Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1943

“Your Excellency, we have received the news. There is a fight on the front line. It seems that our people are fighting with Iron Man Tony Stark!”

Hearing this news, the first thought that came to Peter’s mind was that it was impossible. After all, this is hell and not the world, and the possibility of Stark appearing here is really minimal. Unless he knows the plot against of oneself and Ancient One sorcerer, only then did he suffer untold hardships and settle accounts with oneself. Or he is dead and went to hell. Apart from this, he couldn’t think of other possibilities at all.

And these two possibilities, no matter which one is, Peter is unwilling to face. The former made him feel that he has no face to face Stark. Because on this issue, no matter how he whitewashed his own motives, no matter how good his reasons were, he couldn’t change the fact that all he did was under the premise of using and hurting Stark.

He didn’t need to put himself in the position, he could imagine what kind of blows Stark would endure under their plot against. To put it bluntly, this is simply quelling Stark’s dream, which is to push him into the abyss when he just saw the light and thought that his own ideal was about to be realized.

The cruelty is simply outrageous, but he chose to do it anyway. And the end of this is that he almost inevitably feels guilty about Stark, and when possible, he already has the idea of ​​never meeting Stark again.

Hide him, hide for a lifetime, if possible, he really intends to do this. However, even if he had made up his mind to do so, after hearing such a news, he couldn’t help but hesitate.

He didn’t dare to see Stark, yes, but that was only if Stark was still alive. If, as he had guessed, something happened to Stark in the world, and he fell into this hell after death, then he would probably not be a coward anymore and avoid meeting somebody in front of him.

This is something that makes him contradictory, because he is not sure what the situation is right now. He didn’t want the former, Stark made a special trip to find him to settle the accounts. He didn’t want the latter either, it was the ghost of Stark, appeared in front of the owner.

It’s hard to choose, that’s for sure. So after thinking and thinking, he still ordered the subordinates in front of oneself.

“Let our people stop and don’t have any unnecessary conflicts with Stark. Of course, I don’t want to see him now. You can ask him first, why is he here? He doesn’t Should he be in the world and manage his country?”

Temporarily avoid meeting somebody, this is the only coping strategy Peter can think of now. He wanted to delay, he wanted to figure out the situation before proceeding to the next step. In general, he couldn’t make up his mind to deal with Stark when he was alone. He just wanted to wait for the Ancient One sorcerer to come back and discuss with her before making another decision.

It’s just that although he thinks so well, in reality it is difficult for him to carry on his own idea smoothly. Because just when he ordered this, the Ghost Rider who came to report to him already reported to him with embarrassment.

“Mr. Parker, we have communicated with the guy who is in conflict with Mr. Stark, but he seems to be not at all intending to listen to us. In addition, judging from the power he showed , He doesn’t seem to be in the same group with us. I’ve asked the brethren, everyone doesn’t know that guy. If we didn’t know you were here, we even thought it was you and Mr. Stark. It’s an action!”

“You mean, that guy is very similar to me? In which way?”

As if he heard a joke, Peter immediately started asking questions. You know, there is still a big difference between him and the normal Ghost Rider. This difference is not only because his power is stronger than the normal Knight, but also because of his appearance… exceptionally conspicuous.

blue hell flame, which has almost become his iconic symbol. At this time, Ghost Rider actually said that they almost confuse a certain guy with oneself, which really made him feel strange and began to doubt the eyes of these Ghost Riders.

Peter didn’t believe it in his heart, and Knight who came to report also knew that he would not believe it. But since he dared to say that, then naturally there is evidence. So immediately, he aggrieved and justified oneself.

“I will not tell lies, sir. Everyone has seen that the guy who fought against Mr. Stark has the same blue hellfire as you. This is the first one for us except you. This time I saw a guy with blue hellfire?”

“Blue hellfire?”

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Peter was taken aback first, and then his heart became serious. Up. He knows exactly what the so-called blue hellfire is all about. That is the power from the hell lord Zatanos. What is surprising is that the spirit of Zatanos is on owner, and has completely integrated with him. In this case, if the also person can possess similar powers, then there is only one possibility-the descendants of the Blazer family who holds the Zatanos Medal of Power.

The inheritance of Zatanos gave him information about the Blazers. He knew very well that in addition to the special example of oneself, there are probably also people from the Blazers who have the opportunity to get Zatano. The power of Sri Lanka. This is Mephisto’s successor, not surprisingly. However, today when Mephisto is dead, the Blazer family suddenly jumped out, which made him feel strange.

What is he going to do? To be Mephisto’s loyal dog? Or is it to avenge his dead family?

Peter thought of these two possibilities, and the first possibility, he just thought for a while, and he directly chose to give up. The simple truth is that today when Mephisto is already cold, there will be no so-called loyal dogs coming to serve him.

Don’t forget, Mephisto is a Demon King, and besides this Demon King, there will be no loyal underlings. Because the ancient thinker Mencius put it well, the emperor treats his ministers like brothers and feet, and his ministers treat him like his heart…

Compare your heart to your heart and want to gain a person’s loyalty. At the very least, you have to pay enough attention and kindness to him. As a Demon King, Mephisto never played this set. He has always used terror and cruelty to coerce his subordinates and force them to work for oneself. This method was okay when he was alive. When he was unable to fight against him, there would always be someone who would have to work for him because of fear of his strength. But after his death, expecting to use his cold temperament and what he did to make others work for him is simply wishful thinking.

So, this matter has nothing to do with Mephisto. And if it has nothing to do with him, then maybe it has something to do with the Blazer family.

The Blazer family has gone through many generations from the ancient tribe’s inheritance. This is probably something that no one can tell except Mephisto, who has been monitoring them. As a human being tied to the fate of Zatanos, the Blazer family is almost inevitable and will be played by Mephisto.

After all, Ghost Rider was born from a painful fate. It is simply unrealistic to expect Mephisto to put a horse on them because of Zatanos, so that they can enjoy the happiness of the world. It even said that because someone needs to be the carrier of Zatanos and become his ace Knight, Mephisto will only intensify to torture the Blazer family.

The person from the Blazer family that Peter met before is a typical example. He was almost tortured by Mephisto so that at that time he could only be randomized by Mephisto like a mad dog. To call. And the problem lies here.

If everyone in the Blazer family is like this, then in order to avenge the own brother, this guy who also has the power of Zatanos came to the door at this time, it seems not so strange. Something up.

This should be own trouble, Peter guessed in his heart. And if things really were what he thought, then he really didn’t want the conflict between him and Stark to continue like this.

Once, this is his problem, not Stark’s. Although I don’t know what kind of contradiction these two people are in conflict, but if the other party is directed at oneself, then such a conflict will give him a feeling that Stark is experiencing oneself on his behalf. Originally, in this series of things, he already felt a sense of guilt that he owed Stark, and if oneself caused Stark to suffer from this guy, then he couldn’t forgive oneself even more.

This matter needs to be resolved, and it must be resolved as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Peter immediately got the urge to set off. It’s just that as soon as he was about to leave, Ancient One’s previous instructions suddenly came to his heart.

This made him forcibly stop the steps he had just raised, and then the whole person was caught in a dilemma.

Is it procrastinating for a while, waiting for Ancient One to return? Or should I put the Ancient One side down for now, and solve Stark’s problem first? He thought about it, and decided to solve the unexpected problem first. And this made him immediately give orders to Knight in front of him.

“Find a few brothers and come here to protect Ancient One sorcerer. She is now doing very important things. Without my permission, no one can move her or let anyone approach her. Do you understand?”

This is a very simple command. Knight doesn’t make sense or understand. So soon, he called a few Ghost Riders into Peter’s tent.

So far, Ghost Riders have almost accepted the existence of Ancient One sorcerer. Especially in the recent battles, Ancient One sorcerer really used his magic to provide these Knights with a lot of convenience. Therefore, the Knights themselves still have no objection to keeping the Ancient One sorcerer safe.

This is why Peter is assured of entrusting the safety of Ancient One sorcerer to them. And after he saw a few Ghost Riders guarding every corner of the tent and ensuring that even a mosquito would not sneak in under their eyelids, he no longer hesitated. Under the guidance of Knight at first , Rushed in the direction where Stark was.

At this moment, in a desert not far from the Ghost Rider camp, the battle between Stark and Randekiel has also entered a white-hot state.

For Stark, his biggest idea now is probably to defeat Randekiel, and then force him to use his previous methods to bring oneself back to the world.

He is very worried about the situation in the world, and he is worried that Satan will enter the world during the period after he leaves. If that’s the case, it would be a disaster for him, because he really doesn’t have much hope that the military’s power can stop Satan’s footsteps.

He fought against Satan, even if it was only a short time, it was enough to give him a general understanding of Satan’s strength. That kind of weird power made him panic inexplicably, because he simply couldn’t feel that oneself could defeat any possibility of this Demon King.

As an arrogant person, if he himself does not think that oneself has such strength, then he will naturally not have much hope for the ability of oneself.

So, he must rush back as soon as possible to stop Satan before he actually enters the world. And if he wants to do this, then Randekiel is a barrier he must step through.

This is a must, and it is also the reason why he is chasing Randekiel now. For Randekiel, this is also the most troublesome problem for him.

He brought Stark into hell to stop Stark and prevent him from having any influence on the coming of Satan. At that time, this was the only situation he could choose, otherwise he was really not sure whether Satan could enter the world safely as originally planned under his interference.

It can be said that this is a choice he has no choice but to do. If he could, he certainly wouldn’t want to leave the big stage of the world at that time. And if you start from this perspective, you will find that Randekiel’s desire to go back is actually more urgent than Stark.

This kind of urgency made Randekiel wish to get rid of Stark immediately, and then return to the world as quickly as possible. But Stark’s persistent pursuit cut off his thoughts, and he had to fall into a bitter battle with Stark.

To be honest, this situation is something he doesn’t want to see. But he really has no choice. In the fierce battle between them, when he was about to be beaten out of True Fire by Stark, Peter appeared.

His appearance immediately gave Randekiel other thoughts. Driven by such thoughts, without hesitation, he led Stark and rushed in Peter’s direction.

brought trouble to others, this may be a good way to break the game, maybe!

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