Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1941

“Satan, you damn fellow, what did you do!”

Dormammu’s question is difficult for Satan to answer, because at this time, Even he himself doesn’t know what happened.

He just cut off one’s means of retreat. Generally, he launched a raid. If there is any special place, then he probably used almost all the power of oneself. This is not at all what is worthy of strangeness, facing an enemy far stronger than oneself, if you still have a hand, then you are using your own life to crack a joke. Satan is not stupid enough yet, so of course he will do it with full strength.

However, the result of full strength was unexpected, which he really didn’t expect.

Although Dormammu didn’t say exactly what happened to oneself, Satan could feel that his body made of a trans-world projection, composed of void power, was like a high-rise building with its base demolished. The same collapse and disintegration.

He didn’t understand the principle, but he knew it was a good thing. So when facing Dormammu’s disgusting questioning, he just showed an excited smile and cast his eyes full of take pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

This expression made Dormammu feel like he was eating shit. Both furious and full of embarrassment. Others don’t know what this is all about, but as a client, he has gradually figured out the reason.

In general, this still has something to do with his eagerness for success. In order to avenge the shame as quickly as possible, he directly projected the power to Satan. This was indeed shocking to Satan, but at the same time, it also caused him a problem. That is, he showed oneself’s defenseless posture in front of Satan.

The power projection across the world is like using energy to give birth to a new life out of thin air. And since it is a new life, there must be a time when there is no resistance like infancy. For this incarnation of Dormammu, when the projection was constructed, it was equivalent to its infancy. And this infancy is actually very short.

As long as Dormammu is a little more cautious, find a safe place to build this Avatar. After waiting a few minutes, Satan basically has no room for resistance. But Dormammu did not do this, but just and honorable put it all in front of Satan. Coincidentally, Satan seized this opportunity again. So naturally, things are like a wild horse, completely beyond his control.

It can be said that he played oneself by oneself. He has already realized this. But after realizing this, he felt a burst of shameful irritation in his heart, and then soon, he moved all this to Satan.

Everyone is a normal person, don’t talk about finding problems with the owner. When something goes wrong, it is natural to find other people’s trouble first. For Dormammu, Satan is his best and most suitable object of anger. So he did so, very consistent with common sense.

Of course, having said that, it is not so easy to pass the grievances in oneself’s heart. Dormammu can clearly perceive that the incarnation of own is completely abolished this time. The incarnation of the void has begun to show a large-scale power spill under the invasion of Satan’s power. Although this is not a devastating blow to his incarnation, it is also a very troublesome problem.

He must wait for all the energy to completely escape and all the alien energy is completely rejected before he can start to construct this body again. This time is not short. Calculated based on the rotation speed of the planet, it probably takes the planet to rotate for one week. And after the planet has rotated for a week, he may not even be able to touch a single hair of Satan.

Be aware that the own mission has to defeat Satan. Only by defeating him can he complete the deal with Mordo. Only by defeating him can he be ashamed and get what oneself should have in return to make up for the loss that oneself has suffered before.

These are very important, so important that they are almost equivalent to his tens of thousands of years of hard work. Of course, he didn’t want oneself’s tens of thousands of years of hard work to come to nothing, and he didn’t want to play peekaboo games with an indigenous god and demon for tens of thousands of years on this little planet. Therefore, after realizing the current situation, he has already begun to think hard about countermeasures.

Countermeasures are naturally difficult to come up with in a hurry. During the time he was thinking about countermeasures, Satan was naturally impossible to wait for him and let him come up with the own countermeasures smoothly.

It is not surprising that he will leave. Faced with an opponent that oneself can’t beat at all, breaking the cauldron without the ability to escape is called courage. And if you have the ability to preserve yourself, but you still have to fight like this, it can only be described as stupid.

Satan is not such a stupid person, so of course he will leave. Just because he had exhausted his strength before, now he wants to leave, he can only rely on his own feet that’s all.

A pair of big feet, two steps and one span is 1000 meters. Satan simply relies on his physical body to walk, and it is far faster than the overwhelming majority of the world. And precisely because of this swiftness, he soon disappeared before Dormammu’s eyes.

Dormammu’s vision cannot track Satan, because his consciousness can only be silent in the power of the projection from oneself. So, just watch Satan run away so that he and oneself will have a long chasing battle for thousands of years?

Dormammu obviously didn’t like to think so, so his thoughts on countermeasures began to become more and more urgent. And people, or any intelligent life, have a kind of talent called Gou Ji jump over the wall. The more urgent the situation, the more they can find a way out. At this point, Dormammu is no exception. So soon, he already came up with a method that was not a solution.

Staring in the direction where Satan is leaving, Dormammu has already put his own consciousness into those stray void forces. He left enough to reshape his body, letting these forces begin to reorganize his body spontaneously. At the same time, he was driving the remaining part of Void Power, slowly infiltrating through the ground under oneself’s feet.

He discovered a very interesting thing about the land under oneself. That is, every corner of this land, every inch of soil, is full of resentment. Out of sensitivity to intelligent creatures, Dormammu can clearly perceive that these grievances come from souls with wisdom. And why it appeared in the form of resentment was probably because these souls were all broken.

Even the soul can’t be preserved completely, it can only remain in this land in the form of debris, and spend a long time in ignorance. This kind of thing can be placed on any intelligent creature. I am afraid that there will be a strong grievance in him. And not to mention that in their lifetime, they may have experienced various inhuman tortures.

This is hell, the lower plane of a complete world, and the home of souls. It is normal for this to happen in this place. It can be said that even with Dormammu’s knowledge and experience, I have never heard of a hell with happy laughter and cheerful voices, and everyone living in harmony is like a scene of bliss. So this is not surprising, and it is not surprising.

Compared with this completely normal category, Dormammu feels that it may be more important to test whether the own idea can take shape.

He tried a little bit and used own Void Power to corrupt the soul fragments that contained resentment. But the result was even smoother than he thought. Void Power successfully injected it into it, and, just as he corrupted normal souls in the past, turned it into an indescribable twist.

It went too far smoothly, because in addition to transforming those biological organizations that had no thoughts at all, he had never transformed the soul so smoothly.

The soul is not that easy to deceive. Even in terms of the characteristics of the void, if you want to completely corrupt a soul, you need to gain inner approval in a way of bewitching. Will determines the progress of this transformation. The soul of an ordinary person may be easier, but it is never so easy to corrupt those souls with firm hearts and strong beliefs.

Dormammu likes to corrupt such souls, so he knows the difficulties. But now, his experiment was much simpler than he thought, which naturally surprised him a bit.

He attributed this to the weakness of these soul fragments. It can be said that in addition to retaining certain soul characteristics, they probably no longer exist even their basic self-consciousness. To use an analogy, this is like a piece of rotten meat. Naturally, it is the best breeding ground for corruption.

This is a good thing for Dormammu, and of course he is impossible to reject it. However, looking at the tiny body of this corrupted and distorted thing, Dormammu’s heart became a little irritable.

The volume of the soul is determined by the appearance in front of it. The soul of a human must be the size of a human, and the soul of a dragon will certainly look like a dragon. The same reason, put on this twisted thing transformed from soul fragments, that is, his spiritual mass is really small and pitiful. The size of the same grain of sand really didn’t play a big role in his plan.

Of course, a grain of sand won’t work. But if there are thousands of such sands absolutely and endlessly, do they still have no effect?

For this, Dormammu already had an idea in his mind, so naturally, he also carried on the own plan according to the own idea.

With such a smooth beginning, there will naturally be no surprises in the subsequent events. One after another the debris on the soul was distorted, and one after another distorted things began to appear in the land of this World. This process is almost endless, and the only thing that can limit this situation is probably how much Dormammu’s Void Power is, and how many resentful soul fragments are there in the land of this World.

The former is not a problem for Dormammu. Because what he mobilized this time is the void power transformed by a whole planet. You know, that planet is at least three times the size of Earth, and this means that even if he retains a considerable amount of power to reshape the incarnation of own, the remaining Void Power is enough to give the entire earth under his feet Submerged.

The latter, don’t forget, this is hell. Since the birth of this planet, countless souls have begun to settle in this World after death. The slaying and tragic struggle between these souls and the native creatures of hell has already filled every inch of hell with blood. To put it bluntly, the land of hell was simply paved with the bones and souls of those who were defeated. This number is more than one trillion, so in theory, as long as Dormammu can provide enough power to transform, then he doesn’t have to worry about insufficient numbers.

Does he need to worry about this issue? Obviously it is not used. Therefore, everything is just like where water flows, a canal is formed, an unimaginable force began to surge in the dark.

And at this very moment, Satan still doesn’t know what kind of changes have taken place in the ground under oneself.

He has only one idea now, that is, to find Randekiel as soon as possible.

At this moment, he has lost most of his magic power. To restore this power, he has to cultivate for a while. The problem now is that he is not at ease to cultivate in this world, and compared with the cultivation, he also thinks that oneself also has more important things to do.

This World is very dangerous now, the terrifying existence of Dormammu may appear in front of him at any time. And if it wasn’t because oneself had temporarily lost most of his magic power, he would now have the idea of ​​directly tearing through the space and leaving this hell.

Whether it will scorch hell or go to the world. It is much better to stay in such a ghost place for a long time.

Of course, if he wants to choose, he still wants to go to the world. This is not only because his ambition has not been extinguished, but also because he believes that he must go to the world to defeat Dormammu.

He firmly believes in the judgment of own, that is, if a guy like Dormammu can appear in this world, it must have its medium. He has tried it before, and the key medium does not belong to Dormammu. And if this is the case, the probability that the medium appears to other people becomes even greater.

So who is the owner of this medium? Just thinking about it, Satan already thought of Mordo’s existence.

Dormammu oneself also said that he appeared here because he responded to Mordo’s transaction. If this matter is true, then his guess is pretty close. And if you say that, then as long as Mordo is eliminated, this fellow Dormammu will be self-defeating?

There is no argument to prove this, but Satan feels that oneself must try it. And if he wants to make such an attempt, then a very important question is that he must return to the world as soon as possible.

On this point, only Randekiel can help him now. So now he must find him!

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