Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1918

Just as I have seen towering mountains and never boast of the ups and downs of the hills, I have seen the vastness of the sea and I have never admired the depth of the lake. I have seen Thanos in the Battle of New York. After Zhou Yi’s confrontation, Stark already felt that oneself would no longer be impossible to see more powerful existence than them.

Don’t look at Satan’s reputation, almost as famous as God. But in Stark’s eyes, both he and the so-called God are far from these two guys.

It is true that existences like Thanos and Zhou Yi cannot be confronted by humans, even if it is impossible to use the power of a whole country and even all mankind. But if they were changed to exist like Satan, Stark might not think so.

The myth has gradually lost its mysterious color in front of mankind. And after having a more in-depth understanding of mythology, human beings have slowly discovered that the so-called gods are nothing more than that!

Although the Thor in Northern Europe is powerful, it may not be the opponent of artificial monsters like Hulk. In the same way, although the so-called devil sounds crippled, under the torrent of human steel, it may not be more resistant to beating than other flesh and blood.

Human beings are not weak, God cannot always aloof and remote. Especially after recognizing the vastness of the universe and the more terrifying power that exists in the depths of the starry sky, Stark no longer has the so-called awe of the native God on Earth.

Powerhouse should be like Thanos and Zhou Yi, swaying the stars and shaking the Milky Way. In comparison, God who can only tyrannically abuse power on a small Earth, relying on ignorance and superstition to tyrannically abuse power, is really not worth mentioning, and it is ridiculously small.

To deal with such an opponent, Stark still has a certain degree of confidence. And his confidence seemed to be contagious, and even Strange, who was still anxious, slowly became calm.

He himself also realized that this panic and loss is meaningless. So after calming down his own mood a little, he solemnly opened his mouth to Stark.

“What information do you want to know. Seriously, I don’t think my information has any value. Satan’s history is quite old, so old that only those who were in the same age as him In order to have a more detailed understanding of him. So in comparison, I think this Vampire’s intelligence will be more valuable than mine!”

Xia Kola not at all do to own identity What kind of special cover, so even a novice sorcerer like Strange can recognize her at a glance.

The ancient original Vampire, the Goddess of the Semites and the Canaanites-the dependents created by Lilith, the queen of the Red Sea hell, are the prototypes of all Vampires. The time they were born coincides with the time when Satan fell. If it were them, it would be more useful than they could come up with. Now I don’t need these Old Antiques, but I just asked oneself this newcomer. In Strange’s view, there are some meanings of asking blindly.

Stark also knows that oneself is doing something wrong, but he still insists on own point of view.

“Let’s talk about what you know first, Dr. Strange. If you have any deficiencies and need to add something, I think Ms. Shakola will make up for you!”


“Well, if this is what you want…”

Stark is Master after all, and the master is privileged after all. In this regard, Strange didn’t have much power to care about, so he organized the language a little bit and began to explain it to Stark.

“About Satan, I know almost the same as you. They are all stories in the Bible. If you want to say that there is something you don’t know, then it should probably be some secrets about his fall Come on.”

“In order to reach an agreement with the hell lords, Paragon sorcerer did a detailed investigation of all the hell lords, and in her notes, It is clearly described that Satan is the hell lord who is the most difficult to reach out to the world, even if he is the most powerful of all hell lords.”

“Wait, this is unreasonable. Shouldn’t it be the most powerful enemy that is the most difficult to restrain? Why in your mouth, this situation is the other way around?”

Stark was keenly aware of the problem, and Before Strange could explain such a question, Shakola had already intervened and gave an answer.

“This is because Satan fell from heaven to hell in a defeated body.”

“As the vice-prince of heaven, when he first betrayed God What I wanted was to occupy heaven and become the real master of heaven. It’s just a pity that, under the power of God and Gabriel’s counterattack from Archangel, he not only failed to achieve such a goal, but was seriously injured. “

“Compelled by circumstances, he chooses to fall into hell. He also sacrifices everything he has, hoping to win the favor of hell and gain the power that can rival God In a sense, he succeeded. The Morning Star Road Xifa has become a thing of the past, no longer exists, replaced by the Lord of Hell, the Demon King who can rival God-the birth of Satan. However, even though he has been Achieved the purpose of own, but he had to pay the price for what owner did.”

“Since then, Satan has become the incarnation of the anxious hell, and it is difficult to set foot outside of hell. Because As a spokesperson of the world itself, he who is as it should be by rights will be rejected by the other world. Unless someone is willing to summon him through ceremony, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to reach out to the world. Territory. This is why he will continue to cultivate believers who believe in him. Because only with the existence of these guys, he can demonstrate his power on the territories of the world, and he can play against his old enemy God here!”

“Is that true, Doctor Strange?”

Although Shakola’s explanation was fairly detailed, Stark confirmed it to Strange. Obviously, he didn’t fully believe what Shakola said. Even what she said is true.

This attitude made Strange understand Stark’s thoughts. Although he didn’t think Stark’s thoughts were correct, at this time, he nodded obediently and honestly. , Responded.

“What she said is different from what I know about not at all. In the situation she described, what I can add about not at all. I can only add later, Paragon sorcerer and The agreement signed by the hell monarchs.”

“When Paragon sorcerer was at its strongest, he signed extremely harsh agreements with the gods and hell monarchs. It was precisely because of her The gods and even hell monarchs are unable to set foot in the world anymore. This is the main reason why God and Demon’s myth in the world disappeared, but this does not mean that they really can’t set foot in the world anymore. ! As long as you are willing to pay a huge price, then just like the master of Evil Spirit hell, this agreement can be trampled on. Among them, Satan is probably the one who needs to pay the least…”

“This lady Vampire also said that Satan himself is restricted and repelled by the world. In addition, his strength is the strongest among the hell monarchs. So even Paragon sorcerer can’t The agreement is too targeted at him. In other words, if he can break free from the world’s rejection of him, then with his formidable strength, it will not be a problem to fight the contract signed by Paragon sorcerer back then.”

After this, Strange couldn’t help but pause, and then suddenly a somewhat hesitant expression appeared on his face.

“Seriously, I actually really doubt how much formidable power is the contract that Paragon sorcerer made back then. After all, this contract has been broken, and a broken contract No matter how you look at it, it shouldn’t be has the same effect as before.”

“So, what you mean is that Satan wants to take action on the world, and the biggest problem is the rejection of the world. , Isn’t it?”

“That’s right.”

After hearing Strange’s affirmative reply, Stark immediately rubbed his own chin and made oneself summarizes this series of information.

“So, if Satan really wants to come to this World to be our enemy, then his 1st Step should use what you call ceremony to open the door to this World… Can you explain this ceremony to me?”

“Satan’s ceremony? This is the secret of the Demon King.”

Even as ancient Mythical creature, Shakola couldn’t give a specific answer either. After all, even the spread of knowledge was very difficult in their era, let alone the secret ceremony of secret knowledge.

After this, although the era has developed to today, the speed of the spread of knowledge has also improved. But in the same way, under the nearly endless wave of information, it is still very difficult to get the most accurate information.

This requires not only perseverance, but also the luck that happens to be met. Obviously, Shakola is not qualified in either of these areas. She neither pursued such secret thoughts, nor had she personally experienced such things in the past years. So naturally, she was impossible to give any useful answers.

However, although she can’t give a successful answer, it doesn’t mean Strange can’t. Although Strange’s identity is just a novice, he is a little sorcerer who initially touched on the mysterious side of the world. But in any case, behind him is Kamar-Taj, Earth’s most powerful sorcerer organization in thousands of years.

The knowledge accumulated by the huge organization over the past millennia is enough to endorse him, and when he was still learning about hell before, he was able to provide more useful information at this time Come.

“As far as I know, Satan’s ceremony should be a model of black magic linked to death, blood, hatred and despair. This has been annihilated several times in the history of our Kamar-Taj sorcerer Example. According to the narratives of the sponsors who have participated in the extermination of such ceremonies, Satan’s ceremony is often in the hands of the believers who are controlled by Satan’s mind and are exclusive to him.”

“These believers are often It is the fallen people who have eroded their minds and completely sold their faith and soul to Satan. Therefore, even if they can be captured in their hands, it is impossible to get detailed details about the ceremony from their mouths. However, by virtue of the sponsorer From our experience, they have more or less summed up something.”

“Sacrifice, this is a Satan ceremony, no, strictly speaking is an indispensable thing for all the devil’s summon ceremony. If we say If there is a difference, it is in numbers. As the lord of hell, Satan should have the highest number of sacrifices, which is 666. As the master of the anxious hell, Satan has always had the choice of sacrifices Strict preference.”

“He is not the kind of existence that can be summoned by giving soul and blood casually. To summon him, he must be his most pious believer and pure and innocent virgin Come as a sacrifice. Kamar-Taj’s historical records are full of examples of Satan bewitching an ignorant girl and turning it into an own sacrifice Demoness. It is conceivable that if he really wants to invade the world, then These 666 sacrifices and pure girls are absolutely indispensable! A cruel blood sacrifice…Your Excellency, if you really make up your mind, then you must stop this tragedy from happening. Absolutely. , Absolutely cannot allow so many people to die tragically in this despicable method!”

Speaking of this, Strange’s emotions immediately became excited. Of course, this also has a certain relationship with his experience.

If he is the kind of sorcerer who has seen more of the world, he may not be moved by the life and death of these people. Because in the eyes of a qualified sorcerer, these people who are regarded as sacrifices are simply self-willing and depraved people, the dregs of the entire human race. Instead of letting them live in this world as a scourge, it is better to destroy them directly in the name of preventing trouble before they happen. As long as they don’t let their death become a necessity for Satan’s coming, then whatever they do is acceptable.

This is a very simple truth. Compared with the overwhelming majority of innocent people in the world, these perpetrators are definitely the most suitable type to be sacrificed. It’s just in Strange’s mind that he obviously hasn’t established such a concept.

His concept is still at the stage of an ordinary person, that is, the life and death of these people should not be determined by him. Even if they are guilty, the judgment should be made by the state and the law. It is obviously wrong to let them die without doing anything like this.

The value of their also being saved, this is his current thinking. Faced with his thoughts, Shakola, who had been accustomed to seeing the world, immediately laughed.

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