Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1912

As a temporary group, Shakola would not really treat them as inseparable partners, as Deadpool said.

That is what Deadpool used to fool people. If anyone believes it, then he can only say that his brain structure is worse than that of Deadpool. It is estimated that no treatment plan can be achieved. Function, only the option of re-engineering.

She doesn’t believe that there will be such disabled people among the people present, except the weasel. Therefore, she is naturally more impossible to pay attention to the existence of these temporary partners.

If everything goes well for the mission, she doesn’t mind giving her own husband a little face and giving him more bragging rights. But if the mission is not so smooth, then abandoning these temporary teammates is not unacceptable for her.

Among so many people present, the only person she cares about is Deadpool, so as long as she and Deadpool live well, then the lives and lives of others will not be taken seriously by her at all. This is the situation right now. Seeing a group of fallen angels flapping their wings and flying towards them, Shakola immediately ordered them decisively.

“Attack, hurry up and attack. If you don’t want to die, it’s better to find a way to deal with them before they have time to take action!”

Maybe because The previous reason made the couple of Deadpool and Shakola seem to be underestimated. But when he saw that Deadpool had been punched through such a big hole in his chest, and he was still alive and kicking, anyone would throw aside oneself’s preliminaries.

Ask to themselves, they are impossible to do this oneself. This exaggerated life force, even more exaggerated than Xiaoqiang, is the only existence for them in their lives. If you think about it again, Deadpool, who has such a perverted life force and can perform top secret assassinations, is terrified of his wife. If his wife is an ordinary person, who would believe it?

These mercenaries would not believe it anyway. By luck, this kind of thing shouldn’t happen to them. After all, it is a matter of oneself’s life, no matter how cautious they are, they can’t be overstated. And at this time, following Shakola’s orders and launching an offensive first is undoubtedly the safest way.

Don’t have to say anything by Shakola, the hustle and bustle of tall and strong is already a heavy machine gun, and then roared at the fallen angels flying in the sky and started shooting .

Large-caliber rifle bullets burst out from the roaring muzzle, flying like rain. Under normal circumstances, there are more than a dozen targets like Angel Legion. Without any cover, they have only one possibility of being swept into fragments by the rain of bullets.

However, fallen angels are not mortals after all. Faced with such an attack, they will not be as helpless as mortals.

Accurate shooting coupled with an effective range of more than one thousand meters, may allow the bullets of the machine gun to fall on these angels with a high probability. However, the magical barriers that the fallen angels carry can be like a hard shield to intercept all these bullets.

If you want to penetrate the magical barrier of fallen angels, these large-caliber rifle bullets will not work. In a conservative estimate, at least the Abrams tank’s 120mm smoothbore cannon will fire a frontal armor-piercing projectile.

The latest model of Abrams can shoot through 850mm of homogeneous steel armor within 2000 metres. With such a clear contrast, I believe everyone can understand the magic barrier of the fallen angel It is a bug-like existence.

It can be said that it is absolutely difficult to kill a fallen angel from a ranged attack. And wanting to defeat an angel in close combat is basically something that humans cannot do.

Although the bodies of fallen angels will not be as strong as monsters like the Hulks, their bodies are much stronger than trifling humans anyway. To say that one finger beats the boxing champion may be a bit too demeaning to humans, but to say that two fingers are used is definitely an exaggerated fact.

Except for the powerhouse of the cream of the crop, humans have no advantage over this mythical creature at all. Naturally, the attacks of the mercenaries at the moment are also impossible to cause any impact on them.

They are still moving forward at high speed, and, in the process of moving forward, they also began to open their bows and arrows, launching an own counterattack against the humans.

A distance of nearly 1000 meters, the fallen angels shot scattered arrows of light. These arrows of light shot like a stream of light, and at a speed that was impossible to detect, they came to the mercenaries in an instant. According to the estimation of the angels, this time, they can cause a massive attrition of the mercenaries. Even if you can’t kill all the people, killing most of them is not a problem.

They are very confident in their own ability, but they did not take all factors into consideration. Luck, the most incalculable factor, suddenly stepped in at this time.

Faced with a powerful enemy, Domino was naturally impossible to do nothing, and when she noticed the angels attacking, she turned the steering wheel completely subconsciously.

The crazy roar of the high-power diesel engine drove the jeep into a charging posture like a mad cow. At this moment, the speed of the car was pulled to the limit, but it was still not realistic to say that it would be able to escape the attack of the angels.

But at this time, the front bumper of the car suddenly hit a big raised rock. Then under the interaction of forces, the whole car rolled over in an instant.

Completely disorderly rolling, unless you can see the existence of the future, no one can guess where the car is going to turn, and how many laps will it stop before it stops.

Under normal circumstances, this can be regarded as a serious car accident. Even if the passengers in the car were lucky enough to leave a small life, the broken bones and tendons would be an inevitable end. This is a very bad thing, but in the current situation, this is the best situation.

The arrow of light pierced through the cracks of the tumbling car in a small way, without exception. This also means that, except for shooting stones and dry sandy rivers, these angels’ attacks never achieved any commendable results.

Thousands of years of combat experience have only achieved such a result, which makes all the fallen angels have a sense of unbearable expression. At this time, they even began to doubt, and doubted the ability that oneself had tempered for many years.

Of course, this suspicion was only temporary, and they were immediately left behind. They are the best fighters in hell and the Legion with the most military spirit. To put aside the thoughts and focus on the battle in front of them, this is almost an instinct in their lives.

So, without even pausing, they speeded up again and sprinted towards these mercenaries.

Remote attack, they have given up. There were mistakes in two consecutive long-range attacks, and even a fool could see that there was something hidden in it. Compared with the problems with the skills that oneself has tempered over the years, they obviously think this is a special method of the other party. And under the premise of do it quickly, they don’t have the mind to test again and again to find out the deep and shallow ideas of the enemy.

Aside from the long-range attack, they are still quite sure that this group of humans will be wiped out here. That being the case, why bother with such a problem?

They think so. And those mercenaries obviously think so too.

From the moment they noticed that the bullet didn’t work on them, they had already realized the gap between the strengths of the two sides. Regardless of the reputation of this group of mercenaries, one after another, they are the Peak elites in the mercenary world. But in the final analysis, they do not have the ability to withstand bullets.

The bullet hit them, they must die. Based on this alone, they are impossible to be opponents of the angels. Let me ask, if oneself’s most powerful attack method is ineffective against the enemy, how can they become an enemy of such an enemy?

The mercenaries can’t find the answer, so their only choice is to run away for the own survival.

In the car accident, except for Shakola and Lucky Domino who were unscathed, everyone else was injured more or less. The better ones have broken blood, while the worse ones have broken bones a lot.

The hustle and bustle is one of good luck. With a tall and sturdy figure, he withstood the impact of the car accident, and apart from being knocked open on his head, he was not at all seriously injured. This allowed him to retain precious physical strength, and at this time, physical strength became the only guarantee for his escape.

Kicking open the twisted car door, the hustle and bustle almost ran out of the car with rolling. He turned his head and glanced behind him. On the sky, angels were constantly approaching, and on the ground, there were gasping for breath, roar and immortal broken cars.

He is sure that oneself is the first person to run out. And if he wants, he can even pull out one or two bad luck eggs from the car before the angels get down. However, he didn’t do it at all. In other words, he didn’t plan to do it at all.

Just as Shakola doesn’t regard them as partners at all, he also doesn’t regard these strangers coming together by chance teammates as important beings. If it is normal, he may lend a helping hand to these teammates to increase oneself’s prestige and voice in the team. But that was when the situation did not endanger him. And if it is said that he can’t even keep his own life, then the ghost is willing to use his life to crack a joke and waste time saving these insignificant people.

Strongly stretched oneself’s legs that were a little sore due to the impact, and the hustle and bustle had already planned to escape. And at this time, the sound of smashing and crashing came from the broken car again, and the bloodied Zagst climbed outwards, while pulling something, he hurriedly broke free from the car. come out. Hustle saw him, he also saw the hustle and bustle, and then he immediately sent a cry for help to the hustle and bustle.

“Hustle! Come and help. The invisible man’s leg was broken, and he needs our help!”

“Shit, it’s this time, you actually paid Thinking about this!”

The clamor, critical moment, few people can keep calm, and he will naturally be no exception. Swearing is one of his most restrained methods. If he has a weapon in his hand, he really doesn’t mind having a shuttle to Zagst.

Obviously, compared to the outcry of egoists, Zagst is still a conscience, and even said that he retains some innocent guys. He believes in the talk nonsense set before Deadpool, so at this time, he is still working hard to rescue his own partner and trying to persuade the noise to change his mind.

“We are partners, we are rice grains, aren’t we? Help me, those guys with wings will be killed soon!”

“Damn it, you damn it! Yes!”

The noise was cursing at first, and then suddenly, he was taken aback, and then uncharacteristically walked to Zagst’s side, helping him to pull up the body of the invisible man.

Compared with Zagst’s actions cautiously, for fear of hurting the invisible person, his movements are rude and direct, and he doesn’t care about the invisible person’s feelings. But this kind of action was surprising enough that Zagst’s tone became pleasantly surprised.

“I knew it, I knew it, Buddy, you are not the kind of person who will die. We are true partners, we are a rice grain. No one of us will leave anyone behind. Isn’t it!”

“Shut up and speed up!”

The noise is too lazy to argue with Zagst, he obviously has his own reasons for doing this.

If Zagst is allowed to waste time here alone for the invisible person, then those fallen angels will certainly not spend much time trying to kill him. After that, oneself will become the most obvious target. In such a desolate within the valley, even if he can run, it is absolutely impossible to escape from a group of flying guys.

So, no matter what you think about it, Dora goes into the water alone to distract these angels. This is his best hope for escape.

Zagst was the one he chose to drag him into the water. Naturally, he will choose to help him get out of the predicament at this time.

The invisible person is a trouble, he can’t waste too much time on him. So when he and Zagst pulled the invisible man out of the car together, he said this directly to Zagst.

“Don’t worry about him, he can’t die. Don’t forget, as long as this guy oneself doesn’t make any movement, no one will be able to discover his existence. Take off his equipment and let he himself hide Here. He will be fine. In comparison, we have to run away quickly. I don’t think you want to try the feeling that those flying guys make a hole in you!”

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