Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1942

Evil Spirit Hell’s change is beyond everyone’s imagination. No force may be able to guess how many terrifying forces have been involved in this piece of hell in this short day.

Most of them are kept in the dark. And even if it is induced, I am afraid it is difficult to guess a specific result. It’s like Peter at this moment. Since Satan and Dormammu entered the Evil Spirit hell, his spider senses have been operating crazily to the extreme. This is manifested on his body, that is, his whole body’s hair, even his hair, has been erected due to the surge of static electricity.

The terrifying sense of crisis makes him have one’s hair stand on end. Under such warning signs, he had to confide his inner worry to Paragon sorcerer.

“I feel something is wrong, Ancient One sorcerer. From the very beginning, my predictive ability has been constantly warning me, telling me that something big is about to happen. And this big The thing that brings us is likely to be a big crisis that we can’t cope with at all!” Peter’s words sound a bit alarmist, this as it should be by rights caused Ancient One to wrinkle brow. At this time, she didn’t want to hear words that hurt their morale. But because of Peter’s abilities, she didn’t dare to say anything absolute.

So after thinking and thinking, she still stretched out her hand directly and made a digging action in front of Peter.

This action is not a hint, but she used her own magic to directly touch the fate card on Peter’s body. In the end, it was something she gave away, and it was something she wanted to use naturally. And just between her thoughts, the three destiny cards had appeared directly in front of Peter like phantoms.

The first card, the white tower was struck by lightning, and two figures fell from the collapsed tower. This is a high tower card. It is the only one of all tarot cards that has no good meaning on both sides. It represents destruction, irreparable collapse and disintegration. The appearance of such a card has undoubtedly verified the bad hunch that Peter said before. And this situation also made Ancient One sorcerer vigilant in his heart.

She stopped hesitating, and immediately opened the second card. The man hanging upside down on the tree, the card symbolizing sacrifice, made her bad premonition deepened again.

The third card is a death card with a white horse and armor. Means the end. This will herald the end of whose name, Ancient One has no confidence in his heart. In the torrent of destiny, she could not see the direction of destiny.

Being a person in it is not the same as being a bystander. At this moment, her heart was full of doubts and hesitations, but in the face of the huge crisis her destiny foreshadowed, she had no idea what to do.

This is strange and normal. The strange thing is that dignified Paragon sorcerer can also be terrified and over-cautious in front of fate. What is normal is that this is what a human being should do when facing a huge and terrifying unknown.

However, Paragon sorcerer is Paragon sorcerer after all. Although she is also full of fear of the unknown, she quickly regained her composure and came up with an idea.

“Can you perceive what kind of danger it is? Its purpose, where it comes from?”

shook the head, Peter’s expression is a bit difficult. Although spider induction is magic, it is not omnipotent. It can only act as a hazard alarm, not as an accurate detection radar. So after closing his eyes and perceiving for a long time, he barely raised his hand and pointed out a general direction.

“It is difficult for me to perceive what kind of danger it is, and I am not a prophet. Regarding this crisis, I can only say that he is terrifying, almost no less than what I have experienced in New York At that time. What is the purpose of this crisis, sorry, I don’t know, nor can I guess. As for the direction, it’s probably there…”

Peter still came up with something useful The information comes. Faced with such information, Paragon Sorcerer pondered for a while, and then said to him.

“You know, I can’t use space gate spells casually right now. After all, everything we have now is based on a situation where it has failed. If it’s not necessary, I won’t take this risk. . But you also said that this kind of crisis gives you a very bad premonition. If it is really terrifying, then we need to take it into our consideration.”

“We can’t ignore its existence. At this time, it is necessary to investigate its truth. However, here is inseparable from you, and I cannot leave by teleportation. Therefore, I only thought of one way, and that is me. Use Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body to figure out what the crisis you are talking about is!”

“Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body?” Because there is no corresponding term for Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body in English, And the soul can’t represent the special thing like Primordial Spirit. So Ancient One used Chinese on this.

The difficulty of Chinese has always been a headache for foreigners, especially this kind of religious and traditional cultural vocabulary, which makes it even more difficult for them to understand. Although Peter has studied Chinese for a while, he is barely proficient. And for nouns like Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body, he can only understand a little bit with the explanation of Ancient One.

“So, if you use your soul to explore the situation there? I don’t understand. Didn’t you just say that the soul ran out of the body? Why use…Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body Such a weird word?”

“Primordial Spirit is not the same as soul. Primordial Spirit is a sublimated existence of soul. In Eastern sect thinking, soul is an existence that cannot stand the test. departs from the body, it will immediately cause Calamity Tribulation and disasters to people. Unlike Primordial Spirit, Primordial Spirit is like ore tempering turned into hard metal compared with the soul. Those outside can bring harm to the soul. No power can affect the Primordial Spirit.”

“At the same time, the practice of Primordial Spirit also means the long-term continuation of life. When the body rots, the soul can only enter the Death world like this , Waiting for the gradual demise. Unlike the Primordial Spirit, the Primordial Spirit can take the energy between Heaven and Earth as the nourishment and exist for a long time in the world. When the Primordial Spirit is strong enough, it can even do the heavy lifting. The point of shaping the body.”

“OK, I understand, it sounds like very difficult to deal with. But, what does this have to do with me, do you have to tell me so clearly?”

Peter was a little surprised, because he obviously heard some unspoken implication of Ancient One. Ancient One did not deny this, she just sat cross-legged on the ground, posing in a standard Five Hearts toward the Heaven posture, and then stared at Peter and said so.

“Of course I did this for a reason, Mr. Parker. Although my Primordial Spirit has reached the point where it can reshape my body, it consumes considerable strength and wastes a lot of precious time. . We can’t afford such a loss, and I don’t want to lose my body altogether. Therefore, I need someone to protect my body so that I won’t have any unnecessary troubles when I Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body. So, do you understand what I mean?”

“Do you need me to protect your body?” Looking at the weird appearance of Ancient One, Peter nodded clearly. “Okay, I think I understand what you mean. So what should I do?”

“Don’t do anything, just look at me, don’t let people touch my body casually, also Just don’t let my body hurt! Are you ready? I’ll start when I’m ready!”

“Of course, I’m ready…” If he is not sure, Peter hesitates, but feels that it is better not to vomit some words. “I said, can I just look at you like this? Don’t I need to find something to protect you, or you yourself arrange a magic or something?”

“His Ancient One, His Excellency Ancient One . Did you hear me? Or did you say you are gone?”

He shook his own palm and waved it back and forth in front of Ancient One desperately, as if he wanted to prove something. Faced with his behavior, Ancient One, who was already about to settle down, sighed after being silent for a while and responded to him.

“Mr. Parker, I need to be quiet. This is a very dangerous thing. I don’t want to be accidentally injured by my own teammate without doing anything.”

“Sorry , I’m just a little curious…”

With a silly smile, Peter immediately retracted his palm and sat obediently and honestly in front of Ancient One like a good baby. He looked innocent, and Ancient One couldn’t say anything more about him, and could only continue what oneself had not done before. And not long after she had just entered, Peter’s curious voice came into his ears again.

“Your Excellency Ancient One, Your Excellency Ancient One. Have you left this time?”

“Peter, I said, it is dangerous for you to disturb me like this.”


“Sorry, I thought you had already left. In addition, I just want to ask, does this Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body take a long time? I think you have never been able to succeed. What’s the problem? Or do you need some help from me?”

“Listen, Peter. I don’t need you to do anything, you just need to stay there. It’s like this. ..”

Before finishing a sentence, Ancient One was already staring, completely devoid of interest. There are no signs or reminders. She has become like this. But for the original listening carefully, trying to figure out what Ancient One wants to say and so on Peter, such a change is like a climax right in front of you, but everything stops abruptly and it is embarrassing.

The curiosity scratched him and his whole person became uncomfortable. The more he wanted to understand what this Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body was all about, the more he was suffering. At any time in the past, he would probably surrender to Ancient One because he couldn’t bear this suffering, and then pester her like a hundred thousand whys, until he himself understood all the mysteries in it.

But now, Ancient One’s previous warnings made him afraid to do so. He didn’t dare to touch Ancient One casually, for fear that she would have some accidents because of the own action. And if it depends on words, it is obvious that the current Ancient One will not be able to use words like this.

Obviously, he can only be anxious on this issue. And the more anxious he was, the more he jumped up and down, feeling at a loss as to what to do.

In normal times, he would not have such a performance. Because as a leader, his words and deeds often need to be deterrent, not to mention that they can be shocked, and they can make people fall to the ground. At the very least, he should feel solemn and reliable. Rather than being like a funny one, it will only make people laugh in their hearts.

It would be advantageous if Stark or Steve did it. Because one of them is a natural leader, and the other is a natural superior. They know very well how to command others, which is already considered a talent for them, and can be shown casually. However, small spiders do not have such talent.

He was born in New York Queens, a typical small civilian family. In the living environment, he does not have the opportunity to cultivate this temperament. Before becoming Superhero, he was even a nerd, a little bum that could only be bullied in school. He doesn’t even have the courage to resist bullying on campus. It is basically impossible to expect him to develop leadership qualities under such circumstances.

It can be said that his current leadership qualities have been cultivated little by little in the acquired environment. Especially these things that happened recently prompted him to develop such a temperament.

This can be regarded as the result of driving the duck hard on the shelves, and the result of this is that his heart is full of depression.

He didn’t dare to show this kind of repression before others, because it would make him leak and lose his authority. But in private, if he doesn’t show his own nature, he really doubts whether oneself will be so mad.

Ancient One sorcerer is regarded as the most suitable target for him to vent his emotions among the people around him, so he will show that kind of appearance in the performance of Ancient One. Ancient One also understands this somewhat, so she will interact with Peter more or less to relieve the depressed emotions in his heart.

This is only between the two of them, it is a little secret between the two of them. Putting it on other people, Peter looks like a different one.

Just like now, Peter, who was still anxious, suddenly heard footsteps. Then he straightened his face immediately, and straightened his body stably like a rock.

What he saw to the visitors was only a calm and determined appearance, and this appearance was the most normal situation for the visitors. So there is no doubt about him, the visitor lowered his head and reported to Peter like this.

“Mr. Parker, there is news from the front line. We found some unexpected situation. I think you should know about this situation.”

“What is the situation, please tell me , I’m listening!”

Turning his head away, Peter covered all the expressions of oneself with the burning flame skull. This made his questioning full of the majesty of the superior, and in the face of his majesty, the person who came to be more respectful and obedient.

He didn’t have any hesitation, he had already revealed the intelligence brought by oneself, and for this intelligence, Peter was shocked and a large blank suddenly appeared in his heart.

At this time, his mind is full of only one idea, that is… things are really going to be bad!

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