Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1940

Dormammu’s anger towards Satan has reached its extreme at this moment. This is not only because of the humiliation Satan has done to him, but also because of the losses he has suffered on Satan.

The incarnation that he was destroyed by Satan before contains quite a lot of power. That power is equivalent to gods and demons, and it cannot be underestimated on any planet in the universe. And it was such a power that was destroyed by Satan with such a means, which naturally made him feel distressed.

And if it was just like this, it would be fine. Although cherish the power waiting for the gods and demons, it is not an unacceptable loss in the eyes of a Void Lord like him. What really made him feel painful and intolerable was that for the deal between him and Mordo, and for the shame of Yixue before, he had to put in more power.

The power more powerful than the gods and demons is the power of the entire world. And the entire world, or the power of a planet, is a very heavy price even for the Void Lord.

Be aware that the so-called planet-level power cannot be obtained by simply corrupting and devouring a planet. For the Void Lord, those dead planets without any living creatures are completely meaningless. Even if such a planet is corrupted by a thousand or ten thousand, it is not comparable to a life planet full of vitality. And life planets like Earth are quite rare in the entire universe.

Take Earth as an example. Among the hundreds of stars and galaxies in the entire solar system and the surrounding hundreds of galaxies and thousands of planets where life may be born, only Earth has developed intelligent life and derived out a relatively mature civilization. And only this planet that has developed a civilization has the value of being swallowed by the Void Lord.

This is a treasure of Supreme, something worthy of all the Void Lords’ pursuit and desire with the greatest effort. However, since they are so precious, it is destined that it will be very difficult for the Void Lord to obtain these precious existences.

The void cannot interfere with the real world at will. This is the iron rule of the universe. The existence of the five great gods establishes such rules, and will give anyone who dares to transcend the most serious Penalty .

This is something the Void Lords cannot bear, so they can only act according to the rules. According to the rules, if they want to obtain such a planet, they must get an invitation from within the planet.

The Necronomicon Book is just such a function. Only by making a deal with the Owner of the Necronomicon Book at the cost of the world can they achieve this ultimate goal. And you know, not every transaction can be Perfection successful. Because the will of the Owner of the Necronomicon Book does not represent the will of all the creatures in the planet. In the face of this big event of the destruction of an entire planet, there will always be opposing opinions. And if the Void Lords must get this planet, then they must suppress all opposition.

In general, the Necronomicon book only gave them this qualification, and in the end, they often have to use their power to complete the transaction.

This link has never been uncertain for the Void Lord.

Because some worlds are more powerful, Fiendgod Level and other characters are everywhere, and even the powerhouse that shocks the galaxy can jump out a few. For planets like this, the Void Lords only have the sight of drooling. If they really want them to be corrupted and swallowed forcibly, then the final result is probably to take their lives in.

This is a loss-making business, and of course the Void Lords are not willing to do it. Therefore, in the case of overwhelming majority, they will choose to give up and wait for the second situation.

The second situation is similar to the situation on the planet Dormammu lived on before becoming the Void Lord.

They developed civilization, but civilization has not yet developed to the point where it can be separated from the planet. At the same time, although they possess magical powers such as witchcraft, this power has not been developed to the extreme by them.

On the entire planet, there are only one or two native gods and demons tyrannically abuse power, and such a guy has no threat in front of the Void Lord.

This is the only way for the Void Lord to get an entire planet, and just thinking about it can guess it, relying on such metaphysical methods and methods of bullying and fearing hardship, how much chance they can have Get an entire planet.

Dormammu has been a Void Lord for several million years. And in these few million years, he has had so many chances to succeed. For him, these planets he acquired are his most precious wealth and most important treasure. But now, in order to reach this deal and to deal with Satan, he has to come up with one as the power embodiment of oneself projection to this world. This naturally made him hate it to the extreme, and even in the attack of this crossing void and reality, he didn’t even mean the slightest show mercy.

For a time, when Satan was too wrong to prevent him, he was immediately traumatized. However, he is also the incarnation of hell, a powerful existence that inherits the power of hell. So this kind of trauma is not fatal, at most it is a little tricky that’s all.

It is difficult to say, not because of the physical trauma. With Satan’s strength and physical quality, this kind of physical trauma can be recovered with just a few breaths as long as he wants to, and he has nothing to worry about. In contrast, the erosion of the void power would make him feel more uncomfortable and suffering.

The power of the void stands on the opposite side of sentient beings. It is not Death, but it is more terrifying than Death. It is not destruction, but it is more sinister than destruction. Although Death and Annihilation Power are powerful, they are not enough to collapse a life and twist a soul. The power of the void can do exactly this.

Under the erosion of the void, any life will become less like oneself. The deeper the erosion, the more they will think of being a monster. It’s like Dormammu. As the Lord of the Void, how much thought and will can he retain when he was a planet creature? Very few, even saying that apart from this name, he has nothing in common with the past.

Satan does not understand the nature of void power, but this does not prevent him from experiencing and feeling it. And after a little one-piece meeting, he already felt the terrifying place of this twisting power.

Invade the body and transform the body into a twisted strange shape beyond its control. At the same time of this intrusion, he even said that he could still feel the whispering whispers continuously ringing in the owner’s heart, as if bewitching and persuading him to accept this power and accept the gift from the void.

Ordinary people may have been confused at this moment, unconsciously accepting this erosion of the void. But Satan won’t. His pride makes him unwilling to accept things of unknown origin, and his reason also tells him clearly that it is better to stay away from such strange things as soon as possible.

This is a wise man’s approach, and he has no meaning to it. Therefore, when he felt this void power and began to drill deeply into oneself’s body within the body, he already unceremoniously stretched out his own claws, like a crazy and fierce wild beast, taking oneself by The eroded body tissues were dug out directly.

Hundred and ten tons of flesh and blood were thrown on the surface with a bang. And at the moment when these flesh and blood broke away from the main body, it was already under the power of the void, twisting and evolving into a new creature.

Satan can clearly see the sudden pustule-like head of the creature that was distorted in an instant, and also the completely deformed facial features, arms and legs. Such a creature would make people feel terrible just to be seen, and when the thought of this thing actually fell from the owner, Satan couldn’t help but feel sick.

Of course, in addition to this disgusting, he was still a little bit shocked, a little bit jealous. Because he had never thought that the power of this powerful opponent would be so strange.

This time is different from before. Before, their powers can be said to be the same. Even though Dormammu has such a weird power, they can’t inject this weird power into his body without hurting his body. After all, the black smoke all over his body is not to be trifled with. If he wants to be top secret, he will do those sneaky tricks. This is simply an impossible thing.

The current situation is that the balance of power between Dormammu and him has been broken. Although Dormammu has not fully displayed in front of his eyes at this moment, Satan can clearly perceive that the opponent has surpassed oneself on the level of strength, and has a tendency to develop in his undetectable direction.

What kind of existence can have such a powerful force? Satan doesn’t know. He, who has been in this world all the time, still lacks so much insight, so he can’t guess why those powerhouses that can lie in the stars are so powerful.

He can only be shocked and resentful now because of this powerfulness that he cannot understand. His mentality has become abnormal, so at this time, he even cursed Dormammu, who was gradually revealing his body, uncontrollably.

“You damned bastard, what the hell are you damned thing!”

“Stupid reptile, when he dies, he will only ask such a time-wasting question… …”

Dormammu sneered disdainfully, and Dormammu, who had not fully invested his own power in this World, did not shy away from saying more to him. So after mocking Satan, he has already answered his previous questions.

“As I said, I am the Lord of Void. The hostile thing of everything. Opposing all beings and being hostile to order. This is the meaning of our existence for Void Creation. We are the most real in the universe. The shadow is the ultimate destination of the universe. When you merge into this shadow, when you are taken into the void by me, you will understand. You will understand how great I am, and you, you humble little What kind of ridiculous and stupid things the crawler has done!”

“Don’t think about it!”

Although it is not the first time I have heard Dormammu say such cruel things, But how can the previous cruel words come more shocking at this time? After all, it could be regarded as Kyogen before, but now, everything he said is completely capable of him.

Yes, he has the ability to do what oneself said. Satan can almost imagine that once Dormammu is fully revealed, then with his power completely above oneself, he may be able to break through oneself’s defense in an instant, and plant that weird and twisted power into oneself’s body. Go to every corner of the house.

By then, the body of own will no longer be controlled by own, oneself can only watch, countless twisted objects grow out of the body like maggots crawling out of the hotbed. Just thinking about this kind of thing made him feel terrible, and hitting mind’s eye gave birth to a determination that he would rather die than become such a ghost.

He is Satan, the demon among the demons, the king of kings. How can it become this distorted and ugly look. No matter what, even if he died, he couldn’t let oneself fall to such a point. So at this time, he immediately screamed, and then fluttered his wings, wrapped in the endless black mist of destruction, like a dark sky covering the world, and launched a desperate charge against Dormammu.

desperate situation Before, he showed the fearlessness and bravery of a true king. He doesn’t think about retreating, nor does he want to be ugly, such as begging for perfection, bowing to his knees, and so on. He just wants to fight for a full strength battle, even if he is invincible, he will be like a moth fighting a fire or a shooting star. The burning is clean and the defeat is vigorous.

This is his until now style, and it is also the reason why he can have this achievement today. If he doesn’t have such a proud and arrogant character, then he is probably still in heaven now, and maybe he serves the God he once served.

Fate has always wanted him to do this. And he has always been like this, never changed, including now.

This brought him the love of fate and made the lucky Goddess smile at him at this time.

No one can imagine, such a blow of moth flies into the flame has a result that no one can imagine. The destructive power from the Anxious Hell was actually like a tarsal maggot. In this desperate blow, it pierced the defense of Dormammu’s strength and penetrated deeply into his current body.

Void Power is opposed to all living beings and is the natural enemy of all things with life. But in the face of pure energy, it does not at all, like dealing with living things, twisting it into an existence exactly similar to oneself.

This feature makes Dormammu have nothing to do at this time, he can only fight against it, and use the same proportion of power to kill or remove the energy. This change is usually easy. But at this time, at this critical moment when he builds oneself body, such a thing has brought him immense trouble.

He has already felt that the own body is gradually getting out of control, and the power of infinite void begins to violently walk away as if being stimulated.

This is his unimaginable bad situation, so immediately, he screamed at Satan full of disgust.

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