Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1949

The accident happened very quickly. Peter impossible watched Stark sink in this weird shadow, so the blue hell flame immediately began to wash down Stark like a high-pressure water gun His body pulled out the void shadow attached to him little by little.

In this matter, Peter is very careful. He not only used the flames on Stark’s body, but also used the flames to protect oneself and Ancient One sorcerer. This just in case method ensured that the Void Shadow could not take advantage of them, and with his help, Stark finally broke free from the entanglement of the void.

This process is not long, but Stark has a rather exhausted feeling of depression. After all, getting rid of the influence of the void would not be so simple even for him.

Be aware that one of the most terrifying characteristics of void power is that it acts on the mind. The kind of psychological pressure that pushes people’s reason to the limit, the kind of evil magic that can seduce all the craziest thoughts in a person’s heart, is simply a test that exceeds the limit of human beings. In such a test, few people can persist. And Stark was able to succeed, but more of it was fluke.

He himself was aware of this, so after calming down a little, he immediately dodged to a safe corner like a snake and scorpion, and then faced Peter and them with fear and fear. Questioned.

“What damned thing is this? Is there evil magic in hell?”

“Hell can’t make such terrifying things, Lord Stark. This thing is better than you think Even more terrifying!”

Although he noticed the existence of Stark, Ancient One did not at all show a sorry air. At this point, she was much calmer than Peter. Of course, this is a matter of course.

After all, whether it is experience or life experience, Ancient One is hundreds of years older than Peter. If this is as uncomfortable as Peter, then she will really live as a dog in her entire life.

Be calm and calm, as if there is nothing wrong, this is the attitude she should have now. As for her attitude, although Stark felt angry, he still understood that this was not the right time to attack.

There are priorities, and this Stark can still figure it out. So he swallowed this breath altogether, and then accompanied Ancient One to pretend to be crazy.

“What do you mean by this? Could this thing still come from the world?”

“This is the distorted shadow of the void, absolutely shouldn’t, and can’t The existence above Earth. In terms of threat, it will be greater and more terrifying than any threat we know. It is unceremonious to say that if it is allowed to exist, then it will bring For this planet, it is the most complete demise!”

Ancient One speaks as much as possible about the horror of void existence. It’s just that, for Stark, who has had enough of her cheating, at this time, no matter what she said, I’m afraid he has to put a question mark in his heart first.

“How do I know what you are saying is true? What can you guarantee that this will not be another lie of you?”

Bite, ten years afraid of well rope. Stark showed such suspicion, no one could say that it was his or not. In this regard, even if Ancient One had any worries and complaints in his heart, there was no way he could do anything about it. She can only earnest and well-meant advised, and tell oneself’s understanding of the void little by little.

“Mr. Stark, you don’t understand the terrifying of the void. I have traveled deep in the universe, where countless civilizations stronger than us are afraid of the power of the void. They will corrupt life and pollute. Soul. Unlike the devil and the so-called aliens, these people invade us, and we may still have a way to survive. The least, it is just to become other people’s slaves like cows and sheep, no matter how our race can still be Continued.”

“But the void is not the same. The void is the enemy for life. In their eyes, everything is their food, and all creatures are just used to corrupt them. That’s all. Once the void invades, then all the creatures on the entire planet, whether it is a human or a devil, or a grass or a tree, a mosquito and an ant, will not survive. The entire planet will completely become a death star. And such a situation, trust me, you will never want to see it.”

Ancient One tried to render the horror of the void, but Stark was still skeptical of her rhetoric after all. He did not conceal the idea of ​​own, but revealed it straightforwardly.

“The same sentence, Ancient One sorcerer. I don’t believe you, unless you can show some evidence, otherwise, your rhetoric alone cannot convince me!”

“Evidence? Just now you also felt that the void power is corroding your soul. Do you think that ordinary people have any ability to resist this kind of spiritual erosion? Also, these Ghost Rider’s You can see the appearance. Even they will become what they are now under the influence of the void. Do you think there is any chance that an ordinary person will be spared?”

Ancient One was anxious, even at the expense of The Ghost Rider in front of me gave an example. Looking at the example she gave, Stark’s heart immediately hesitated.

Essentially, he is unwilling to believe in Ancient One sorcerer, but this fact in front of him makes him unable to ignore it at all. If the situation is as serious as she said, and if he has time to deal with it in time, then it will be too late for him to regret it when the matter comes.

This is a dilemma, Stark is almost inevitably lost at the crossroads of life. Unlike him, although Peter is also worried about the situation described by Ancient One, at the moment, he is more concerned about another issue.

The Ghost Riders in front of him. They suffered such bad luck because of his orders. If this were to make Peter ignore them as if nothing happened, his conscience would be rebellious.

However, as it is said, the appearance of these Ghost Riders now makes it difficult for people to have any confidence in their recovery. The only thing Peter can rely on right now is probably that they haven’t had any overreactions yet. He believes that although the appearance of these Ghost Riders has changed, perhaps in their hearts, they still insist on themselves. Otherwise, they should have acted a long time ago. This may be a turning point. With such a fluke, Peter asked Ancient One.

“Ancient One sorcerer, are my men also saved?”

“I understand what you are thinking, but sorry, Mr. Parker. For the void, I can only Say that we are powerless!”

Ancient One gave the answer almost without thinking. And it seems to be worried that own attitude is too frivolous to be convincing. She then explained to Peter in a supplementary way.

“It’s not the first time that the Void Invasion has happened. As early as hundreds of years ago, someone caused such a thing through dark magic. At that time, we tried everything we could, but we couldn’t To reverse the corruption of the void. Therefore, in desperation, we can only use anti-virus methods to solve the problems caused by the void.”

The so-called anti-virus method is nothing more than connecting the void together. Destroy all the people and things that have been in contact with the void. Although this method is inhumane, it must be said that this is the safest method. In the years when they discovered the invasion of the void, if they had not done so, then with the corrosive strength of the void and the reaction speed of the feudal dynasty, when and the others reacted, it would already be the end.

Although the tactics of the sponsors are a bit extreme, no one can blame them on this issue. After all, this is a major matter concerning the survival of mankind, and in the face of such a big right and wrong, a little sacrifice is really nothing.

Peter can understand this, so he has completely lost hope for the life and death of these Ghost Riders right now. However, having said that, he still felt that something was wrong.

If Ancient One sorcerer had experience dealing with such void shadows, then why did she show such a lose one’s head out of fear? The left and right are just these things at the moment, even though it has the ability to spread like a plague, but as long as it is eliminated before it has spread, then everything will be solved?

The more Peter thinks about this problem, the more it feels wrong. It feels as if the Ancient One sorcerer has set a trap, waiting for someone to jump inside.

If this is a trap, then there is no doubt that Stark must be the one to be cheated by her. In the past, Peter might have no opinion on this. But now, Peter’s heart is already full of guilt for Stark, so of course he can’t let Ancient One show Stark again.

“If that is the case, then we can wipe out the emptiness in front of us, then everything will end?”

Peter ostensibly asked Ancient One. In fact, he was secretly mentioning Stark and told him not to follow Ancient One’s way, thinking too much.

Stark is a clever man, of course impossible to hear Peter’s reminder. This made him startled for a moment, then stared at Ancient One and questioned.

“That’s right, Peter is right. As long as we contain this ghost now, won’t it threaten us? Why did it come from your mouth? It seems that we are powerless and can only sit and wait to die?”

“That’s because the facts are indeed true. At least until now, I didn’t expect to be able to solve this. The solution to the problem.”

With a wry smile, he gave such a reply, and Ancient One told one after another the truth that oneself knew.

“Maybe you think what you see is all, but in fact, what you see is simply not all, but just a grain of sand in the desert and a drop of water in the sea. . In fact, if it weren’t for me to see such a scene through Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body, I wouldn’t believe that things have been corrupted to this point.”

“What point, you can speak clearly That’s it!”

Stark’s appetites were stunned by Ancient One’s remarks. Even if they felt that Ancient One’s remarks were so alarming, they couldn’t help but question her. stand up.

In the face of further questioning, Ancient One was frowned first, and then couldn’t help it, with an expression of fear on his face.

“Just now, I Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body originally wanted to find out where Peter’s spider-induced threat came from. However, it was when my Primordial Spirit flew to the southeast for about ten thousand A kilometer away, I suddenly discovered that very terrifying changes have taken place there.”

“The countless shadows of the void have already converged into ocean-like waves, almost like a tsunami, engulfing them. Everything I came into contact with. I only noticed that they seemed to be chasing something. They seemed to have discovered my existence and were attracted by me.”

“I can only run away , But they still followed my direction. These gentlemen were also implicated because of this. I am sorry about that. But what I want to say is that this is actually good news.”

“Because from this we can judge that the targets pursued by the shadows of the void seem to have extraordinary meanings to them. Only a handful of shadows of the void are chasing me. This means that we also have time, even if I can’t think of any way to deal with it, and we can remove our hands from hell before we come into contact with them.”

“At this time, this hell is already insecure. I am very worried. , It will completely fall into the palm of the void. The probability of this kind of thing happening is great. If we continue to stay here, then what awaits us will be a terrifying end! I don’t think you all I hope to see something like that happen, so we have to move!”

After seeing the corruption of the void, everyone knows what the end of Ancient One means. By this time, Peter had no reason to stop Stark.

Although he was worried about Stark’s ambitions, he did not really kill so many soldiers. And from the current situation, his Stark ambitions are no longer possible. So immediately, he made a promise to Stark.

“I’ll make arrangements to help your soldiers get out of here. Don’t worry, I won’t care about them!”

He can promise that, Stark is right away Put down half of my heart. But the other half, he couldn’t let it go.

If the scale of the void is really terrifying as described by Ancient One, then he has to worry about such a problem, that is, whether the void will penetrate into the human world.

At this time, he can no longer control the hell. However, since both the devil and human beings can enter the world through hell, can the void also do the same? If so, how should he respond?

As a leader, he has to consider such issues. Faced with such a problem, even if he was reluctant to do so, he could only ask only one insider present for advice.

“Ancient One sorcerer, is there really no way to stop these things?”

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