifty yuan. Maybe people with normal brain circuits will not do this. And if someone really does this, then if he is not a fool, or he is a mental illness.

Deadpool’s situation is hard to say is a certain among them, and roughly classified, it can only be classified into the middle of the two. And even this sort of classification made Domino feel tired. As a person who thinks her IQ is normal, she feels that if she is more serious with such a guy, her own bottom line will be lowered. So she wisely chose to give up, and planned to smoke a cigarette to relieve her bad feelings.

She took out the cigarette, but there were some accidents when she took out the lighter. The bumpy road made her miss her hand and dropped the lighter under her feet.

Normally, lowering to pick up the lighter at this time is a very dangerous action, especially when the road conditions are so bad, maybe if one is not careful, there will be car crashes and deaths. . But Domino doesn’t have to worry about this problem. She just doesn’t step on the accelerator all the way to the steering wheel, and in the end, she can stop directly where she wants to stop because of the exhaustion of gas.

European work can act wilfully in this way. However, this time is different from the general state of affairs. That is, when Domino confidently bent over and lowered himself to pick up the lighter that oneself dropped on his feet, a beam of light slammed through the front windshield of the Jeep, passing over her, and then It fell directly on the dead waiter behind her.

And as if hit by a cannonball, Deadpool’s body was instantly pulled up, knocked back, and fell from the car at a speed of more than two hundred yards.

Such injuries are fatal for most people in the car, except for Deadpool. Although his chest had been completely torn and shattered, a gap as big as a sea bowl was exposed. But he was still a lively dragon and animated tiger, and shouted in the direction of the attack.

“Fuck! Which bastard is targeting you Uncle Wade. There are that many people in a car, you don’t shoot, you miss me? You have opinions on me or something!”

This question is really difficult to answer as a fallen angel of a sneak attacker. His original purpose was just to kill Domino who was sitting in the driver’s seat with one move, causing a car accident by killing her, and killing most of the members of the car in one fell swoop. It just didn’t happen that Domino would actually lower his body so that his attack fell directly on the Deadpool behind her.

If such an attack can destroy Deadpool, then forget it. After all, it is also a reduction of staff, somehow it can be regarded as a result. But Deadpool is not at all dead, instead, standing there like a shrew and cursing the street, it makes him uncomfortable.

After several thousand years of life, this fallen angel has never encountered such a special situation. So he could only scratch his head awkwardly, and then asked the companion next to oneself.

“What should I do now? Continue, or let this fool go?”

“My lord’s command is to destroy any human beings who dare to set foot in this time at this time, don’t you forget Is it?”

Unlike the fallen angel who was stunned by a series of weird facts, the other fallen angel was also surprised by Deadpool’s performance, but he didn’t have any thoughts about owning. shake.

My lord’s command is absolute, which means that these humans must die. Although the idea of ​​at first is bankrupt, this is not the reason they can give up. After all, it just needs to be changed from assassination to assault that’s all.

“Go ahead, don’t delay too much time. My lord doesn’t want to see these humans have any influence on his plan.”

As the Dark Angel Legion right now The commander of the squad, the speaking fallen angel has a very high prestige. It can be said that just after his order was given, the fallen angels who acted with him already vibrated their own wings, flew directly to in midair, and appeared in front of the entire group of Deadpool in a just and honorable posture.

Such an attitude can be said to be quite arrogant, even supercilious. But those who are a bit temperamental, faced with such a situation, will more or less feel a little bit aggrieved and angry. However, this situation does not at all happen to this group of mercenaries.

Don’t look at these guys in normal times, but they are also experienced fighters anyway. As a qualified fighter, judging whether the opponent is threatened is the basis of the foundation.

Although I don’t know exactly what the so-called fallen angels exist, but from these on the back grows a pair of wings, they can stand out of thin air like a bird, and an attack can reach a large caliber. Enemies at sniper rifle level, the huge threat they can feel is real.

“Damn it, Mutant? I knew that this mission impossible would be that simple?”

Someone made a basic judgment about the enemy in front of him. And soon, Shakola, who knew more about the inside story, overturned his statement.

“This is not an opponent Mutant can match. This is…Dark Angel Legion. Damn, this opponent is actually anxious hell? I knew it was like this…”

As the most powerful existence in the team, Shakola’s palm has already begun to sweat. Dark Angel Legion, this was an opponent she didn’t dare to fight. Although speaking of a single battle strength, she is not inferior to these fallen angels. But once she becomes Legion fighting, she is basically impossible to have any hope of victory.

The opponent is very strong, and the teammates are very good. This is the most severe situation she is facing right now, and in the face of such a situation, she has already begun to think about the future of own.

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