Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1958

This is a very unsolvable question. Let’s not talk about whether Peter had the opportunity to ask the intruders this kind of question, that is, if he can ask them face-to-face, these people will probably not talk to him. What’s the point.

This thing is for those who are willing to listen to the truth. For those who don’t plan to give you reason at all, let’s talk about reason, not to mention that it’s against Jean. At the very least, it’s also a situation where a talented person meets a soldier and it is unreasonable. Peter hasn’t gotten boring to the point of doing such useless things. So he could only shut his mouth obediently and honestly, and let Stark free himself on this topic.

Fortunately, Stark does not plan to hold any general education conference today. He rarely accepts it if he is good. After seeing Peter fall into silence, he just accepts it and ends the topic. . The topic was quickly moved to the direction of at first, the big gift.

“What the hell is the gift you are talking about? You didn’t anticipate such a situation in advance. How could you prepare the gift in advance?”

This is what Peter has been holding back A question in my mind. He didn’t even think about where Stark’s gift came from. And what kind of gift it was that he would rather take such a risk and hand it over to the guys behind. He is curious. And seeing the curiosity he showed, Stark immediately explained it to him contentedly.

“You’re right. I’m not a Gypsy Witch. Of course, it’s impossible to foresee this situation in advance. However, this doesn’t mean I can’t do it one step ahead of all possible situations. Prepare accordingly. You should understand that starting a war against hell is an unprecedented situation for mankind. In this situation where there is no experience to learn from, two-handed preparation is always the wisest choice.”

“So, what you call a gift is the one you prepared best in advance to deal with the worst situation?”

Peter summed it up and immediately got Stark’s sure.

“Yes, that’s what you said. Seriously, if you hadn’t used that method to break the connection between me and my army, I’m afraid this gift would have come in handy. . In this regard, I have to say, you guys really surprised me.”

About this sentence, Peter is really not very good at talking. Because this is a disgraceful thing in the final analysis, it will only make him feel embarrassed to talk about it in detail. But fortunately, Stark not at all embarrassed him, so he quickly revealed this.

“I didn’t say that I meant to hold on to this matter. At the very least, I really don’t mean it right now. I just want to say that the result does not seem to be bad so far. I was forced to use this gift without knowing the situation. I would prefer to see the current situation. I know whose hands my gift will be delivered. This is very important, what do you think? ?”

“Perhaps. So, what is the gift you are talking about…”

No longer able to bear his own curiosity, Peter directly The topic brought to that gift. And for this, Stark is chuckled right now and gave his answer.

“People in the military call it Mr. Washington. Of course, I like to call him Super Big Fatty. That thing does not fit my aesthetics, but I have to admit that its formidable power is indeed It is amazing enough. Especially when it is detonated, I think it will be the most beautiful firework in human history!”

“So, is that a nuclear bomb?” Knocking his teeth, Peter came to a conclusion. For such a conclusion, Stark immediately emphasized the general supplement.

“That’s not an ordinary nuclear bomb, Peter. It is the largest nuclear weapon ever manufactured by America! It has been upgraded several times on the basis of B41, which not only guarantees the volume but also raises the equivalent of the nuclear bomb to a nuclear weapon. The limit. 120 million tons equivalent, this would definitely be a generous gift, wouldn’t it?”

“120 million tons?” That is to say, Peter is now a skeleton frame and won’t salivate. . Otherwise, it might be how many saliva he has swallowed now.

No wonder he was a little excited, but such a generous gift is really beyond his imagination. Think about the scene where the Great Tsar almost frightened American across half of the Arctic Circle, and think about how Yang Fire almost blasted off the entire Washington DC and the entire eastern United States. Peter couldn’t imagine, where did Stark dare to develop an ultimate weapon of this level.

Yes, the destructive power of this tonnage of nuclear weapons far surpasses that of the same kind, and it can almost be said to have increased the threat. Even their existence at the level of gods and demons would never want to face such a big threat. However, this threat is too huge in the end, so huge that it can almost be said to be perish together.

Peter can even imagine the end of the Stark government using this ultimate weapon when facing opponents like Satan. Monsters such as Satan may be blown to ashes, but at the same time tens of millions of civilians and cities that humans have spent hundreds of years to build may also be blown to ashes.

It’s worthwhile to use such a price to deal with own enemies. If there is an accident in the middle, then it is humans who have to pay the price. No matter how you look at it, the risk is too great, and Peter can’t imagine how he thinks about it. Stark and the others have the confidence and confidence to create this thing.

In a word, he felt that the brains of the guys like Stark must be Watt to make such a decision. Of course, their brains are not watts, this is something that can be seen at a glance. So he felt that oneself should get an explanation.

“Are you crazy? Stark. Don’t you know what weapons at this level mean? You are simply cracking a joke with civilian lives!”

“Calm down, Peter. You have to trust us. In this regard, we are more considerate than you!”

Stark knows exactly what Peter’s mood is, and he didn’t because of him. I am in a mood to mock him, but he is obviously the life of a wanted criminal, but he is fucking the heart of a president. He knows what kind of person Peter is, so he is quite serious when answering this question.

“We have considered all the situations that you are worried about, and in fact, we are not at all planning to take the risk you mentioned. This guy I called Super Big Fatty is here Something that was created in hell. So from the beginning to the end, this risk does not exist. Even if there is, this risk will appear to the civilians in hell or you. The former has no obligation to us. For the latter, it is a question of enlightenment…”

“Enlightenment…” Peter subconsciously wanted to mock this statement. Because he knew too well what this so-called enlightenment meant. This means that someone can just and honorable use justice as an excuse to exercise their privileges, and then treat some people who are bleeding and sacrifice themselves as abandoned pieces on the chessboard, and justly discard them.

He has never stood on the position of those privileged classes, so he has never been able to accept such a glamorous statement. In his opinion, even if it is enlightenment, it should be based on the individual’s wishes, rather than being forced on the owner. If there really is such a situation that people call enlightenment, then it can only be said that this is a crime in disguise that’s all.

Peter has never agreed with such behavior, but he cannot use this as a reason to question Stark’s approach. This is because Stark will definitely not change his own practice because of his doubts. On the other hand, some people think of these principles as it should be by rights. Not only those who regard others as chess pieces, but also a considerable number of people who are regarded as abandoned pieces. This kind of people’s thinking cannot be changed, so it is difficult for Peter to say what oneself should do when facing this situation. In most cases, he can only keep silent.

Stark can probably guess what Peter is thinking at the moment. He also realized what the word that came out of oneself’s mouth meant to Peter. The incident in India was probably the so-called divergence of consciousness between the two sides. Stark didn’t intend to force him to agree with own point of view, so he could only be slightly silent, and then said to him.

“We are almost there. I have connected to the remote control system of Super Big Fatty, also in the last five minutes, I will detonate it. Within five minutes, we have to remove the following Two guys are attracted to the core damage zone. At the same time, we also need to ensure that oneself has a safe escape. How about, do you have this confidence?”

“Of course, it is easy.. ….”

Looking back at Satan, who had just escaped from the micro nuclear explosion, Peter turned on the accelerator to speed up again. He still knew the priorities, and after seeing that Stark was reluctant to delve into this issue with him, he simply turned his attention to the immediate actions.

Run, this has always been considered a specialty for Ghost Rider, and at this point, he is not at all empty.

Seeing Peter still being that fast as lightning, Satan who has been following him eating ashes, his mood is not beautiful.

Speed ​​is not Satan’s specialty, this is why he has never caught up with Peter. For Satan, if circumstances permit, he really doesn’t want to do such a meaningless pursuit. Because the current chase was wasting his precious physical strength, he didn’t see any other effects. He already had the idea of ​​giving up. But just when he was preparing to have this plan, the voice of De Geer came to his ears.

“Your Majesty, these two guys must be delaying time. I’m sure they must be covering for those stupid humans. To keep up with them, they will meet with the human army sooner or later Yes. As long as we can find those humans, they will definitely fight to their deaths in order to protect the safety of those humans. This is an opportunity, and we can’t give up!”

Randkiel’s words are not without It makes sense, and besides, Satan doesn’t think that oneself has any other choices besides this. So he just hesitated for a while, he had already forcibly regained his spirit, and chased in Peter’s direction again.

Neither he nor Randekiel realized a problem at this time, that is, as they continue to contact the monster behind them, their sanity has gradually faded. This effect is not It appeared suddenly, but happened quietly in an unnoticeable influence. So this is not conspicuous, and they obviously do not think that this lack of reason is due to external factors.

In the current situation, they will only think that it is because of the current situation that makes their hearts become so anxious. So as long as the situation eases, their mood will soon return to normal.

Human nature, even demons like them are no exception. And under such special circumstances, they ignored many clues that they would not ignore in the past. They did not even make the most basic guesses, and they had already plunged into the trap Stark set for them. in.

This is really a surprise for Stark.

What he originally wanted was to bring these monsters to the core of the nuclear explosion as much as possible. If you can’t do it, you don’t have to force it. After all, this is a 120 million ton nuclear explosion. The core explosion alone is enough to cover a giant city like Tokyo. Even if it is slightly out of the center, the impact will not be too great. At most, it gives them a little more chance to escape that’s all.

I don’t think these guys would cooperate so well that he himself didn’t know what oneself should say.

Is this oneself time to work? So how can oneself have such luck in other things without looking at it.

Mumbling so secretly in his heart, Stark has already focused his attention behind own. Satan and that huge monster have already entered the nuclear explosion’s light radiation killing range, which is a hundred or ten kilometers away. For a monster of their size, it is basically hard to avoid calamity. In this case, then there is no need for them to continue to seduce.

“Go, take advantage of it now!”

Thirty seconds before the detonation time, Stark gave an order, and Peter naturally did not dare to stay at all, so he drove him around In the gap between the two worlds.

He is running fast, it can be said that there is no chance for Satan and the others. And just as Satan roared and stretched out his big hand in the direction where they disappeared in vain, the ground under his feet already began to shake.

Huge monster chased him up while he was stunned, and his extremely large body instantly overturned the earth, swallowing him from bottom to top like a huge mouth in the abyss.

No one noticed that in the ground he overturned, a device was continuously falling along with the rolling earth and rocks. On the surface of this device, a countdown has gradually come to an end.

The fireball, like the sun, has risen!

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