Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1950

“At this scale, it is no longer something ordinary people can stop.”

Ancient One knows what Stark is referring to, but right Therefore, she really doesn’t have much illusions.

“The power of the void, humans cannot cope with it. The only thing we can do now is to escape. Escape, the farther the escape, the better, and the farther we can ensure our safety. From hell to the world , From Earth to other planets. This is the only feasible plan for our race to continue. Unless you can find someone or a way to eradicate the power of the void, believe me, this is our best choice “

Ancient One’s answer is so negative, it is completely an answer that Stark cannot accept. Giving up hell, although it will make him feel disappointed and feel heavy losses, but how much, this is still within his acceptable range. However, if it is really like what Ancient One said, it is necessary to abandon Earth and move to other planets like refugees, then this is a result that he completely cannot accept.

Human technology has not yet reached the point where it can support an entire group of people on the planet to escape and sail to Interstellar. Although under the change of the times, human science and technology have already made great progress, the starry sky is no longer far away for them. However, neither the resources nor the technological background are sufficient to support such a large-scale operation.

So, if you really want to flee like this, how many humans can sit on these fleeing spaceships? One-tenth, one-hundredth, or even less?

Broken order, desperate chaos. Everything that mankind has built in the past will be vanished in the face of this unprecedented catastrophe. In order to preserve the race, for the most basic survival, everything may be left behind by humans.

Wealth, culture, and consciousness! When the few humans crowded on the narrow spaceship, looking at the planet they once called mother in the endless deep sky, they might never realize where oneself came from, and what happened to own in the past. where. What is own country, and how can oneself distinguish the differences from each other among the ethnic groups?

They will only have a unified title, that is, human beings. At this stage, the ideals Stark insisted on ceased to exist.

He may have dreamed of the unification of human beings, dreaming of all human beings in the world being put under one system. But definitely not in this way, such a title.

That can only prove his incompetence, and he himself will never admit that oneself is such an incompetent person.

“There must also be a way, and there must be a way.”

To encourage and to strengthen own belief. Stark couldn’t help but talk to himself.

Faced with his words, Ancient One shook her head in her heart, but on the surface she didn’t at all say any more shocking words. It is better to be able to face such a desperate situation and desperately think about countermeasures than to just give up without thinking about anything. So, although she was not optimistic about whether Stark could figure out a countermeasure, she still started to encourage him in words.

“Perhaps there is indeed a way, Lord Stark. We also time, if we are blessed by fate, we should be able to find a way to avoid all of this.”

“Don’t talk about these useless nonsense, if you really have a way, please tell me as soon as possible!”

Stark does not accept such encouragement. In his opinion, there is no suggestion at this time. The claims are nothing but nonsense. He who has seen and even experienced void terrifying in person can imagine what it will be like if this power spreads on Earth.

Human beings, or not just human beings, the entire Earth’s ecosystem may have unspeakable horrible changes under the influence of the void. Faced with the power of the void that can distort bones, Stark didn’t think any creature on Earth would have the ability to resist.

And once this happens, even if humans can find a way to resist this distortion from the void, facing the entire collapsed biosphere and Earth ecosystem, they will only have to destroy or leave their homes. Escape from Earth is such an end.

This is a terrible situation, so tricky that it makes you feel powerless. At this time, one person counts the shortcomings and two counts the lengths. Brainstorming is needed, and the entire human race is united to the point of thinking about countermeasures. If at this time, someone is whispering in your ears, but you can’t make a point that has made a difference, what would you do? Did not say a word to her directly, it was already the result of the ability and face of Ancient One.

Ancient One raised its brows sadly, but didn’t care about Stark’s offensive attitude. She understands Stark’s mentality at this moment, and she understands the pressure he is under.

I don’t say politely, because of them, Stark has always been under tremendous pressure. Change to an ordinary person, I am afraid it would have been played as mental illness long ago. It is not easy for him to survive until now. So as the instigator, she should also be so atmospheric for Stark. There is really no need to care about him in general.

Of course, that said, but it doesn’t mean she needs to be a dumb in silence. When it comes to dealing with the void, she is impossible to say a word. So instead of waiting until it’s too late to speak again, it’s better to take advantage of the present and tell everything that should be said.

He has a lot to say. But at the moment, the most she needs to do is to point out a direction for Stark.

Let Stark groping around, it would be difficult to find a way to deal with it. Although she did not have a good solution, at least, she knew some clues. The experience of those alien civilizations that have resisted the invasion of the void in the depths of the universe is very precious. In the current situation, their experience naturally has extraordinary significance for reference.

“Mr. Stark. I have two points to remind you. First, even if you want to resist the invasion of the void, then you are in the world instead of here. In this hell, the forces of the void have already Completely formed, they cannot be stopped. To resist them here will not only compromise our strength, but also bring us many unnecessary risks.”

“For example, originally It takes ten years for the void to penetrate the world. But because of us, they are likely to complete the penetration of the world within three or two years. This is not worth the gain, you have to understand!”

“Second, if we want to resist the invasion of the void, then the best way is to start from its source. After all, the void is not the existence of the material world, so as long as we cut off its source, we Maybe there is a probability of success!”

“Are you sure?”

This time, the Ancient One sorcerer is something to say, and Stark is not good at raising her eyebrows Suddenly. However, based on his usual distrust of Ancient One sorcerer, he still asked such words in a suspicious tone.

“Of course. Maybe you don’t believe me, but you should believe the facts. This is the experience that many cosmic civilizations summed up in the face of void invasion. This experience has helped many civilizations and resisted What about the invasion of the void?”

This is something that can be verified. For example, the Shandars on Jupiter, they may be able to prove it. The existence of the Shandals, Ancient One has also heard some rumors, and she has no reason to cheat on such things that can be verified at any time. So, when she said that, Stark already believed almost.

This belief does not matter, the key is that the countermeasure is finally found a clue. First of all, hell is not a pity, if you give up, you give up.

Compared with the fundamental human earth, the value of hell is insignificant, trading space for time is completely worthwhile. At this point, Stark agreed with Ancient One’s proposal. But on another point, Stark was a little confused.

Severing the source is easy to say, but it is not that simple to do it. At this time, one of the first questions facing Stark is where does the void come from. Without even knowing where the void originated, and wanting to cut off its invasion of Earth, this naturally became an unrealistic empty talk.

He expressed the concern of own, and in the face of this problem, Ancient One could barely explain it.

“The so-called emptiness, strictly speaking, should be the chaos and blankness that was generated when the universe was born and cannot be managed by order and rules. Although it is also in the category of the universe, in fact, they have It is a useless existence abandoned by the universe itself.”

“After the order appeared in the universe itself, all the emptiness has been abandoned outside the current universe. It is like a piece of paper. The same. If the universe as we know it is the words and pictures on the front of the paper, then the void is the thing behind the paper that nobody knows.”

“The origin of the void is probably like this. And it is precisely because it is a thing rejected by the order of the universe, so to a certain extent, it wants to return to the universe all the time, destroy the order of the universe, and thus reverse its own existence and meaning. The reason for distorting and devouring reality is here.”

“This is the origin of the void, and once we understand this origin, we can roughly judge its appearance.”


” The void cannot appear casually in the real world. After all, it is an existence repelled by the order of the universe. But there are always exceptions. In many cases, the void can still interfere. Realistic.”

“For example, Earth and hell. If Earth is a real thing, and hell is a shadow cast by Earth. Then the void is the indescribable existence between the real thing and the shadow This is the realm of the void. And when there is frequent contact between the physical object and the shadow, then it is indeed possible to attract the attention of those in the sky, and begin to penetrate through the loopholes created when the two contact. To one of the two.”

“This is the worst case. If the emptiness we see appears in the world for this reason. Then unless we have a complete override The power above the void can eliminate them before they spread. Otherwise, we will have no chance of winning. Because we cannot plug such loopholes. This is a natural defect of the universe. Without the ability to change the universe itself Under the premise of, we are powerless.”

This statement is frustrating, but Stark has to admit that Ancient One sorcerer really makes sense. To change the environment of the universe, this subject is too far away for mankind. Before humans have the ability to colonize alien systems and change the planet’s ecological environment, they may not be able to do this. And since it can’t do this, then wanting to resist the invasion of the void is naturally even more empty talk. This is reality, and he cannot deny it.

Since this road is not working, he can only find other ways. He noticed that this is the worst situation described by Ancient One sorcerer. And since it is the worst, it naturally means also other possibilities. He can only hope for this other possibility now, so he immediately asked the Ancient One sorcerer.

“So, apart from this possibility, do we also have other probabilities?”

“Yes. The most optimistic situation is that the void that we see is It was summoned by someone.”

When answering this question, the expression of Ancient One sorcerer was very complicated. She seemed to have some guesses, but she was not so sure. Therefore, she can only be honest with Stark.

“Just as intelligent life like us is the representative existence of this orderly universe. Inside the Void, there will also be representative existences like us. Weak void creatures have no self-consciousness. Yes, their thoughts are completely chaotic and confused, and some have only instincts. However, there are always some powerful existences. They have themselves and can communicate.”

“These guys It is very dangerous, because they can infiltrate the power of the void in a deceptive way under the guise of a transaction. The devil’s methods are learned from them, but to be honest, talk about this kind of fraud The devil is not even worthy of giving shoes to the void. Because most demons want only the soul, and the void wants everything.”

“I worry that the void we see is being The bewitching wisdom life summon comes out. If this is the case, what we have to deal with is probably a powerful existence. But this is not without any benefit. The advantage is that if we can terminate it before the void transaction is completed, Then it is possible for us to prevent this from happening. This is not easy, but it is the best and most direct way compared to another situation. After all, a person is better than a world to deal with, right?”

“That’s right. But, how can you be sure that the situation will be this?”

After hearing Ancient One’s analysis, Stark could not help but breathe a long breath Come. This is indeed a way, and I am afraid it is their only way. He was quite concerned about this, but in the face of his question, Ancient One hesitated for a while, and then made this answer.

“I may be able to find a way to find this trader. If this is really a trade…”

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