Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1957

“Let’s go, Your Majesty. Fly in that direction, and the Ghost Riders will be stationed there. We can let them hold this monster for us!”

at this time brought trouble to others is not a good way, and for this way, Satan does not mean to reject it at all. Let’s not talk about Ghost Rider’s position and whether they are on the same line, even if it is, in the current situation, it is a deadly game for Fellow Daoist undying Poor Daoist.

The two of them made up their minds and left immediately. And under Satan’s desperate flight, even if this monster is unimaginable, it can’t hold him down for a while. They chased me, and soon they were approaching Ghost Rider’s camp. At this time, Ghost Rider has already discovered their movements.

This is inevitable. Even if it is a blind, facing the movement of such a huge monster like a mountain range, it is impossible to ignore. Every time it makes an action, the earth trembles like an earthquake, and every time it moves its body, it will make the storm roar and the earth will fall.

To put it bluntly, this is a mobile natural disaster. In the face of such an existence, even if you are an idiot, you should know to avoid the edge.

Of course, the Ghost Riders, who have already arranged their retreat, are not afraid of the current situation. Under the premise that the entire camp has been empty, and only Stark and Peter are left, they want to go is nothing more than Peter twisting the accelerator.

So, even in the face of the emergence of such a monster, they still showed a sense of serene.

“The old woman in Ancient One really didn’t say anything about it. There is such a terrifying monster in this hell!”

Two of them can calmly put old on Ancient One Naturally, the title of woman is Stark. For him, this is what Ancient One owes him. So no matter how he arranges Ancient One behind his back, he is confident. This makes Peter quite envious, but he doesn’t show this envy on his face.

“It’s really huge. This volume is like a mountain range. Are we going to retreat? If we wait for it to come closer, I don’t think we can be like this, safely Withdraw!”

Based on the principle of safety first, Peter reminded Stark this way. For this, Stark shook the head and gestured to Peter.

“Don’t worry, guess who I saw? Satan, that bastard, he is in this place… It’s really interesting. I thought he had already entered the world. didn’t expect him to show up here. Guess, why is he here? Also, what do you think he wants to do now?”

It’s hard to say whether it’s excitement or what kind of emotions. When Stark When he saw the figure running away in front of the monster clearly, his tone immediately became agitated. The great fluke filled his heart with joy. In any case, Satan did not mess with the world. This is the best news he has received.

This is worth celebrating, but at this time, it is really not suitable for celebration. So he could only suppress his excitement, and instead asked Peter in a joking tone.

Stark’s ridicule comes from his insight into Satan’s intentions, and at this moment, it is not difficult to get insight into Satan’s intentions. This is no exception, even for Peter.

At any rate, he is a leader who has led soldiers in battle, and he still has the basic tactical thinking. Therefore, he easily saw Satan’s intentions and sneered at it unceremoniously.

“Why is he here? I think it might have something to do with the big guy behind him. Judging from their actions, they should be very averse to each other. And if so If that is the case, then his intention is obvious. It is nothing more than to throw the trouble behind him to us and stir us into this muddy water. It’s a pity, I don’t plan to let him get his wish!”

“Of course, no one would want him to get what he wanted.” Affirming Peter’s statement, Stark showed a joke on the face while saying something that surprised Peter. “It’s just that it’s not the best time for us to dispel his thoughts!”

“The best moment?”

“Yes, the best moment.” Head, Stark started operating in his own helmet. From his perspective, it can be clearly seen that a view like a radar is scanning a reflector that radiates an unknown number of kilometers around him. In this radar, there is one thing that reacts so strongly that the bright light produced by the reaction almost occupies most of the screen view.

This is what Stark is looking for, and after finding this thing, he has already instructed Peter.

“Take me there, Peter. We can talk about the details slowly while hanging this guy. Trust me, after you listen to my thoughts, you must Will agree with my opinion!”

“Well, if you are sure to do this!” Both of them are boldness of execution stems from superb skill, plus they are not at all now What an extra burden, so Peter naturally has no reason to refuse such a request.

He got into the own driver’s seat and thundered the Evil Spirit motorcycle. And Stark, after hesitating for a while, sat back to back firmly behind his back.

This position is not very safe, but he thinks it is better than oneself sitting in Peter’s arms. If you want to hang the big fool behind them while maintaining your demeanor and safety, there is no such thing as cheap in this world. Make reasonable choices, this is what smart people should do.

“Don’t make any comments on this, and don’t tell me that we are too tight. You know, you are just a bone frame, and I also have a layer of iron. The distance between the two of us is definitely not as close as you think!”

I was very worried about what Peter said at this time. Stark was already a step ahead before he spoke. Yes, warned him. Faced with such warnings, Peter certainly admitted that he did have this meaning. He was just shrugged, and then said innocently.

“Hey, do I look like this? At this time cracking a joke is not my style!”

“This is my usual style.” An affirmative tone ended the topic, and Stark patted Peter on the shoulder and urged him. “Get on the road, follow the direction I told you. There I prepared a big gift for these two friends!”

“Big gift?” He muttered, Peter still Drive the motorcycle under oneself’s crotch with kindness. And just after the motorcycle started, and galloped like a flame storm on the dead land of hell, Stark was already speaking to him slowly in his ear.

“Let’s talk about the topic we talked about before. Why do I say that this is not the best time for us to dispel his thoughts. This is because I think that dealing with a guy like Satan, The early attempt to interrupt him is too kind to him. He is not worthy of such kindness, so I think we should delay this kind of thing a little later.”

” Delay until he thinks that oneself is about to succeed, and delay until he is only a line away from success. At this time, kick him fiercely into the abyss. Believe me, whether it is right You and me, as far as he is concerned, will be the most unexpected surprises!”

“Sounds like what those villainous bastards would say, Stark, you go to school in that position What I got is really unacceptable. Is it really necessary to do this? Or, just give him a good time!”

Although he is still working fast as lightning, Peter still sends out Different opinions. He really didn’t want to do such a thing, because he felt that it was against the principles and bottom line of his life.

This is a difference of opinion between the two of them. It is not a good thing for the two of them to have such a difference at this time. However, Stark always had a way to convince Peter, at this time, he brought out the truth that oneself had seen.

“Come on, Peter, your set is okay for someone who knows to repent, and it doesn’t make any sense to give to such a guy. Do you know how he got here? How many confuses he Hundreds of idiots who believed in him made them feel as if they were about to go to heaven. They happily used a knife to cut out the own heart. This bastard was bathed in the blood of those idiots, and brought oneself to the world. You. Talking about humanitarianism to him, have you ever thought that this is inhumane for those idiots?”

When he heard this, Peter fell silent immediately. After all, he is not one of those extreme animal protectionists, and he can make unreasonable troubles to such an extent because of a non-my species. His basic criterion for judging things is traditional morality, and on this issue, Satan is obviously the side that does not occupy morality. To speak for him, he no longer thinks it necessary.

“It seems that we have reached a consensus, which is good. At the very least, this means that your three views have not been distorted!”

Silent reply to Peter , Stark is satisfied. So he immediately hummed a little tune, and while celebrating Oneself’s victory in this debate, he raised his hand and aimed at the two monsters behind Oneself.

A small warhead rises on his forearm, which looks like a mini-type missile. In fact, it is indeed a missile, and to a certain extent, it is the most amazing type of nuclear missile with formidable power.

Nanominium can in theory imitate all technological equipment, including the launcher built into the nuclear bomb to excite neutrons. What it really cannot be imitated is probably nuclear raw materials. And for this, Stark is not lacking, he has ready-made nuclear materials in his Arc Reactor. As long as you are careful during the extraction process, it will have no effect on his own energy or the missile.

Of course, if he launches all the nuclear materials and Nanominium into missiles at once, then it will be another matter. But he is not ready to do so, this perish together method does not apply here.

Using Nanominium’s own energy as the launching part, this missile, after a simple adjustment, was already a flame with energy jets and lased out. The target is the two monsters in the distance, there is no doubt. And after launching this little toy, Stark urged Peter quickly.

“Speed ​​up, Peter. I don’t know if nuclear radiation has any effect on you, but I don’t think you would like to try it.”

“Damn it , Did you shoot a nuclear bomb?” After all, he was still a human in his mind. As soon as Peter understood what Stark meant, he subconsciously accelerated his speed.

Stark didn’t care about this, because he simply didn’t think this small method could have any effect on the existence of this volume. Don’t talk about nuclear bomb destruction. The so-called nuclear bomb destruction at most is the destruction of human civilization. If you want to blow up a mountain range, unless you fill thousands of nuclear bombs into the mountain range and detonate it, otherwise, this Simply is an unlikely thing.

He simply didn’t expect the little firecracker of own, so he didn’t even have the idea of ​​looking back at the blooming fireworks. He already laughed loudly at Peter.

“Don’t worry, young man. This is just a bauble, probably a thousand-ton nuclear weapon. For the guys behind, it’s probably just a birthday firework. It won’t hurt them. Naturally it won’t affect us even more, so don’t worry.”

“I don’t know how to say hello, Stark. These are nuclear weapons. When can nuclear weapons be used casually?”

Peter has always had a grudge against nuclear bombs. After all, his life was transformed from a nuclear bomb. Stark knew this well, but he couldn’t stop using such a weapon because of Peter’s opinion. After all, from that point of view, nuclear bombs are still the most advantageous weapon for mankind to fight against irresistible opponents. Although it is always said that it can’t do all its work, the formidable power is always there.

He can only play haha, while letting go of this stubbornness, while getting a shot for what they are looking for next.

“There must always be some means to fight against opponents we cannot fight, right? Although the nuclear bomb is a little behind, there is still formidable power. Besides, this is not on Earth. , Don’t you need to be so pretentious, right? Rather than blaming our faults on our heads, it’s better to take this question and ask the guys behind. Ask them why they want to hit our planet’s idea!”

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