Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1913

Because of the changes in the previous hustle and bustle, Zagst’s trust in him has obviously reached a new level. And this also made him do not have too much intention to doubt the noise, he already acted with him just as he said.

The two dragged the invisible man behind a rock, and then ran in the direction they came from without saying a word.

The turbulent magnetic field in Death Canyon interfered with all communication equipment, making it impossible for them to immediately contact the weasel stationed in the camp. And this also means that they have to run to the campsite on two legs to get on the plane and escape from here.

This sounds unreliable, because they are also dozens of kilometers away from the camp. Even if they all have Bolt’s speed, under this long distance, it is difficult for them to escape from the hands of these flying enemies.

Hope is very slim, but hope cannot be given up. So naturally, people with intentions start to be clever.

“Listen, Zagst. The two of us can’t run in the same direction together. This will only make the enemy notice us and will spare no effort to hunt us down. You see, They are faster than us. If they really catch up, we only have dead end!”

“So, what are you going to do?”

Recognize the enemy’s Powerful, Zagst was also extremely flustered. At this time, the hustle and bustle is undoubtedly a dominant existence for him. He subconsciously sought advice from the noise, and also expressed willingness to obey his arrangements.

This is the situation that the hustle and bustle wants to see most, so he didn’t hesitate at all, so he arranged for Zagst.

“We acted separately. I approached the deadpool guy from the river side, and you hid from the river side along the shadow of the canyon. Deadpool and I got together, the target will be bigger than you , Those who can fly will definitely focus more on us. And you may have to deal with fewer people.”

“Find a way to get rid of those who chase you People, or kill them, then escape! Pass the news you see to that woman, I think she should send someone to rescue us. This is the hope of all of us, no matter who of us can have We all have to do this if we have the opportunity to escape. Do you understand?”

The devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence moved Zagst. Under the impulsive emotion and inner guilt, he yelled like this almost immediately.

“No, Buddy. I can’t let you do this. I will meet Deadpool to attract more attention. You walk from the canyon to seek resources. You are more than me Experience, I believe you will be able to find rescue!”

Zagst thinks that oneself is sending the chance of survival to the hustle and bustle, but from the hustle and bustle, he is simply destroying oneself perfect plan.

Be aware that the words he just said to Zagst are really nothing serious. His original intention was simply not like this.

What separate action, seek support. It was just an excuse to use Zagst to distract the enemy obediently and honestly. He had a very clear estimate, and the enemy had no idea about the strength of the group of oneself, and less to say, three or four men would be allocated to pursue Zagst. At this time, the pressure he had to bear was much less.

When it comes to Deadpool, Deadpool, who has just been hit hard, will definitely not be stronger than oneself. So as long as oneself can get rid of him, then Deadpool can share half of the pressure on him again. Counting this down, there were only two or three enemies who finally pursued him. And if own is lucky enough, he can completely get rid of these two or three enemies and escape from the current predicament.

This is the best way he can think of, he is not willing to let Zagst cut his Hu. So at the moment, he put on a face like I don’t go to hell and whoever goes to hell, so he ordered Zagst.

“No, I can’t let you do this, I can’t put such a heavy burden on you. You said that we are the closest partners and the closest rice. For me Say, you are younger than me, and it’s the Little Brother I have to take care of. Therefore, I can’t entrust such a dangerous mission to you, so let me take on this important task. Trust me, this is the best Choose. Please also trust you yourself and don’t let my painstaking efforts in vain!”

The hustle and bustle of seldom saying such big talk found that oneself still has a certain talent in this respect, he has never thought of oneself I can say so beautifully, and I didn’t expect that oneself’s temporary intention, a word of intestinal scraping can actually have such a great effect.

Looking at Zagst’s slightly red eye sockets, watching his undulating chest, breathing violently. He even suspected that if they weren’t in a special situation right now, Zagst would come up to hug him desperately.

The effect is unexpectedly good. Of course, such a good effect cannot be wasted, so immediately, the hustle and bustle pushed Zagst’s back and made a final warning to him.

“Go, hurry up. Don’t forget what I told you!”

Zagst was pushed and staggered, but he didn’t say anything at all. At this time, he could only sob and suffocate his tears, while running towards the other side of the river without looking back.

It looks like a wounded wild dog. The hustle and bustle couldn’t help but feel guilty for a while. He began to ask himself, is it really good for oneself to bully honest people like this? However, this problem hadn’t existed in his mind for long before he was slapped clean.

This time has come, how can I have this time to think about other things. He warned oneself, and then quickly ran in the direction of Deadpool.

The race against time, this is what he must do now. It is the same for fallen angels.

Seeing that the two people crawled out of the car, they started to separate after a while after pester and chirp. Even if they think with their ass, they can guess that these guys are splitting up and fighting for escape.

The order they received was to ensure that no one could reveal the news, so naturally, they couldn’t let the ideas of these two guys come true. Not only these two people, everyone can’t escape from their in front of one’s eyes.

“A total of five people, I have seen it with my own eyes. In other words, in addition to the person who was shot down by me at first and these two guys, there should also be two people in this tin carriage.”

The best archery member among the fallen angels said. He couldn’t see through the eyes of invisible people, so in his opinion, there were only five people in the entire car.

“There are four now!”

A light spear appeared in the hand of the leading fallen angel. Then he threw it violently, and the spear of light smashed into the empty river like lightning.

There was a scream, and then the flesh and wreckage scattered in the sky. That is the last trace of the invisible people who secretly wanted to avoid these angels in this world.

He may not know that if he stays there motionless and holds his breath, he actually has a chance to survive. The fallen angels are not a species like Vampire, they don’t have any strange thermal vision. If the invisible person does not make any movements, then he is a transparent stone in the eyes of these angels. Unless touched, no one will know its existence. And once he started to move, then he changed from a transparent stone to a disguised crawler.

Crawlers will leave traces. Maybe these traces are unremarkable things in the eyes of careless people, but obviously, fallen angels are not at all so careless. They are experienced fighters, they are impossible to ignore any clues on the battlefield. Therefore, the invisible man paid a very cruel price for his stupidity.

He is the first, but he will never be the last. Seeing oneself is still roaring under him, and the car is constantly spreading smoke. The lead angel, frowned, already gave orders to own.

“Also alone in this tin carriage, find her for me!”

He tone barely fell, and a purple smoke has already diffused out of the car . That is Shakola. Originally, she still had a fluke mentality, hoping that these angels would not be able to detect her existence because of the car accident, but now, she dared not have any fluke anymore.

Once the car is turned over, she will be directly exposed to the sight of these angels. At that time, she wanted to escape for her life, but it was not so easy.

Time does not allow her to think about it, so escape has become her only choice. And as soon as she appeared in this way, she immediately attracted the attention of fallen angels.

As the trump card Legion scorching hell, they are impossible to know nothing about the family of the Red Sea Queen who is also the lord of the hell. In fact, in the distant past, they have often dealt with these original Vampires. With two different identities, their previous friendship can be said to be very shallow. Therefore, when Shakola appeared like this, the angels immediately blasted the pot and started shouting.

“Prince Vampire! Lilith’s family. Can’t let her leave here, can’t let the secret of our lord be insight into the Queen of the Red Sea!”

The fallen angels know the seriousness of the problem. . Once Satan’s plan is known by the existence of the Lord of Hell, he will soon become a target of public criticism. After all, there is more than one Demon King who regards the world as forbidden. And if they are told that someone catches the worm the early bird and takes away what they are determined to get first, then it is difficult to say whether they will turn their guns and aim them in the direction of Satan.

This is a huge risk, and for Satan’s guards, it is also a risk they absolutely cannot take. Therefore, when they identified Shakola’s identity, no matter how aggressive they were, they couldn’t be overstated.

They think so, but Shakola obviously can’t agree with them.

From the moment her identity was revealed, Xia Kola felt tremendous pressure. It can be said that these a dozen fallen angels put almost 90% of their energy on Shakola. And even if her strength is slightly higher than those of the angels, it is difficult for her to escape from such a chase.

The matter has developed into a life-and-death crisis, even for her existence. And when she realized this, she no longer had any hesitation. In almost an instant, she changed her body into the image of a magic dragon, and then on all fours, she rushed towards the direction of Deadpool.

The huge body is far beyond the strong physique of human beings, and the speed that makes her gallop is enough to make the superhuman of the overwhelming majority unmatched. Even the angels couldn’t catch up with her for a while, let alone Hustle, who was still physically within the human category.

He was at a distance from Deadpool, so even if he ran hard and squeezed out all of oneself’s strength, he was surpassed by Xia Kela.

Shakola, the incarnation of the dragon, not at all pays attention to his existence, she just dashed past him, then grabbed the deadpool who was still recovering, and urged him repeatedly Up.

“Quickly get out of here, Wade. This is not an opponent we can deal with, we have to leave here first!”

“What? But we haven’t done anything yet What?”

Deadpool, who had just recovered from his injuries, was obviously a little unhappy. The current situation seemed to him, it was such a group of birdmen with wings that broke his dreams. It took him a lot of strength to pull up such a team, and now they have made a surprise attack and they are all gone. This naturally made him so angry that he wanted to go to these birds to ask for an explanation.

As a wife, Shakola can see the intentions of Deadpool. But she said so immediately, who didn’t want him to have extra troubles.

“You can’t do anything, Wade! They are Dark Angel, and behind them is the Demon King Satan. You provoke them, it will only make our end worse. Do you want Seeing that I was captured by these angels and then caught back to hell to be bullied by the demons? Do you want to wear a green hat on your own head like this impatient? If so, then you can go Trouble with them! If it’s not, then you have to listen to me!”

Whether it is to be happy or to wear a green hat to oneself, this is definitely not a problem for Deadpool. . If it was to cuckold others, he might be happy, but if this kind of thing happened to his own, he would definitely be insensitive.

So, without thinking about it, he disappeared in front of the angels with a sound of Xia Ke Labing. And watching their sudden disappearance, the fallen angels who were pursuing them all the way became angry.

The hustle and bustle of their rage is bad luck. Before he could even ask for mercy, he had been cut to pieces by the angels.

Through his sacrifice, the angels calmed down a bit. And they who didn’t intend to give up on it at this time also immediately drank up.

“Chasing, they must not escape too far. Catch them, must catch them!”

The angels fluttered away and searched in the direction they believed. past. And shortly after they left, there was a new movement in the car that had been roaring.

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