Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1966

Stark’s speech is called a righteous and righteous speech, and he has no way to be unrighteous and righteous. At the moment, it is obvious that he wants to persuade those who dare to do such reckless things. Mordo, there is no valid excuse that is absolutely impossible.

Starting with the safety of the entire Earth, this may be one of the most tenable reasons at the moment. Having been busy for so long, even betting on such a big bet, isn’t Mordo for this? Although there is a little bit of personal honor in this, but to be honest, it is not easy to achieve this point with only personal honor.

Stark intends to use this as a reason to control Mordo’s actions and even further awaken his sense of responsibility. Although this kind of thing sounds a bit unnatural, because it is equivalent to killing all Mordo’s efforts. But in the current situation, he chose this without a slight psychological barrier.

Compared with hundreds of millions of people, a person is fundamentally insignificant. Even if this person is he himself, he will not have any hesitation, even more how this person is not he himself.

The blame is Mordo for choosing the wrong path. To some extent, this is the result of his mistakes, so it is reasonable to pay for the own mistakes.

Being able to solve the problem with reason, of course it is the best thing. After all, if your fist can’t beat your enemy, then using your mouth becomes your only option. Only when the effort on the mouth is not helpful, will things fall to the worst kind of situation.

Stark feels that oneself has not yet reached the worst point, even if it is only one step away, but there is also a slight gap. If Mordo is willing to make sense, then things can turn around. The question is, will Mordo now easily reason with them?

Be reasonable, this is something that an extremely rational or quite principled person would do. For an irrational person, it is impossible for him to stop and tell you some great truths. I am afraid that as soon as you say something, your fist will already hit you in the face. For people who don’t have principles, saying one thing and doing another thing is routine, and being reasonable with this kind of person shows that there is no difference between farting.

Mordo should be the kind of person who has both reason and principle. Without reason, he is impossible to become a qualified sorcerer, but without principles, he is impossible to make such a sacrifice. Such a person should be a good object of persuasion. Although he is stubborn, it does not mean that he cannot accept reality. The scientific basis for the real deal was before him, and he could not help but not submit.

It’s just that the premise of all this is based on the Mordo that he is the original, the human being who is full of reason and principle. The current situation is whether Mordo Baron still exists like that, which is really a questionable question.

The human will is indeed commendable. In the dangerous environment of Earth, where gods and demons stand side by side, and humans are treated as lambs, humans can still walk out of an own road and gradually become the protagonist of this planet. This has to be attributed to the human kind of power. To the will that does not match their race at all.

However, the strong will does not mean that human beings can be omnipotent. At the very least, when facing the void, it is difficult for human will to play the role that they are supposed to do.

Void monster, in the final analysis, is a real object that is entangled with countless fragmented soul ideas and manifested under the effect of void power. Human will is not special in it, and it can even be described as ordinary.

It can be said that unless it is the case where the will and mind are pure to the extreme and are not afraid of the erosion and interference of foreign object, otherwise any human will will fall into such an environment, I am afraid it will be like It is involuntarily eroded and contaminated like falling into a large dye vat.

Stark thought Mordo would be a special case, but obviously he is not. Mordo is not Ancient One after all, and has the opportunity to practice his own will to perfection through exercise. After all, the requirements for a talent are too high, and unfortunately, he is not at all such a talent. His will is completely dependent on himself, on his natural level. As far as his level is concerned, although his will is stronger than that of an ordinary person, it is not at all strong enough to ignore everything.

This also made his will inevitably become chaotic when he threw himself into this void of flesh and blood desperately.

Countless broken souls are interfering with his own consciousness, and countless distracting thoughts are also invading his mind. On the surface, this flesh and blood from the void seems to be dominated by him. But in fact, whether things are like this, whether Mordo can still be called Mordo, these are all things that are about to be drawn.

All these things are definitely not something Stark could have expected. Therefore, when he was looking forward to seeing a turning point, all he got was just such an answer.

“Stark…untrustworthy guy…Satan…must be destroyed…destroy it…destroy it…shred it…swallow it …Make him despair…make him miserable…make him regret being our enemy…”

The mentally retarded answer gave Stark a general idea of ​​Mordo’s situation at this time. Judgment. And such a judgment result really made him feel a little unacceptable in his heart.

From the heart, Stark’s impression of Mordo is pretty good. Even though Mordo was really arrogant and stinky, but the things he did to fight Satan alone would make Stark ignore these issues and give him a high-level look.

Compared with Ancient One, who plays crafty plots and machinations, plots against opponents while not letting off his teammates, Mordo is honest. Although he is said to pose a huge threat to this World, it is undeniable that his intention is good, and at the very least, he did not regard his teammates as a target for entrapment.

The fault was that he made a wrong choice, and insisted on the choice of own to the end. If he didn’t commit such a mistake, then he might be a different look now, maybe he has already been honored.

What a pity? Of course a pity. However, Stark knew that now was not the time for him to regret what happened to Mordo. Now they have more difficult problems to solve. When one road has been determined to be unworkable, he can only pin his hopes on another road.

Ancient One sorcerer. As an expert in dealing with this mysterious situation, whether she can come up with an effective method is probably the only thing Stark can rely on now. So naturally, while the situation has not deteriorated to the worst kind of situation, he can only throw the problem in front of Ancient One.

“Paragon sorcerer, you must think of a way. Sir Mordo simply can’t communicate now. If he is allowed to continue like this, even if he does nothing, it may be fatal to this World. I can tell you clearly that with the size of the void monster we have seen, once it appears on Earth, there will be an unprecedented earthquake in the North American continent. And once the earthquake involves the Yellowstone super volcano , If the unstable active volcano erupts, then the entire human race may usher in an extinction crisis! You must prevent this from happening, even at any cost!”

In other words, Stark has already stated the seriousness of the problem. Faced with such a serious situation, Ancient One couldn’t help but raise it in his heart.

She really did not expect that the matter would be so serious that it would cause the entire human race to be in danger of destruction. Of course, she didn’t doubt the truth of Stark’s statement. But when this idea was turned in his mind, she was automatically rejected by her.

Let’s not say whether Stark will deceive her at this time. The value and ability of science alone is already worthy of her attention to such a problem. Stark said on the basis of science that this kind of thing will happen, then the probability of it happening must exist, and it is not low. And with a precautionary mentality, it is not an exaggeration to prepare for this.

Just, how can we stop this void monster from entering the world in its entirety? Ancient One’s heart quickly calculated, and soon, she took out an abdominal case.

“I can use the power of Earth itself to exile it and fight it back to hell. But I need time and more protection. This level of monster impossible stand there and let me Banish him, and in this process, you must protect my safety, otherwise, we will no longer have any chance!”

Ancient One’s method is very straightforward. Since it is based on Earth, Then Earth is the biggest capital she can rely on. Naturally, the earth vein magic based on the abilities of Earth itself is the best choice to deal with the current situation.

Earth vein magic countless changes can be called the ultimate in Kamar-Taj spells. And such a kind of magic naturally has different effects when placed in the hands of different people. As mentioned earlier, the ordinary sorcerer playing earth vein magic is probably to open the Teleportation Portal and move quickly within the range of Earth. And Grandmaster Rank characters like Mordo can go one step further and do incredible things such as changing the terrain and adjusting the Earth’s magnetic field.

As the founder of Kamar-Taj, the Great Accomplishment of Earth Vein Magic, and Ancient One sorcerer as it should be by rights can do more on this basis.

For example, in the contracts she signed with many gods and demons at the beginning, a considerable part of the magic of the earth veins was relied on. The contract is only a binding function, which can send her a similar notice when the gods and demons violate the contract they signed. After receiving this notice, what Ancient One can do is to use the right of agreement in the contract and Earth’s own power to exile it entirely. To make it clear, the contract itself is just a warning, and the earth vein magic is the armed force that maintains this warning.

Now, the idea of ​​Ancient One is the same as dealing with those gods and demons, using the magic of the earth veins to manipulate the majestic power of Earth itself, and then using this power to suppress the threat from the void. And the difference from dealing with those gods and demons is that because Void itself has not had any agreement with her, she can’t make this kind of power transfer as fast and convenient as dealing with them.

Such a powerful magic, its structure itself is a huge workload. Just like when human beings want to complete the launch of a nuclear weapon, they need to build a nuclear weapon, build a launch platform and a series of complicated tasks in the early stage, so what she has to do in this regard is equally complicated.

To deal with the gods and demons, everything has been arranged, just waiting for her to press the launch button. To deal with this monster, everything can only start from the beginning, and the situation is of course different. The most important thing is that all this must be completed in a short time. And if this is the request, even she, it is impossible not to show any weak spot.

Whether it is mobilizing the energy operation of the huge earth channel, or the signal released by her as the core, it is impossible not to attract the attention of the monster. And especially under the premise that there is Mordo consciousness in this monster, it will almost certainly reject Ancient One’s actions.

Once the monster realizes what Ancient One is doing, he will definitely stop her desperately. At that time, if no one came to contain the monster’s movements and buy time for Ancient One, then Earth’s fate would really be a conceivable thing.

People with wisdom like Stark and Peter will soon be able to understand the key. In this regard, they immediately made a guarantee.

“Don’t worry, leave it to us. As long as we also breathe, I promise that this guy won’t hurt you a bit!”

They patted their chests and said In this case, judging from the current situation and their serious attitude, I am afraid that they already have the consciousness that they want to stop Ancient One and they must step on their bodies.

However, it is a pity that even though they have such awareness, they still can’t let Ancient One completely relieved. Without him, the size and strength of this monster is really too powerful. With this gap in size, what Stark and Peter can do is very limited.

They want to stop the monster’s actions, they must have other help. At the moment, this help has only one choice.

“Satan. At this time, do you have to stand by and do nothing? Don’t forget, that guy’s main target is you. If we can’t stop it, I Think, you will perish before this World, don’t you say?”

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