Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1965

The body of the void monster is really huge. Regardless of the time, this void monster has drilled a considerable volume under the deliberate drive of Mordo’s consciousness, and the evolved tentacles can stretch out several hundred meters in length. But compared with its real volume, this weight is not one hair from nine oxen, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The huge tentacles stretched out, in order to reach the own target, they had to repeatedly grab on the ground in order to drag oneself’s larger and larger body. This kind of movement can be said to be sparse and common on any other animal, but it is amazing and shocking if it is only placed on it. Because every movement of it like this is the result of The earth shook and the mountain quivered. That kind of violent tremor, when it rises from everyone’s feet with its movements, always gives people the illusion that the whole earth is sinking.

Perhaps, this is not an illusion. It must be known that Death Canyon itself was formed by Earth’s gravity crushing the earth’s crust into huge rock masses 3,000,000 years ago. The protruding part of the rock became the mountain of the gorge within the valley, and the sloping part became the deep valley. By the time of the Ice Age, huge amounts of seawater poured in like a canyon, flooding the entire basin. And under the high temperature transpiration of several million years in Death Canyon, this huge salt lake left over from the ancient century has long been evaporated and clean. Now what is left is just a layer of salt lake that you will accumulate with the rock salt layer. .

It itself is a crack in the crust blocked by rocks, and its elevation is the lowest point in North America. To say that it will collapse or fall due to the actions of the void monster is not a matter of cracking a joke at all.

Having seen the huge prototype of this void monster, Peter and Stark did not doubt this possibility at all. The huge Roshan that stretches for hundreds of kilometers, placed above the world, is not inferior to the undulating mountain range. And such a huge body itself represents a quality beyond imagination.

Be aware that all mountain ranges are produced by the collision and extrusion of the earth’s crust. Essentially, they are part of the earth’s crust, and even from a mechanical point of view, there are two tectonic plates that share its weight. So, no matter what mountain range you are, how magnificent and majestic, even if it towers into the sky, don’t worry about the day when the mountain range sinks too much and the crust collapses. Unless it is an unprecedented cataclysm, and the entire world has begun to make a major movement, otherwise, this is basically impossible.

However, the situation of the void monster can be different from these mountain ranges. Its essence is a mixture of flesh and blood and spirituality with earth and rocks from hell, but its solid weight has nothing to do with Earth. And if all of its body enters the human world, then aside from other places for the time being, the land boundary of Death Valley must not be able to bear its heavy weight.

At that time, there will be little crustal subsidence. If a chain reaction occurs as a result, and the plates that make up the North American continent begin to move to varying degrees, then this will not be a cracking a joke matter.

Just a major earthquake can have an enormous impact on modern society. And if the frequent earthquakes involve Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, then the fun is really big.

Yellowstone National Park, even though it is a park, at the same time, it is also home to the largest active volcano in the world. Huangshi Volcano alone covers an area of ​​9,000 square kilometers. The bottom lava library with a diameter of 70 kilometers and a thickness of 10 kilometers is still swelling, and it is only eight kilometers away from the surface of the earth. What kind of danger it is, even if you use your ass, you can think of it.

There is a joke that said that when I woke up, the Yellowstone volcano erupted, and then United States was finished. This sentence may have the element of cracking a joke, but it is not far away from the truth.

Once the Huangshi volcano erupts, not counting the direct damage of the volcanic lava, the smoke and dust from the volcanic eruption can penetrate the atmosphere and reach an altitude of several ten thousand meters. By then, it will only take three or four days for a large amount of volcanic ash to reach the European continent, and three-quarters of the entire United States will be covered by volcanic smoke.

At this time, 90% of the creatures within a thousand kilometers of the volcanic eruption will not be spared. As long as they are exposed to the outdoor environment, they will inhale a large amount of volcanic ash and cause their lungs to solidify, thereby causing death. For those who are a thousand kilometers away, waiting for their test is a global cooling.

At least six to ten years, because the sulfuric acid gas layer from volcanic eruptions covers the world, the average temperature of the entire Earth will drop by 10 degrees Celsius, and the Earth’s Arctic will drop by 12 degrees Celsius. Regardless of the small amount of data, the combination of the light and severe cold affected by volcanic ash is enough to drag half of the world into the ice age.

The entire North America region will never seen the daylight for several months, and there will be incredible snowfall in the equatorial region. Global weather disasters follow one after another, and unless you can fly to the sky side by side with the sun, the lack of energy and the shortage of food can cause several millions and even tens of millions of abnormal deaths.

Seeing here, maybe someone will say, this is impossible. After all, it is not an original society now. How could such a powerful technological force of mankind be ruined to this point by a volcanic eruption?

For a moment, this seems to make a little sense. However, the reality is that this is the minimum sacrifice that can be done under the protection of human science and technology.

Natural and man-made disasters. Sometimes compared with man-made disasters, natural disasters are more violent and irresistible. Human technology can certainly change the way of life of human beings, but it is still incapable of changing Earth’s ecological environment and changing the laws of nature.

The cooling of the global area has caused no less than an ice age. Maybe it may not be as exaggerated and terrifying as the day after tomorrow, but if you really want to elaborate on it, it may not be so bad. Among other things, the crop yield reduction under this temperature change is already an uncontrollable problem.

A large number of plants die under the influence of temperature and light, which affects the balance of the entire ecosystem. Both the natural world and the livestock raised by human animal husbandry will fall into a state of endangerment due to the extinction of plants. It’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Without natural forage crops, it’s impossible for anyone to raise cattle and sheep to survive the low-temperature era that lasted for several years. Without the support of livestock and crops, even if humans are more advanced in science and technology, isn’t it? Can I still live on charging? Electricity is not what you can get if you want it.

As nuclear energy is not fully popularized, the production of the Ark reactor is completely dependent on United States. The entire world In addition to the sweet spot in the East, and several large Ark reactors due to debt factors, the overwhelming majority countries are still dominated by thermal power generation and a small part of clean energy power generation.

As for thermal power and so on, let’s not talk about it. The overwhelming majority of new energy sources may undergo huge changes under the influence of the environment. For example, solar energy. The weakening of sunlight that lasted for ten years has destined that solar energy will be impossible to reach the expected level. As for the key hydropower, who can be sure that under the influence of low temperature, the rivers that are expected to bring huge energy will not be frozen?

These all are thoughtful questions, and as president, Stark had to put such questions into his own consideration.

After returning to Earth, he got in touch with Jarvis again. Under Jarvis’ calculus, the probability of this kind of thing he was worried about had already exceeded 50%. Fifty percent, this is only a little different from what must happen. Unless it’s because of luck… However, looking at the recent events, Stark can no longer hope for luck.

For the present plan, if you want to avoid the situation that he is worried about, you can only find a way to stop him before the void monster enters the world completely. And how to stop such a huge monster, Stark still had no idea in his mind.

He tried all the 120 million tons of nuclear bombs, but he failed to kill this thing. What else could he do? Regarding formidable power, he may indeed find a weapon stronger than the 120 million tons nuclear bomb, but the question is, even if this weapon is taken out, does he dare to use it?

The 120 million tons of nuclear bombs are good for use in hell. After all, it is someone else’s territory. Even if it is all destroyed, it has nothing to do with him. But in the world, in the United States, he simply couldn’t imagine what the consequences would be after weapons of this level were used.

Speaking from a certain perspective of man-made disasters of this degree is no different from natural disasters. Either way, it is not something the fragile Earth can bear.

Stark didn’t have the guts to risk the collapse of the entire Earth to use those super weapons, so in this situation, he couldn’t do anything to the void monster in front of him.

Play? It must be impossible to fight. There is no super weapon, any other weapon is just a tickling it. And if an army is sent up, it may be possible to smash its tentacles and cause unnecessary injuries. Stark doesn’t have that big heart yet, so fill the bottomless pit with the soldiers that oneself has finally found. Therefore, there are only two methods he can rely on now.

“Sir Mordo? I know you are inside, can you hear me?”

Negotiate. This may not be the most pleasant thing, but at the moment, it is indeed the most suitable method. In theory, negotiating with such a monster is impossible. Because no one is sure, this monster must have grown his mind. And even if he grows his brain, it does not mean that everyone’s brain circuits are on the same line, and there must be the probability of sitting down and negotiating.

You regard the flat ones as round, and I regard the round ones as square. The world views are different. How can we reach agreement and consensus even if we can have dialogue? This is the reason why Stark didn’t think like this at first. He basically didn’t think that oneself and this group of Roshan could have any consistent ideas. However, the situation is different now. Obviously, this Roshan has a new will and a more direct view. And thinking of what Mordo did before, it is not difficult to imagine how much his consciousness can play in this mountain of meat.

Roshan, like the monster, cannot be negotiated, but that does not mean that you cannot negotiate with Mordo Baron. Although his practices and behaviors are a bit unintelligible, in any case, as a human being, he still has a little dialogue probability.

This probability is a bit meager, but I have to say that Stark has good luck. After he tried his best to convey his own voice to the pile of Roshan, there was already a muscle squirming above the Roshan, and then slowly pieced together the appearance of a face.

Mordo Baron’s huge face appeared there, and he whispered in Stark’s direction.

“Tony Stark… stupid ruler… idiot… idiot… he wants to talk to me… what does he want to do?”

The intermittent voice, accompanied by the thunderous whisper, can be heard clearly even if it is hundreds of miles away. It is conceivable that people within a radius of hundreds of miles can hear how ugly the face of Stark, who is called oneself, an idiot and an idiot.

With his usual temperament, if someone scolded him in front of his face, even if he didn’t beat him back, he would give him some color in words. However, facing such a big Roshan face, he can’t beat or beat, nor can he scold. With the intention of negotiating, he didn’t intend to provoke this bad-tempered guy because of this. Therefore, he could only swallow the breath in front of a okay person.

“Sir Mordo. I am looking for you to ask you something, do you want to kill Satan or protect this World! This is very important, so please answer my question Okay?”

The absolute difference in size makes Stark have to maintain a certain degree of humility. Fortunately, this situation is only visible to a few people in the matter, and it will not harm him. Prestige.

Mordo’s face was also distorted when he heard Stark’s question. It was a distortion in the true sense, and the big muscles didn’t know how many kinds of appearance they changed in a short moment. And in the end, when these weird things were put together again to form Mordo’s face, his face was already full of anger and an unspeakable mess.

“Satan…must be killed…my mission…my glory…guard this World…guard it…”

His speech confusion made Stark very worried. But at this moment, he can only brace oneself and continue.

“If you want to protect this World, then stop. Sir Mordo, don’t you understand? Your damage to the world itself will now be greater than that of a Satan. Unless you want to destroy this World, just stop now!”

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