Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1917

What on earth Shakola and Maria Hill said, the weasel did not know. The only thing he knew was that after a private meeting between them, they The entire group boarded a plane without stopping, and galloped towards beyond a thousand li.

At this time, far away in the White House in Washington, D.C., Maria Hill, who had just finished her talks with Shakola, had already found Stark, who had been busy for several days. Speaking to him bluntly.

“Your Excellency Stark, I think we are in big trouble!”

Stark, who has been busy recently to cover up government mistakes, is already a bit overwhelmed. After Leah’s this remark, he immediately frowned.

“Why, what did you find out about the matter you were in charge of? It’s bad news again?”

“I’m afraid it’s hard to get any good news at this time.”

Maria sighed first, and then told the truth and the situation arranged by oneself.

“I found a team of mercenary with abilities, led by the original Avengers Deadpool, and formed a temporary team. Originally, I wanted them to sneak in and find out some information. , But didn’t expect them to be annihilated in less than a day.”

“The whole army is annihilated, is the situation so serious?”

Listening to Maria’s statement, Stark was also taken aback. He is very clear about the ability of a team of elite super mercenaries under the leadership of the Avengers. It is very difficult for the idle state forces to keep them completely without mobilizing large-scale military forces. And right now, in oneself in front of one’s eyes, there is a force that killed such a team of elites and wiped out the entire army, which naturally made his heart jump.

Maria understands Stark’s concerns. This will happen at this time, which none of them can imagine. I thought it was just a disease of ringworm and scabies, but it might become a scourge. The change in this situation not only interrupted their original plan, but also put a heavy pressure on their already stressed shoulders.

If the pressure increases, it can crush people. But even in the face of such tremendous pressure, Maria did not at all say any words of relief. She always believes that this kind of thing must be resolved with a positive and positive attitude. Evasion will not solve any problems, but will make them worse. Therefore, they must come up with a countermeasure.

“The situation is very serious, but the most terrifying thing is that we still don’t know what is there. Fortunately, Deadpool and his wife survived. I have arranged for them to come over as soon as possible , I believe that from her mouth, we should be able to get some useful information.”

“Very good!” Take a deep breath, Stark cheered up again. “Let’s go and see and see what kind of news those who survived can bring us. Now, we can only hope that these news are useful!”

Stark did He expressed his stance, and White House naturally gave the green light here, allowing the plane carrying Deadpool and Shakola to drive straight in. For Deadpool and Weasel, this is a shame. They are the first time they have entered such a core place of the country with their low status.

To say that there is no excitement in my heart, it is impossible. But the difference is that the weasel is simply awe-inspiring, and there are two battles. But Deadpool was treacherous, and began to weigh things that oneself could touch.

Compared with these two embarrassing guys, Shakola is more on the table.

After all, it is the first generation of Vampire, Shakola’s experience as it should be by rights is unusual. She has visited the Temple of Amun in Karnak, and she has personally visited the Imperial Palace in Darius. The former glorious city of Alexander had her silhouette, and she once stopped in the majestic Rome. Compared with the historical wonders of these poor generations, the trifling White House can only be regarded as a barely living house. Compared with the emperors who had created a generation of civilization, Stark did not seem to have that much deterrence.

She was like visiting an ordinary person’s residence, without any pressure at all. And when the security guards were staring at her clicking one’s tongue in wonder, she was already led into Stark’s reception room.

The reception room has already been cleaned, and there is no one other than Stark and Maria. And seeing the lucky persons who were invited in for this action, Stark asked them without hesitation.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Let us straight to the point. Can you tell me how your mission failed? Also, what do you think is behind this mission?”


“The reason for the failure is very simple, Your Excellency.”

Xia Kola has no respect for Stark, so naturally, her tone of voice is also plain and without any waves. . Of course, if you say that she has no emotions, it is not true. It’s just that this sentiment is not so much flattering, it is more straightforward accusation and irony.

“You arranged for us a fundamentally impossible opponent to confront. Even escaping alive is a fluke. How can we complain about our mission failure?”

Stark heard the resentment in Shakola’s words, and instead of his temperament in his early years, he must have spoken mockingly to refute the last two sentences. But now, his temperament has long been polished away by the heavy state affairs. So even though he was dissatisfied, he still replied with patience.

“The ignorance of the enemy’s situation is our mistake, and we are willing to make compensation for this. However, the current situation must be understood by you. Such a huge threat lies in front of me, as the country’s The president must not be indifferent. So, madam, if you know something and so on, please say it as soon as possible. Only if you tell what oneself knows can we decide on the follow-up arrangements. This is very It’s important, what you should understand.”

“You are right, sir. Well, since you asked the question so sincerely, then I will just say it. This mission failed. It’s because we met a strong enemy, and the strong enemy I am talking about is Dark Angel Legion from the anxious hell!”

“Dark Angel Legion?”

Although it is already with the hell He couldn’t talk, and even said that even one of his arms had been broken in. But Stark still knows very little about those corners in hell and the secret past. Even the Evil Spirit hell didn’t touch them, so how can they find the information of the anxious hell? So when Shakola revealed such a name, Stark and Maria didn’t have any other expressions other than hesitation.

“ignorant and inexperienced!”

Faced with such a situation, Xia Kela could hardly make any other statement besides cursing such a sentence in Chinese. She herself also knew that it would be too harsh for humans to know the hell of conservative mysteriousism. So she didn’t sell anything anymore, but immediately explained it to them.

“Dark Angel Legion, is the most combative Legion in the anxious hell. Their predecessor is the angel in heaven, the most solid supporter of the Morning Star Road Xifa. Lucifer is dissatisfied with God’s Messia After Yawei the monarch resolutely fell into hell, they followed Lucifer and chose to fall together.”

“This kind of loyalty was recognized by Lucifer. So Lucifer fell into Satan and became anxious. After the lord of hell, the fallen angels were also formed by him as the Dark Angel Legion, which became the iron guard guarding in front of him.”

“Under normal circumstances, Dark Angel Legion will not be dispatched. This means that these fallen angels can only take action with the permission of Satan, the lord of hell. The current situation is that we encountered a group of fallen angels at the beginning of our action. President President , Do you know what it means?”

Speaking so clearly, Stark is not a dull person. So immediately, he fell gloomy and replied.

“This means that another hell lord is interested in the world, do you plan to get a share from us?”

“Yes, and this time, maybe you are good luck Even if you can meet the deity of Satan. You know, this is the most powerful of all hell princes, and it is the existence that can wrestle with God. If you really cause him to worry, then I can only I can say, I wish you good luck!”

Xia Kela’s answer is not lacking in take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, but anyway, she has given Stark the information they want truthfully. Came out. Although this information is not what Stark wants to hear, it is obviously inappropriate to cover one’s ears whilst stealing a bell at this time.

Recognizing the problem, understanding the problem and then solving the problem, this is the posture of a responsible government. At this point, the Stark government has always done a good job, and this time is no exception.

They have already realized who their own opponent is, and as it should be by rights, they will start thinking about collecting intelligence about this opponent and extracting the weaknesses that can be exploited from it. This is just like the capture of Saddam in the Iraq war. The US military bought the bodyguards around Saddam and learned about his every move, so that he could be taken down without a single shot.

Although the method is a bit tricky, I have to say that the effect is really good. And if the same method can work on Satan, then Stark and the others will not hesitate to use the same method again.

Of course, in order to do this, there is a problem that needs to be solved. That is, they need to have an extremely detailed understanding of Satan.

This kind of understanding is obviously not something that can be given by the kind of stories circulated from biblical myths. It must be informed by people who know more about the mysterious world in order to let people get a glimpse of it.

There is one in front of such a person. Stark They know Shakola’s identity, and they know that she is a Vampire of a thousand-year lifespan. In theory, she should actually be a good candidate. However, because she is a Vampire, Stark dare not trust her completely.

People who are not of my race must have different hearts. After all, they are not of the same race. Does the ghost know that she will cheat them on this kind of thing?

Fortunately, besides Shakola, they also have other options. So soon, Stark ordered to oneself’s staff outside.

“Go and invite Dr. Strange to me, saying that I have something important to ask him!”

Stark’s men move quickly. Before much time, Strange, who was under house arrest, was already sent into this reception room under the escort of a group of security personnel. And as soon as he saw his arrival, Stark said straight to the point.

“Doctor Strange, I am sorry to disturb you at this time. But I have something very important to ask you. Excuse me, do you know the existence of Satan?”

“Satan? Xifa on the Way of the Morning Star, the Lord of Hell, the most powerful Demon King? What do you ask him for, can’t it be said…”

I got a point from Mordo Baron. He immediately realized something, and this also made his face suddenly ugly.

Many people can see this change in facial expression, and after seeing this change, Stark immediately admitted it frankly.

“Yes, just like you think. Maybe the enemy we are going to face at this time is the existence you just described. I know he is powerful, but I think, no matter what Powerful people should also have weaknesses. So, if the doctor knows anything about his secrets, please tell us frankly. This is very important, and it is even related to the life and death of countless people, and even the entire human race. The future!”

That’s right, Strange also understands. But let him stand on the opposite side of the legendary Demon King at the apex, he will still feel a little bit frustrated. feel. You know, he has only been learning magic for more than a year. In terms of qualifications, he has just entered the ranks of sorcerer. And just such a novice in the sorcerer world, you now tell him that we need your help to deal with the most terrifying Great Demon King, which of course will make him instinctively hesitate and resist.

“Do you want me to help you deal with Satan? This is basically impossible. Let alone me, even if all of us add up, it may not be his opponent. You don’t understand the power of Satan, he The power of is beyond your imagination!”

“Trust me, Strange, we have seen people far stronger than him.”

At this point So, Stark replied solemnly vowed. Because as he said, he has already seen more terrifying power. Therefore, even if the current opponent is the familiar influential figure of Satan, he does not at all simply lose his own fighting spirit.

“We can’t do nothing just because the enemy is strong, and I think that as long as we work hard and unite as one, there may not be hope of defeating him. After all, behind us is a whole country, all human beings. I think no matter how strong he is, he will not be stronger than the original Thanos!”

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